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  1. The Master Thieves Guild Written by Raptor and Racker, edited by BDanecker INTRO The Master Thieves guild was one of the first and oldest organizations of criminals, brigands and thieves, banding together with one common goal; to become wealthier. Members of the guild use each other’s talents to help each other out to steal all they can manage, pooling their wide range of skills and talents to accomplish even the most impossible tasks. The guild is the very embodiment of “Honor among Thieves”, backing each other up and bringing their resources, skills and wealth together to strive to greater the guild’s wealth, power and infamy. Every member is expected to have the other’s back and every member is expected to treat their partners in crime as brothers. The guild is not an army, but an independent family and brotherhood of thieves, all working towards the same thing: satisfying the Greed within us all. Disclaimer: All the information on this post is entirely secret. This is not open or public knowledge. It is known to the guild members and the guild members only (with some exceptions). GUILD HISTORY The Master Thieves Guild is one of the oldest organizations in known history, with the founding of the guild occurring over 500 years ago. At the height of it’s powers the guild housed some of the most infamous thieves and criminals of all time. These people include Red Raven and the Upright Man, the founders of the guild, who undertook one of the first heists in recorded history, alongside Dune Walker, another original member. Other members included thieves such as The Faceless Man, Lucas Black and Freema Grenedad. The guild can be attributed to heists that include the theft of the priceless portrait of the Wandering Wizard, the break in of the Salvus Vaults, and the robbery of General Gabriel’s Breastplate, as well as numerous other relics untold. After 150 years of the guild's existence throughout Aegis, Asulon and Anthos, the guild disbanded as many of its members died or disappeared. It was not until a former member of the guild's last sect of members decided to rebuild the guild so thieves and vagabonds could once again make their mark upon the world, and enrich themselves in whatever infamy and fortune awaited them as a result. The Cunning Man brought the Guild of great history and report back to the scene in the lands of Arcas, as he himself had underwent many tales such as the presumed sighting of Lady Luck herself, as he more than well fit the bill for proudly leading his new group of thieves in acts well beyond their expected abilities. This includes the Theft of the Carrington Vaults, Theft under the Vanity of Vitenna, and other numerous smaller works. RANKS Guildmaster The designated leader of the Master Thieves Guild. Technically, the Guildmaster is still a Master Thief and not above them in rank, but is the chosen head to make the final call and final decisions (e.g. Master Thief promotions, benefactors, large heists and alliances.) He is the Master of the guild and head of our band of thieves. Master Thief Master Thief is the highest rank in the guild. The Master Thieves are beyond experts of the craft, knowledgeable in all the arts of thievery, stealth and deception. Able to talk their way out of (or into) any situation, Master Thieves are able to slink into society like the shadows, waiting to steal when the time is right. Their job is to teach the lower ranks the necessary skills needed to become a Master Thief themselves. They are in charge of organizing jobs, heists, collecting and setting up dead drops, making contact with new recruits, making contact with benefactors and contacts. All other ranks answer to the Master Thieves. Shadow The elite of the guild. The best of the best. The most skilled and stealthiest thieves among the ranks. The Shadow is the role model for Burglars and Thieves, being the prime example of how they should act. They are unseen, they are swift and they never miss their mark. The Shadows are to assist the Master Thieves in the training and supervision of the Brigands and are also able to orchestrate jobs and heists. They often have enough report behind their name to leave a mark on history, and the coffers of those who believe their valuable to be safe. Thief Thieves are the bulk of the guild, and represent the name of the MTG by acting accordingly. They have free reign over the jobs they pull, though not able to conduct full operations and Heists. Now being permitted to do jobs for the guild stated on the job board, suggest and take part in heists, inform the guild of targets and perform their own jobs without supervision, thieves use their cunning and adaptability to learn what the thieving world has to offer. Burglar The Burglars are now allowed to start going on certain jobs. Burglars will be under the guidance of a qualified thief who will teach them how to use the skills they studied in practical use. Burglars must follow the directions of their superior, while working on their skills to be promoted. To rank up