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Posts posted by BDanecker

  1. Yemekar’s Pick Dorimnur Goldhand looks proudly upon his hard working smiths of Kal’Mugdor’s Worker’s Guild! The crafting of a Decorative Pick for Mugdor-Dharok was planned, and a shortsword for Urist Ireheart was crafted.





  2. Dorimnur’s Campaign




    Thematic Music:







    We need a king to lead the dwarves. It is as simple as that. Good king or bad king, they are intended to lead and drive the kingdom. Without a king the nation would go astray, devolving into each individual’s interests.. We don’t need a king because we are weak, unable to make decisions for ourselves, and we don’t need a king because it is custom; we need a king because they help us to understand who we are as dwarves.






    A good king is successful at doing their duty as king. This is regardless of public fame, appeal, or social opinion. A bad king is one who is full of themselves, haughty, makes decisions that are not for the betterment of the kingdom, and one who values themselves above their kingdom. However, a good king is one who realizes their weaknesses, and eliminates them with advisors and guildmasters. Striving towards a betterment of the kingdom, a good king looks after his people, and makes the tough decisions on their behalf. They have to be able to listen to their advisors and not rule with a dictatorial fist, considerate of those who know more than he.





    First and Foremost, Dorimnur would focus on the identity of the dwarves. With a renewed focus on who we are, there would be a push towards more essentials activities. This would include peasant and menial work, rough and dirty as it may be. More focus on artisan crafting, and glorious dwarven smithing. More dwarven battle hymns and more guilds for labor. More legendary dwarven mining, with more work with the rare minerals of this land making it less mundane. When other descendants come to the dwarven cities, they should be coming for masterwork armor and blades forged by no other than the dwarves, and uniquely blown glass sculptures, and artistic wonders of art and stone carvings.  He would also push for dwarven industry. Pushing the boundaries of technology further and bringing the future of the dwarves to use through steam, sweat, and gears. All of this, to solidify our dwarven roots, and our dwarven identity. He would do this with an unbreakable will, backed by his circle of advisors and council, unwavering and unbending. He is willing to act, knowing that inaction can lead to a rusty pickaxe, and inaction can lead to a decaying country. He would not be one to shirk away from war, knowing the glory of the dwarves be found in battle. Through this focus on dwarven identity, a resurgence of loaded dwarven coffers and pockets would bloom, bringing prosperity to the kingdom unheard of for centuries before. Dorimnur’s goal would not be to maintain the nation, but to push it forward; not waiting to arrive at the next milestone in dwarven history, but to create dwarven history himself.

  3. I love this. It’s unique, and obviously well thought-out. The pictures very much helped keep everything straight, as there are a lot of moving parts. My suggestion is to add some lore about WHY you have to make stones, and then why you have to make circles instead of treating the stones as something like an arcane focus. I would love to see this implemented! 

  4. I don’t think they should. If you have a pre-loaded flintlock, even against a ready opponent, it would feasibly take one emote to draw and shoot, and being highly lethal. I saw something about Crossbows are already in, why not musket? But the thing with firearms is that they are concealable, faster projectile speed, and can deal more with armor because of their higher speed and lower surface area. They just seem to be OP, like why would anyone learn, say, evoc magic for combat when that takes multiple emotes, when you could just draw a gun and shoot, killing most people and certainly incapacitating nearly everything you draw on. I’d even think it could lead to less sword type RP, as it would just make more sense to use, train, and carry the superior weapon, effectively changing the general feel of RP on the server.

  5. MC Name: BDanecker

    Character's Name: Dor Irongut

    Character's Age: 510


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Water Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Bolgnir Irongut


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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