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Posts posted by PrinceJose270

  1. "Well now, guess it goes to show how low the imperial Humanity slowly falls, enlisting sadists to try to promote their beliefs."The mysterious ker noted as he was on his favorite jungle tree, smoking the thunderkrug with amusement. though pointed out some things."When threatened and spotted they flee, and wait to pick off a single person to torture. I can safely say Anyone who reads this that is orenian might consider these just LIes. But whats lies when there is no response. MRA seems to fall to a new low..." Even to that, he drew out a blade, looming with it's clear glassy hue a moment. before smirking"More blood for my sacrafices, but guess this shows how low Orenians fall short from their apparent "humanity" huh?" And with such, the ker had moved from his tree, whistling a small tune, guess he will have to slay once more when need to whilst in the hidden trees.

  2. Along the  swamplands of the west, the horned ker had looked onto the missive, his mouth having a thunderkrug cigar and sat high along the trees draped in thick vines. But as he let out a sigh, the plume of while smoke just dissipating a foot from his mouth as he thought."It seems that I was right, history bound to repeat itself as of hundreds of years. From our ancestors to the next generation is another cycle in a cog of the bigger picture."As the ker's tail slowed it's swaying tail, he looked forth the direction of Oren."Peter, Friend and former general, I hope your afterlife was well worth in your bed. It is a shame to see war befalled upon your ideals of peace. Bagurz...You are one of the few shamans i can fully respect from one to another, I can only hope that neither shall be forced to draw blades on the battlefields of war, nor give our powers for just a pitiful thing bound to repeat. As my friend to a friend, Shaman to shaman...I hope that we not meet, and if So I hope one of us holds the gates of kor open for the other. If it must come to that..."The ker then looked upon to the directions of Talons, Norland, Haelunor, and the dwarves, Before the gaze returned to Oren"I wonder how long now it will take, for the Humans of imperial might try to provoke the casters of plantlife. The Druii, how they will offend the mighty Krughai, or our companions of the south. Who next will ever join this continental war among that started with four brothers.."Yet when the shaman closed his eyes, the charm along his neck, a charm of kor glow softly as did his eyes once slowly opened."In the end, It is ones duty to protect those I care for in the name of the spirits, My forge remains hot in eternity to aid in these trouble times...."As such, he gotten off the swamp covered tree, to return to his chatting with a peculiar group of clubbed armed individuals.

  3. Gusiam as he saw the missive, tail drooping as he was a witness to this challange. "And Here I thought some of the lighter skinned Elves had a clear mind...tsk. Daring to try to fight the Krughai without the thoughts of the backlash. and In my visions, win or lose...it is all one sided." Once he finished reading..He got his blades ready to battle..

  4. 1 hour ago, Reece Nolan said:


    Sorry for the rant, I really felt like I needed to say this after seeing all these comments sort of invalidating the work Nickrocky did.


    12 minutes ago, Tox said:




    No one is invalidating the work Nickrocky did he's an amazing coder for sure. But also: A lot of us did not ask for the work he put in.


    1.8 minecraft vanilla PVP was fine as it was left for large group battles & wars. PVP was supposed to be an alternative to RP when there were too many people not an alternative gameplay to do outside of RP and grind your favorite MMO game, lord of the craft, out.

    Nick as all my respects, as he is one of the best coders Lord of the craft has ever have. However from the ads to rules themselves. Most pvp encounters are an optional alternative method. Surge i can say is quite unique, but at the end of the day and people can agree or not. Lord of the craft is a RP server and not an MMORPG game. 

    Besides, when it comes to PVP, a lot of factors play in aside from little stats to boost someone over the edge. I e these special arrows. or jousting with pikes.

    At the end of the day it doesnt mean much if you have say, a low-grade PC or not that skilled in PVP. Thats why some if not more then half the fights i see on lotc are CRP instead of PVP. and only it goes to the clicky clicks when someones trying to flee or try to default in overwhelming numbers, which invalidates most RP skills/things about them. 
    An example being once PVP is called the orc with his rp items is useless against the 10 year old in full pvp gear if they get defender. Which of course wouldnt make any sense :P


    29 minutes ago, Tox said:

    This is cool and all.. but I personally think this is a lot for a server that's supposed to be all roleplay.....

