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Posts posted by Itz_Cookie

  1. Life of Lies



    A depiction of Sergei and Elizabeth Othaman in their younger years 



    A blissful man

    Found a somber woman

    And picked her

    for his own


    They traveled

    And danced

    And soon enough

    Somber she was

    No more


    On one knee

    He opened a ring

    Five words he whispered

    In the dead of night


    “Elizabeth, will you marry me?”


    Seven words

    She spoke returned

    A joyous grin

    Upon moonlit lips


    “Yes, for all I love is you.”


    Faithful was that blissful woman

    Fickle was that crumbling man


    She spoke one winter day

    A friend or so she had thought

    A mistress

    One of many to the man


    She wept

    And wailed

     and finally declared


    All she’d loved

    She’d loved alone

    A lie of life

    A life of lies



    Hello! this is my first ever go at poetry and I think it turned out pretty good.


    A short-ish little poem recounting my character Elizabeth's past during her teenage years into her marriage and so on. 


    This is also not a public post so please do not interact with it ic! 

  2. The news of the newly deceased found its way across the land to one Lady Dowager, Elizabeth Othaman. She listened closely as she'd been told of what'd happened that late night, lips curling to a smile, releasing a cold laughter at her sons death - she'd never been fond of Kelhus or any of her children for that matter. 

    Meanwhile a young Lorina Othaman found herself skipping through the eastern forest toward her home manor, Valles. She'd not spent much time with any of her Uncles but was in a childish dire need of help from someone after not able to find her mother of father. Meandering up the halls to the rooms and pulling one door open. "Uncle- oh.." She purred to emptied chamber. "Vhere ist everybody nowadays.."  

  3. 3 minutes ago, neoroseo said:

    IGN: neoroseo
    RP NAME: Athri Onfroi


    Athri, one way or another gets her own raffle ticket- then proceeds to return home and drag her daughter out to do the same. "C'mon Yevi, maybe you can get something nice." @Itz_Cookie


    IGN: Itz_Cookie123
    RP NAME: Yeviana Onfroi 

    "'M comin 'm comin!" The young elfess, Yevi, hissed as she was dragged along presumably by some piece of her clothing. Ripping herself free and snaching a raffle ticket of her own. 

  4. The Duchess' newly appointed Mistress of the Robes donned a bright smile as her tailoring abilities had been put into light. "I will have to step up my game now that I am going to be making her wardrobe." The Countess of Halstaig commented toward her oldest friend and grounds tenant with a chuckle. 

  5. ____________________________________________________
    A Review
    of the
    Annual Augustine Paint Night





    A N N O  D O M I N I  18
    Penned by the hand of Her Excellency Iduna O’Rourke


    Though not many people were able to make attendance to the first Annual Augustine Annual Paint Night there were still quite a few talented artists in attendance that had quite a lot of expressive fun! Those being 
    Miss Eugénie Cécile Ashford de Savoie
    Lady Safiya Oma Basrid
    Lord Calahan Antonius O’Rourke
    Lady Theodosia Illaena O’Rourke 
    Lady Anna Asul’onn-d’Arkent
    The artists who so graciously agreed to allow myself to display their pieces include the following;





    “Walter the Chatter-Chat” by Eugénie Cécile Ashford de Savoie @sunflowerist
    The lovely Miss Savoie mixed each paint carefully to create the right shades. Beginning with her background and then adding in the precious stained white cat she knows and loves as Mister Walter!


    “An Autumn Day” by Theodosia Illaena O’Rourke @RaindropsKeepFalling
    Lady O’Rourke dipped her brush into her newly purchased paints, gliding them across the canvas carefully. Her brows furrowed as she worked intently to create the simple but beautiful painting for display!



    “A Dream”  by Anna Marie d’Arkent née Asul’onn @Maevlin
    Lady Arkent’s hands were stained with the charcoal color after her pieces were complete. Though she hit the canvas with clear intent on where the color would go, creating a family piece of a mother, father and children within a humble abode! 



    And! As this event will be annual I am happy to announce the next one will occur in two saints weeks from the last!




    TRH  Iduna Anne O’Rourke,
    Countess of Halstaig
    Mistress of the Arts and Culture 





    Thank you so much to the people who decided to come! I was told everyone had an amazing time even though it was low in numbers. Hope to see everyone at the next one!

