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Posts posted by SimplySeo

  1. 3 minutes ago, Cpt_Noobman said:


    I had a falling out with my original friend group around the time I joined lotc, so 90% of my friends now come from LOTC, plus its one of the easiest ways to get natural spontaneous rp.

    4 minutes ago, xMuted said:

    Which person has pleasantly surprised you the most after they initially seemed non-pleasant.

    Pretty much everyone I've befriended in human RP, along with all of the Rune clique and also you. People are more complex than first impressions. 

    5 minutes ago, Reece Nolan said:

    Why did you pick the dwarves of all things, and what got you to stick with it for so long?

    Dwarves are one of my favorite fantasy races and one I've felt is underrepresented, plus I felt like they'd translate the best into MCRP.


    Also, a combination of sunk-cost fallacy and stockholm syndrome.

    1 minute ago, _RoyalCrafter_ said:

    axes or hammers

    best experiences as king, both dwarven and numendil.

    Axes for aesthetic hammers for function.


    Picking a single instance is hard but if I had to I'd say my favorite experience as Grand King was feeling that I had successfully turned a previously fairly memey race/nation into something serious, and having Jorvin be as intimidating IC as Urguan was oocly. Plus getting to kill a god was fun. That whole eventline was in hindsight, I was stressing over the hammer of urguan too much at the time.


    For Numendil the best experience was feeling that I had inspired a solid generation of characters, and hearing people say in character how Uther was an inspirational figure. He's a real rags-to-riches character. No single instance comes to mind except maybe my coronation, the burning of barrowton, or my first royal court on Aevos.

    11 minutes ago, Toffee said:

    1. If you were to turn one of your character’s story arcs into a novel, who would it be and what plot points would you hit? 

    2. When is Curufin coming on an adventure with his grandma? 

    3. Do you prefer completely original server lore or lore that draws heavily from pre existing things e.g. LOTR, Elder Scrolls

    1. Given Uther's arc going from a half-elf bastard squiring for a blind old man, to being the grizzled old king of an entire subrace, as well as being a typical 'hero' it would have to be him even if its a lil cliche.


    2. Soon™ I wanna play him more, he just sort of lacks purpose rn cause i dunno what to do with him. The usual playbook of RP I enjoy doesn't translate well into Amaethine I think, and its hard to try new stuff when most of the players there are euro.


    3. Nothing on LOTC is original and if someone claims it is they're lying. My Dwarf is based off WHF, my Elf LOTR, my human also LOTR, and my Undead is norse mythology.  I think its best to take the themes and tropes you like best and just try to translate them into LOTC as seamlessly as you're able. 

    13 minutes ago, Papa Rock said:

    What does "Seo" come from

    Seosamh is my name in Irish, so my friends call me 'seo' for short and it just kinda stuck.

  2. mX6Ed6W.png


    Ambrosine's screams rung out over the moors like a death-knell, rising over the sound of her bubbling flesh and the cackling of a madwoman. She screamed and screamed- And tried to crawl her way out, frantically to safety- Only for an Undead Northman to drive her back into the sacrificial pit with a firm 'kick' from his boot..


    She screamed until she had no voice left to scream with- For the fire had claimed that too, then finally, she died, all while her little lizard watched on, writhing in the hands of her killer. Its own scream was cut short- A small, weak yelp as the darkstalker bit off its head- The head crunched, and the rest was dispersed into the sacrificial pit. As the screams ceased, and the bodies charred- A raven cawed from afar. Jormunharr Ingmornesson looked up- And on his cold, dessicated features and blood-stained lips, there was a smile.



  3. SZi31OG.png


    Dear Kalgrimmor, I write this to let you know that our mutual acquaintance, Darek Irongrinder, is concerned about you and misses you. He asked if we should stage an intervention, I said no, as you and I have not had a conversation in well over a century. You should send him a letter to confirm you are healthy and well. Or don't, you're your own Dwarf.


    Best Regards
    Jorvin son of Kazrin, son of Gardath, son of Osram, son of Koryk, son of Kazraden, son of Skalf, son of Gotrek, son of Urguan, you know the rest.


    What is Hohkmat

  4. 1 hour ago, TheNerdocalypse said:

    An actual draugar reads over the missive a little confused. "I don't remember going to Mondstadt... who is this false draugar?"  He said, a new goal now in mind to find this fake draugar.

