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Posts posted by Laeonathan

  1. 36 minutes ago, Toffee said:

    "There are Imperial peers deprived of their estates, and the Crown sets aside land to be used by those who do not, and are not required, to adhere to the laws of the Empire or faith of the Canon?"


    Josephine Aleksandra clicked her tongue, wondering how many noble manors and common farmsteads may have fit in this plot of land, had it not been reserved for non-humans. And it was the dwarves who were considered heathens? What in heaven's name is happening to our fair Empire?


    "Wonder, child" the Kha says, with a gentle smile "This land was given to us, long before the loss of the south. Several years, in fact. And the law and constitution of the Empire binds us just like you. We serve the Empire no different then you, child. And in GOD we are all sons and daughters of Horen."

  2. 28 minutes ago, AstriaS said:


    An interesting day. In any case, this is my obligatory anniversary post. That's all. You just wasted a click to read a few sentences. Please shitpost below if you feel so inclined, thank you.


    How do you not always forget about your aniversery. Maybe I'll actually not forget my fourth.


  3. I never FTBed, nor do I care if people do. The point of is that there is no scene like that, isn't it?


    I personally think romance RP is gross if its execessive, but if people are into that... A little romance is fine and fun, it promotes family RP etc. But when characters center around it? Meh.


    I don't give a shit.



  4. That are most groups. If you're european and are looking for a small group that mainly chills and does calm RP I suggest making a Kharajyr. :)


    However there are many more smaller RP groups like Halflings. I also noted Haelun'or is very active in European times. They are rather political though.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Tulan said:

    "How? Dwarves have been good to us for many years, llir. You should expand your horizon beyond Ephesius and Oren before making such a statement." Ruathar Indoren sighed as it seems misinformation is becoming more and more common.

    "It was no human who clipped my ears. Unlike the dwarves, the humans are lliran to us and don't attack travellers close to Vortice."

  6. "This Braxus seems like a wise elf" a Kharajyr notes "We shall see, how much this Princess truly loves what she calls her people. It will certainly be one for the history books."


    "I wonder however - will foreigners be allowed to watch this spectacle, so we might record it for our history books?" @Gavin_

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