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Posts posted by BobBox

  1. 9 hours ago, The King Of The Moon said:

    These were accepted in November 2022, not only a full 5 months prior

    The Naztherak write was posted on the forums (April 10th) before the current blessed children feat was accepted (April 13th, 5 months after it was posted), which is why the inconsistency exists, as the old lore made no clarification as to what was / was not allowed. There was no inconsistency "strangely added"

  2. You’ve been selected for the interview process.

    Please have an outline of what you wish to do on the team. Prepare event scenarios or talk about things that you are passionate about during the interview.


    To confirm your interest, contact the ST management and you’ll be given a link to the Story Team interview Discord.

  3. You’ve been selected for the interview process.

    Please have an outline of what you wish to do on the team. Prepare event scenarios or talk about things that you are passionate about during the interview.


    To confirm your interest, contact the ST management and you’ll be given a link to the Story Team interview Discord.

  4. You’ve been selected for the interview process.

    Please have an outline of what you wish to do on the team. Prepare event scenarios or talk about things that you are passionate about during the interview.


    To confirm your interest, contact the ST management and you’ll be given a link to the Story Team interview Discord.

  5. You’ve been selected for the interview process.

    Please have an outline of what you wish to do on the team. Prepare event scenarios or talk about things that you are passionate about during the interview.


    To confirm your interest, contact the ST management and you’ll be given a link to the Story Team interview Discord.

  6. You’ve been selected for the interview process.

    Please have an outline of what you wish to do on the team. Prepare event scenarios or talk about things that you are passionate about during the interview.


    To confirm your interest, contact the ST management and you’ll be given a link to the Story Team interview Discord.

  7. You’ve been selected for the interview process.

    Please have an outline of what you wish to do on the team. Prepare event scenarios or talk about things that you are passionate about during the interview.


    To confirm your interest, contact the ST management and you’ll be given a link to the Story Team interview Discord.

  8. You’ve been selected for the interview process.

    Please have an outline of what you wish to do on the team. Prepare event scenarios or talk about things that you are passionate about during the interview.


    To confirm your interest, contact the ST management and you’ll be given a link to the Story Team interview Discord.

  9. Spoiler



    A Monsterous Zar'akal lurked at the side of Velkuzat's legions from within Moz Strimoza, and beside him flickered the image of the first successful and true Naztherak - the first to spread the modern arts. Through the curtains of ash and cinders the clashing armies of zevn, zekul, zar'kiel, zezimar, and zar'kiel were seen. Rivers of blood ran throughout this realm, bodies stacked high only to be consumed by ever larger beasts.


    A price demanded, a price payed. A test of faith was accepted without question for his lord, Velkuzat.


    "That structure down there." The Zar'akal lofted a singular finger towards a stone ruin where fighters of Drazhana lingered. "My first act as an ascended being for you, o Lord." He glanced sideways at the spectral and crow tainted being to his left and received a nod of confirmation along with a few simple words. "Do not spare any." And he would not. Soon after, the Zar'akal would destroy the structure and those inside, leaving only ruin. His first act, one of dedication. His first step towards complete and total hell. Now it would not be long before Velkuzat permitted him to return to the descendant lands, and it would not be long before he was goaded into larger acts of violence.

  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             Klone / Elf


    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:

             Junoix / Orphvius / Aengulic / Witchring


    Creator's RP Name:

             Vasati / Julianne / Ylyndar / Cordelia


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Zar'akal are monstrous beings of Moz'Strimoza. These creatures result from a ritual which turns a fully taught Naztherak into a Zar'akal, much akin to turning a man into an Inferi. These titans of Moz come with various benefits, including being immune to malflame, gaining increased strength, and gaining access to two new rituals (Ra'Ilkgarokk and Kehrlagashk). Zar'akal also have a large mentality shift from the average Naztherak, as they are wholly greedy and self centered as the voice of their Zar'rokul seeps even more into their brain. This allows for them to also cast without their grimoire, as the Ilzakarn translations are burned into their mind. Finally, Zar'akal may be revived via the revival ritual in the Naztherak lore, although they are still afraid of death as any other descendant would be.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Ren stands tall with white-gray skin and a large mouth upon the center of his chest. Within the mouth rests a large eye that can read different texts of the world, evermore hungry for knowledge. Ren's feet are replaced with the hooves of The Goat, The Lord which has granted his prayer. More information can be found in this accepted MArt. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  11. Spoiler









    The world is cruel; unfortunate things can occur to anyone at any time. For this reason, I - Detective F. - have decided to open my abilities to all in need. My eyes are keen, my boots are quiet and polished, and my ability to discover secrets is unparalleled. 


    If you require someone to look into any matters of concern, whether they affect you personally or not, please do not hesitate to contact me. Fear not if your matter requires sensitivity or secrecy, as I am not in the business of spreading other’s business. All that is required to remain private, will remain private.


    Danger is no obstacle to a true investigation, and I will go to Cloudbreaker’s den and back to secure information for my clients! Thank you for considering me as your detective. I look forward to hearing from all in need.


    - Detective F.

  12. This user knows:

    Ensorcell Flesh (BakedPotato7)

    Ensorcell Material (BakedPotato7)

    Scabbing (BakedPotato7)

    Hemorrhage (BakedPotato7)
    Augmentation (BakedPotato7)

    Siphoning (BakedPotato7)
    Seal (BakedPotato7)

    Seal Ritual (BakedPotato7)

    Hail Ritual (BakedPotato7)
    Quiet (BakedPotato7)

    Tearing (BakedPotato7)

    Engorge (BakedPotato7)

    Character dedicated a second slot.

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