    If could, Jormunharr would inform him that he was, in fact, a mythological draugr, a draugr without the 'A', that is to say, a viking-coded Darkstalker. Very different.

  5. OIG.foCgTtODy3PWG7QMnxQo?pid=ImgGn&w=102


    Somewhere in Northwestern Aevos, within a burial mound fit for a heathen king of yore, a long-dead Warlord stirs once again on a throne upon which he sat in life, William Temesch's severed head sits at the base by his feet, festering beside a dozen ancient skulls. Jormunharr Ingmornesson rises- Exiting the main chamber to meet with a mortal huskarl encamped in the foyer. When he spoke- his voice was a rumble like rolling thunder...


    "Heyr, Verðingarr, legg járnstein að sverði mínu og stefn síðan til Harrfangrfjalls. Ekki tefja, höfðingjadrápari, guðirnir eru svangir. Sjáum hvort kraven-mærin kemur eða sendir annan til að deyja í hennar stað!"

    (Hark, Verðingarr, lay an ironstone to my sword, and make for Mount Harrfangr. Don't delay, Chiefkiller. The gods are hungry. Let us see if the Craven-Maid comes, or if she sends another to die in her stead!)

    A cruel laugh followed, and with his huskarl in toe, the Dead walked, Holmgang awaits.



    Sheer primordial madness seized Jormunharr’s undead senses as he pondered the first pages of Gor Haedus, the First Script- This was no simple magic book, that much swiftly became clear, this was something…otherworldly, and far older than the race of men (or so he suspected), there was something of a primeval presence about it- Or perhaps, out of time entirely as the Descendants knew it. Foreign glyphs shone, and in a flash, he was no longer in Afkomendurgaard- What his kin called Aos and Eos in life.

    It was an otherworldly voice which echoed throughout the strange realm, its tone carrying an air of cryptic power. When it spoke, it was a thousand voices in one, ever shifting- Young, old, man, woman, madding to make sense of. 

    "Jormunharr Ingmornesson, the Cruel-Iron and the Once-Slain, enters our realm.."


    Startled and disoriented, Jormunharr raised his gnarled hands and uttered, "Who speaks of me?"


    The voice continued, "The Undead, a creature of death and decay, demands to know the source of these otherworldly words."


    Jormunharr's confusion grew as he ventured deeper into this bizarre place. Every action he took, every word he spoke, and every thought that crossed his mind were described by the invisible narrator, like a pawn in another’s story.


    "What sorcery is this? Why am I ensnared within the verses of this unseen scribe?" Jormunharr pondered aloud.


    "The Stalker of the Dark, bewildered by the narrative that shapes his existence, questions the very nature of this peculiar realm," the voice intoned.


    As Jormunharr delved further into the realm what he found was a maddening place. It was a library, though to call it that was to call a hurricane a drop of rain, with shelves taller than his eyes, wrought with black magic, could see, and sprawling hallways that crawled on infinitely, his every movement was depicted in vivid detail, and his thoughts and emotions laid bare. It was as if he had become a character in a saga beyond his control, where the events were brought to life by the spoken word. Every step- the creek of his boots against ancient oaken floors was a whisper, and every stumble was a shout. His own thoughts were barely his own, as the unceasing voice narrated- And, were he not already mad from death, he imagined it would’ve ebbed at his sanity.


    Time passed, maybe an hour, maybe a month, maybe a year- But finally, his wandering through that labyrinthine maze of books and ancient tomes was slowed, and his attention drifted to the book in his hand.


    “The fell warrior pondered the dictate of his misfortune- And wondered if it held the secrets of his freedom? It was that which brought him here, after all, was it not the thing which could return him?”


    That seemed logical enough, thought Jormunharr, though before he could open the book, the voice spoke again…


    “And yet- Before his escape could be made- A challenger arose before Ingmornesson, a creature of the otherworlds which he had invaded with his presence…”


    He saw it as the narrator spoke, a writhing mass of tendrils and mouth, creeping between shelves, inching towards him in the periphery of his vision. It was no manner of creature he recognized, but Undeath and service in the Legions of an Arch-Lich had a way of desensitizing one to eldritch monstrosities… 


    “Jormunharr knew then that there would be no escape until this foe was slain…”

    The Darkstalker coiled his hand around the haft of his axe, and set the book down upon one of the many vast shelves flanking him- It would not be damaged in their battle, he reasoned, and he would return home…


    “And so, they fought…”


    “They fought between the shelves, in lightless hallways and vast scriptoriums- Axe against chittering maw, mortal iron against slimy, slithering appendages of flesh- Their battle drew on, for the beast was relentless, and Jormunharr did not tire, all the while, the voice talked, and talked, and talked- Nearly spelling doom for the Darkstalker on more than one occasion simply by distracting him. It narrated every swing, every bite, every parry and dodge. But, with a lucky strike, Jormunharr at last brought his axe down on the head of that otherworldly creature- Splitting its skull in twain.”



