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Posts posted by jmeatball

  1. In accordance with the Legal Procedure ActThe Honourable Owyn O'Ceartas, does duly assign himself to these proceedings. Accordingly, the assigned Judge shall schedule a trial with the Plaintiff and the Defendant in a timely manner in order to see that the case is reviewed and that a just verdict is decided upon.


    The following parties are to contact Judge Reiss to arrange a suitable date to present themselves before the Court:
    - The Plaintiff, Aurora [@AuroraBorealis]
    - The Defendant, Khan [No forum ID found]

    The named parties are required to perform the following actions for the sake of procedure:
    - The Defendant may present to the Court a Replying Affidavit  before the time of the trial, outlining their responses to the alleged crimes.
    Both parties are to exchange their Books of Evidence and submit them to the Court at least thirty saint's minutes before the trial is to occur.

  2. Following the untimely death of  The Honourable Elisa Reiss and in accordance with the Legal Procedure ActThe Honourable Owyn O'Ceartas, does duly assign himself to these proceedings. Accordingly, the assigned Judge shall schedule a trial with the Plaintiff and the Defendant in a timely manner in order to see that the case is reviewed and that a just verdict is decided upon.


    The following parties are to contact Judge Reiss to arrange a suitable date to present themselves before the Court:
    - The Plaintiff, Duncan [ @Duncan the Fearsome ] on behalf of the Crown.
    - The Defendants Erik Tarcell Othaman [ @gamegage ] , Mary Amaricus [ @ImStuckInHell], and Ezekiel Moores [No Forum ID atm]
    The named parties are required to perform the following actions for the sake of procedure:
    - The Defendant may present to the Court a Replying Affidavit  before the time of the trial, outlining their responses to the alleged crimes.
    Both parties are to exchange their Books of Evidence and submit them to the Court at least thirty saint's minutes before the trial is to occur.

  3. In accordance with the Legal Procedure Act, The Honourable Owyn O'Ceartas, does duly assign himself to these proceedings. Accordingly, the assigned Judge shall schedule a Trial with all according parties.

    The following parties are to contact Judge O'Ceartas to arrange a suitable date to present themselves before the Court:
    - The Plaintiff Duncan the Fearsome [
     @Duncan the Fearsome] on behalf of The Crown
    - The Defendant Wilhelm Lucius D'Arkent [ @MannyMannyManny]
    The following parties are required to perform the following actions for the sake of procedure:
    The Defendant may present to the Court a Replying Affidavit  before the time of the trial, outlining their responses to the alleged crimes.
    - Both parties are to exchange their Books of Evidence and submit them to the Court at least thirty saint's minutes before the trial is to occur.

  4. First Ordinance from the Office of the Lord Mayor


    Prohibition of Subterranean Expansion and Public Access to Sewers

    8th of Malins Welcome, 1801


    Under the powers vested in the Office of the Lord Mayor by the Charter of the City of Providence the Lord Mayor is charged to


    IV. Pay, supply the goods to, and manage building, construction, and the builders themselves in the city.


    Under this right the Lord Mayor officially prohibits all civilian construction of subterranean projects or expansions until adequate zoning legislation can be proposed and passed in a session of the Providence City Assembly. Failure to comply with this Ordinance shall see punishment under revocation of property or legal scrutiny. Any subterranean expansions or construction must first be approved by the Lord Mayor of Providence. Furthermore public access to the sewers is prohibited under threat of imprisonment or fines.


    Permitted personnel to the sewers include:

    - Imperial State Army officers and soldiers 

    - Employees of the Ministry of Justice,

    - Employees of the Office of the Lord Mayor 

    - Employees of the Ministry of the Interior

    - Crown Officials.


    Until necessary construction is performed the sewers shall remain inaccessible to the public. 


    Signed, Desmond Morgeyn, Lord Mayor of the City of Providence

    Annabelle Kelmonour, Head City Clerk of the City of Providence


  5. SURNAME: Morgryn

    FIRST NAME: Desmond


    DATE OF BIRTH: 1736


    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Holy Orenian Empire?: Yes


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)?: No


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: Yes


    ((MC NAME)): jmeatball

  6. Doctor Morgryn picked up the pamphlet and read through it: ”A new political party? How admirable” he smiled, then commenting ”perhaps it is time for a change” he shrugged and set it down, returning to his book.

