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Posts posted by VoidandNull

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Darkstalkers are undead knights of Necromancers, being mainly used as protection against outside forces when casting spells or rituals. These are people who they've deemed useful or worthy, though it will be the first option more of the time. Being able to control them via Momento Mori, they are at the Whim of their creator, usually being used as a force of brute strength compared to a necromancer's magical strengths. Though because of their Infallible Curse, they are forced to feed every two ooc weeks using The Darkening. 


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    This creature is a simple worn skeleton. With still decaying gore and sinew mixed in-between the former corpse's body. Though in the future, he is to wear a heavy coat and covering clothes to make sure they are not exposed to the sunlight or anything that could potentially harm them aside from weaponry. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I Understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             No I have not

  2. In recent months, LOTC has been on a turn for the worst. OOC relations rule the server, and if you even say one bad thing about a mod, it can be considered harassment and you can be banned for an indefinite amount of time. I have played LOTC for four years, and I have to say, this is the worst I have ever seen it. I'm sure it's been worse, but this is horrid. Admins flaunt powers like its a **** measuring contest, and anyone they don't like can be banned without definitive proof, and the players can't do anything about it. Well, you can, you just all choose not to. There is a simple answer here, and you all fail to see if cause you either can't, or you don't want to for sake of wanting to be ignorant. 

    Don't. Play. LOTC.

    That's the answer. There is no 'lets try and make the mod team better!' or 'Change the admins!'. Just, don't play. If you truly hate this abuse of power and want a change, than leave the server, and go do something else. For years people have put up with mod and admin abuse for what? Some shitty lore and magic that is power ruled to hell and back? For some community that you wouldn't follow outside of this horrid server? LOTC is addictive to it's core. It's like drinking for example. Sure in moderation it's okay and fun! But then you drink more. And more. And more. And then you're addicted. And your life starts to spiral. And then you can't get out and it isn't fun anymore but you can't stop because it's just that ONE moment of fun you want. You can't keep doing this to yourself. 

    Sure there are going to be people who who still have fun here, but for people who don't and want to leave and need some kind of next step or a sign to do so, I hope this is it. All the OOC drama and grooming and pedophilia can stop, if you just stop playing. This server can't get attention if no one is on it, and that's what the Admins want. They want people to rule over, and if there isn't anyone, they can't have they power they worked so hard for. So please, Stop Playing. Then you won't have to deal with any more waiting for poorly timed events, Mod abuse over OOC conflict, Admins giving reports with no actual proof. It all stops, once you stop hitting enter to rejoin the server. 

    Just Stop.

    And I know this post is going to be locked, I just don't care enough to not post it. 

    And for anyone who want's to listen, here. 


  3. Not the first time the Admins have fucked up, and it won't be the last. I've been saying this for the past three years and I will continue to keep saying it. LOTC is, and has been a cesspool. The admins are a contributing factor to that because of constant bias and slip ups that end up with pedos and actual harassers not banned. Stop expecting something good from the red tags. You won't get it. 

  4. These low down, dirty red tags are pushin off the average player. These low down, code monkey rule enforcin non-player listenin staff need to learn a thing or two. 





  5. Heyo it's ya guy, back again with another post. After my post which somehow blew out of the water so bad I made myself a sped on the run with 20 different accounts of chromosome theft, I've been a bit MIA. But now, I'm back with a problem I would like to speak on. 

    (And the Wonks too)

    As a man who's played and angered most of the communities on this server, I know I'm a pretty disliked guy. BUT, there is still topics I'd like to put my piece on. CAs in general are the worst ideas on the planet. Yes I understand some races can be a bit...iffy, but seriously. Musin? Behind a damn CA? They are in most cases, 2 feet tall mice people who can't attack others because of their past. Are you telling me I have to make an application to actually do so? Same with the Wonks and Ologs. Ologs have been a staple for the Orc community for a long time. Yes, I know they're a bit overpowered. BUT, that doesn't mean you can't dumb them down for a player to use. Plus with how others play their orcs these days, they just seem like a more dumb orc with a tad more power. And the Wonks. My children of froggy, French descent. I never understood why they were under some kind of wall, all because they were frogs. And now, the last of them are dead because they were soft shelled for some damn reason. Perhaps if they weren't behind a CA people would play them. But alas, as the old saying goes, "It ees what it ees". 

