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Posts posted by Seuss

  1. The Patriarch of House Colborn is in the midst of drafting a long overdue rewrite when his servant came into the room with the letter. He had the servant read it out to him, and he looked up. "Ah, the wedding is finally happening. I do hope I can get this done in time and can attend." He expressed, gesturing for the servant to leave as he continued writing his missive.

  2. The Patriarch of House Colborn rubbed his hand after having to extensively translate all of the soggy papers to a fresh hardback book before the Baroness of Amador lost it all. Luckily, he has always been talented with the quill, and managed to save the work entirely.

  3. Carolus Colborn read the missive that was left by his gateway. He leaned his hoe against the gate and used his forearm to wipe away at the sweat on his face.


    "All this effort is being wasted on fighting. We should not have settled so close to the wastelands if these problems kept persisting."

  4. The hidden Colborn stuck along the walls of the old city of Fenn, kept away from the eyes of guards and watchmen with the aid of his Bowie Camouflage. He examined the ever-changing elevation of the walls and took note of the best places to knock down the stones to allow entrance. He wrote down the cardinal directions and began planning ahead for when the forces of Haense will take down Clan Torathi for good.

  5. The defeated Colborn stared over the balcony of the palace. A few hours have passed since he and Ser Vanhart ended their brief talk. He stared out over the square where he could see the bustling people of Haense calling out for the traitor and urging to hunt her down. His monotone expression lacked any emotion as his chin raised, slowly looking up towards the bright blue sky.

    His hands laid flat on the half wall in front of him, and the gentle breeze of the north pushed the blonde curls to the side of his face, opening up his eyes to the chilling air. He did not blink, because his eyes began welling up and he knew if he blinked he would not be able to stop himself. He wished his childhood friend would just listen to him. Had she listened, he would not be standing outside in the open air fighting to hold back his costly emotions. 


    But she did not listen - and so he blamed himself for not convincing her harder. The cold wind should have dried out his eyes, but as they watered up it only caused discomfort. His hands that were once laid out flat began to ball up into tight fists. His lower lip quivered for a moment - so he bit down to stop it. He tried to hold back, and he tried to save face.


    And then he blinked. And then he cried.

  6. Carolus Colborn paced about his lab under Vorenburg, his book and quill in hand as the stench of decaying animal filled the room. On the counter nearby was his successful testing of the Burial Fungi. But after so long, he has come to witness the blooming of the cystal fungi flowers. He continued his studying for many years, but alongside side, his mind was wracked with planning for the future siege. 


    He paced and paced about as he mumbled to himself. "There is much to be done, and we must be swift. What are they even doing when they are not attacking our nations?"






    Issued by the


    On this 13th day of Tov and Yermey of 471 E.S.




    Va Birodea ag Almaris,


    The sun-fearing Mori’quessir have grown more troublesome in recent years; an enemy both the north and south have had the opportunity of battling with - and learning many aspects about. However, it has come to the Crown's attention that the methods by which these foreign enemies combat our nations vary greatly and lead to further confusion when it comes to sharing combat strategies across multi-national defenses. 


    Facilitated by personal exchange with a handful of individuals from around the realm, the Deputy Palatine wishes to reach out to the people of Almaris to journey to Hanseti-Ruska and share their knowledge of the Mori’quessir and everything they may know about them - so that a missive may be written compiling everything we collectively know about our cavern-dwelling foes; in hope that we can better prepare our nations' people against the neverending and unpredictable enemies from the undergrounds. Any who take the journey to the northern capital of Karosgrad are instructed  to seek out Carolus Colborn for the exchange of such valuable information. Haense looks forward to receiving its informants.





    The Honourable, Carolus Colborn, Deputy Palatine of Hanseti-Ruska, Viscount of Venzia, 

    Baron of Bethlenen, Lord of Vorenburg, Protector of Scyflings


  8. Carolus would not find the news until much after the events of Lake Voron. He held the missive in hand, and his other rested over his eyes. "I see. . ." The man mumbled, there a bit of hesitance in his voice as he tried to hold himself back. "May GOD keep you, Elizaveta."






    Published from the Viscounty of Venzia






    In this period of relative peace, the workers of Venzia have found the House of Colborn in surplus of its allotted asset divvy. Therefore, to further support the growing economy of our great Kingdom, the Viscount of Venzia thought to donate House Colborn’s surplus to the treasury and Royal vaults at the Capital for use however the Crown sees fit. 


    Given the concord of Peace between the Kingdom of Haense and outside civic or monstrous entities, weapons are not at present in forgery at the Keep of Vorenburg, nor are Scyfling warhorses being bred. Therefore, merely an excess of luxury riches and other raw materials are available for donation. 


    However, the diligent academic works of Carolus Ivan Colborn have been continuing, as he endeavors to translate ancient - Scyfling or otherwise - historical documents from their original languages to the common or Ruskan tongue. Such outputs are to be provided to the Morrivi Prikaz Library, and any other interested scholarly parties for the purposes of spreading public knowledge. 




    Ferrum Ingots - 4,500

    Ferrum Ore - 295

    Aurum Ingots - 2,770

    Aurum Ore - 80

    Coal - 3,450

    Lapis Lazuli - 6,230

    Redstone - 4,250






    The Honourable, Carolus Ivan Colborn, Viscount of Venzia, Baron of Bethlenen, Lord of Vorenburg, Protector of Scyflings, 


    Her Ladyship, Anabel Elia Colborn, Keeper of The Book, Scribe of the House of Colborn,


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