  7. Doctor Desmond Morgryn rises to speak


    “Honorable ladies and gentlemen of the Livery, I propose legislation that will bring aide to those struck by the events occurring in our city. I do not doubt you all remember the demon attacks on the farms of our great City and the devastation it’s left in it’s place. As the farms have yet to be rebuilt I believe it is our duty to try and aide the urban poor of our city who now do not have access to an easy source of food. My legislation proposes that this Livery Board purchase bread from companies within the city and re-sell this at a subsidized rate. I have prepared such a bill and hope for you all to read it now and state any such questions or quarrels you may have”


    The Grain-Dole Act of 1781 would be passed out to the Livery Masters and spare copies would be given to the members of the audience

  8. I hereby nominate the following for the post of Master of Barbers and Surgeons

    Name of the Company Member and of its Owner: Helena Clinic, Desmond Morgryn

    Full Name of the Livery Candidate: Doctor Desmond Morgryn

    Age of the Livery Candidate: 43

    Street Address of the Livery Candidate: Ruperts Row No. 2


    -Doctor Desmond Morgryn, Practitioner General

  9. Category: Creative Writing


    The River


    Swift and quick and fast and strong

    The current goes along

    And with birds in the trees

    And flowers of bees 

    The river sings a song


    Strong and dark and cold and long

    The river moves along

    With towns full of people

    And churches and steeples

    The river moves along


    Long and far and moist and wet

    The river holds many pets

    Some act as pests

    The others act the best

    The river moves along


    Wet and tall and deep and steep

    The river slowly creeps

    It snakes and leads

    Into the seas

    The river moves along


    Bright and washed and headstrong and coarse

    The river runs it’s course

    For water flows

    Everywhere it goes

    And the river moves along


    Link to Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_WxvnN2CNHSLzLOymdJmUSfQLjykhNhTLNtHyE9Mqv4/edit?usp=sharing

  10. L I C E N S I N G   F O R   M E D I C A L    P R O F E S S I O N A L S  T H R O U G H O U T  THE   E M P I R E 

    P R I N T E D    I N   H E L E N A

    B Y

    T H E   E V E R A R D I N E   C O L L E G E 

       A C A D E M I C   P R E S S 

    I N 



    For a significant amount of time the issue of licensing medical personnel has been a pressing matter within the medical community. This proposal aims to illustrate an official way to license medical personnel and establish the types of licensing.

    Student Licenses

    Every aspiring Practitioner needs training and as such the first possible license is a Students license. A Student license can be issued by any licensed medical professional, save for other students. There are no requirements to receive this license nor does it need to be renewed. Holders of this license are permitted to practice medicine under the eye of a licensed Doctor, Surgeon, or Practitioner.

    Licensing Field Medics


    The role of Field Medic is the first step in any Students’ career to becoming a fully licensed Practitioner. As such to receive a medic’s license it requires the applicant to have a letter of recommendation from a licensed Doctor, Surgeon, or Practitioner. Furthermore any Doctor or Surgeon is permitted to license a Field Medic provided they did not write the letter of recommendation. 


    Field Medic licenses are valid for 5 years before they require renewal. Renewal of a Field Medic license must be taken up with either the Deputy Practitioner General, Surgeon General, or the Practitioner General and does not require a recommendation. 

    Licensing Doctors and Surgeons


    Advancement to the rank of Doctor or Surgeon is the next clear step in any Field Medic’s career. Before a Field Medic can apply to receive a Doctor or Surgeon’s license they must hold the Field Medic license for a minimum of one year. Doctors and Surgeons are both permitted to take on Field Medics and Students and eventually provide a recommendation for their students when they feel their student is ready.


    To apply for a Doctor or Surgeons license one requires to at least possess the license of Field Medic. They must attain a recommendation from a licensed Practitioner and show proof of their work on their application. Furthermore Practitioners are permitted to license both Doctors and Surgeons provided they did not write the letter of recommendation, the same applies to licensing Field Medics.


