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About SarahRoseLee

  • Birthday June 19

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Pocky and anything sweet really

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Ellegeth Danewen
  • Character Race
    Snow Elf

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  1. SarahRoseLee


    Ooops I did get them confused but I fixed it
  2. SarahRoseLee


    alright made another edit reason why the way she is in the bio
  3. SarahRoseLee


    Ellegeth was abandon at the Jade Peaks. Adapted to the harsh and bitter coldness. Even though she has no clue who her family is prays that they are safe from harm. used to live in a cave when younger then decide its not comfortable anymore like when she was five. Before coming down from the peaks, Practiced with a bow she found buried under a gigantic hump of snow. When she finally descent with a bow made her way down in the woods below. Explores around trying to get used to a new environment she was surrounded in. Meets a young human child named Elyes who tells her all about their landscape. Elyes decides to take to a village and introduce her to the townspeople's. Spent eleven years in the village, and was able to meet another snow elf who was shrouded in a cloak who face she vaguely remembers as if it was from a dream. Soon left the village saying her farewells to everyone, to find other snow elves and maybe find her parents. if they are still around that is.. Reason why she is paranoid she trusted the wrong man to fall in love with who was devoted to a widow someone who wants to make snow elves vanish. but it allowed her to pay attention more to her surroundings and those around her. Found that being sarcastic is the best way to hide her feelings, and people finding out she deeply cares. Even though she is loyal to her companions she has difficulties telling them what going on fears that they may not have any need of her
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