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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Buru

  1. Invest in $XION we got testimonials

  2. Is there a distinction between good rp torture and crossing the line during said torture?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tigergiri


      Yes, if you become to graphic or groeome you usualy have to FTB it. Depeneding on how your tutoring a player too. You have to make sure both sides are comfy with whats going on. 

    3. Buru


      I see, thank you all.

    4. Telanir


      Generally the player playing the victim character will let you know if you’re going too far, and if they’re uncomfortable you should comply. That way you will do just fine.

  3. hmmm, so is the void and all it’s magic really shelved? or was that just an april fools joke?

    1. Aengoth


      its been shelved

    2. Buru


      oh i see, Suitica is defenseless!!!

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