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Posts posted by BDanecker

  1. A lone figure sits bent over his wide desk, the chill having just left him from a forsaken visitor, as if the warth of the mighty forge has cleansed his deepest heart. "Goin' t'a turn t'at one into ah arm bangle perhaps." the Clan Lord of the Aurokanar states, refocusing on his draftspaper "or maybe a nose ring."

  2. The Blessing of Labor


    [!] A woven tapestry of Workers procuring Kharajyr goods, imported from their newly constructed Grove.


    Through the benevolence of The Yemekar’s Pick and the continued years of great wealth brought upon by the dealings between he and Rha'Kir, the Kharajyr and the Worker’s Guild of Kal’Mugdor have set the stage to foster great relations. Upon this proclamation of good-tiding and cooperation has been penned. 


    The citizens of the Metzuul Grove are welcomed into The Worker’s Guild of Kal’Mugdor with open arms, the dwedmar willing to share in their cultural crafts and goods along with the sharing of the same from their newest Workers. All are encouraged to join the ranks of Miners, Blacksmiths, Engineers, Naturalist, and Artisans, to aspire to work like dwedmar work, taking part of a Guild known the world over, with recognition from Kings and Queens.


    Let this be an opening for great prosperity for both groups, as well as an enlightenment for both to garner further knowledge of the trades of this world.





    Clan Lord of the Aurokanar,

    Yemekar’s Pick of Grimdugan, Finest smith of the Legion, Royal Smith,



    Nanotzin of the Mitzuul grove, The Dependable.

  3. Where the Valley meets the Sea


    [!] Posted throughout Urguan and many nearby nations (as well as being pushed into passerby’s faces by a particular persistent dwedki) would be this announcement, written on golden filigree with silver lettering


    From the imposing caverns making up Kal’Darakaan to the waves beating on the edge of Tor’Sjorvath, all dwedmar and allies of The Kingdom of Urguan are invited to the eternal union of two working dwed. Blessed under the eyes of the Brathmordakin by approval of the High Prophet is this marriage of Dorimnur Goldhand, Yemekar’s Pick of Urguan, Clan Lord of the Goldhands, and Mica Grandaxe, Second Medic of the Medical Guild.


    The ceremony will be held in the hallowed halls of the Temple, above the Clergy District.

    Invitations go out to the following groups:


    The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, specifically the Worker’s Guild


    The Citizens of the Kingdom of Norland


    The Kingdom of Haense and its inhabitants


    Der Baer Hanza


    The Warnation of Krugmar, specifically those of Clan Lur


    The 8 Precepts Guild


    The Mitzuul Grove


    The Citizens of Talon’s Port


    Personal invitations will be sent out directly



    The reception will be held on the southern beaches of Urguan (follow the path to the ports, or take the G&G Railway Line) at Tor’Sjorvath for the joyous lifting of weights in competition, and the throwing of a ball over a net in the fashion of Dwedball. Food and ale of copious amounts will be provided, as well as exotic entertainment. 


    Fine dress is expected, as well as fine manners. However, bring a change of clothes for the beach party for a more casual time.


    “Remember, gift giving is a Dwarven tradition” - Jorvin Starbreaker


    ((Friday, March 19th, 5 PM EST, Beach Party at presumably 6 PM EST))



  4. "Hmph." says the Yemekar's Pick of Urguan, situated in a fine, comfortable chair in the depths of the caverns that were Kal'Mugdor. A response he gave to his Workers who had came back from Haense to supply their shop there. As they milled about, Dorimnur Goldhand thought to himself of the first interaction he had with Ophelia, a conversation initially of a Boomsteel craft which ended tearfully for her with the embrace of Brynaelda Grandaxe and words of affirmation of Ophelia's worth. His work over his draftspaper wanders into a re-etching of the plans for her glaive, and he gives a deep sigh, saying to no one but himself "Suppose The Voice of the Strong will be silenced after all." 

  5. The Slayersteel Alliance



    4th of Malin’s Welcome, Year 10.


    Like Slayersteel, this alliance can only exist with the presence of aurum and ferrum.

    Article I. On Non-Aggression

    To form a strong good-will between the Goldhand and Irongrinder clans, upon agreement of this alliance, all members and parties of the respective clans may not take any militaristic or violent action towards the other clan. If such an event occurs, proper legal action under the Courts of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan will be taken against the parties or individuals involved.


    Article II. On Aid

    To keep the other clan from falling into disarray, upon agreement of this alliance, the Goldhand and Irongrinder clans vow to assist the other clan in times of need. This includes militaristic aid as described in Article IV, material aid in times of famine, drought, or other natural disasters, and monetary aid in case of bankruptcy. The aid that is provided from one clan to the other must be used for the good of the entire clan and not for one’s personal gain. In cases of which such aid is used maliciously, one of the Clan Lords may seek dissolvement of the alliance through Article V.


    Article III. On Clan Affairs

    To keep a sense of security between clans, upon agreement of this alliance, the Goldhand and Irongrinder clans vow to allow the other to resolve it’s clan issues privately if requested. In cases at which one clan asks the other for aid on a clan issue, this falls under Article II.


    Article IV. On Military

    To keep a sense of unity between clans, upon agreement of this alliance, the Goldhand and Irongrinder clans vow to commit it’s full militaristic force to assist the requesting clan in times of unrest or war. Terms of such commitment are described in Article II.


    Article V. On Alliance Termination

    To ensure that either clan can leave if the other acts maliciously, upon agreement of this alliance, the Goldhand and Irongrinder clans vow to agree to a termination of the alliance once the Clan Lord that requested the termination consul with the other clan.


    Sar da aina’Brathmordakin’az und da anart dak khroven’ram.

    “May the Brathmordakin keep the honor of this pact.”





    Dorimnur Goldhand, Lord of Clan Goldhand


    Morul Irongrinder, Lord of Clan Irongrinder


    Pact Scribed by:

    Vergil Goldhand

  6. Dorimnur Goldhand, standing in his busy Guild HQ, worker's bustling in and out with steels, timbers, gears, rails and ores, looks for a missing key. He takes out a key ring of monumental proportions, and quickly notices that the one for the Worker's Guild document drawer is still missing. He thinks for a bit as to where it went, and then his expression softens as he remembers giving it to the once Grand Queen Dhaen Grandaxe. He looks out of the door as it opens and closes with dwedmar filing in and out and thinks to himself wistfully "Ah foine lass, ah'n ah even foineh workin' woman. Hope she keeps t'at key."

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