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Everything posted by Demented_Delila

  1. A mali’thill would be torn between screeching or sobbing upon seeing the posters of Illiran pasted about Ves! “Resisting arrest? Being just a ‘warlock’? You all are detached from the truth of what he is. He is an impure, guilty of murder and several attempts of attempted murder. He should’ve remained dead , capture the wretch if you see him. So we may make him pay tenfold for the life of Gusten Faeliel.” She would hurry off, back to the Silver State as she had forgotten why she’d come to begin with.
  2. Demented_Delila


    Dele grew up a bit above poor, despite her High Elf blood. Her family were workers and did their best to provide for her... despite the constant bickering of her parents. Each night they fought, she slipped away and stole the workhorse from the stables to ride through the woods into the next town over. She could not stand the fighting, the screaming, the sounds of bottles breaking. During these night time escapes, she began to learn from a human man named Balthazar, an alchemist. Though she did not entirely pick up on alchemy, she learned the art of medicine and alcohol. She grew older and older, with each passing day yearning to breathe free of her status. When Balthazar passed, he gave to her his small fortune so that she might escape her old life and start a new. The old life still haunted her and the sounds of a verbal fight make her anxious. Despite this rocky start, she escaped before her adulthood and learned quickly that life is not always kind to her. A scar across her cheek marks this painful truth, after her fair blood attracted unsavory attention and she was attacked outside of a tavern one night. She fled further into the world after that, afraid of the life she had entered. A kind woman offered her teachings as a healer to further aid her along in life. This became her calling and she furthered her new life as a traveling healer. She walked and rode all that she could, helping who she could without asking questions. Trust was yet to be learned of this strange new world she had come to be in. Her weapon, she came to know, was a sword despite her healing hands. If she were to be a healer in a world where there were people who would always hurt others, she would take up a sword and defend herself! She has no proper knowledge of healing though, most of her attempts are... attempts, at most. She is at most qualified to cure a headache or a cold, not a mortal wound. She learns as she goes and does her best to remember, with plans to learn as much as she can. She covers her ears in attempts to pass off as a human so that it might protect her in some way or another. She came to Arcas by pure blunder after boarding the wrong ship after coming from an outlier village in Atlas, dumbfounded by the world around her and longing to stay here as she revels in the majesty around her. She hopes, if anything, to find whatever schooling here (In Curon specifically, after hearing such wonderful things about the school there) she can to be a better healer! She firmly believes now that she was meant to have come to Arcas and meet the monks at the Cloud Temple. She is determined to make her life her own in Arcas, despite its vast reaches.
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