     I agree, It's cool and all, but it's making LOTC feel a bit more... PVP focus, rather then Roleplay focus. I wont say it's bad at all, but I feel like in my own opinion this is slowly drawing away from RP a little bit, duel wielding someone can do IRP as effectively as in Vortex.

    It's still a neat development never the less.


    26 minutes ago, Masouri said:

    so crp default on open beta?


    and i might add just because why not :P


    Weapon Cap

    A player at max can carry:

    • 1 Carbarum Item

    • 2 Shields

    • 3 Weapons

    • 5 Pieces of Armor

      I doubt people will be running about with Carbarum weapons outside of beta just because it's so rare even if you had double mining. So I wonder how this will go unless wonder items somehow come back :P When will hookahs return

  6. Within the Ancient jungles of krug the ker rested his staff along his shrine of Kor. a soft bow following after he heard news of the rex's fall. though tears apparent, he had a glass of a very strong alcohol. and poured it onto the fire just bellow of the shrine in offering the flames roaring to life with such the strength of the drink. "Zhot, you yourself have turned the path to both Krugmar and it's allies from a ruinous path, My only regret is that I could not have a grand spar with you, to not be able to offer you the chance of a spirit walk to the land you now roam. But I am glad to help where i could, and proceed to do so in your honor. From orc and ker we may be different in race. But in stargûsh'stroh I can happily call you bruddah. I hope that in my next walk and those to come. That i see you in Krug's halls of eternal joy to share stories that can last eons! Goodbye my friend, and that I hope you smile down on Krugmar and the sanctum for an eternal prosper and i shall see you soon!"The ker shouted, his voice both booming and full of vigor as he raised the rest of the cup in the air before drinking the remain of the drink, though tears continued to fall for a lost friend. 

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Gusiam Jusmia


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  8. Standing in front of  a large tree in the middle of the jungle, a cloaked Ker had sat along one of many sturdy branches. One hand to the paper he had gotten from a fox, the other what looked to be a flask and a large one at that. His horned-poked Hood covering most of his head, but his tail has been dragging at least along the dirt prior. Though after the slow read, maybe even a re-read again as if to think it was only a joke. The Amber eyes of the Ker had closed a moment to uncork the flask, to raise it high."Bolon, A friend one moment, and a brother till the end. I shall never forget our ventures of hunting giant beasts in the lands of Athera,the Wyverns of Arcas and to of Crafting great rings for both our partners. May where ever you end up friend.. Be..I hope you find your peace finally my brother. While I cannot follow you to your afterlife, remember me. And in the next life let us fight and hunt again in the lands of this world. To you!!"And with that, the Ker poured what seemed to be an expensive rum along to the ground after a brief si[. two tears running down his ashen face. But in the jungle was only met with silence sobs.

  9. I may as well throw out my 2 mina (wow so expensive) into this frey since I want to give out my honest opinions.

    Number one and I think everyone can agree with me, They should not have released Vortex whilst it's not even considered half baked. Nick I honestly do love the work you do and I respect the time you put to code this mmorpg style of game. But some lines are drawn that I wonder. While it is aware he was overruled on not holding off till it was fully complete. This is basically the fundamental of serving a "Cooked" dish completely raw, or trying to publish a book with a single word.

    Vortex in general is too green, and too sudden to just slap down on Almaris and expect everyone to just say "I'll take it."

