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Implementation Team
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Posts posted by Laeonathan

  1. 8 hours ago, Basil Moroul said:

    There's no ruins anymore, there's no exploration, event sites as most event sites are jumped on by a nation or restricted to certain groups. Its literally warp to hub, go to city then tavern rp for the rest of your days, nothing really happens. There are no quests or something that would get people having fun as you seem to need constant staff approval to do even the littlest of things. Though I doubt this thread will do much but have them offer promises of change which ultimately will never be delivered upon.


    Also to add into the ct warps to hubs, it is confusing for new players to decide where they want to go. They don't know what each name or flag means, what they really want to know is what place is the human place, where do the dwarves live and stuff like that.

    We have the Tomblands, the Elven City, the Desert Ruin, Lost Balian and a small ruined keep. Doubt thats it.


    What I believe is the following:

    Nothing is going on. Let's face it: Conflict is essential but it's not happening.

    If I wouldn't have gotten to fight bandits an Orenian Legionary, if there wouldn't have been wars and all this feeling of an extremely dynamic history I can be part of, I certainly wouldn't have stayed. There anything dynamic. The war rules are made to make the server stagnant.

    We don't see silly bandit PvPers. But actual conflicts. 

    I think a huge part are the conflict rules that try to prevent conflict. There is no fun in conflict.

    The other part might be that vortex is a little complicated. Or there is no explaining to it. Still. 


    My solutions:

    a) Make conflict happen

    b) Make Vortex explain videos and link them to new players, it's really not that hard and I'm considering doing it even though it's not my job.


    The more I think about it, the more I see it. In Atlas I was ******* scared of bandits, enemies and whatever.

    I don't even see bandits anymore. It Arcas we had big battles. Oren itself fought among each other and for a still fairly new player this was exciting... But whats exciting today? There is no more RP Drama... only OOC BS :')

  2. Holy ****, wtf is going on here. I'm not sure whether I want to care, nor whether I am supposed to care anymore.


    Just one little correction: I never had the pex to paste anything in. It was my idea, which originally kinda came from Groo. I couldn't even upload schematics, I'd need (full? idk) access to server and its folder to put a schematic in. Most admins don't even have the perms. Voop pasted Vaelya in, Basket pasted Freeport in. Voop pasted Vaelya in after I sent him the file, since I offered Vaelya help with building their settlement since they were in desperate need of a builder.



  3. Quote

    Give these people LC to build their build. If you're afraid of LC being used to dupe stuff, just put them on the build world and then world edit it in. There's no reason to make them suffer like this.


    Still the best solution in my opinion. No reason for enforcing ugly builds. **** landscars. For real. "Muah economy" is no reason for forcing people to do ugly as **** builds. Because you can't do nice builds with Vortex. You really can't.



    Give them a road and an SS pillar. No reason not to give it to them.


    They're getting that already, no worries. Angmarzku and me have been working on Talon's Grotto's road, sadly it takes a while. We're waiting for admin approval of rules in general right now - only issue: We don't have one. Grool stepped down and no Admin has been appointed yet...

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    According to legend, the Kharajyr were created by the daemon Metztli who abducted children from lonely farmsteads. They were taken to a beautiful island hidden in mist, where she crossed them with ocelots with her magical powers. Due to this, they look like feline humanoids. As their City was destroyed by their angered goddess, they fled their home island. In their new home they encountered the descendants.

    Young Kha are referred to as kitten, or cub as they reach the age of 10. After reaching the age of 16 they are considered adults, even though it is it unlikely for them to get married before 50. They have a variety of cultural games, such as the board game 'Game of Ur' and in general a unique culture with festive religious events such Yancuic Xihuitl.


    There are 4 subraces:

    Kha'Tigrasi are known for their great strength and ability to fight. They usually have orange hide with black stripes.

    Kha'Cheetrah are known for their ability to run very fast. Their hide is mostly golden with brown dots on it.

