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356 Incredible


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    Sigmar / Wen Jianyu
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  1. Hope you enjoy the server! Just look out for your friendly neighborhood skeleton lads!
  2. Can't wait for my local recruiter to come and pick off the 1.5 GPA elven kids!
  3. I have no idea who this is mentioning, but I find it funny that it has quadruple the amount of rep than the original post
  4. Why do people like human RP? I just don't get it? Like, what drives you to want to act like a french "person". It's unbelievable how we can all just sit here and look at human RP and just decide 'yeah, I think people wanting to be french is just fine'. I'm sorry, have you gone mental? I am truly baffled on why anyone would want to act this out. Can someone explain to me?
  5. A skeleton enshroud in darkness feels their bones rattle in fear, as if they shivered. They looked past the cold cliffs and to the east. He wondered if a storm of nigh immeasurable damage and proportions was coming to the doorstep of the frost witches. "Hope have I have enough time for another smoke."
  6. It's funny, if I had a Nickle for the times that the Orcs have defiled the Irehearts in some way, I'd have two nickels. Which is weird that it has happened twice.
  7. New drinking game. 1. Take a shot everytime Meteor steals something from Jax. 2. Don't drink the entire night.
  8. Nice dead body, mind if I grab it?
  9. As a common 'man' comes across the missive, he thinks for a moment. Alchemical knowledge would be good, but he had no need for any kind of knowledge on the body. Thinking for a moment, they smiled and ran off to find letter paper and a charcoal pencil. Once done, they would send a letter. Hello, Cain Thelin. I am a man interested in this alchemy you wish to teach. I'd be glad to become a student of yours, be it partially or every year or so for a lesson. Such is at your disgression, but I do ask this. I have not the need to know about the body, but I wish to learn the way of the machine. Long such have flesh and bone bored me, but the machine? Such is almost eternal is it not? The dwarves peach such and speak about it as if the machine is a god in it's own right. So if you could, teach me such ways. From a stranger Sigmar.
  10. Skin name: Hunters Apparel Discord: VoidandNull#7173 Bid: $15
  11. Skin name: Hunters Apperral Discord: VoidandNull#7173 Bid: 5$
  12. In recent months, LOTC has been on a turn for the worst. OOC relations rule the server, and if you even say one bad thing about a mod, it can be considered harassment and you can be banned for an indefinite amount of time. I have played LOTC for four years, and I have to say, this is the worst I have ever seen it. I'm sure it's been worse, but this is horrid. Admins flaunt powers like its a **** measuring contest, and anyone they don't like can be banned without definitive proof, and the players can't do anything about it. Well, you can, you just all choose not to. There is a simple answer here, and you all fail to see if cause you either can't, or you don't want to for sake of wanting to be ignorant. Don't. Play. LOTC. That's the answer. There is no 'lets try and make the mod team better!' or 'Change the admins!'. Just, don't play. If you truly hate this abuse of power and want a change, than leave the server, and go do something else. For years people have put up with mod and admin abuse for what? Some shitty lore and magic that is power ruled to hell and back? For some community that you wouldn't follow outside of this horrid server? LOTC is addictive to it's core. It's like drinking for example. Sure in moderation it's okay and fun! But then you drink more. And more. And more. And then you're addicted. And your life starts to spiral. And then you can't get out and it isn't fun anymore but you can't stop because it's just that ONE moment of fun you want. You can't keep doing this to yourself. Sure there are going to be people who who still have fun here, but for people who don't and want to leave and need some kind of next step or a sign to do so, I hope this is it. All the OOC drama and grooming and pedophilia can stop, if you just stop playing. This server can't get attention if no one is on it, and that's what the Admins want. They want people to rule over, and if there isn't anyone, they can't have they power they worked so hard for. So please, Stop Playing. Then you won't have to deal with any more waiting for poorly timed events, Mod abuse over OOC conflict, Admins giving reports with no actual proof. It all stops, once you stop hitting enter to rejoin the server. Just Stop. And I know this post is going to be locked, I just don't care enough to not post it. And for anyone who want's to listen, here.
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