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Posts posted by ferdaboy

  1. Kenswey Fiscere, a thane of yore, frowns at the mention of honorless norlanders and reperations. “They insult us and demand an appology?” He murmured, confused by this “ancient ally’s” ignorance of the importance of pride and honor to the Norlandic people.

  2. 3 hours ago, Burnsider said:


    The way that frill has defamed and harassed multiple people on LOTC since his ban (and recruited others to do the same) has more than warranted his exclusion from this community for all time. The fact that people continually prop him up as some pillar of the community is continually shocking to me.

    People have been doing what frill does for years I think staff are just mad he does it better than most. All he does it point out whats wrong and ridicules those that deserve ridicule

  3. people literally cant cope with the fact that ur character cant always roleplay whats best for them


    people complaining above are the ones that get too wrapped up in their roleplay to the point where they become attached and make every attack on their character personal

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