    The next event: 8/21 at 6pm EST



  6. ____________________________________________________
    A Review
    of the
    Annual Augustine Paint Night





    A N N O  D O M I N I  18
    Penned by the hand of Her Excellency Iduna O’Rourke

    Though not many people were able to make attendance to the first Annual Augustine Annual Paint Night there were still quite a few talented artists in attendance that had quite a lot of expressive fun! Those being 
    Miss Eugénie Cécile Ashford de Savoie
    Lady Safiya Oma Basrid
    Lord Calahan Antonius O’Rourke
    Lady Theodosia Illaena O’Rourke 
    Lady Anna Asul’onn-d’Arkent
    The artists who so graciously agreed to allow myself to display their pieces include the following;





    “Walter the Chatter-Chat” by Eugénie Cécile Ashford de Savoie @sunflowerist
    The lovely Miss Savoie mixed each paint carefully to create the right shades. Beginning with her background and then adding in the precious stained white cat she knows and loves as Mister Walter!


    “An Autumn Day” by Theodosia Illaena O’Rourke @RainedropsKeepFalling
    Lady O’Rourke dipped her brush into her newly purchased paints, gliding them across the canvas carefully. Her brows furrowed as she worked intently to create the simple but beautiful painting for display!



    “A Dream”  by Anna Marie d’Arkent née Asul’onn @Maevlin
    Lady Arkent’s hands were stained with the charcoal color after her pieces were complete. Though she hit the canvas with clear intent on where the color would go, creating a family piece of a mother, father and children within a humble abode! 



    And! As this event will be annual I am happy to announce the next one will occur in two saints weeks from the last!




    TRH  Iduna Anne O’Rourke,
    Countess of Halstaig
    Mistress of the Arts and Culture 





    Thank you so much to the people who decided to come! I was told everyone had an amazing time even though it was low in numbers. Hope to see everyone at the next one!

    The next event: 8/21 at 6pm EST



  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ceru Hileia Thilln'Sul


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self teach book


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self taught


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  8. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Paint Night



    A depiction of the Countess Halstaig preparing the paint room alongside her daughter c. 18XX

    A N N O  D O M I N I  1831
    Penned by the hand of Iduna O’Rourke




    The newly appointed Mistress of the Arts and Culture, The Countess Halstaig has decided that her first event hosted shall be the start of many. A paint night to be hosted every two saints weeks welcoming whoever might like to test their skills creating varieties of pieces as artistic creativity shall not be limited. Paints, clays, fabrics, gems, ect. shall be provided and each piece upon completion is offered to be taken by Her Excellency to be displayed!





    August 7th. @ 6pm EST
    Palace Paint room





    TRH Iduna Anne O’Rourke
    Countess of Halstiag
    Mistress of the Arts and Culture


  9. WiS9r0dEQwaTh0AjyQLOk_fnMr1R1KIt7gi6FyTLMUAg5O4Pe5fFQ2-ATKk6-iZDNW8vzxeaaXXzfV8JJo7a6uCL_aRPydhm47LHm-9befetEG8wa9Do_VIfoTtOKAacp04a1YOF



    By the Office of TRH Countess Halstaig




    Woodes, circa 1827


    It is with heavy hearts that the O’Rourkes hereby and henceforth declare Woodes O’Rourke as a missing person. This is derived from his disappearance as of over one year ago, now. His vanishing has come as a severe surprise to the whole family, especially succeeding Countess Anastasia O’Rourkes death, and we mourn. 


    Unless otherwise proven he will not be assessed as dead, as the man may rightfully be in hiding amid the d’Azor scandal and his own connection. Yet odd, still, as his very father, TRH Patrick O’Rourke is the Archchancellor’s right hand in the National party.


    His primary outlet of business: his “pint,” has decidedly been left to Cillian O’Rourke for the time being, as a caretaker.

    An internal search and investigation is pending until more information is acquired on the time before his disappearance. He was last seen in Providence.


    If you, or anyone you may be acquainted with has an idea of his whereabouts, or reason for this sudden evanescence, please do not hesitate to reach out and direct letters to Halstaig; we implore you. 