    Please bring back frog people I want to play one named Pierre who cooks Escargot and speaks super broken french cause that would bring good RP to cities, instead of this generic 'human soldier' 'elf cavalry' 'dwarven capitalist taxman' cliche. 



    Kermit the Frog memes


  6. Zill, after leaving for about a year and meeting you, I think it's probably been one of the best things that happened to me in LOTC. I love you man. You're an amazing, stand up guy who is honest about himself and others. Sure you have flaws, but everyone does. Thank you for your work on the community, your work with events, and thank you for the fun we had. Probably best time I've had in LOTC. 



    Also, we better be able to play games together. Especially since you're always the imposter. 


  7. A chef dragged along a body, pulling a man he killed towards the Vale. Dumping the body on the bridge, he screamed towards the men, women, and druii of the Vale. It was his curse that he would put on them. For killing the man who he had grown so fond of, and the friend which he now mourned. "LISTEN YOU DRUII! TODAY YOU HAVE LOST ONE SOLDIER, AND I HAVE LOST A KING! TODAY I CURSE YOU ALL! WHEN YOU TELL YOUR CHILDREN STORIES OF HOW YOU SLAUGHTERED THE FROG KING, I SHALL WAIT IN THE SHADOWS! WHEN YOU EAT YOUR MEALS AROUND YOUR DAMN FIRE PITS, I WILL CREEP BEHIND YOU! AND WHEN YOU OVERTHROW THE BALANCE OF NATURE THAT YOU SO DESIRE, YET KILL PEOPLE WHO ARE KIND AT WILL, I WILL IMPALE YOU LIKE A KEBAB! FOR KINDNESS WAS ELMER'S TRAIT, AND MINE IS SPITE!

    That day, as he trudged back from battle, his sword dragging behind him, tears fell from his helmet. Ripping it off and showing his burned, scarred face to the skies, the man wept. For he knows he and his friend shall be separated, as his actions will never be of kindness to the Vale now, only revenge and spite.



    (( Well this was fun! I think?


  8. For a while I stared at this Admin response and topic, and tried to wrap it all around my head. There is no easy way to start a conversation like this, and it is a hard pill to swallow. I think many people right now are taking two sides. One, it's the Admin's fault. Two, It's the player's faults. I can see the arguments for both sides and see why people take them. Its easier to blame admins, and while they did sit on the Issue of KP for a while, the Community also has an impact. They could have gladly, and easily, ejected him from the community for being a creep. But from what everything I see here, is that both sides are at fault. 

    Little do I see a time where predation isn't joked about on the server. Hell I do it myself. I consider myself a part of the problem where we make fun of people's horrible experiences. I don't think a simple post, video, or well thought out argument is going to change that in many people. This community, admins included, have worked their best to try and oust pedos and creeps, groomers and typical discord admins has best they can. But my problem is, how fast is this conversation going to die out? Will next week go back to normal? Everyone joking and laughing, while letting these vile people have some sort of platform?

    As us the players, it is our job to help our own communities. We are supposed to band together to have fun, as well as keep each other safe. With this issue, many communities have shown that they failed that. It hurts my heart to see. Seeing Dingo and Treshure battle it out in his video post disgusted me, considering it was two prominent people in the community who both want the safety for others lashing out at each other. This is a breaking point. LOTC needs change. Perhaps a qualified safety team, one which is made up of individuals who know how to investigate and speak to others so they can find the groomers and pedos. Maybe safety protocol, maybe this and that. I'm not one for a solution, but I am one to speak.

    I've seen many players be the subject of awful things. I hold guilt for it. I've been friends with horrid people who should have never been here in the first place. Remembering the times where I brushed over people cause I was a teen who didn't care for others hurts because I know I could have at least done something about it. So, I take my stance. All parties are at fault. Something needs to change. Cause if it doesn't, then next week we will go back to forgetting that this ever happened and making jokes, while our younger side of the community is hurt, exploited, and their safety is taken from them through a god damn game of blocks. 

