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Everything posted by Goblinmancer

  1. Love ya amy ❤️ ((Im still going to kiss your bf))
  2. Please stop deleting replies on my goodbye post :(

  3. Mods please stop deleting peoples comments on my post, you are only contributing to allowing toxic players on the server the ability to keep ruining it for others :(
  4. long live dreki, long live veldenz, long live daeland Careful, I’ll say what that last dude did when you joked >:)
  5. You are under OOC oversight, just pm me man
  6. Just a heads up mods, please don’t remove my post I wish to cherish it later on down the line
  8. I still do commissions, besides lotc I still have big boy bills irl, however ty for always being a spook menace with me :)
  9. My memory ain't the best so thank you for reminding me of these times aahaha much love wonk. Thank you for supporting me in nearly everything I do
  10. Thanks man it means a lot to see that others saw my efforts Sadly most of it was said in vc’s, it’s what allows these same players to do it again, and again, and again to drive people off of the server and to affect them not only in game but irl
  11. Hello everyone, I would just like to make a quick post so I don’t really have to go through and say this a lot of times. This isn’t really a post to draw attention or to send others hate but I’m going to list a few of the reasons why I have decided to “leave” the server ((yes everyone comes back, however I will be trying pretty hard not to)). -Recently, I had endured an interaction on the server where a group of players had sought out to destroy my rp community as well as PK my character. During this event multiple of my players endured harassment, slurs were said about me by multiple people during the roleplay, there were numerous instances of metagaming, OOC hatred and intents overtook roleplay, and etcetera. However my departure is not because of this event alone. Although I am afraid to say that it is what put the last nail in the coffin for me on the server. Time and time again it has failed me in regards to harboring toxic communities who ruin roleplay over ooc spite, jealousy, and hatred. The server fails me when it refuses to uphold voids to a situation whenever the entire offending party catches an infraction because “there was too much rp”. It has failed me because when proven that a player plotted something oocly and metagamed, because they did “proper rp”, that it is going to be allowed. For the past couple months on this server I’ve encountered the same ooc hatred from a group of individuals and I just don’t think that I can deal with it anymore. The server is a nasty place, and communities and cliques within it are even worse. For a while now I have roleplayed as a mere NPC, making roleplay hubs for players to enjoy and get engaged in the server lore and even that falls victim to OOC hatred. Players actively seek to destroy other communities, ruin roleplay experiences, and push people off of the server for little to no reason. When this happened to me the first time, I had wanted to leave the server then however I decided I’d stick it out and give it the benefit of the doubt, but it only made the next time around much more painful to endure. I hate to submit to these conditions but I sadly just don’t want to keep going over the same things over, and over again. It isn’t really fun for me anymore and recently has caused me an immense amount of grief. My last little bit of fun that I had on the server was just taken away from me because of these circumstances and I don’t really want to see that happen again. To everyone who helped me out along my past three years on the server, thank you for everything you guys did and for giving me some life-long experiences and friendships. I will still be finishing out my build commissions and doing skins every now and then as I do enjoy that aspect of minecraft. I ask that you guys help me in my departure and please try not to invite me back to stuff because I’m really bad at saying no. I’m not really sure what comes next but I plan to graduate college next year and go from there, who knows what life has in store : ) ((PS make sure to check in on your friends, pay attention to your mental health, and when your friends tell you not to join something listen to em)) My discord is Qizu#0001