    Kha'Leparda often have medium dark yellow hide and were the priests of the Kharajyr in past times.

    Kha'Pantera are usually black and are known for their cunning, often becoming thieves. Their skins sometimes turn dark grey-ish as they age.




    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Born under a Waxing Gibbous 12 years ago, Ixltub is a 4'4 tall Kha'Pantera Cub with pitch black hide. He travels with the Va'teyatl caravan that recently took foot in Almaris, where he tries to make his deals with their customers - given they understand the cub. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. 15 hours ago, Boniface said:

    All this stuff about investing and watching the economy, I hate to remind you that most people come here to take a break from irl or just to have fun, nobody wants to have to keep a constant eye on the economy nor do most even want to understand how economies work. Do we all now need to get economic degrees to successfully play this server now?


    No, but you don't need to. Economy Team watches the economy... ._.

  6. 1 hour ago, Charles The Bald said:

    As I've stated multiple times, there's a reason why a game company will hire and consult with actual economists in order to manage their game economy properly.


    Your ideas are great on paper but there's no way to pull it off without having more than half the server pissed against you because you made a decision. Nobody has time like some of you to dedicate 15-20 hours of their time in order to pay their taxes nor to grind the resources they want while having a family and a job.


    People mostly want an escape from reality, they don't want to come here and have to grind in order to pay taxes, it always has been a problem and receiving minas from voting was fine, but this, nah won't do it gents.


    Knowing the ego of some of the members in the economy team, it could be months before there's a significant change, but that's just LOTC.

    "Economy team plans to meet weekly and go over the data of what's happening in regards to mina, vortex, and the health of the economy. If we see changes are needed we will add more mina into circulation, buff or de-buff vortex nodes, and work with the techs on quality of life improvements. Please keep in mind we are working towards a system of mina exchanging of hands and circulating rather than sitting banks not being used. "


    To translate this ultra long paragraph: Stuff will be adjusted. No crazy grinding to supply your nation will be needed.




  7. 13 minutes ago, Delmodan said:

    I feel like this is punishing those that have to take a hiatus or are gone for several days and can't maintain thier voting. Not to mention those with schooling and irl jobs to focus on. More chore than enjoyment. 


    If you have any other ideas how to prevent money losing worth by mass inflation through endless money influx with barely any sinks, feel free to tell the economy team or me, I can give them to the team. 🙂

  8. 7 hours ago, HurferDurfer1 said:

    the amount you get is much to small for a nation to properly maintain anything, say your nation has fifty ACTIVE weekly players, thats a big ******* ask in the first place, then you need to get them to vote and pay taxes, the nation either has the option to tax a smaller amount and not make nearly enough to cover plot costs and the like, or tax citizens out the ass leaving actual trade and commerce screwed or making them barter, which doesnt pay the bills, not only that but you are now forcing groups that hadnt placed value in gathering alot of mina like high elves, halflings etc to try to actively maintain and gather mina now, this is a real bad take 


    "Economy team plans to meet weekly and go over the data of what's happening in regards to mina, vortex, and the health of the economy. If we see changes are needed we will add more mina into circulation, buff or de-buff vortex nodes, and work with the techs on quality of life improvements. Please keep in mind we are working towards a system of mina exchanging of hands and circulating rather than sitting banks not being used. "


    Nethertheless, a nation like Oren that needs 1200 Mina needs 10 active players to supply itself. (3x6x7x10=1260)


    Since 3% means you have 50% of your money left after 5.19 months if there is no input, so I'm really not too worried. Especially because of the 500 Mina cap. When Mina are 10x more worth you'd basically have 5000 Arcas-Minas for free...

  9. 6 hours ago, FlemishSupremacy said:

    Looks great! 


    Please ensure there's roads leading in every direction so that some nations don't get the short stick in terms of walking distance across roads.


    Ohhh it's even better then that 😆

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