to Thief, one will be tested by pulling a job where they will take the lead. If they succeed, they will be promoted. If not, then they must do another term (length decided by their superior) of study until they will be tested again. Unbranded The fresh meat, the new bloods, the brand new recruits, fresh off the streets and ready to be turned into professional thieves. These are those the guild has expressed interest in their talents and has decided to induct Unbranded into it. They are not permitted to do anything, nor take part in any jobs. At this point, Unbrandeds are not considered part of the guild, nor privy to any information at all. Once the Guild has expressed interest, Unbranded find themselves taken by a Shadow or a Master Thief on a minor job to prove their worth and skill. Should they succeed, they will be branded with the guild mark upon their forearm and made to take the Oath. After this, Unbranded are officially part of the guild. GUILD LAW Guild Rules Do not betray the Master Thieves Guild. If you are caught, do not reveal that you are a part of the Master Thieves Guild. Do not act above your rank i.e. a Brigand may not orchestrate heists and jobs and a Thief may not command a Shadow or a Master Thief. Do not act against the guild and it’s members. This includes theft, acts of violence and insubordination. Differences can be taken up with the Master Thieves, or the Guildmaster. Secrets are secrets for a reason, take them with you to your grave. Guild Expected Standards Thieves are expected to show a certain amount of finesse when performing a job. Killing is restricted unless absolutely 100% necessary and is frowned upon even then. Thieves are expected to leave their guild coin behind as a “calling card”. The guild’s reach has no limits and people must be reminded of this. Thieves are expected not to act against allies and/or contacts of the guild without express permission from a Master Thief. OOC SECTION OOC DISCLAIMER/RULES Understand that you may be ejected from the guild at any time for whatever reason, be it rule breaking (IC or OOC) or we feel you are no longer suitable for the guild, etc. Once ejected from the guild, you may return only if the Master Thieves deem it fit that you should return. Should you choose to leave the guild of your own accord, the guild will grant you free pardons to roam the world without the guild by your side, provided you keep to your oath of secrecy. Should you break this oath whilst not being a part of the guild, you will be treated the same way as if you were ejected from the guild. Understand that if you are forcefully removed from the guild for a serious offense (deemed by us), you will be hunted down RPly until the ends of the earth. If you are caught, understand that you may be tortured, beaten and/or repeatedly killed. DO NOT APPLY FOR THE MASTER THIEVES GUILD IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS. THREAD RULES The guild has been created to try and innovate thievery roleplay within the server. The aim of the guild is to provide quality RP for both thieves and their victims and anyone applying should want to create RP that is fun for both sides. The goal is NOT to "win" per say, but rather to craft a quality narrative on this server. There is no reason for Holy Knights and noble Marshals if no Thieves and Bandits to quell. We hope to fill the guild with quality roleplayers and not a quantity of roleplayers. However anyone and everyone is welcome to apply and will be given equal opportunity within the guild, whether they are an old player with lots of roleplay experience or a new player with little roleplay experience, provided they want to create fun RP for everyone. With that, here are some simple rules you need to keep in mind when posting on this thread. Do not post your application on this thread, please PM it to me, BDanecker, on discord at BDanecker#1120 The only posts to be made on this thread are that of an RP nature, though most exploits will be shown in full forum posts. Please PM me if you have any OOC questions. If you do have any OOC comments to make, please put them in a spoiler beneath an RP post. Failure to abide by these simple rules will result in your post being removed (if you do not fix it upon request) and a possible instant denial from the guild. APPLICATION The application is not the only form of joining the guild, however it is the most practical. It is for you to express your interest in joining and for us to determine whether or not we would take interest in your character. Sometimes members will be inducted purely based on RP experiences and will not be required to fill out the application. SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO ME ON DISCORD AT BDANECKER#1120 OOC MC Name: Why do you want to join?: How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience?: Have you read and agreed to the OOC Disclaimers and warnings?: Discord Name: RP Info RP Name: Race: Age: Personality (A paragraph will suffice): Aspirations and Motives for joining:
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