    Doctor and Surgeon licenses are valid for a 10 year period before they require renewal, which must be taken up with the Deputy Practitioner General, Surgeon General, or Practitioner General. An interim period of 2 years is required before a Doctor or Surgeon can apply to become a Practitioner, but can apply for their twin position in any time they see fit. To gain both licenses an applicant requires two recommendations from separate Practitioners but can be licensed by the same Practitioner. Upon receiving a Doctor or Surgeon license one is no longer required to renew their Field Medic license.

    Licensing Practitioners


    The rank of Practitioner is the highest licensed and most respected medical rank within the Empire. As such Practitioners can only be licensed by the Surgeon General and Practitioner General. To apply for a Practitioner license you must possess both Doctor and Surgeon licenses and have waited the minimum 2 years before receiving their most recent license. An application must be filed directly to the Practitioner General for review and discretion. A Practitioner license must be signed by both the Surgeon General and Practitioner General for validity.


    Practitioners are trusted and permitted to license Doctors and Surgeons as well as Field Medics. Practitioners are also permitted to run and maintain their own clinics, hospitals, and other medical ordinances. A Practitioner license must be renewed every 15 years and can only be renewed by both the Surgeon General and Practitioner General. 

    Current Licensing, Revocations, and the Practitioner General


    Upon passing of this bill into law all currently licensed professionals have 4 years to renew their licenses before their current licenses are nulled. These applications for renewal can be made to the Surgeon General, Deputy Practitioner General, and Practitioner General.


    All license revocations and suspensions are to be issued by the Circuit Courts for malpractice or unlicensed practicing. In the instance of unlicensed practice a fine of no more than 300 minas is to be issued, repetition of unlicensed practice will lead to incarceration or prevention from licensure.  In the event of a trial the Practitioner General is to be called in as a legal consultant to the Circuit Court. If the trial is for the revocation of the Practitioner General’s license, this duty falls to the Surgeon General. A license may be suspended for no more than 5 years and all revocations will require the revoked person to begin the process of licensure over again with any penalties the Circuit Courts sees fit. If a licenser loses their license, all personnel licensed under them will retain their respective license unless the Circuit Courts sees fit otherwise. 


    The positions of Surgeon General, Deputy Practitioner General, and Practitioner General come with Practitioner licenses to be held for as long as the person(s) hold their respective post. After they no longer hold their post, unless in the cases of license suspension or revocation, the person shall receive a full Practitioner license to be renewed within a 15 year period. Furthermore the Practitioner General withholds the rights to license any position at any time, however it is entrusted this be used sparingly.





    His Excellency, Secretary of State of the Interior, Jasper Carrington

    Practitioner General, Desmond Morgryn



  11. Jmeatball – Creative writing/poetry

    link – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P0728Y2C9683SiCHyDtnsxGbmNPvdwQHviy9NCqUcLs/edit?usp=sharing


    Box Spring


    Oh box spring, box spring

    Why are you so taut

    Yet so full energy

    Ready to burst at a mere thought


    Oh box spring, box spring

    With your endless infinite coils

    Wrapping around and around

    Amidst and endless series of toils


    Oh box spring, box spring

    What will become of me

    If I am to follow your lead

    To mock your own style and make my own deeds


    Oh box spring, box springs

    Alone your so weak

    Yet together you can hold

    The fattest of cheeks


    Oh box spring, box spring

    How have you been

    Are you rusted and dusted

    All out of steam


    Oh box spring, box spring

    Laying under the bed

    Alone and forgotten

    Filled with dread


    Oh box spring, box spring

    You’re not lost on me

    I appreciate your value

    And think of you with glee


    Oh box spring, box spring

    What ever will I do

    When you are far too old

    And I need something new


    Oh box spring, box spring

    Promise you’ll stay

    I cannot imagine

    Your going away


    Oh box spring, box spring

    I thank you for your work

    But my appreciation must end now

    I can no longer lurk


    Oh box spring, box spring

    This is goodbye

    If the world were without you

    We’d all die


  12. To all it may concern


    In my short lifetime I have tried to do my best to maintain the Red Faith and do my job as first and Initiate and later Keeper. I served alongside High Keepers Aeyn, Tyr, and Solvi, much greater persons than I. My life has been something of minor excitement, from when I served in the War of the Two Emperors so long ago to the more recent wars with the AIS and Empire. I have tried to always devote my life to the Father,  I never spent time on my family or dynasty, I always imagined I’d have more time. It is one of the many regrets I have to leave behind, I never expanded House Faretto like I should have. But I am too old now to ponder on what could have been, I can only offer the wisdom I have available to me now in hopes my final act might help the future of my home. I am not the young man I once was, I yearn to see the old city of Dunharrow or drink with the Renatians, perhaps even roll die with the orcs. But most of all I miss my family, I miss Tyr Faretto and my nephew Devon, I even miss Solvi for what its worth. I yearn to speak with them, ask their advice, perhaps share a joke. I suppose I’ll be able to do that soon, I hope. I can only hope the All Father judges me with mercy so that I might see my loved ones again.


