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Everything posted by TheHatter

  1. Hi! My charachter is Tarrant Hightopp 62 years old, my charachter lives in fenn as the town’s tailor and hatter. Im now looking for family members! In my house there is still room for a grandchild so if youre interested let me know! Contact me on discord The Mad Hatter #3959
  2. TheHatter


    Still searching the realm for a home, after years Tarrant never really found a home. His family and most of his friends died during the war with the undead. Tarrant and his family used to live in Bastion which was taken by the undead along with the lives of his family. Tarrant used to be a bright and colorful person but ever since he lost everything (including his eye), he was never the same as he was before. His only quest is to get revenge on the ones who are responsible for his family’s death. Not exactly knowing what or who killed them, Tarrant is still searching for the killers after all these years. Tarrant is a simple farmer and wishes to one day get peace after he avenged his family. Tarrant always lives in a small cottage and is rather skilled with plants and crops. His family used to have a clothing business. Tarrant has a high intrest in the realm’s history. Tarrant can seem a little odd at first but that is because the war made him snap from reality which sometimes causes him to get stuck in his thoughts and say weird stuff that has nothing to do with the conversation. Tarrant has a Scottish accent and is a decent fighter, however he is a bit of a coward. Tarrant talks to himself sometimes. (Tarrant’s favorite food is mushroom stew ?).
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