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  • Birthday 11/27/2002

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  1. V


    (warning, this story contains suicide) The girl was a child from the unknown, discovered washed ashore on the beach by a band of wandering thieves outside of Sutica. At first glance upon the fainted one the thieves saw an opportunity to make some easy money if they were to sell her, but after picking her up and examining her they soon realized that she was not going to make it far on the black market. She was covered in bruises top to bottom and her body was skinny from starvation. A loose piece of white cloth covered her red swollen eyes that spread like a blush to her cheeks, and it appeared she was already a slave claimed by another brand which displayed on the back of the girl's hands like tattoos. Rendering her unfit to be sold, the thieves were about to leave before the leader of the group, Matthias Grey, halted them. Having lost his own son to sickness in the past, he felt great sympathy for the girl. The least they could do was to bring her inside the walls. Within the walls of Sutica, the little girl received medical attention to her eyes and was cleaned and fed. Thankfully her sight could be saved. Matthias watched her grow stronger by each day but with a troubled heart, since he knew he would have to let her go. While the thieves prepared for their next pursuit into the wilderness, it did not exactly help his feelings to notice how the girl spent most of her time following Matthias around like a puppy. Despite his efforts to scare her away with tactics like cold attitudes and pushing, she did not budge because she did not react to aggression. She was a very unusual girl, quiet, with the expression of a lifeless doll who never said a word to anyone unless necessary. She was too mature for her age and she learnt things remarkably fast by just mimicking something once or twice. After seeing how highly capable and skilled she was, he changed his view on the little girl and chose to keep her. He decided on a name and in honor of his past son Ador, the little girl became known as Adora. They cut the lengths of her hair and changed her attire to fit the one of a boy, since they knew many would deem it wrong for a 8 year old girl like her to wander the dangerous wilderness with no guarantee of safety. Especially with criminals like them. Matthias became her father figure and taught her everything. Growing up, Adora learned the routines and helped around the camp, and even excelled some of the other members in combat during spars. Everyone adored her as a little sister and kept her company. Adora watched them plunder rundown villages and even kill, and surprisingly nothing fazed her. She did not even have to go through the phase of learning that the world was an unfair place. That, she already knew. They came to realize her personality never changed despite how much they tried to make her happy. A normal youngster would run around playing and laughing, but Adora never laughed, never played, just merely chased after the adults who gave her orders. She was like a soldier. Adora was 15 years old when she was caught in the act of stealing a sword on a market in Kaedrin and went on a long chase in the wilderness with a soldier. After catching up with Adora, they both tumbled over and were close to falling off a cliff. With a righteous heart the soldier helped her out of a certain death, but claimed the stolen sword. His name was Simeon, a Morsgrad soldier. And when their eyes first met, he instantly fell for her. Simeon let her go that day but went back to pay for the sword. Adora did not think much of it at first and just wanted to get away from him. But somehow after that incident they always happened to meet in the woods. Well, probably because Simeon stalked her. Adora thought he was annoying to be around at first, but it was not like she owned the land. Simeon had that confident, teasing and child like personality that many would be embarrassed to be around, but somehow the fool managed to charm Adora. Tolerance turned to friendship, and friendship turned to love. They would hunt together, go drinking by the river and even play his silly games. When her hair grew longer she got a piece of red ribbon from him so she could tie it up and work better. Adora started opening up more and more and embraced a more feminine side around him. For the first time in her life she expressed happiness thanks to his efforts. Even though Simeon was a soldier and Adora was a thief, he made sure that he got to spend a lot of time with her by joining her escapades from time to time. Although some of the things Adora had done were unquestionably wrong, he let her be herself because of how much he loved her. When talking about their future Simeon even suggested that he left the army so they could run away together, but Adora strongly denied his offer knowing it was too dangerous. On the same day he returned back to his base, he was confronted after being ratted out by a comrade. The band of thieves were ambushed by Morsgrad soldiers in the middle of the night which led to Adora's misunderstanding that Simeon had only used her trust to get to them. Simeon was seen teaming up with his captain to capture and kill everyone Adora held dear. In truth Simeon had negotiated a deal with his captain to at least spare Adora’s life, but that did not soften the blow of having her watch Matthias, who loved and trusted her unconditionally, sadly smile at her as he was about to get hanged. Adora was destroyed after his death and she expressed this feeling through rage. Wanting to avenge her people she tracked Simeon back to Morsgrad to kill him. After breaking into his house Adora confronted him standing aloof in his bedroom with a letter in his hands. When noticing Adora he was not surprised, since he knew she would come. Sorrow overfilled his already swollen eyes, and as she charged towards him he suddenly grabbed the edge of her blade and guided it through his chest. Reality struck Adora as he embraced her into a hug. Simeon cried into her shoulder. He wanted her to know that he didn’t betray her in the traditional sense of the word and his feelings for her were never fake. He was backed into a corner, forced to cooperate or else they would have killed her too. He loved her so much that he would do whatever it took to keep her alive and safe even if it meant sacrificing the rest of her people and making her hate him. Those were the words written on the letter she read that night, as she sat there with him dead in her arms. After that she was empty and wandered the lonely roads with no will to live anymore. Even after finding out the truth, Adora was too burnt by her rage to ever forgive him, still clinging on to the lie that he was selfish and betrayed her intentionally. Torn between that and the truth inside the letter led her to be cold and emotionless again. Yet those words were the only reason keeping her alive now, as he sacrificed so much for her. But she was not sure what to do with herself. In an attempt to try to start a new life she bought a surname and became Adora Korinne. Now at 18 years old she wanders the world of Arcas in search for a place to belong again, usually taking the job as a maid or bartender to gain solace from getting orders, like she used to get when she was young. Although she still hates Simeon to this day, she still wears the red ribbon in her hair wherever she goes.
  2. V