    Anyway this is but the ramblings of an old man. The wisdom I bestow upon Morsgrad is to act with patience, to avoid conflicts of the outer world. In my life I have seen too many wars fought, and seen too many of my friends die to them. In my youth I was far too rash and it nearly got me killed, yet I persisted and eventually gained patience in my latter years. I can only ask the Father to judge Morsgrad with mercy, to ask Thoromir and Bjorn to safeguard its protection, and Astrid and Aetheflaed to guarantee its future. My own Paragon Myro has long guided me in the way of the quill, yet the fires of war have burned away most of what I have wrote in this life. Act with diligence and conviction, do not pour too much focus into one aspect of society, but instead yearn for that which seems impossible to achieve.


    I hope this makes sense to someone within Morsgrad, and I hope to speak with you all one day, should the All Father allow it.


    Sincerely, Gareth Faretto

    The Last Keeper of Dunharrow, and Last of the Dunharrow Generation

  13. Gareth Faretto would sit down and pen a letter to Jexton, a response to his essay


    Dear Jexton


    I have read through the essay you’ve written on Edvard, and I must say it is well written. However I do find fault in the logic you have presented therein, and your understanding of what Edvard the Terrible was. 


    To begin, Edvard the Terrible was not a man of peace, that much is clear, nor was he a man of temperance. It is written that his ways, his wars, cost the lives of thousands of Norlanders. His teachings to his son caused Eirik ‘the Great’ to usurp the throne and plunge Norland into a brutal Civil War. You quote multiple times Edvard as saying ‘my wrath is a terrible burden’, but I believe you misunderstand the quote. Edvards wrath was a burden unto himself, a burden that he inflicted upon the people of Norland, and the people of the world. His burden was not what helped him in times of combat, his burden is what got him into such affairs. Wrath alone is a true evil no matter the perspective or the time, but Wrath mixed with Temperance, Fear mixed with Hope, Courage mixed with Wisdom, creates the balance that the Faith should strive for.


    On the issues of fear. I believe you misunderstand what fear causes within those it is instilled. There are few souls who wish to be truly terrified, or truly fearful. It is not an emotion that is strived for in great quantities nor should it be. Fear instead fuels courage, and courage incites vengeance, and vengeance fuels the flames of war. While fear is something every good leader needs it is not something they should wish to instill among their own people. We as Norland have always strived in protecting ourselves, not destroying our enemies. Norland has lived in fear in the past, I recall the latter days of Dunharrow, a time mixed with misery, despair, and above all else: fear. As I stated before, there must be a balance for Norland to strive for. Fear is balanced through hope, and without hope fear causes anger and clouds the judgement of even the greatest of men. Fear is not cowardice, nor is it turning to the sword to settle disputes. Fear is instead one of the many forms of wisdom, for the fearful man looks for escape through many ways while the brave man only sees one. Fear balances recklessness which offsets the negative aspects of bravery. I do believe Edvard lacked such fear and through this he wasted many good Norland lives.

    To summarize, I do believe you have a firm understanding of the life of Edvard and his aspects. However you must not allow Edvard, and therefore his mistakes, to fuel your own judgement. Wrath needs Temperance as much as a fish needs the sea. It is only through balancing such things that the true interpretation of Edvard the Terrible can be seen. He tipped the scales in favor of Wrath and caused horrid destruction. His decendent, Edvard II, tipped the other way and allowed his judgement to be based solely on fear, this is why Dunharrow fell. Prosperity, and therein happiness, can only be seen through balance, which is ultimately the lessons we can learn from Edvard the Terribe.

