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Posts posted by VoidandNull

  1. An elf comes back to Hogwash after traveling through the northern mountains of the Rimveld, wet from melted snow. As he begins to hear the commotion, he is told that the Prince is nowhere to be found. He does not worry, as he know the man can fend for himself. Though one thought permeates through his mind. 

    Where did you come from, where did you go. Where did you come from Elven Eyed Joe. 

  2. Hello Everyone, El Author here. This has gotten an odd amount of reception, but I kind of just wanted to post this to give my uncensored opinion on what I've said, and why I said it as a sort of final nail in the coffin. 

    For one, yes this was 20% part baby rage, 30% part frustration, and 50% unfunny satire and uncensored opinions. So I want to put my final opinions on this topic before trying to not look at this post ever again. I'll try and keep this as quick and concise as I can.


    I want to start this off by saying I do not hate any druid player. I wasn't exactly in the right mind to speak on my opinions for this, but I did anyways. If I made it seem like I truly hate everyone of you, I don't. I'm simply frustrated at the playerbase. Why is that? Well I go over them in my frustration fueled rant. For one, from my perspective, it seems like the druids are hiding behind their walls and or being incredibly inactive. This could be true or untrue, but this is what I myself see. My perception could be extremely different from someone else's. Two, your community. Your community has some of the brightest, most creative minds on the server. I've met so many sweet, kind, and loving people, but I've also met the opposite. Other people have met the same, and it frustrates me because I know a lot of you are good people with good intentions. 

    Magic Communities: 
    Hey there everyone with magics! Again as I've said before, I don't hold a hate towards magic users, nor towards people who gatekeep magic. I just simply wanted to voice my frustration in the moment. I am still going magic free, so don't intend to see me trying to strike up any plea deals anytime soon after this. My opinions still stands though. I understand hoarding cool magics and passing it around to friends, but I was told quite an eye opening thing last night. Magic should be earned on the hard work of the individual, not their ooc contacts. As it stands, lots of new players and even some veteran players cannot get certain magics because bias and general hate towards them. Either good reason or not, we need a certain way to work around this. I'm not a problem solver though, and I'm not about to rack my brain over this, but that's all I really have to say on that matter.

    Again, I know this was QUITE unfunny as a schizo post, but I personally think these things needed to be said. I hope everyone has an amazing weekend, and I'm very glad for all the good discussions in the replies. 

  3. I hate it. Besides a select amount of ETs, nothing is done. I've only had fun when I'm ******* around as some homeless man stalking the sewers, yelling at Haelunorians to suck my taint and then running away laughing, playing the infamous bandit "Lemon McSqueeze", or just player ran events. Yes there are ET events and I've had extreme amounts of fun playing them. 

    The problem is, nothing has been done. War rules are so fucked you can't do anything, bandit RP is now just looked upon as "gooning", and even getting people to do new fun RP or meme RP is impossible in its own accord. Walking into Oren is imagining like what 1700's france is like, but just add an excessive amount of politics for no reason. Elvenesse is literally a burning pile of rubbish, the Orcs are slowly dying out, the Dwarves are just chilling under a mountain and not much else, and every time I run into a spook I might as well send myself to spawn with all of my items dropped to them because there is literally nothing I can do against a teleporting man in armor who wields two massive spears, has four arms, and is made from stone or some ****. Norland is more dead than my great grandfather, and Haense is just 'there'. Don't even get me started on the Druids. 

    This map is just like Elvenesse. A spiraling mess that is burning into a rapid inferno. Might as well call it California because of how shitty it is. In fact, the prices are as inflated too. 

  4. Before you tear me a new one for the title of this post as being 'click bait' or 'Rep farm', I do want say that this is an actual piece that I'm writing because of the current state of the server as seen through a regular, normal, forgettable player's eyes. You in no means have to respond to this or upvote it, I just felt like these opinions needed to be stated.


    Now since that's out of the way, let me begin by saying this. I've been on LOTC since the beginning of Atlas. I'm by no means a veteran or a new player, but I've had my fair share of interactions, stories, events, and bad encounters with the people of this server. LOTC has been a place where I can go to put off steam and simply run around and have a fun time. Yes the constant Tavern RP simulator can get boring, but its bearable when you make your own things to do. Wacky, over the top characters are my specialty and joy of my life here on LOTC. Running around as a homeless crack dealer throwing spiders at people, being a chef who follows the words of a Kitchen pantheon, a tavern owner of a sewer nation for some time. The most fun I've ever had in RP is on these characters.

    The problem is either the gates being closed at every nation, the people of said nations sticking themselves in the tavern for Tavern RP sim, or being shot down by a guard every time I walk ten feet. Playing over the top characters has become immensely unenjoyable because of the fact that every time I walk into a nation like Elysium, I'm told that someone is going to kill my character OOCly just because they can. What can I do about it? Nothing cause I don't put PVP or meta combat build weapons on the character cause I want to have fun. Its been around for 3-4 years, but these days LOTC is slowly losing its fun factor. Rules and workarounds have slashed fun RP encounters and make everything a war on who's build is the best and who can do the most damage while not having a single ounce of fun.

    I get people want serious RP, and that's fine! I just want to go back to a time where nations didn't bash me for playing a Chef who just wants to give free food to people. People desperately seek out STs to run events, and then look at the players who want to make fun interactions and ignore them, or lower their want to play the character because they personally don't like a concept. But hey, who knows. Maybe next time I walk to the Vale and say I can't remove my helmet for religious reasons they won't shun me for wanting to give them free food. (Yes this did happen, yes I do not regret going there on two occasions screaming to let me in to feed them stew.)

    I know this rant won't get any attention, but if you've ever played an over the top character, might as well share their story here. Plus its good to hear about who's played what and what their own view on this topic is. 

    (Btw this isn't mean to bash any nation besides maybe the Vale. Elysium is chill tho. It's where I go to get Zooted and Hammered IRP.)


  5. He had heard the news. Briar had been found dead, the single bell tolling through the city in honor of a dead 'ame. For this day, Galan would be unable to be found, standing upon a cliff and looking towards the ocean. Tears streaked his face, his eyes bloodshot. He had been crying, unlike others. He was unable to stop himself. The woman who had died today was his sister, someone who he had met accidentally, but eventually found kinship in. 

    His mind cluttered with thoughts, and voices screaming at him within is brain, he leaned forwards and fell into the sea. The rushing of wind and the sound of water. Seconds later he surfaced, laying back down on the shore after he climbed out. At least his tears would be less visible. 
    "I'll see you another day Briar. I do not know when, nor how, but I will fight even the gods of this world to meet my sister once more."



    OOC: It was amazing meeting Briar, and even if our first real encounter was from Galan jumping off a tree, I still felt enjoyment from it all. Thank you for such the great RP experiences mate, and I hope you have fun with all your future characters!



  6. A simple cook looks over the missive, as well as the point scale, before letting out a bellowing laugh that would ring out across the woodlands. "It's almost like the people in the highest powers of the Silver State are compensating for all their points. Perhaps they think it will actually get a decent woman to feel pity for them."

  7. Galan found a letter on a post board, giving a small read over such before giving a small laugh. "They had another queen? Not sure how they bounded back from their state of an abandoned town. Crazy world we live in."

  8. Hearing the news about the latest death of the traitorous hawk, Galan gave a quick thought on his actions after such. Grabbing the nearest map, he pulled out a charcoal pencil and charted a course. With a pairing of flint and steel, as well as a torch, he plotted a course for the woman's druidic tree.

    "Finally! Nothing like a bit of arson in another nation to start a morning off right." 


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