  12. THE LANDS OF YOL THE TREASON OF THE PONTIFF AND BALIAN Fin Rah Lo FOREWORD I send this out to all of you on behalf of the Lands of Yol. As of late I, Morur’ei the Lord Of Yol have taken quite the interest in observing the politics of the world. As the war was settled with the elves of the west, I had noticed many procomations from other nations using my existence as a reason to go to war with the orcs. This is quite a cowardly act on behalf of many parties involved within the war, therefore I wish to clear their lies so that my dearest friends who, quite frankly I believe hate me themselves, are no longer slandered by settlements who housed me within their very walls themselves. THE GOVERNMENT OF BALIAN The lands in the south should hold their tongues when speaking on behalf of my name and the ‘Azdrazi.’ Let it be known, that during the civil war within the lands of oren against the Imperial’s and Fredrick’s armies I had sought out the imperialists to aid them. I had reached the Emperor himself within the church of Fort Galbraith. It was here that I made a deal, the very founder of Balian himself had agreed to such. The Imperialists had agreed to take me into their lands once the war was over, they were to allow me to harbor Azdrazi within them under the condition that I help them fight their war. Eventually after fighting alongside the Imperialist they had valiantly accepted defeat. From here, I had guided them and my flock of heralds to the south where the city of Balian was established and in it’s naming of the city, it even paid homage to my past life Atrus. As Balian placed its feet into the ground, me and my kin, the Azdrazi, had been welcomed among the lands. Even within the campsite leading up to the construction of the city which, believe it or not I had built myself! We were even welcome among the courts and the people, and given quite the sizable amount of land. Even the leaders of the settlement had allowed me to take some of them and turn them into my very own Heralds, as well as some of their citizens. All was well until the citizens of Balian had been caught by the Church to be harboring Azdrazi, and from this day onwards they have spoken of me as a ‘threat’, a ‘monster’, a ‘servant of iblees’. Why was it that they had not called me these things before when they were using me for their success? THE PONTIFF As for the recent pontiff himself a similar declaration is to be constructed. A near Saint’s week ago I had met with the pontiff myself, the Azdrazi known as Morur’ei. It was here that I had struck a similar deal with him, as I looked onwards at him with a blazing fire within my eyes the very pontiff himself had made a deal with me. The Pontiff had agreed to meet with the Azdrazi themselves, the so called Spawns of Iblees. We had made a plan together for the Pontiff to meet with us to allow us back into the church as, believe it or not we are a large flock of Cannonist ourselves however do not mistake my words as an act against the church, it is an act against treason itself. Why is the man who proclaims to be connected with GOD himself agreeing to help coerce the Azdrazi and then the next day he uses them as a political move? Why is it that a man of GOD is engaging in mortal politics? Why has he plagued the church with his treason and his lies? CLOSING I speak these words not to spark conflict, or hate, but to speak truth. Do not use me or my children of the titan himself to win and wage your wars, you should have kept silent but now all shall be revealed. As per the blatant lies of Azdrazi living within the lands of Krugmar, do not spin these lies any further. The Azdrazi and the Lands of Yol are independent from their governance, nothing but the truth itself should be shouted in the streets of the city, which is why I send this very letter to you all. SIGNED, The Lord of Yol, Morur’ei
  13. The Lord of Yol sharpens his axe, "Time to lop the head's off of incels." he cackled as a fire burned bright within his eyes.
  14. THE LANDS OF YOL THE BANISHMENT OF PROCREATION Rek Saraan Mu THE SCOURGE OF PROCREATION From this day onwards, the act of Procreation not only within, but for those who serve it and walk within are hereby banished from participating in such an act. By bringing a child into this world you are creation what should be a beautiful flame, one that is plagued by the claim of Aeriel. Each soul and child created only risks that her realm grows stronger, and that her claim is met. This declaration is taking effect immedietly, and does not affect those who have harbored children prior. THE COST OF TREACHERY Those found to break this declaration are subjected to the following consequences; execution and the seizing of the child to the Lord of Yol himself. There are no exceptions to this declaration, and all parties will be held accountable by the Knights of Yol and its respective entities.
