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Posts posted by TheCapybara

  1. "How silly our justice is! Shame on Peter Baldwin d'Arkent, Duke of Sunholdt for his stupidity of allowing this to go through. She is no criminal but, a hero, might she had done the worst thing, yes, but it was for greater good!" Leana d'Emyth, slammed her hand on the table in her nice small town-house, the woman then complaining to her fat maid, "I would like to say sometimes that I will never acknowledge the d'Arkent name as my cousins, for one of them killing my niece and their own. To hell with them all! Forgiveness will never happen for all the pain they caused me for allowing Emma Elaine to breathe when she was caught."

  2. Leana d’Emyth, aunt of one of the many victims puts on her reading glasses, the woman seemingly untouched by the paper. “Emma Elaine is a murdering and sad woman and is forever in hell, but the one I’m upset at personally, is my cousin. How dare he place the young Minerva under trial for doing the right thing. He should be thanking her, as well I do not understand what the murders sister is apologizing or explaining what happened. My lord it should be the Duke, but I guess my cousin cowards his face in shame, which he should do being a shame to all his namesake.” The mourning woman commented to her fat maid in her lavish townhouse in the Orenian Capital, sipping her tea angrily, having bitterness in her imperialistic grey eyes.


  3. "Finally the ***** of a nun is dead, how dare she live with her disgusting life. Perish, she has perished that whorish nun, she was no nun but a devil in disguise~!" She'd slam her hand on the table while she spoke to herself, Leana d'Emyth, was upset and angered but finally pleased that the villain was dead. Leana was clearly not herself, she was filled with rage still... and forever.


    "Finally justice for me... I wish her to be fine but. She is evil and will never see light nor love ever again." Said the dead Sabrina Kovachev in the seven skies with so many of her relatives and friends from the past. The woman sighed, shedding a tear, knowing she died so soonly, but felt so good knowing her killer was dead.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImutnoiBixY


    Death of the Silver Owl


    It was a beautiful evening in the city, the beautiful but frail woman named Sabrina Kovachev would walk around the new house bought by her husband, George Kovachev. She’d walk on the hardwood floor as she walked upon her beautiful daughter. The young director and playwright looked up to her mother with a smile, Sabrina then would kneel to her darling sunshine, telling her in her calm and motherly words, that after her evening prayers in the beautiful cathedral they would go shopping. The mother promised her lovely child she would go shopping with her, she would, she would. 


    Sabrina would walk out upon the beautiful city as she walked, stepping foot left and right, left and right. Not knowing of her fate in the cathedral…. That one unfortunate evening. The socialite waved to some fellow ladies of wealth and such, walking into the sight and home of almighty god, kneeling before the Lorraine Cross. Praying and praying to the lord for luck for her beautiful doves, then suddenly, she was asked by someone behind them quietly if they had sinned… the woman said in a confused tone of course she had but it was too late. To the eyes of the murder, she was sinful and stabbed the socialite time and time again onto her back, too late it was for her, and she fell. The blood was spilled all over, covering the once pure marble floors. Closing her eyes, seeing the murdering do a grin… the last thing ever seen with her sea-blue eyes.


    Suddenly, Sabrina woke up on a bed... the bed of the room she owned in the Barony of Artois... in Arcas. She looked around her body, her hair, everywhere... she was unharmed and fine and she looked youthful again. Confusing as it was she stood up walking around the keep with onyx-colored heels. As Halcourt walked out she saw someone, she couldn't believe who it was, it was her cousin Natalya Devereux. But how Sabrina thought, she knew the woman died... unless... she was dead. Sabrina went onto the ground, scrunching herself as she dropped down tears, she thought and thought about what she did wrong as then Natalya would walk up to her crying cousin. The Devereux offered her hand to her.


    Sabrina would reject the offer, sitting there as the white snow rained down on her green dress. Then, her father came up, offering his hand, then her mother. The Halcourt then stood up as she'd sniffle up her tears, realizing it was time to go... the time for her to wilt away... was here. She wept as she walked off to the Seven Skies. The mother knew she would never see her children, ever, but both her mother and her cousin simply told her. “They will Remember you, with all of the memories… do not worry… but we must go, so many Halcourts and your new life in the Seven Skies awaits you.” Sabrina nodded, now, the curtains fell, as the life of Sabrina, Ended. 


    Sabrina Elaine Kovachv

    1752 - 1796

    Wife to George Stanislaus Kovachev and Mother to Natalia Elaine Kovachev, John Stanislaus Kovachev, and Emerentia Julia Kovachev.





    This is my first PK post! Hope you like it!


  5. Leana d’Emyth question why all of her nieces and nephews are fucked up then realizes because her brother married their cousin.


    Sabrina Kovachev, mother of Emerentina, questions who this Arthur boy is and if he is rich or noble.... and if neither, she’d think she will need to have a deep conversation with her daughter.

  6. Lotc shouldn’t become such a stressor it is unhealthy and with this vortex and new system, this will become stressful for some. With real life and such with a whole god dam pandemic going on, it shouldn’t be a brainer to not send off such a new-idea, which let’s not lie to ourselves where this idea was not tested on the temp map because it was such a small thing compared to everything else now.

    As I commented on another post before, vortex sounds great on paper but is terrible overall. And I will add that vortex needed way more testing then a couple players, the testing should have at least been longer. It is sad that something I know people worked hard on is being critiqued but at the same time, this is a game, something which is so post to be fun, not a full time job.


    If some players leave, I can see why with this whole thing going on.