    Ryker Igrimmir was an harsh and unforgiving father, who believed life should only be about honor and purity, satisfaction to the older, deeds that would only boost their family's reputation or wealth, which meant either marriage or business, and money. Ryker had one problem though... In his earlier days he had decided to love with a human, which meant their half-breed child was doomed to live with not only infertility and short life, but alienation aswell. Ryker made a mistake so to speak... Since impurity was seen as something very shameful in the high elven domains, including Haelun'or where they lived, his first son was kept hidden to the world and was not allowed to interact with others. Sian became his dark secret. Desperately but not too obvious, Ryker tried to find himself another partner and eventually did after a few failed times. He waited another 15 years with Thessalia Igrimmir who was praised for her beauty by many. A great catch according to Ryker, for he cared only about what beauty would come with his kin after her. They loved, and so; Nish came to the world. Unlike his big brother Sian who with the force of their father's hand learned to be strong and mature, Nish wasn't able to become any of that. He was bright and calm as the summer sun, but would also be as stubborn and clueless, usually needed to be guided to the right path. While he was very charming, he also had a naive and child-like charm that was endearing, which made him a good friend among many of the other elven children. If he wasn't busy spacing out in wonder at a new discovery, he was busy spreading positivity and enthusiasm. An angel so to speak, and Thessalia was very proud. But as Nish trained in battle with his big brother, in order to become his father's ideal son, a strong, mature and business-interested man, he would always loose... No matter how many times he tried to fulfill his father's desires, he always fell. He was simply born weaker. Sian was always jealous of his little brother who had a future, but always had a kind heart. But seeing Nish fail over and over again made him think... what are you to do with two sons, one who can make you proud but simply isn't of right blood, and one with right blood, but isn't even enough to make you smile? For long, Nish have always wished that Sian had taken his place instead of him, made his father satisfied, live happily ever after with the thousand years ahead of them... And Sian repeated the same sentence over and over again. ''Only you deserve the life that was given to you. Don't waste it.'' Sian kept training Nish through the next weeks, refusing to give up on him. And their brothership strengthened with every day that passed despite their differences and roles. But Sian suddenly disappeared one day without a trace. Looking to his father confused, Ryker had no emotion at all. Did he even remember his existance? Nish would look for him everywhere. His ''bedroom'' in the cellar was no longer there. All his stuff were gone. Without a word, Nish rushed out of the house and out through the city gates. He knew he was out there, he knew he probably had been banished under the night. But how did he not wake up to it... No matter. Without even sparing his home a last glance, Nish dashed off into the wilderness. Ofcourse he choose his brother before his sickening father. Nish lives fairly poorly as a wanderer who barely came with any equipment, but manages to stay just enough wealthy thanks to smaller jobs. Even though Nish would look around for Sian in villages, sadly Sian must've grown too old to be recognised by now so their meeting might never become reality. All he hopes for is that he has settled down with a nice family, and lived happily ever after.
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