  15. THE LANDS OF YOL Suleyk Ya Hi OVERVIEW The Lands of Yol are made from the coalition of forces and scholars that have gathered at its foundations. These lands are made of scholars and knights alike who find common ground within the servitude against the Aeungudaemonic forces. The Rules and Procedures of the Lands goes as follows. DECLARATION Long since the declaration of the Academy amidst the lands of the Horde things have changed. Fires grew stronger, men and women grew in numbers, and the influence of the world lost more of its grip upon the mortal minds drawn to the Unknown of the draconic philosophies. Therefore from this day forward what was once known as the Academy of Dragur shall no longer exist, and its institutions shall be demolished immediately. Within its place a new gathering of stone and fire will begin, the Lands of Yol. A separation of the purely Draconic will be made and all Nephilim and Azdrazi shall be rendered defenders of the realm and clergymen of the Father. This means that these lands encompass more than the existence of dragonkin and are welcome to outsiders given they are within the boundaries of the Law. At the declaration of this very word, the Lord of Yol will be crowned upon the helm of Mordrake - Morur’ei the Noble Dragon. From the day of this declaration the Lands of Yol are hereby rendered separate with the claimants of their lands - the Iron’Uzg. All treaties and alliances with the academy are now Null, and the title of vassalship is no more. HIERARCHY The Lands of Yol are led by a single ruler who holds all power within it - the Lord of Yol. His word is the supreme law however it is welcome to be questioned and challenged. Beneath him lies his Horde of soldiers and scholars alike. The Horde of Yol encompasses all citizenry and soldiers within its calling. KNIGHTLY ORDERS Within the great walls of Yol, three are many Knightly Orders. Knightly Order’s are any given group with a purpose as well as a patron that they serve. They are welcome here within the walls and are encouraged to be participated in. To establish one within the lands, seek out the Lord of Yol. CITIZENRY To become a citizen within the lands of Yol, one must seek out the Lord himself. Should they do so, they will be granted citizenry within his walls and are rendered to achieve all benefits of such. This is a title that is granted only to members of great servitude and commitment. LAWS The Laws of Yol are simple, and precise. All creatures rendered upon the two sides of the coin that have been termed “light and dark” are hereby banished from the lands and should they be found crawling at the entrance of the city or within it - they will be publicly executed immediately. Citizens of Yol are prohibited from engaging in combat against one another viciously with the exception of duels. Any sign of Aeungudaemonic worship or prowess will be removed immediately and practitioners of such will find a swift, merciful death. RELIGION Religions practiced within the Lands of Yol are permitted to the following: Cannonism, Asioth. Worship of Dragon’s as well as Saints is permitted.
  16. I speak of the multiple expansions within dark mages that can pk azdrazi, also just glancing at this piece it doesn't come off as providing roleplay other then a nephilim sticking their shrine somewhere underground that will never be revealed to the public or engage rp. I just feel like an amendment regarding drakeshrines could have some more to it other then just the few constraints you listed in the lore
  17. im talking about the 1 irl day of not playing, then the four after that of no abilities or powers And yes there are a LOT of pk mechanics that azdrazi face from multiple different and even wide-spread lore pieces. I just don't think this amendment has any actual purpose/contribution to the lore piece or the active story going on the server regarding nephilim and just seems like another storyless lore constraint to be put on them
  18. nice to see lore for nephilim, however I feel like azdrazi already have a lot of limiting respawn mechanics as well as PK mechanisms
  19. uhmm, how come you haven't been arranging our wedding I thought you were handling all that? ? ? ? stop writing so much lore and focus on our relationship.
  20. THE HOUNDS OF THE HORDE From this day forward the following contract will occur, I. The Hounds of Don will aid the Horde in the current war regarding the Elves of Mali’nor II. This contract will stand true till the end of the war regarding the conquest of the Orcish Lands. III. For every soldier provided, there will be a payment of 300 coins to the Hounds of Don. IV. The payment will be made prior to their service to cover the fees of death and armaments as a reassurance that the soldiers will be paid. Signed, REX OF THE HORDE, Borok of the Iron’Uzg HIS LORDSHIP, Ratibor af Don
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