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  1. 𝔗π”₯𝔒 𝔖𝔴𝔦𝔳𝔒𝔩𝔒𝔯𝔰 𝔖𝔩𝔒𝔒𝔭 𝔴𝔦𝔱π”₯ 𝔬𝔫𝔒 𝔒𝔢𝔒 𝔬𝔭𝔒𝔫, 𝔬𝔯 𝔴𝔦𝔱π”₯ 𝔱π”₯𝔒 𝔣𝔦𝔰π”₯𝔒𝔰. The Swivelers, Heartlandic Mountain Uruk, or β€œGoblin Gangs,” of the Lowlands are a significant subculture of the Broken Bend Valley and subsequently the southern foothills, with some minor incursions into the southern birch climate. The Swivlers exist as a strange remnant of a failed Uruk raid of the Kingdom of Aaun and the Serene Republic of Lurin, and thus remain outlaws to their neighbors, enemies to their rivals, and sworn adversaries of Ferrymen. A History of Swivelers It was in the year 1908 when a small band of Uruk launched a raid upon the city of Whitespire, and finding its gates closed proceeded to torch the countryside moving to Lurin. Once in the Serene Republic they ravaged the populace sparing only an elf who claimed to be from the Kingdom of Balian, then, an ally of the Rex. Upon release, the elf begged nearby Ferrymen for aid, obliging, the Ferrymen launched an attack upon the outnumbered Uruk band who fled into the Eastern Trade Sea. Not very skilled in seafaring, the Uruk band of around 400 were forced to rely on Lurinite sailors whom they kidnapped; several ships, however, in anger, slayed their navigators. In a cruel twist of fate or divine punishment for the crime, the Uruk shipwrecked and in fear of reprisal from the Ferrymen or Aaunites made for the forests. Unbeknowced to them, they wandered into a Halfling ambush and were forced into the mountains north of the valley- entering what would become their home, the Broken Bend. The warband, at their last wits, swore allegiance to the smartest among them, Swiv’Lur; thus did they adopt the name Swiv’Lur’s gang, bastardized by the Broken Bend lowlanders, Swivelers. The warband, knowing that they would be labeled craven or fools for their poor tactics during the raid in Lurin, decided to create a new life and hope in the mountains, and followed Swiv until his death in a raid into Dunfarthing for supplies. His son, Swind’Lur, the new Kapo thus declared permanent enemies of the Halfling race, and the Ferrymen until the blood feud was settled. Swind, who was a rather intelligent Goblin began trade with the Aaunites of the valley until word of Wahg came to them several decades following their settlement. Despite no contact with their fellow Uruk, the Swivelers raided into Aaun from their base in the Southron hills, though the raids abruptly halted when news of their Whitewashing by the Rexdom arrived to their Kapo, who halted their raids in anger and focused upon attacking the supply lines of the Veletzian-Krugmar alliance. Surrounded by enemies, the culture grew estranged; over the subsequent decades, their isolation only furthered them from their homeland until it became somewhat unrecognizable as any culture out of the Iron Horde. Culture The Swiveler culture is one of deceit, honor which emboldens most Uruks is a stranger to the peoples of the Southron Foothills, and it is through the cunning that is taught from a young age to these greenskins that they remain in such a precarious region. The Swivelers follow no masters but their Kapo, and even then, loyalty among them is never guaranteed, as most if not all Swivlers aspire to be the Kapo. If you truly believe you understand the motivations of a member of the Swivelers, you are a fool. As such there is a saying amongst their people: "Never trust a frown, for the teeth are hidden!" It has become a cultural staple to smile during an entire exchange of pleasantries unless harm is wished to be done, in which case, a frown is a tell-tale sign of intent; of course this mostly applies within the gang, and even then the pleasantry will be discarded in favor of a smile to hide ones intentions. (So the pleasantry is meaningless.) Swiv believe any and all but themselves expendable, such is taught to them and often self preservation is encouraged over loyalty and honorable death. Waste is common in their society and it extends beyond the material objects collected; but also to their own allies and troops. Of course, however, the expenditure of life is done with a greater strategical purpose though the feebleminded enemies of Swiv'Lur society cannot see usually see such and focus more on tactics than true Swiv strategy. Swiv wear mostly the fashion of the Heartlands as they do not possess the necessary materials for industrial textiles, though some clothiers exist among them, only the wealthiest thugs among the gang wear such novelties. The exception to this rule is the very identifiable armband worn by initiate members of the gang, the Swivel of Krahg; a spoked wheel. Swiv speak in bastardized Heartlandic Blah, almost unrecognizable as Blah entirely as the traders and criminal dealers that bring most of the wealth into their gang bring back the language of those they exploit as well as the coin from their targets. (For all intents and purposes, they speak normally but with an accent and special