    With a huff, Jormunharr tore his axe free from the creature’s skull, and after taking a moment to recollect his thoughts, he trod his way down the corridor of chaos he and the monster had carved in their struggle. After a moment or two of sifting about shattered shelves and scattered tomes- He found the one that was his after enough time had elapsed to grate on his already frayed (theoretical) nerves. Meticulously- The ritual from the book was repeated as best he could… And with an utterance of an arcane phrase whose tongue he didn’t truly know- The world began to shift, and warp around him unnaturally… Tightly, he clutched the book…


    And as Jormunharr departed from Fabul- The narrator spoke for the final time.


    “...And thus, did the Saga of the World-Treader begin.”


    Well, that was painfully cliche.

  7. OIG.c8QS8ihBVG5343qAXdKj?pid=ImgGn


    Among the frozen foothills of the Alimere, a long-dead Barbarian King listens as the tale is recounted by none-other than Cunimund's killer, his hands resting on the beard of his Greataxe, as if it were a cane. Jormunharr Ingmornesson, Undead King of the Svarlings in Aevos, lets a cruel grin grow as his is presented with the Head of Cunimund, and a fell, eldritch tome in tribute. He barks an inhuman laugh, as desiccated appendages glide oe'er the binding of Cunimund's book, He looked down to the other, murderous Svarl that knelt before him in fealty, and spoke.

    "Það gleður mig að vita að einn af þessum sunnlensku hvolpum dó með reisn."
    ('It gladdens me to know at least one of those south-dwelling whelps died with some dignity.')


    The one who was Chief and King to Cunimund's killer spoke again- As he did, Cunimund's head was kicked back towards the other, it was not his to claim, after all. The head belonged to the victorious warrior. His shall be the honor, to lay that skull in tribute at the feet of the Corpse-King, in the Halls of Nárgrindheim.


    "Máttugur er verkið, að drepa keppinautinn. Hefði ég umbunað að gefa, þá myndi ég bjóða þér það núna, en ég geri það ekki- Svo í staðinn, þá samþykki ég trúfesti þína, höfuðdrápari, og bað þig að standa og taka upp nýja spjótið þitt. Það eru Sunnlendingar í löndum mínum, frændi, borgir þeirra eru byggðar á gröfum míns og ættingja minnar - Við munum reka þá út eða taka okkar blóðugu skuldir."

    ('Mighty is the deed, of killing a a rival Chieftain. Had I reward to give, I would offer it to you now, but I do not- So instead, I accept your fealty, Chief-Killer, and bade you stand, take up your new spear. There are Southlanders in my lands, kinsman, their cities are built on the tombs of me and my kindred- We will expel them, or take our bloody due.')


    With those words, Jormunharr dismissed the Chiefkiller from their mountain-top, and opened The First Script...


  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Jormunharr Ingmornesson


    Character's Age:

             Old enough


    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Arcane Displacement


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Gor Haedus, the First Script (itsabook)


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Gor Haedus, the First Script (itsabook)


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Jormunharr Ingmornesson


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:

             AntiSociety, Mirvam, Megavoltar, Femurlord


    Creator's RP Name:

             Funnybone, Yazid, Hemlock, Gashadakuro


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Resurrected through the Sacrament of the Usurper, a cadre of four Necromancers may raise a Darkstalker, an Undead Warrior, through binding a soul to a corpse scribed with fell runes, this Darkstalker is bound to their commands through the use of an object known as a Momento Mori, an object of significance from their previous life which, when the Darkstalker is exposed to it, causes extreme mental pain and anguish as they are overwhelmed with emotion, a fragment of their mortality which is now incomprehensible to them. The Darkstalker should aspire to destroy this item, to be free of its presence.