    Sincerely, Gareth Faretto

  14. This Essay aims to propose a new Paragon Codex that combines the Codex of Rae and the Codex of Arthas


    It is common knowledge within the Faith that multiple Paragon Codexes have been written by various High Keepers. In my opinion the two most notable Codexes were written by High Keeper Arthas and High Keeper Rae. To begin I shall first look at High Keeper Arthas’s writings. High keeper Arthas includes all of the Paragons that are currently prayed to in the Faith and the same Paragons as mentioned by High Keeper Tyr in his own Codex. High Keeper Arthas also defines a Paragon by writing “The Paragons of the All Father are those select figures of the All Father’s children who embody singular virtue and service far beyond the norm. These figures are those who have performed the highest level of service.” He then goes on to include the common Paragons, figures like Astrid the Maiden and Thoromir the Father. 


    Similarly, High Keeper Rae defines Paragons as “A paragon is raised from the ranks of the ancestral spirits that have joined the ranks of the All Father.” These are very similar ways to define the Paragons and note them. The question has to be asked, however, why does Rae mention several other Paragons that Tyr and Arthas didn’t, but also doesn’t include others entirely? The answer is quite simple I believe. I believe that Rae, when writing his own Codex, was biased and only included those Paragons who he thought could be fully proven to have existed. This is why he does not include faces such as Astrid the Maiden and Æthelflaed the Weaver, as some of these Paragons are rumored to not have existed at all. He also includes two Paragons not mentioned by Arthas or Tyr which were Donnovan The Bastion and Rodrik The Governor. We know these men existed as their acts are written in Norlandic history, however we do not know for certain if they are Paragons. I believe that Donnovan and Rodrik are Paragons, and as such propose a new Codex be written. 


    This Codex shall include both Donnovan and Rodrik within it as well as provide where the first mention of the Paragon came from. For example, the first real mention of Astrid the Maiden comes from High Keeper Arthas, within my own research, and as such it should be noted within the Codex itself. I have no doubt that all the Paragons mentioned in both Codexes were real people who existed and have now been raised to become Paragons. As such they should all be mentioned so that information does not have to be hunted down and cross-refrenced to prove its credibility. It is clear that past High Keepers have agreed on the definition of a Paragon, and their interpretation of one is practically the same. Therefore I believe it is a good assumption that the Paragons they wrote about existed and, therefore, should all be recorded down together, in one Codex.


    Keeper Gareth Faretto

  15. 1 minute ago, rukio said:

    ”We have not, within our culture, tattoo’d ourselves. I have found no record of this, unless you mean the corrupt times of Nordengrad where the Oracle, whom I believe to be an agent of the Long Dark, this being a topic for another day, damaged the faith with falsities I seem to have noticed. Aeyn would not have been High Keeper at the time of your Initiation, Tyr would have been if I understand the timeline of our High Keepers correctly. As such, it would not have been his place to force Tyr to initiate you in a way that disagreed with Tyr’s radical beliefs. If I am wrong in my understanding of the timeline then I do apologize profusely. Yet, even if I were to be wrong on that count, I do not believe it would show his approval of that being the standard initiation though. Just that he approved of Tyr’s judgement in branding you. Furthermore, perhaps he had a change of heart as he grew older, as I’ve no doubt his introductory book to the Faith was written well after you were initiated.” Rosalia replies in her cordial tone, almost apologetic at the start but firm as she reached the end of her commentary. 

    Gareth would note the inaccuracies and prepare to point them out ”When I was initially Initiated, Aeyn was High Keeper. More than that I had been the only Initiation, to my knowledge, to have happened from that point until his untimely death. I should also point out I was not branded but cut deeply into the skin on my arm. However I will concede that Aeyn may have merely been permitting Tyr to use this form of Initiation as to align with his beliefs. This would still show his approval of my form of Initiation as a process at the very least, and I would not presume it to be the only process. On the subject of Tattoos I doubt you would have known, and really I do not blame you for it is not written, that Tyr himself bore tattoos on his skin and had even gone so far as to want it as a form of Initiation (although as I said this was never written). I may be wrong here as well but I do believe my auntie Solvi herself carries a tattoo as Tyr believed it was an essential part of Norlandic culture to do so. I regret never having him tattoo my skin while I knew him. As I said though I do not expect you to know any of this as it was never written down, and I will compliment your keen mind and way of perceiving the past actions of our High Keepers.

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