wording.) Swiv also learned the art of skaalding from such trading and create music wherever they go, not just for morale purposes but for keeping tempo in march, as well as demoralization of the enemy. Such demoralization is refined into "Swiv-wahg" a stolen tradition from the Norlandic culture of "Flyting," wherein two opponents take turns rhythmically mocking each other; although it must be noted that despite appropriating the event the Swiv tradition is much more musical and often requires instrumentals. Naming Conventions Members of the larger gang are given short, usually one-syllable names, some examples are listed below. Swind | Craw Vex | Kut Dawd | Fidd Burrg | Squeeb Rhiz | Embezz Cull | Foww Hydrahku | Krip Boah | Shmugg The gang name follows the given name. Swiv Terminology Swiv speak in complex gang terminology which is ever developing and manifesting as culture often does, and as such oftentimes come off as more foreign than their cousins; some terms are listed below. Kapo - Warboss, Leader. Goobahn - Idiot, unintelligent. Motzahr - A fine dish of succulent cheese, most often harvested from stolen Heartlander Cattle. Ink Instigator | Missive Moron - Someone who utilizes the notice boards and writing instead of physical action in every situation. Petchren - Easy Pickings. Tusk-Maxxing - The art of sticking one's jaw out to gain a stronger underbite and larger tusk to chin ratio. The Gang - The Swiv culture at large. Tis thing of ours - The gang. Affiliant - Non Uruk ally of the gang. Gitz - Nearly insulting way of referring to an individual. Wahg - War. Swiv-Wahg - War through lyric. Flappah - A nonaffiliant, not to be trusted. Coffah - An affiliant, to be utilized for some quality. Honah - An affiliant, to be trusted. Runty - Small, insignificant. Hum - Human Elf-ting, Elf-shit - Elf Shor-ting - Dwarf Crayhone - Writing utensil often utilized for drawing offerings to affiliants. Whizbag - Any voidal mage. Booyahg - Any magic. Schmoyagel - Mooching. Goobhin - Pretending. Coppahn - Guards (Derogatory.) Musslehn - Guards (Not Derogatory.) Foohglin - Soldier/Warrior Oiashmen - Oyashiman Azdroman - Herald, etc. Bonelard - Lich U'nc - Teacher Neph' - Student
  2. ~~The Red Tide~~ This gang is currently the most dominate throughout Oren. Its power allows it to sell drugs and commit murders throughout Anthos unhindered. Involved in numerous illegal activities it has gained a name for itself by the sheer amount of blood spilled without killing unless necessary. By cutting out eyes and splitting people open, yet tending to them so that they can live to crawl back to the cities has spread word about this powerful organization. The Boss The Boss is the sole head who brings together Gang Lords for large criminal activities. He has control of a city in Anthos. To go against the Boss, is to go against the Gangs. Gang Lords The Gang lords have control over specific cities and areas throughout Anthos. They can choose to be blatant or secretive about the actions in the city or area they control. Bandit Heads Bandit heads control all criminal activities along the roads leading to the city of their Gang Lord. They are sure to make the big pennies with his fellow Bandits. Assassin Heads Assassin heads control a good portion of murders while conducting all of the silent ones for the Gang Lord. His control extends over all assassins and most murderers. He also deals with heists and/or burglaries. Drug Lords Drug Lords control drug import and distribution to other distributors and customers. These men can often be wealthy and usually end up making enemies. It is from these Drug Lords that some good paying jobs are given to other parts of the gang in their cities. Illegal Activities ~ Murder ~ ~ Theft ~ ~Drugs ~ ~ Assassinations ~ ~ Corruption ~ ~ Torturing ~ ~ Kidnapping ~ ~ Illegal Mercenary Work ~ ~ Ransoming ~ Who will be working with you? You will be working with fellow gang members who treat each other with respect as long as they themselves receive respect. So attacking another gang member can lead to severe consequences. Are there any ranks? Such things are determined by the Head or Gang Lord you work under. Different ranks are given by different Heads/Gang Lords. Each Gang Lord can choose to have an elite rank and/or an Underboss to control while they are gone. This applies to Heads as well. How do I work my way up the ladder? Show your prowess to the Gang Lord and Head you work under by excessive excellence. He will notice this and let you climb the ladder. Should you be looking to become a Head or a Gang Lord, recommendations must be given by your Gang Lord/Head. Broddah, I want in on this! Any pay? Many gang members are given resources to sell and/or earn over 250 minas easily. However should you be lacking such the standard base pay for a gang member is 250 minas. Ah want in on this gang! Let me in broddah! Fill in this application mate (Given out to criminals only).
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