    Darkstalkers appear as decayed or skeletal corpses that stink persistently of rot and death. Darkstalkers require no sleep or breathe, they feel no pain, save when exposed to fire, sunlight, or their momento mori. Their bones are strengthened by life-force, making them more resistant to slashing and piercing weapons, though a well-placed strike, and blunt weapons will still crush bones. Unarmored Darkstalkers are surprisingly nimbled, being, essentially skeletons with a few remaining scraps of flesh hanging on (at most). A Darkstalker cannot be slain unless the skull is destroyed, destroying the skull requires three direct shots from a crossbow, or hits from a sword. Blunt force is more effiecent, and two strikes from a warhammer would almost certainly be enough. A single blow from a warhammer will crush a Darkstalker's skull if it is pinned to a solid surface and unarmored.Once the skull is separated from the body, it will fall inert and crumble.

    Darkstalkers go through three stages of Undeath, Nascent, in which the freshly resurrected violently pulled back into the world as an awoken corpse, in this state, they are mentally unstable, and often overwhelmed with feelings of remorse and confusion, feelings only briefly alleviated by the euphoric high brought on by draining the lifeforce of a living creature. This is done through a spell known as Darkening, a draining spell conjured about the hand as a black haze which is manipulates the life-force of a living humanoid, and over the course of four emotes of persistent physical contact, drains the living target of a count of lifeforce, as well as incapacitating them. If cast a second time, the draining is enough to kill a descendant. Darkening also exists in a non-combative cantrip form, which allows the darkstalker to drain lesser living lifeforms such as plants and the like. This offers no benefit save a slight and brief euphoria.


    After Nascent, should a Darkstalker drain three descendants over the course of an OOC month (this cannot be done in the first month), they are able to progress into the next stage of Undeath, Regressed. Once Regressed, a Darkstalker has grown adjusted to their new tormented unlifestyle, and has significantly more clarity of thought then they possessed in their freshly risen state. In this stage, a Darkstalker may take on a disguise known as a Flesh Facade with the aid of a Necromancer, which is, essentially a flesh-suit which is stretched over the skeletal form of the Darkstalker. This flesh-suit is an imperfect, ugly facsimile of a true body, and appears uncanny and deathlike, pale, clammy flesh, signs of diseases and rot, so-on so-forth. A starved Darkstalker (ie, a Darkstalker which has not drained a descendant in two OOC weeks) cannot maintain a Flesh Facade, as it is nutured by the Darkstalker's consumed lifeforce, and it will quickly wither away within the first day of a Darkstalker entering a starved state. Starved Darkstalkers regress to the strength of a scholar, and take on a bestial, ghoul-like temperament as they are driven mad by their hunger, this hunger is sated only by consuming the lifeforce of a living descendant.


    After Regression, there is the final rung of undeath, which may only be attained through the commencement of a ritual of ascension, in which after the Darkstalker has subdued two worthy sacrifices, three Necromancers may aid in funneling theirs (and more extensively, the sacrifices') lifeforce into the Darkstalker, glutting on their soul-stuff, the Darkstalker becomes strengthened. After this point, the Darkstalker becomes Paramount.


    Paramountcy is the final and greatest stage of Undeath for a Darkstalker, in which the Darkstalker attains greater abilities, engorged on lifeforce and often appearing ashen as a result, a Paramount would find their hunger grow even stronger, but so to does the Darkstalker themselves. A Paramount Darkstalker may conjure Abyssflame, a dim monochrome flame which produces no heat. It may be used to smother small flames (no greater than a torch) and may be imbued into items which take on a corrupted appearance. Undead within the range of Abyssflame feel temporarily comforted, and likewise, nearby mortals feel discomforted by it. In combative scenarios, a Darkstalker may also enwreathe their weapons in Abyssflame. Enwreathed weapons are enchanted to possess the kinetic force of a strong blow from a mace, yet result in mundane weapons instantly shattering. Enwreathed weapons usually weigh ten pounds heavier than their unenchanted counterparts, making them clumsy and unwieldy, yet heavy enough to cleave unarmored limbs in twain. Another abyssflame ability is the spell Invoke, which allows the Darkstalker to conjure a ball of Abyssflame no larger than a basketball, which impacts with the blunt force of an orc-strength blow within the range of two meters, interrupting spells, knocking over weak foes, and pushing back stronger ones. Conjured Abyssflame costs one emote to cast, enwreathed costs three, and invoked costs two, with the emote-count of invoke increasing by one emote for every usage, with a maximum of three uses in a narrative day/encounter.


