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    BagleQueen #0348
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    Ailyn Matiu
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  1. Ailyn Matiu Age: 20 Race: Human Gender: Female Sexuality: Whoever catches her eye, catches her eye. Current Residence: Homeless Relationship Status: Technically married Social Status: Friendly neighborhood hobo Physical Appearance Height: 5’7 Weight: 167 Physique: Muscular but still keeps her feminine shape Hair Color: Dark daaarrk brown Scars: One large scar from her neck to her cheek Hygiene: She can never seem to wash the smell of salt off of her. Constantly dirty from her travels. Voice: She can’t help but talk like a sailor. Personality Likes: Freedom, exploring, meeting new people. Dislikes: Not being able to do whatever she wants Strengths: Physical strength, survival knowledge Weaknesses: She just can’t seem to pick up on social cues Fears: Commitment Values: Freedom Possesions Wardrobe: Gods forbid she ever venture north or she’d freeze to death. Jewelry: She wears a string of beautiful shells, pearls, scales, and teeth on her hip. Has an earring with an old seagull feather attached. Always carries: Her old rusty trusty fishing rod. Her leather satchel that has all her essentials like a change of clothes and random things she’s found.
  2. LaughingDove


    Thank you! I worked really hard on this skin ❤️ I hope you find my edits to your liking~
  3. LaughingDove


    Ailyn grew up the youngest of four brothers. This meant Ailyn had free range as a child, exploring the beaches of her home and getting into lots of trouble. One of her many adventures leads to the scar across her face though she’ll never say what it was really from. Though her family was dirt poor her childhood was filled with rich memories. By the time Ailyn became a woman her parents had decided her future for her. Marry her off to the towns wealthiest bachelor and live a quiet docile life as a wife. If you knew Ailyn you would know that she longed to see the world and adventure far from her home. The wedding was decided for the day of her 18th birthday, the family readied a beautiful necklace of fish scales, shells, and dolphin teeth as a dowry. Ailyn didn’t flinch when they entwined her tribal marks with her soon to be husband. When the day came and she was finally left alone to contemplate, she put her plan into action. Ailyn stole the dowry and gathered up all her belongings into a bag before making her way to the docks. There she stowed away on a ship to Arcas where she would start her journey in the city Sutica where she is bound to find something among the merchants and traders.
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