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Posts posted by TheCapybara

  1. I would have to say no chief, the reason? Well I am just thinking of Medical Role play, firstly we just got to the arrows treating now bullets, in history, real life history, it was a weapon of mass destruction and it could have caused death so quickly, I would follow this for cannons but guns overall is a no.

  2. Lilianne Smith a young lady who did medical treatment, sat on her bed, freshly washed and bathed, and having a small cup of tea. As the small lady sat on the bed holding out the paper upon her right hand, she’d say in a croaked voice. “God bless Haense and the mighty warriors who has risked and given there lives to protect us.” after saying this, the woman finished her tea and went into her bed to wash the bloody horrors of screaming in the Clinic with her dreams. 

  3. As a young lady would be looking at the paper, she’d say to herself in a disappointed tone voice “My vote is with Miss Vivaca as speaking ill of your enemies only brings more flames, what a foolish man.” as the young Lilianne Smith would be talking her facial expression, once was a soft smile, turned into a bitter look of disappointment.

  4. Keara, lying on a beach bench on one of the many beaches of Sutica, would seem to have a twisted face of curiosity, as then the young woman would softly stir her wine glass, filled with red wine, as of then she would had commented to herself. “Hm, seems interesting, I should go, nothing else to do in this city. as she’d finish she would take in a deep sigh, making another nice stir in a calm manner with her wine glass, finally taking a sip.

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