  10. The Halstaig Festival of Life



    Miss Nora James depiction of the Halstaig gardens; circa 1831


    ─────────────────────── ∘°❉°∘ ───────────────────────


    To the families of Rourke, Falcone-Orlov, Rosius, Asul'onn & Astrea;


    Death my come when we least expect it, causing tremendous amounts of pain and sorrow but we are there for eachother in the toughest times. 

    We are inving you all to join us at the County of Halstaig for this joyous moment to reflect the lives of Anastasia O'Rourke and Revas Asul'onn. We shall not dwell in the recent events of their passings but reflect on who they were, the smiles they created on each of our faces and remembering all the good times we shared with them.

    Thus this will also be the first big announcement of Lady Iduna Anne O'Rourke legally gaining the title of Countess Halstaig.

    Food and drinks will be provided yet we ask that everyone dons vibrant colors rather then the dull blacks and grays you would during times of lament, even florals if you see it fit!

    The event will be hoasted outside in the gardens of Halstaig - giving everyone a change to meet the members of their extended family on all sides.




    TRH, Iduna Anne O'Rourke

    Countess of Halstaig


    Lord Elias Leon O'Rourke née Asul'onn

    Count-Consort of Halstaig


    Her Ladyship, Amicia Eloise de Astrea of Elysium


     His Lordship, Christopher Erwin de Astrea née Asul’onn of Elysium


    NIiMAUG0pAqPwEHydrGcn8pHE8TU8yw8P2Ctm9upCnwGoD7ix2Lw1MybfXgqswNjstR2lh6fY7ZijAvCGEo2YA3FTXEmpc7viIA062CZ5UfXA2P7_NSSA1ynqQ2wmMhnO6KneRc   x9Uzv8DhT7vzPFPAWR_edY_kLDJAiSj1UXwcCU8dBxskwDrLH9utyjvAhQrtoDzfFJ6rNUsPf4QIZPC3i2S3VEEJ2XXz5snsZUa65EQXSBzFZmWTUJGaDv3EOV3hnsBnnBYQczk   sZ5gTpefQ6iJZk0n6NmTey5-03akVPZyJ03VC8DRvMu3CARTXtB4mW-tJxJefEJOQeF3UnAoGxqlNdvlGgylcWsCf6Tp5H8Pt-qSyDpp-jgMOkr-RMBlGtJsB5mTb6CRSY0FPKs




    Saturday, July 31 at 8:30 est



    updoots make the world go round <3



  11. Iduna Anne sat within her chambers as a copy of the letter found its way into her grasp. Letting out a shaky sigh as she'd already fell into her own state of lament at the many deaths and disapearances multiplying as the days went by. "The reaper seems to never rest.." The Adunian hissed with furrowed brows.

  12. Iduna Anne hadn't a chance to get to know the man her cousin had decided to marry but she walked the halls of Halstaig with dispare, extenguishing every candle she came across. The tenants were quiet along with the rest of the house - an eerie silence falling over everyone within. Later that day the young woman called in her dearest friends and workers to help be fitted for a mourning dress so she'd be ready if the black garbs were requested to be donned. 

  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Iduna Anne O'Rourke


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Housemagery (Domestic/Culimacy)


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teaching Book


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Taught


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  14. 34 minutes ago, StrongBear said:

    A tenant of Halstaig brought the missive to the chambers of Elias and Iduna O'Rourke, with a swfit dip of his head, the tenant hands the letter off before taking his leave!


    "It vas only a matter 'f time before s'e left Haense" Elias spoke out while making his way back to Iduna's side, finding a seat along the edge of the bed, "Ich 'ave alvays been proud 'f my Mar'haelun, glad s'e ist finally leavin' t'e place t'at left many 'f us vith a foul taste."


      Reveal hidden contents


    Iduna Anne had fallen victim to many sleepless nights, she’d simply lift her figure to peer over at the letter with a soft sigh. She fell back and disengaged herself from reality once more though deep down she felt sorrow for how her husbands family had been treated.

  15. “For nearly seven years you debauched children hiss back and forth.” One Elizabeth Othaman grumbled from her home as the news was delivered. “For nothing but greed and silly title.” Tossing whatever letters she’d received over the years into amber flames at her side. 



    Meanwhile Iduna Anne scanned each letter that’d pilled on her desk over the saints day with a soft sigh. “To be pulled in to judge arguments like this in the future has me on the edge of my seat.” She whispered at the topic of the Court of Lords. 

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