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  1. KAROSGRADIAN MARKET EXPANSION Issued by the Office of The Royal Treasurer On this 12 of Msitza and Dargund of 361 E.S. PREFACE VA BIRODEO E HERZENAV, During the last half of the decade, with the blessing of GOD, the Karosgardian Market has been constantly expanding, new businesses opened, new goods traded, and more customers satisfied. So much has boomed, that until now, all of its shops and a good portion of the available stalls have been purchased, operating and bringing themselves income. However, after overseeing from the Royal Treasurer, it has become apparent that some of said properties - namely stalls - require revisions when it comes to their appearance, location, and availability to the general public. Moreover, it has also become clear that efforts to expand upon the already-existing physical market would be a beneficial act. As such, the Officer of the Royal Treasurer, with help from the former Seneschal Mio Mackensen, has undertaken an effort to both design and construct more stores and review the state of its existing stalls. Depiction of Lord Treasurer Ser Brandt Barclay overseeing the construction of the stores. REVISIONS Stores While there hasn’t been much significant change in the layout or position of stores, two changes regarding shops shall occur: I. Crown Avenue I - Previously owned and used by the Haense Fur Trading Company, and later by the Black Crow Company™, part of the Royal Treasury, is now sold and operated as an independent property. Upon notice to the citizens of Karosgrad of this change, the store was sold quickly, now owned as a private property. i. The operational stall of the Black Crow Company™ has now been moved within the Golden Crow Bank™, just to the right. Now selling some of the most common and useful raw materials, as well as different odds and ends, all related to the Haeseni culture. II. Crown Avenue XIII - previously used as a public smithy, has now been converted into an open, workshop-themed storefront, ready to be claimed. Stalls I. Market Stalls I, II & III - which previously stood adjacent to one another near the first right turn of the main Karosgrad are to only include Market Stalls I & II, the size of each stall expanding, while also appealing more appealing and eye-catching to potential customers. II. Market Stalls IV & V - which both stand by the side of the Town Hall, are to become Market Stalls III & IV, as what used to be number III has been removed. Both of the stalls have been greatly overhauled to appear more appealing and fitting to the main square. III. Market Stalls VI, VII & VIII - which still stand adjacent to one another as they remain just to the side of the Basilica's western wall (near the end of Wickwood Way), are to change their numbers to V, VI & VII respectively. Each receiving an overhaul, expanding and rebuilt to appear more pleasing to the eye, and hopefully so to the pocket of the passing customer. IV. Merchant Stalls II and the Jointed III & IV - located near the town’s center, by the Basilica’s side, are to switch their locations. The smaller Merchant Stall II is to be directed towards the middle, facing inwards and so being more likely to have its articles seen. The jointed III & IV, shall be moved towards the corner-side, now facing towards the Town Hall and Palace respectively. No further changes shall take place. V. Merchant Stall VIII - previously stood adjacent to the public smithy, shall now be removed due to the expansions following this Edict. As such, the previous Merchant Stall IX shall take its place as number VII, whilst remaining rather untouched with the upcoming expansions; save for a slight readjustment to fit the architecture better. EXPANSIONS Working alongside the stated revisions, Karosgrad will now also see the inclusion of four additional stores, with two of these already reserved by two long-waiting business owners. However, two more, interestingly-positioned stores are planned to be constructed. Depiction of Lord Treasurer Brandt Barclay working on the construction materials. I. Crown Avenue XIV & XV - having their construction already started by workers of the Royal Treasury, the two new Crown Avenue properties shall be placed as a continuation of the chain of stores stretching leftwards the main street leading into the city’s centre. The architecture of the buildings shall follow a very similar and fitting design, whilst also being rather accessible to the passing customers. Each stretching two stores up in total, the now Merchant Stall VIII shall be attached to the cornered Crown Avenue XV for a smooth and appealing appearance. II. Crown Avenue XVI & XVII - upon further inspections on the available spaces around Karosgrad, it has become apparent to the Lord Treasurer of the possible transformation and utilization of the two ramparts built in front of the Nikirala Prikaz. Due to the potential of the space inside these ramparts, architectural plans have been achieved by the Treasurer, with the help and confirmation of his Majesty and other volunteer workers. Thus, drawing out the possibility of two extra stores, each taking up the space inside their respective ramparts. Because of their position, these stores include an interesting edge over the rest, moreso due to the direct, straight forward accessibility of each, whilst the space offered adds to their value. TAXATION As most of the revisions and expansions of the Karosgardian market await completion, updates shall be done to the list of Karosgrad’s available properties, now including the planned changes. Following this, naturally, it shall be the Lord Treasurer job to assign both the selling price and taxes of the new properties. However, due to the addition of two rather beneficial stores, these being the latter Crown Avenues (XVI & XVII), there exists the possibility that a bidding system is applied in order to assign the selling price and owner of these properties. This decision shall depend on the amount of interested aspiring business owners who wish to call these stores their place of operation. As such, it is encouraged for whoever wishes to purchase one of these properties to come into contact with either the Lord Treasurer Brandt Barclay or Lady Seneschal Ingrid Barclay in order to be considered for occupation of said properties. Depiction of the hard working Treasury workers constructing the buildings. IV JOVEO MAN Signed, His Excellency Ser Brandt Barclay KC, Lord Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska Signed, Her Excellency, Ingrid Barclay, High Seneschal of Haense
  2. Brothers and sisters of Urguan, the time of living in contentment in filth is over. No longer will shanty stone villages will do, with no walls to protect ourselves, while our Legion falls to petty raiders! ---HISTORY--- In the events of several military tragedies, the new reign of a king, the civil war, and the inactivity of the military, Dulgrim Doomforged has put aside his career as a Legate, in the Urguan Legion, and his clan, to devote himself into completing what no one else would do. Upon seeing people complaining about what they could do to help Urguan or what they could change, he has begun a movement to doing so, by creating the Masons Guild, an Organization that prides itself to improve Urguan into a better tomorrow, by any means, while working with other Urguan guilds and leaders for varied projects. - "As meh fathah alwehs bi sayin', 'if'n nae be un else willen tae dae wurk, du et yeself, t'at be w'at be makin' a real man.'" -Dulgrim Doomforged ---PURPOSE--- Our goal is to redo the shabby old Urguan and to create the best of dwarven architecture for Urguans future. Whether it is Architecture or Engineering, we are working together with both the military Grand Marshal Rhrewen, and Grand King Skippy to both, suggest projects and to add in tips when needed about how to proceed best for the construction of several future projects, our first would be the new wall and gate with a new pathway. We range from anything civilian to military, in all various shapes and sizes, from forts to libraries, anything to be compensated for, we can build it. ---JOINING--- If you are willing to join, here are some things to keep in mind before signing up. We have three and only three types of members in the guild, Builders, Engineers and Gatherers/smelters. Builders are required to submit a test, that will be given out by the Head Mason, the leader of the Masons Guild.Engineerings will have to prove they understand a basic-advanced understand of redstone and commands to use machinery in both OOC and RP.Gathers and Smelters must be ready and fill the chests and needs of their guild brothers.The Head Mason shall give out the projects, any members looking to work solo without any acknowledgement from the Head Mason or the Elitists of the Guild will be punished.There are two types of ranks per each class, Regulars and Elitists. Regulars will do whatever work of any variety, while the Elitists shall be the first for any major projects, such as a statue the size of every dwarves ego.
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