    A Paramount Darkstalker is also capable of crafting a Khor Blade, or Black-Blade, a blade steeped in Necrotic corruption which causes abyssal necrosis-inducing wounds, St. Amyas' Drought, long exposure to blood lotus paste, necrotic cauterization, paladin healing, and shaman healing will heal the wound. Mundane healing will stop the bleeding, but not the necrosis. It also strengthens the durability of the blade, allowing it to slowly mend itself from any damage taken so long as it is not shattered through the use of Enwreathe, Khor blades are able to deal three enwreathed blows before shattering. 


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Fair and strong in life, horrid and enduring in death, long-dead Jormunharr appears as a mummified husk of a man, adorned in tribal talismans and runic tattoos writ on parchment-like skin, dried from age and entombment. Even in death, Jormunharr towers over most other men at 6'4, and though the pelts which once draped his shoulders have long-since faded to dust, he remains as evident a Berserker in death as he was in life.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  10. ugmD7iOkdT1Pspm5mp-weR46pu-qzQaaE_JEd_wq_5_priHXwqAPpPw9QHlCl3JH2HoOEn1au5WhZb26bd4IOz_blZs2LhfN42OJoOOUN8KEBtlsOEpMcinbJl6nTzeIxqFqLmlorRtPa4ha_VqRgMY

    “Fellow Khazadmar- A Great Wrong has befallen our kin. Demons plight our lands, and the Dammaz Kron is filled with their vile atrocities… And the debt stands with them! So, my kin- Take up your axes, and show these Neverborn the Might of Kal’Evraal! And if our gods are willing, tonight we will strike a hundred grudges from the Great Book.” - Grand King Jorvin Kazrinsson ‘Aenguldreng’ of Clan Starbreaker, prior to the Battle of the Korvassa


    The Reckoner’s Guild

    Few records remain from the first three ages of Dwarfen history, of Stone, Gold, and Iron, for much knowledge was lost in the Age of Blood that followed them, and the tumultuous rise and fall of the Ironborn Empire, beyond that which is preserved in the inner chambers of the Temple of the Brathmordakin, there is a single record in the possession of the Grand Kingdom dating back to the time of Urguan Silverbeard, in the Dwarfen tongue it is called the Dammaz Kron, the Book of Grudges. This archaic tome is a single book, bound in heavy iron chains, with runes etched upon its binding dating back to the time of the First King, indestructible and ever expanding to the amount of pages necessary, the Dammaz Kron has survived four Grand Kingdoms, two Empires, two centuries-long civil wars, and fifty kings. Within this ancient ledger is a record of every wrong committed against the Dwarfen people from the first, written by Urguan Silverbeard against Iblees himself for the mutation and cursing of his brothers. Beyond the details of the mighty tallies themselves, it provides some minimal, but invaluable insight into the Dwarfs of ages passed, of their priorities, and their feuds.


    The status of the modern Book has been a matter of some contention, for in the fall of the Third Grand Kingdom, several copies were made and distributed around the various Dwarfen holds, all claiming to be the original Dammaz Kron, what sets these copies apart from the original however, is that even now, long after the dissipation of all but the strongest Runic Magics from the world, the Dammaz Kron remains indestructible, and ever-expanding. Custodianship of the Dammaz Kron has, over the last three centuries, been disputed between the Grand King, the High Prophet, and the (now defunct) High Remembrancer, a long-standing dispute which itself has become a point of grudges in the past. Because of the fluctuation of power and authority between the Grand Kingdom and the Dwarfen Clergy over the years, and the disbanding of the Remembrancer guild a half-century ago, it has been deemed necessary for a semi-independent organization to be formed with the purpose of recording, cataloging, and at times fulfilling the grudges within the Dammaz Kron. This organization, formed by former Grand King, Jorvin Starbreaker, with support of the (as of writing) current Grand King, Garedyn Mossborn, is to be called Barimmar Vengrynrummos, the Guild of Reckoners, or translated literally, the Guild of Justice-Doers.


    Grudgelore, however, is not the only responsibility of the Reckoner’s Guild, as the Reckoners are to serve as the spiritual successors of two organizations that came before them, the Urguanite Courts, over which Reckoners of seniority are charged with presiding over, and ensuring that justice and, more importantly honor is upheld therein, but also the Remembrancer Order, which was once comprised of Urguan’s wisest scholars, for it is reasoned, rightfully so, that the office of Justicar has become politicized, and that only those wisedwarfs whose primary concern is the preservation of Dwarfen history and honor, should be trusted with with the responsibility of upholding the rule of law.

