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Posts posted by Nord

  1. Ser Darius would for the last time remove the worn-out and aged armour Petran Legion, displaying it within his chambers on an armour stand as he spent the next several minutes gazing at it, recollecting many memories from his youth before stepping out to take the colours of the Lotharingian Company alongside his new companions.



  2. Ser Darius had by then already reclaimed his Orenian colors and apparel, having ridden east as his family required his presence during their time of need - As he looked back toward the west he would curse those that had killed those he considered family as they were simply seeking for a new home, instead met with aurum blades at their necks as their children watched.

  3. "You reap what you sow." Darius muttered under his breath, heaving a sigh as he contemplated how a mother could so doubtlessly abandon her children before his attention was drawn by the now orphaned children which so blissfully played in the courtyard, his lips thinning at their cheerful sight as they remained ignorant to their mother's whereabouts.

  4. c4A7PTGjIWtypaD1lVN5wLiTMgKAdQY6s_FWY5Qa2lSQ0Rau0z6yVTM7zrSjrtEBLuonJUYq7qObu_1_H3zRZ8cbIUOVNvvQVORtL6ZeQJ8pgZ_etfH9sFExO9uL0OPtLPPNo86JlHpYYuvTmN-J_cjqjLSlmJOn4d6yCsnDBEyt3XKRlsI5DwboDw


    Dated the 4th of Owyn's Flame



     A depiction of the late Amalia, circa 1888


    It's with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of my dear wife, Amalia Esther Castile who succumbed to an illness she battled for many years until finally passing on the 15th of Horen's Calling, 1892. We'd spent only 4 years in each other's company, 3 of those in secret matrimony as her ailment caused her to remain in her family's residence of Castile though in those 3 years she would birth our only children, Julius Amadeus Halcourt and Charles Emory Halcourt, twin boys possessing their mother's eyes and their father's brown hair. 

    In the years that followed her condition would slowly begin to deteriorate though it would never discourage her from caring for her children as any mother would, until the moment she died her only concern was for the well-being of her children which she was able to provide until the end of her days. 


    As for our children, I've decided to send them to Aeldin after the barbaric execution of my sister-in-law, Ottilie Franziska by the hands of the Sedanian army. The twins will be trained and protected by swordsmasters of the former Orenian Petrine Legion until I deem they are ready to return.


    And as for my wife's body it will remain in Castile where it will be buried amongst her ancestors and for the generations to come.



    Ser Darius Olivier Halcourt, Master of the Horse 

  5. Ser Darius Olivier was enjoying the yearly knights' vacation, swimming in waist high water until he'd lose his footing and begin to drown as he'd forgotten to remove his armor, whilst this was going on Ser Owyn de Ravensburg was on the beach enjoying his ******* martini. Luckily he regained his footing and survived!

  6. "I have a daughter..?" Darius mumbled under his breath, re-reading through the missive about a dozen times before being certain, his head then bobbing some as he stepped toward the balcony overviewing the Arentanian mountains,

     "I have a daughter!" He exclaimed proudly, most likely terrifying some servants below and breaking his own vocal cords. 

  7. "And now I've given everything" Darius muttered under his breath, the missive then falling into the fireplace at his side before a sigh escaped him "I hope he'll be able to take care of the family and my child for me" He'd remark before returning to his duties 


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