  9. The FACT that this had to be made, and that the last post was muted and blocked? It shows how much the Admins really care. They don't. Simple as that. It shows, considering how much the community bands together to say this topic, and nothing is done. It's been said for years, and nothing has been done still. It's sick and vile. Thank you, Treashure.

  10. A high elven man with white hair, blue eyes, who stands at the height of six feet, six inches reads the missive and raises an eyebrow. "That's like me saying that I'm searching for an Orenian with white skin, brown hair, smells like filth, and is highly invested in politics." He then keeps the missive for whenever he needs a good laugh.

  11.  A Battle chef looks towards the missive as he walks to the Druidic Grove with a curious eye. Reading it, the man let out an oddly loud laugh, and continued. "Dragons whining about nature lovers? I swear I've seen everything now. What next, Bucketball is going to be cancelled?" 

  12. Galan Brylynn had gotten wind of Melawen's leave, and looked to the rocky and rough mountains of the Rimveld from his horse. Then, turning his head, to the lush and green forests of the west. He had lost Briar, and now he felt the same pain as before. Yet he had taught her to fight and to tame birds of the wild. While it was not much, he knew for sure that these skills would help her in the end of it all. 

    "Melawen, I wish you find happiness in your travels, as I did in mine. You are one of the strongest of the next generation of elven kind. May your ancestors, as well as your mother, guide your travels for the better."

  13. [A missive is posted all around Yong Ping and Almaris, along with the following picture.]

    [The Handwriting is childish, as the writer is 10 years old.]



    Last dragon's day in Yong Ping, the ShuZhu was anointed appointed. The Wen family arrived towards the ceremony with high hopes, and while we had distaste for the Zhu, we did nothing to harm him or his peoples. As the ceremony was finished, a man with a sythe scythe stood and stared an uproar amongst the Orcs. By this time the Wen family was leaving the ceremony, but we ran back to help such peoples in the line of battle. As some may have witnessed, I did yank on a crossbow. Only because a 'senile old woman' was about to attack an Urock uruk. She then fired and hit a standing officer in the YAP YPA. Yet her crime was not addressed, and blamed on myself when she obviously held intent to harm the uruks for some reason.

    I then began to attack her out of the Uruk's sack sake, hoping to show my loyalty to the allies of Yong Ping and her state. Only I was met with an attack. Out of self defnse defense, I began to attack her. When blood began spilling out of her mouth, I found it ood odd because I am only a boy of ten. I do not understand how I could hold so much power against someone who looked like a grown woman. I only stopped when I was pulled away, as I wanted to make sure that the uruk's were okay. 

    My mother stood up for me after I was assaulted by the woman, and even after being promised no imprisonment if she complied, she was still imprisoned. I did not know this at the time, and ran back to check on my mother. This is when I saw a man holding a sword to my prcious precious mother, and acted on my insticts instincts. I took a fist to the man's ballsnuts, family jewels to protect my mother. I stepped on his wrist, and in tern it snapped under my light weight. Being told I would be killed if I defended my mother more, I was hit upon the head with a blunt weapon. 

    The YPA is weak. if a 10 year old boy can cripple one of their fighters, what can a grown man do?


  14. The Elvenesse NFT Auction!

    With the new rebuild in place, we need more mina to do cool things. So today I'll be auctioning off NFTs of Elvenesse characters!
    (This does not mean you own the characters except for Amaesil. Zilldude has given consent. I wish Chase did.)

    All auctions will start off at 500 mina. Just remember that these are RARE NFTs.
    All raisings of bids need to be of increments of 50. 

    OOC Name: ____
    ING: ____
    IRP Name: ____
    Bid: ______

    ULTRA RARE NFT: Evar'tir in the dark



    Epic NFT: Amaesil McZilldude



    Rare NFT: Medli Raining



    Rare NFT: Inconspicuous Elf




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