    [!] A portrait of High Remembrancer Kazrin Gardathsson of Clan Starbreaker, issuing a Grudge.


    LAW | Reckoners are, to grossly simplify, a combination of judge, diplomat, historian, and, when necessary, manhunter. A Reckoner is nominally under the authority of the Grand King, but in all actuality, a Reckoner’s first and foremost duty is to the Dammaz Kron, and to see justice done. The law is upheld and followed, save for those instances in which it is more honorable in the breaking than not. To judge these matters is the task of a Reckoner, and to deliver suitable punishments if dishonor is done to clan, kith, or king. In the most grievous of situations, a Reckoner can compel (but never force) a guilty Dwarf to assume a Slayer’s Oath- To forsake their honors and offices, and pursue a death in battle so their honor might be redeemed in death. If the law was broken honorably in such cases as a Legionnaire defying dishonorable orders, or the theft of a previously-stolen relic, a Reckoner may choose to err on the side of partial- Though not total leniency.

    ARBITRATION AND DIPLOMACY | Reckoners may also, during times of kinstrife, serve as diplomats between feuding clans or Dwarfen realms, acting as a neutral party as to prevent conflict between Urguan’s children, and negotiate the settlement of grudges if grudges have been leveled against each other. In noting this, Reckoners are discouraged, though not outright forbidden from ruling in situations regarding their own clans, due to the inherent biases. Because of this duty, a Reckoner is expected to be level-headed (at least when dealing with their fellow Khazadmar) and sympathetic.


    LAWKEEPING AND SECURITY | Despite this, a Reckoner is not a peaceful profession, no Dwarf, it is said, might deliver a sentence they are unwilling to carry out, because of this, Reckoners are their own executioners, and when one flees a court of justice, it is expected of the Reckoners, along with the Legion, to be the ones to drag them back, kicking, screaming, and bloody if need be. Reckoners are expected to be as proficient with axe and sword as they are with word and quill, and because of this, Reckoners who have not previously served in the Legion of Urguan are put through vigorous martial training. Finally, when a grudge is issued that can only be settled through blood, the wronged party may call upon the assistance of the Reckoners to carry out the task, though this is not done freely, unless no-one else is capable of settling the grudge.


    GRUDGELORE AND GRUDGEKEEPING | Reckoners are the guards and scribes of the Great Book of Grudges, and it is the duty of a Reckoner to record the slights within the Great Book, and to ensure their veracity before issuing them. It is also the duty of a Reckoner to learn and teach proper etiquette and procedure regarding the issuance of Grudges and the practice of Grudging.


    SCHOLARSHIP AND LORE | Reckoners are, in some sense, the spiritual successors to the Guild of Remembrance, albeit having taken on a harsher role. Reckoners are tasked with ensuring the culture and history of the Grand Kingdom is preserved so, in the event of another cataclysm in the vein of the War of the Beards, or the reign of the Ironborn, not all culture will remain lost. History must be taught as well as cataloged, so that the plague of ignorance so common among Greenbeards may be at last healed. The Old Ways are to be preserved and cherished, and contradiction of them harshly reprimanded. A Reckoner must be a harsh teacher and a studious learner, elsewise their lessons will be forgotten.



    [!] A portrait of Grand King Zahrer Roarksson ‘the Merciful’ of Clan Irongrinder, issuing a Grudge.

    Like any other Dwarfen guild or organization, the Guild of Reckoners has a clear hierarchy with increasing responsibilities, and few rewards for carrying them out. It is known that in the eyes of Yemekar, hard work and dedication- And eventually, mastery of any given task is its own reward. Reckoners procure their own equipment, and do not possess a uniform, though Reckoners are given amulets fashioned after the Dammaz Kron as symbols of office, and will occasionally enscroll grudges meaningful to them upon their weapons and armor, or otherwise tattoo the grudge somewhere upon their body in Dwarfen script. Despite being tied closely to the government of Urguan via the courts, an individual does not necessarily need to be a citizen of Urguan to be a Reckoner, only a full-blooded Dwarf that has not been declared an outlaw. Conviction of the crimes of Tagum, slavery, fraud, subversion of justice, or perjury shall result in an immediate and permanent expulsion from the Guild, while any other crime committed also results in expulsion, re-entry may be discussed at a later date.

