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Posts posted by KrisTough

  1. 27 minutes ago, KrisTough said:


    So, due to this, playing an elf child would be extremly long. Just as rules prevent human children to be played until 5 years old, rules could be sent for elves.

    For example, players could not play elves until they are 15 in human years (5 in elf years) or possibly even 30 in human years (10 in elf years).


  2. “The Elves are the longest lived of all races, some living well over a thousand years.”

    -Lord of the Craft Wiki: Elves





    The Elves of the world within Lord of the Craft are distinct and different to the other races, possesing near immortal life. Due to this extensive life they possess, they are able to learn a great deal more than the other races. Currently, the lore describes that the Elves mature more quickly than the shorter lived races, reaching the fullness of puperty in about two decades.” However, this does not make since. How can a race have a much longer lifespan, but mature/age quicker than the other races? Though some players enjoy the simpleness to this system of aging for the Elves, it may be more immersive for the players if the elves aged differently compaired to the other races.



    The proposed system is quite simple and involves the smallest amount of math.


    Here’s how one determines the age of an elf in human years 

    Each elven year is equivlent to 3 human years.

    Sweet and simple as stated.

    So, while a human child is now 9, your elf is only as mature, physically and mentally as a 3 year old.

    To visualize this concept, I have made a column chart.



    As shown by the graph, at 15 in human years, they are as mature as a 5 year old child, while at 30 human years, they are only equivlent in maturity as a 10 year old.

    Numbers are infinite, meaning it is impossible for every unit of age to be placed onto this graph. However, that is quickly remedied with the skill of math.

    Say your elf is 150....all one must do is divide by 3.


    So your elf is 50 in elven years.


    The formula to find your Elves age and maturity in human years is as follows.


    Elf Age / 3 = True Elf Age


    This system truely only matters up until 100 human years, as humans cannot mature mentally past their death. Elves would be fully mature, both mentally and physically, at the age of 75 in human years and would not need any further development. However, elves are immortal, meaning their bodies are not able to be corrupted by normal age, though they may mature, they cannot grow old. Some might argue that this system is much to complicated for the game and would be better to be simple, however, this gives some color to lore. Due to the slower aging of elves, it could cause friction between elves and men, explaining the scarcity of cities with both Men and Elves. A human has a very difficult time to befriend an elf due to the different speed of aging. And when there are no friends, enemies begin to form.


    So, due to this, playing an elf child would be extremly long. Just as rules prevent human children to be played until 5 years old, rules could be sent for elves.

    For example, players could not play elves until they are 15 in human years (5 in elf years) or possibly even 30 in human years (10 in elf years).


    As stated, this is but a suggestion. Leave your own suggestions in the comments, as I do believe that there should be a different aging system for the elves.



  3. Name: Thauron
    ((MC Name)):KrisTough
    Age: 261
    What magic are you trained in, if any? I am not trained in any magic.
    How do you lay claim to the fact that you are pure Mali'aheral? Thauron is a pure mali’heral that has travelled far in search of knowledge to bring back to the Motherland of Haelun’or to let those learn of the world and its ways from within the blessed walls.
    How long have you resided within Lareh’thilln? Thauron has resided as a resident within the Silver State for 5 Elven Months
    Will you follow the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya to the letter in the pursuit of arcane knowledge? Of course he will.
    What magical knowledge do you wish to acquire, if any? Arcane Shielding, Arcane Projectiles, and possibly Arcane Weaponry

  4. MC Name: KrisTough

    Character's Name: Thauron

    Character's Age: 264


    Character's Race:

    High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:

    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    The art of Arcanism has many uses. Often being used for combat, there is also an art this particular magic. Arcanism draws magical energy from the abyss of the void with the assistance of the mages aura: an individuals mana surrounding them (Kinda like the force). Every living creature has mana, however, Arcanists have connect to the void and learned to make use of their mana to draw power directly from the void. When summoned, Arcane magic is unruly, wanting to go where it pleases as if it had a mind of its own, requiring focus and skill to tame it. Having no form when summoned, it becomes utimatly up to the mage conform it with their will and imagination. It can be compacted to create a sturdy shield, a solid projectile, or even into the shape of a creature. Along with this, an Arcanist can form it into a liquid state, simulating water, or form it into a gaseous state to simulate steam. All in all, arcane magic is as maluable as clay, only needing a will and imagination to form it and shape it. The art of Arcanism takes many years to perfect the basics, and many more to become competent in the advanced form.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  5. @BrandNewKitten Here is the new summary. I rewrote it and added in more information.


    The art of Arcanism has many uses. Often, combat is the most common, however, there is also the art side of the magic. Arcanism draws magical energy from the void with the use of the mages aura: the mana of an individual surrounding them. Every living thing has a mana, however, Arcanists have learned to make use of their mana to draw from the void. When summoned, Arcane magic is unruly, wanting to go where it pleases. It has no form when summoned, and is only formed with the will and imagination of the one whom summoned it. It can be compacted to create a sturdy shield, or to create a solid projectile. If it pleases the Arcanist, it can be formed into a liquid state, simulating water, or formed into a gaseous state to simulate steam. All in all, arcane magic is like clay, a valuable substance, only needing a will and imagination to form it and shape it. The art of Arcanism takes many years to perfect the basics, and many more to become competent in the advanced form.

