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Posts posted by TheCapybara

  1. A young Southerner girl of the name of Mariah Marie Rutldge looked over the book with pure and innocent excitement in her eyes, then saying in a happy voice tone. “Wow! This is amazing! I have to ask Papa or Aunt Vivaca to buy me this book~!” Right after the small girl’s action and proof of excitement for the book, she’d run off into the streets of Helena in a bubbly manner.


    The fully mental and mad woman looked at the book with hatred but as well interest, the formal medical professional then said. “Maybe I should buy this for myself...” After Lilianne spoke to herself in a mad and annoyed tone, she’d shrug it off as they’d walk off into the sinful and degenerate filled streets of Sutica.

  2. “Why does our own clergymen serving God care about politics? Politics and Faith are two different subjects, I frown in this moment as now as it seems like the clergymen only care about politics!” Lady Sabrina Halcourt said while sipping her morning tea, the young woman having a sorrow expression. 

  3. The Lady had a deep frown after reading of the recent news, then saying in saddened tone “I shall pray to god for your rest, and may Bralt the villain die in a painful death.” After this comment, Lady Sabrina Halcourt, signed a Lorraine cross, with a prayer for Bralt’s brutal death and then to the House Barclay and any friends of the fallen warrior. 

    The now retired medic said “The kid, when I met them, had a open path of life, she could had been anything. But now, she is six feet under, at least she died a hero and heroes never die in the hearts of people.” After Lilianne saying this, walked off with a sigh. Trying to not cry, questioned why she would cry for someone she barley knew. Then  while walking down one tear,  fell, and more came, and then she’d break down crying, the tears pouring from her eyes.

  4. “Ah yes, a child could murder three grown men! And this is why sometimes you really have a terrible reputation for having children die easily, by stupid law or just corruption.” The doctor said to herself, in an annoyed tone as right after the woman made her statement she’d take a long sip of tea.

  5. “Alas, the villain, the sinful servant of Iblees is caught” Lady Sabrina Halcourt said in a grim tone while she’d comb her long black hair in front of the vanity in the Halcourt Keep. After a couple of seconds, the woman said right after her statement said. “Shall her soul be blessed from all of her villainous and sinful actions to God.” After the woman’s other comment, Lady Halcourt, moved her hand towards the hot tea on her vanity, taking a long sip.

  6. “How the game of thrones goes, turns and twist like the ocean’s waves.”  Sabrina, sipped her tea, as the young Halcourt, read of the current events after the hanging of the Rubern Wench. Lady Halcourt then saying with a sigh, taking another sip. “But the smell of war is coming everyday..”


    Lilianne, sorting the medical supplies of the medical tent in fort buck. The doctor saying. “Ah yes, another bit-“ The woman would censor herself from saying a vile word. “From another land, well guess boomhill the second part is coming for Rubern!” Lilianne laughed right after the last part, having a sad look in her face a couple seconds after.

  7. Raised a brow seeming to be not impressed. “Ah yes place a bounty on the Mayor of the Capital of the Orenian empire, which is filled with guards and lots of defense. Smart idea there.” Lilianne said, while drinking her morning tea


    Sabrina Halcourt gasped, as she’d grow a worried look reading the bounty “Dear lord! Who would do such a thing! This savage must be brought to justice!” The woman very worried for her friend signed the Lorraine cross and prayed for her friend’s safety. 


    Aravos Atmorice, seeing the bounty, lets out a soft chuckle. “My oh my, how greedy the world can be sometimes, if only us descendants can talk things out, but no a unknown, never would come true dream. Finished his statement in a frown, as the young mali’fenn would walk off from the bounty board.


  8. Sabrina Halcourt sits in her room inside in the Artois Keep, the woman getting ready for bed looks at the pamphlet, with a bright smile saying. “An amazing woman and leader she has my vote!” After saying loudly her support she’d lie down into her bed falling asleep. 

    Lilianne walking around the cold forest of Haense, thinks to herself after reading the  pamphlet. Then after a couple seconds the woman made a soft smile, then saying “So great to finally have someone looking out for the doctors of New Reza, the Lady Maer of now and for the future has my support.” Then, after saying her words of support out loud in the cold forest, the doctor kept on walking through the forest.

  9. “Gosh! bees have rights! I guess?” A young doctor said, jokingly, while drinking her tea, right after one sip the woman took a sigh, then saying, “Maybe, they should make laws for Bee rights, I would totally ,BEElieve, anything they shall decree” The woman made a laugh to herself, then taking another sip of her tea.

  10. “The Orenian people strike again! This time bees!” A young doctor said to herself while drinking her evening tea, then, spitting her tea out saying “Guess it’s the BEE MOVEMENT!” The woman laughed loudly when saying this, having some joyful tears of laughter. 

  11. Lady Sabrina Elaine Halcourt de Artois, stat down on vanity, reading the invitation with a curious but as well excited expression painted on her face. The young lady would glare a soft smile to herself making a small chuckle, going to her dresser, swiftly, looking for a dress for the momentous occasion to come, then saying to herself in a bubbly manner. “Ah, I cannot wait to come to this event, shall the event be grand and glorious! Hopefully they will be some cupcakes! Flavored chocolate of course.”

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