    The High Reckoner | The Guildmaster, who directs and organizes the goings-on of the Guild, and acts as the Custodian of the Great Book of Grudges, as well as the battlefield-commander of the guild. The High Reckoner is chosen by the previous High Reckoner, or, if the previous High Reckoner failed to appoint one, general consensus among the Guild, as well as writ from the Grand King. The High Reckoner may be removed by a vote among the guild, or among the leaders of the Clans of Urguan, with the Grand King serving as the vote-counter. The High Reckoner may, if deemed necessary, declare a ‘Reckoning’ against any target.

    Reckoner Agent | The bulk of the guild. Agents of the Reckoners guild are the frontline, and are expected to be seasoned warriors, and to possess a keen understanding of Grudgelore and Dwarven History. A Reckoner-Agent may serve as a judge during trials, or, if requested, serve as prosecution or defense, should it be necessary. Reckoner agents are encouraged to take apprentices among the Scribes, and train them so that they too may become Agents of the Reckoners Guild.


    Reckoner Scribe | The entry-level of the Guild, Reckoner scribes are, as the name implies, scribes and clerks, updating the guild’s records at the behest of the High Reckoner, and during times of conflict, maintaining the arms and armor of Reckoner Agents. To become a scribe, one must pass an interview with the High Reckoner, or, if he is unavailable, request to be interviewed by an Agent. Scribes who apprentice underneath individual agents are referred to as Apprentices, rather than Scribes, and are promoted to Agent after passing an exam or quest at the behest of the High Reckoner.

    [!] A portrait of Utak Grorsson of Clan Ireheart, immediately after issuing a grudge.


    When the Dwarfish people have been so grievously dishonored, and such a monumental wrong has been done onto them, Great-Grudges have been issued by either the Grand King or the High Prophet, and all honorable Dwarfs are called upon to see the grudge settled. A Reckoning is when all peaceable means of settling a grudge fail, it is, essentially, a declaration of war issued by the Guild of Reckoners on behalf of the wronged party, with the only objective being the settlement of the Grudge which has so driven the Dwarfen people to anger. One does not need to be a Reckoner to participate in a Reckoning, for any and all who join in such a righteous conflict are temporarily deputized by the High Reckoner for as long as their ire remains upon the target of the Grudge. A Reckoning is comparable to the human practice of Crusade, albeit with the emphasis placed on honor, rather than religion.

    How to join?

    If you are interested in becoming a Reckoner, send a letter to the High Reckoner, Jorvin Kazrinsson of Clan Starbreaker (ign, SimplySeo) to request an interview, during which you will either be permitted entry into the guild, or requested to fulfill a certain task before you may do so, or refused.



    [Uguan Codex of Laws]


    [The Great Book of Grudges: WIP, updated post pending]

    To the Venerable Ugokoyama Danzen

    Doubtless you have received letters from both representatives of the so-called clergy of Urguan, as well as my errant cousin Norli's Runecult. Both of these organizations have either been, or are being run into the ground by fools, who care more for their political agendas and the squabbling of their grudges over Dwarfen history, honor, and faith. It is a deep divide, and one of the many reasons I hold my younger kin in contempt. I do not claim to have ever been a prophet of my faith, but I am a Priest of Dungrimm, and have been for two hundred years. My father, Kazrin Starbreaker, is the wisest Dwarf alive on the matters of lore, and has raised me a mind alike, and my clan, that venerable Elder Clan of Starbreaker, conceived the Dwarfen faith as it began in the morning of the world (a subject which I take no small pride in, for my clan among all others values piety.) Furthermore, I am learned in both the modern Da Kirkja Dverga, the An Yemarin Anaros of my youth, and the variations of the faith as practiced by my forefathers. I have remained relatively uninvolved in Dwarfen politics since my time as Grand King, and so I have not troubled myself with the bickerings of the modern cults.


    Should you wish to speak more, I await your letter, as I do not frequent the surface.


    Jorvin, son of Kazrin, son of Gardath, son of Osram, son of Koryk, son of Kazraden son of Skalf, son of Gotrek, son of Urguan, Lord of Gotrek’s Folk, Clan-Father of Elder Clan Starbreaker, Grand King Emeritus, Founding Councillor of the Fourth Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Conqueror of the Voidspawn Photania, Conqueror of the Korvassa, Slayer of the Traitor-Aengul, Gazardiel, Hero of the Brathmordakin


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