  6. MC Name: KrisTough

    Character's Name: Kournos Fuin

    Character's Age: 244


    Character's Race:

    High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Arcanism is a broad magic having many applications from combat, defense, art, and even the conjuring of life like creatures able to be controles by the caster. Arcanism is the evocations of magical energy from the void using ones mana and shaping it into nearly anything that can be imagined by the caster. The magic is drawn from an aura: the mana of person surrounding their form. Similar to evocations Magic’s, which replicate the element of the magic, Arcanism replicates of pure voidal magic. The magic is very much connected to the imagination of the caster. If no imagination is present, then the magic will be dull and un creative, but with an imagination, the magic becomes surprisingly amazing.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.



  7. Kournos completes the document with his signature sighing as he does so. He folds the document and puts it into a normal envelope. Dripping wet wax onto the envelope, he seals the document and stamps it. Finding the nearest mailbox, he slips it in and walks off without a smile or any sense of joy shown on his face.

  8. After his cry of victory, Torgath’Gorkil surveys the bloodied, and ravaged battle field, taking trophies and justa looking through the slain foes, for particular humans who caused him anger. While rummaging through the lifeless husks of the dead, he comes across the body of Mograh. Sighing he would say “Meh lay rezt en da halls uv Stargush’Sroh ziztur” Finding her mace, he would set it in her arms, and walk away saying “Mi am zurry lay had tu pazz en a wagh uv dizhunuble pinkaz"

  9. Torgath’Gorkil slays his last foe when he hears the cry of victory. A circle of bodies lie around him. Pulling a shaft out of him he would approach an Oren body and pull his Orcish Twohander free from the human side body. Shouldering the sword, he looks around, shaking from the receding blood wrath, at the carnage and destruction. Fire burned the houses, body's littered the streets, arrows were imbedded in wood, stone, and clay. Torgath heavily breaths, taking in the sight. Plunging his sword into the ground, he would yell.VIKTURY FUR DA PINKA EMYPRE, VIKTURY FUR KRUGMAR, AGH VIKTURY TU DA REX.After his cry, he would sheathe his sword, and walk away, dripping with blood. The Siege of Helena had come to an end.

  10. Dear Players and Volunteers of LOTC

    In the recent days of my experiences and adventures on Lord of the Craft, one very particular, and partially frustrating flaw has come to my attention. This “Flaw”, which some may disagree with, is the PVP default aspect of the server. I myself, am a terrible PVP’er, though, I do practice and intend on improving my skills, however, I think this PVP default should be rewritten. Who will do that you ask? Which brave person should take upon this great task? Well, I can tell you, not me. I am a terrible writer, and do not feel qualified to do so. However, I would still like to make some suggestions. PVP Default is constantly abused. When a very experienced and eloquent Role player creates a Olog, which is 9ft tall, attacks a halfling with is 3 or 4ft tall, then, it is almost obvious who would win the feud… IRP. But people are fearful of losing. So, if this Halfling was a PVP “god”, then for some bizarre reason, a reason that can not be explained in Role Play, the Halfing would be able to slay the Olog within 30 seconds. So, onto my suggestions.


    PVP default should only be able to be called when the characters are Equivalent. So, say a 5ft human bandit, attacks a 6ft knight, or warrior. It’s reasonable that one could defeat the other, as they are not that much taller, or skilled, or bigger than the other. This is when PVP default could be called. However, if a 5ft bandit attempts to attack an orc who looms at 7 or 8ft, but this orc is obviously…. Well, an orc. Capable of going into Blood Lust, and receiving many wounds from an attacker, and still emerge victorious. This is when Combat Role Play should be used. Now, if its an Orc against 3 or 4 opponents at that size, then PVP default could be called, as, that is also reasonable in Role play, that 4 individuals could slay an Orc.

    And yes, I have taken into consideration the long minutes used in CRP. So I also propose a solution. When forced in CRP, if nothing is done for 5 minutes, such as only arguing what and what’s not possible Out Of Character, then PVP default can be initiated. Or say, the RP is just taking to long, and you have been role playing for 15 to 25 minutes, then, to speed things up, PVP default can also be called. This would satisfy those who complain that CRP just takes too long.


    I offer these as suggestions, not the immediate solution, for they are only that, suggestions. However, I do urge the staff of LOTC to review the PVP default. Many players, Mods, Admins, and Lore team, know, that when people PVP more on a Role Play server, then something is wrong. Many people join Lord of the Craft to Role Play, not PVP. If we wanted to PVP all the time, then we would join…. A really popular Minecraft server. But instead, we are here, in the land of Areas, playing an Elf who has a deadly aim, or A human who is out for revenge against orcs, or an Orc who enslaves and “Klomps” Other people. I want people to enjoy this server, as well as the PVP and CRP aspect to it, but this does need attention. Thank you for reading up to here.