  7. Roleplay? That’s a thing now? Thought it was only grinding 24/7 for vortex.


    Alrighty let us be honest people, vortex on paper seems alright, but the real deal ain’t good. To me vortex makes everything so demanding like, it honestly feels like if you miss one week on the server you will be super behind and have to take hours to get back on top with everyone else. Like this might not be happening now but it will soon and it will make people go away from the server.


    So I advise that vortex is edited so it is a side thing, which cooperates with role-play or drop it completely.

  8. "To our beautiful empire! Let us all vote! We must find the best of the best to lead the house of commons under our empress and emperor during the tragic time." Said Leana d'Emyth sipping some tea on a bed in the Eye of Man with an interested voice. After writing and writing into her note book for many hours, the woman said in a mellow tone "Let us enter a golden age! Let us pass onto the time for justice and rights for the ones who do not have that privilege." after saying this to herself in the mellow tone she owns, she'd then walk out into the cold winds for a breathe.

  9. "Ashes will not let us fall, but we will rise for a new age from the tragic loss of this year and our history." Said Leana d'Emyth while sitting near the campfire in the eye of man. The woman simply looked around and took notes of the surrounding area and the people."Forever Orenian! Let us all pass through this together!" Said Leana said in an honorable but quiet tone, right after taking another note.


  10. "Why... why must thou lord take and take... why did they have to go... my sister and father gone at once with a snap of a finger." Leana d'Emyth mourned as she'd break down in tears in-front of the graves of both sister and father. Her face becoming red as mars and her tears fell down like the tough storms in the deepest and worst parts of the sea. The young woman cried and cried, knowing she would never hear the voice of her fallen kin, until her time came to fall as well. Alas a new page started in the woman's life, one filled with an unknown future.

  11. "Beautiful! A piece of art! Continuing Joseph I's Legacy!' Said Leana Codeila d'Emyth with her stone grey eyes while sipping her evening tea with some of her fellow aristocrats, the woman's pale complexion shimmered under the lowering sun as she had a soft smile. "To an honorable campaign, ladies!" She'd cheer up her small tea cup with her honorable ladies with her proper and soft voice tone, right after her cheer she'd sip the tea softly while keeping up her soft smile, looking towards the lowering sun.

  12. “Alas, a very interesting way of thinking some of the current political ideals...” Said Leana d’Emyth while stirring their red wine in the crystal clear wineglass they owned. 

    Madame d’Emyth seemed a bit off by some of the things in this paper... but alas, was exited and interested to see Madame Margaret’s opinion. 

    Then the lady  went into deep though, as she’d take a sip of her wine, then swiftly went back to her work on their campaign trail, while doing so she’d have a small smirk of slight excitement. 

  13. "How horrible! I send my deepest prayers toward to the Helvets and Kaerdini people for the safety of the child." Said Leana Cordelia d'Emyth while drinking her evening tea. The adult woman was filled with slight shock, but so much horror and fear in her heart. Then madame d'Emyth went up to the nearest Lorraine Cross in the small d'Emyth house. Leana then would send her deepest prayers to the people of Kaedrin and to the Helvets, praying so deeply and passionately for the safety of the little boy.

  14. oNU-aUm-gHlka80Z5RxOZc_Khw-p430-GByLkOG3TH4FshOOS-Ej4-kNlFKk137KLbPpTMhpebvInah_slpGfYfRCplOkPEzWn22PUYQQyMdbjgkZYS_6Ldce9Eo9aFuCogJn_gb


    This portrait painted in the year 1794 during the 14th of the Amber’s Cold, depicts a beautiful Leana d’Emyth into her studies




    I, Leana Codelia d’Emyth, will run for the House of Commons. For the people, I will work my skin and bone to allow us to thrive! Put not myself but the people, first, to our glorious Emperor and Empress I will serve with my fellow House members with honor and duty above all else!


    So I ask of you to elect me for the House of Commons, I run for no party but for the empire I love and serve. The following things which I see fit to solve are.


    Non-Sexism for Inheritance


    I push for a system that shall not be of simply males only can inherit. Why not allow our fellow woman to inherit as well simply and I do think, a woman can do a good job such as a man, but he or she who owns the land, shop, etc, should be able to decide and not our law. Social standards are not law, law is the law. So listen to my words of passion, hear my cry! I will push for justice and liberty and attempt to tackle and abolish this law of male preference for inheritance. As it should not be the law that decides which gender inherits but the person themself. 


    Marriage Approval


    I think, no I dream, no I will push for the day that women will not be denied marriage because of their father or patriarch of the household. The woman themself should be able to decide who they marry. No patriarch should be able to decide who the woman of the house is allowed to marry, but the woman themself should be able to decide this. I will not leave this unsolved and I will push for us fellow women to have the power of our own faith, their own destiny.




    The last and final thing I will petition for is to improve and add more, how about goblins, halflings as well olog?! They are as well people, they can think, breathe, and talk. Why should we simply allow the personhood to be limited? goblins, and halflings can be as well as any other Orenian Citizen. We must not allow ourselves to undermine these races! Additionally, for Wonks, Hou-Zi, and the Kharajyr to be allowed citizenship through a sponsor. That is outrageous they are humanoid people, fellow descents and they must go through so much to get citizenship? I will push for all of the races I say to get more rights and closer and easy citizenship.


    Alas The End


    My Orenian brothers and sisters, I beg of you to think, think of our beautiful land, and help me improve justice for all, races, sex, and love! Let us embrace a golden age and a step forward into a radiant light under our gracious and grand Empress and her husband the Emperor. 

    Make sure to vote for Leana d’Emyth for the 1794 elections for House of Commons to push the Golden Age!


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