    One thing that is a pain in the ass really is that you gain Experience mechanically then RPly. Myself a Lunarite smith and working on learning to be a boomsteel smith, not only have to delve myself into copper and tin, both i believe no one aside from like Quavinir. (Shout out to the guy since he made some great bronze items back in atlas that my first character used)
    Could really utilize such through irp. And I feel like such things of lore related ore would be public knowledge, even deadly ones like Bluesteel/carbarum. It's not like on last map or sailing we had a proper IRP crash course on the new materials (which can be debatable). My other character Loves to make items and tools from monsters and great beasts he slain, but i feel like i cant rp Neither correctly due to "The grind". Alchemists cant make there weird potions or crafters cannot make items with herbs anymore now.

    I also cant even rp with some of my friends and even lost some close ones cause this plugin had killed there desire to rp, despite people that say you can implement it into IRP, I have yet to see people  in a mine aside from the dwarves actually RP mine and smith.

    As terms of PVP vs CRP I wouldn't say there inst any new edge, But the fact you can camp the warpgates is questionable. feels like when you get camped at a Soulstone. Then again I prefer CRP due to lagging with Optifine and texture-packs, I digress.

    At the end of the day I feel like I'm playing runescape again, while fun on paper and at the start interesting. More and more people who rather RP and such then grind, which will muck up the economy, and if you seen AH it's already happening.

    Taxes overall are meh, but can i ask why there are 2 types of taxes someone has to worry about? especially this is detrimental to multi-persona users (Which i believe most people are) cause they would have to worry about making money on 2 fronts on 2 different homes and there own. Now I wouldn't be against it but If it's weekly you can kiss thoughts of Hiatus goodbye if you actually can somehow make money on this server unless you have a army of mina storing alts.

    All and all: My own thoughts is this Plugin should be removed for Almaris this map and try it next map when it is more fleshed out and well suited, having more fundamental testing aside from openbeta PVP. I do like about the grinding as a lack of worldscars, If they did that but instead gave lore written items (not even signed unless they were lore specific) it just gives players materials to work on openly. It needs time to become proper. I don't know who did this council of "Push now or else" on nicky, but the backlash is going to come harder each day it's on Almaris and just ignoring it wont save it. So the best solution where it wont become a priority on the server to put it back on RP focus rather then Faction focus. OR just remove it and let nicky FINISH IT.
    That or take off the weird crafting system, i don't want to spend the next map contemplating how troll hide is use for a FISHING ROD. In any-case, half finished work (It's good but it's unfinished, Nicky is putting a lot of time and effort on it) usually leads to a failing grade. I think that's the one thing schools make very clear, SO I hope staff see this, and can consider it in there next meeting rather then brushing it off.

    I will say Nicky, I love the work you do for the server and I feel sorry you were pushed to try to finish it. ^-^

    Anyways enough pointing out/ranting. Have a nice day


  10. Just now, Liv said:


    I think they meant you can just vibe around mining for a long af time waiting for energy to rise. But that's the only long grind I can see

    That is what i ment, yes. Since 1 thing I had noticed is if you cant craft the item in question due to energy before restarts. the item and it's material get destroyed with no means to recover.

  11. This is just a random thread to talk about Why vortex could be inherently good, why people think it's bad and want it removed. or the in between that what is good/bad part of this trial.

    For me i'm just going to point out 3 good and three bad, feel free what else you lot want. It's mainly peoples opinions on Pros v Cons

    Why is it good?

    • It allows players to have a smaller add-on to immersion of making items
    • Allows for people to "Rply" use resistances on there armor properly  
    • Allows a new form of PVP  

    Why is it Bad?

    • It has quite a long grind, which that time could be used in RP. (In regards to energy and venturing.)
    • If assumed, crafting recipes that require IRP knowledge (Boomsteel, Alchemy, Herbology)  are thrown out the window in terms of RP experience.
    • It rather feels unneeded (by heresay about.)  and crafting is based around the "Item" then player experience. (So Rp crafters must grind to a point they can safely make the items they desire.)

    This is s simple debate form and wonder what people think of the trial of Vortex, how it compares to nexus or even how people can improve or call out.

    Hope you have fun 😀

  12. MC Name: PrinceJose270

    Character's Name: Gusiam Jusmia

    Character's Age: 65


    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Elementalism


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:





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