    Your friendly Role Player


  11. First off, eventually, a stero type is the on,y way to play a creature. Eat people I see how Striga/vampire survive, it’s not a stero type, it’s a necessity of the creature. Second, I am calling them 100% evil because the original vampires are just that, 100%. Not sure if any Christians are  here, but a vampire I should the exact opposite of Jesus. Jesus=100% good, vampire=100% evil. Either way, that is besides the point and some of you would like to call me out for that. But I can not control how others play the creature. Lastly, if we get rid of these monsters, the LOTC veterans will become bored with the classic races. Because, already we have seen several creature stuff shelved. This will only pick up speeed until the only playable creatures will be men, dwarves, elves, and maybe orcs. If this keeps up, kha will most definitely get shelved as well

  12. 2 minutes ago, Keefy said:

    They’re all dead man.

    Not necessarily. They are still played by people. They have been shelved, so some of them need to be removed from the shelves and opened again. SOMe of them were rightly shelved, others were shelve death because not a lot of people played them.   

  13. Dear players, Moderators, Admins, and all other teams.

    Recently, there has been talk of shelving the creatures called Striga, the vampire equivalent in LOTC. I object to this shelving for several reasons which will be listed.

    1. Already, many creatures have been “nuked”. And a lot of these creatures were creatures of evil. The biggest problem that we have now is banditing which becomes boring after constantly being downed on the road by bandits. Bandits themselves irp are not bad, yet everyone is resorting to banditing now. If we had more of these creatures such as Striga, it would add more color to the rp.
    2. When I first joined LOTC, I was a character by the name of Alkheim Guillén. After a week of RPing, I discovered an undead sect. This itself was extremely exciting to me. I had discovered creatures who practiced dark arts and I had my character strive to battle them. It inspire different much thought and a lot of rp. Rather than just fleeing like bandits had done, they took a stand as undead and fought. It added so much to the rp we had and just was so fun. If we keep these creatures in, the rp will be even better for the community, especially the new players.
    3. These evil creatures truly add something into the lore of LOTC. It offers creatures, played by players, that have no mortal morals. They are inhuman humanoids that groups can band together to fight. It does not divide us like normal human and elven evil does. For when someone decides for their character to turn evil, they still allows some goodness in the character, but monsters leave that all behind and truly add something evil to fight against in LOTC. Look what the Vaeyl order did in Atlas. Because of them, all the nations of Atlas fought together to exterminate them, bringing such enjoyable rp into the whole of Atlas.
    4. Another objection is that, these creatures are just fun to play anyways. To be the tyrannical Vampire with not even a smidge of goodness who does not fight for money, but just for pure power, or revenge, is fun sometimes, IRP that is. Turning people to your minions is also enjoyable. Instilling fear in the nations of the RP land can be awesome for both the player and the nations.


    These are only some of the cons of shelving a lot of monsters. And I know why it is done. Chaotic creatures are often played by chaotic people, meaning disorganization and rule breaking. But with revision, proper revision, it can be done properly and still be enjoyable. I beseech the Players day LOTC to join me in securing the monsters of Arcas to exist as playable races, not creatures of history that has passed.




    PS. +1 this if you like it.

    Plus, with every shelving of a creature just allows more and more creatures to be erased from LOTC

  14. *Posters can be seen in city’s and on the roads. The posters would say....*


    “The Duchy of Pembrokeshire is recruiting more soldiers for its army. The town is a beautiful place to stay. It holds many friendly people. We ask you to join and fight off the evil of the land. Defend against Raiders, undead, and evil who come to bring chaos. If you join you will be granted with free housing and a domestic job within the walls of Pembroke-shire. Bring your family and live in the city. You can start a business, or join a business. Farm or build. Sell or buy. The people of Pembrokeshire will welcome you with joy and gladness.

    Send a message by bird to me if you wish to join.


    Milita Commander of Pembrokeshire.”



  15. ((MC Name: )) Beorn15


    ((RP)) Name: Elidar


    Known Arcane Arts: None


    Position Desired (Student or Instructor): Student


    When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Anytime other than weekends. 


    ((Discord)): Beorn#1604

  16. ((MC Name: )) Beorn15


    ((RP)) Name: Elidar


    Known Arcane Arts: None


    Position Desired (Student or Instrutor) Student


    When is the best time to contact you for an interview((Discord)): Most of the time, other then weekends. 

  17. Name: Alkheim 

    Age: 26

    Race: Human

    Current Place of Residence: Pembroke

    Current Occupation: Unemployed 

    Experience: I am pretty sure at remaining hidden and silent while also being skilled with a bow and a saber.

    Would like to be a Ranger or Guard?: I would like to be a Ranger



    MC Account: Beorn15

    Discord ID: Beorn#1604

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