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Everything posted by TH3GHOSTWAFFL3

  1. 'By uploading any content to Lord of the Craft, you are handing the copyright ownerships to us... we do not take responsibility for the content you upload.'
  2. Wayrest Oh fair Wayrest, weak you lay The ***** of High Rock and the Bay Never will you rise again; Your time is done, weep in vain This verse, written by an anonymous poet from Dwynnen, resonates amongst the populace of Wayrest as civil war rages. Edwystir Moorford now seems destined to irrelevance following not only the loss of his power base at Alcaire to the pretender of Northpoint, but also his crushing defeat outside the city of Wayrest by Cumberland’s forces. Accompanied by a small force of knights, he has been forced to live off the land with his men and lay low. He swears that the next time he sees Cumberland, he will force his rival to a duel. But all is not yet lost. With the call from the forces of Hammerfell sent out to the pretenders of Wayrest, Moorford sees an opportunity. He takes his men, and moves to join forces with King Ennis’ army at Faragel’s Landing, stating that dealing with the pirates occupying the city of Wayrest is more important than petty internal squabbles... -Moorford takes his knights, and moves as carefully as possible to Faragel’s Landing, attempting to avoid any forces other than that led by Salah Ayebid of the Forebears. He sends a letter preceding his arrival, stating his willingness to work with the redguards to clear out the pirate menace and to settle peacefully the succession crisis of Wayrest.
  3. Wayrest Edwystir Moorford. Knight and general. The epitome of chivalric virtue. For many years he served King Barynia, and now he claims that the man promised him the throne. He is known for honour, so the doubts cast on this claim are regarded by his followers as spurious. Though, what is truth in politics but a useful tool? Edwystir rallies his followers in the fields and villages that make up the greater Kingdom of Wayrest, where he and the other claimants have been forced to settle their squabbles; the city is still held by pirates, so news of the pledge by King Ennis to aid against the pirate threat is celebrated all across Wayrest, and surely this proclamation by one of his greatest backers does nothing but boost Edwystir’s popularity. Far more insidious than pledges of support from a King of Hammerfell to the Bretons is a pledge of support from an Orc. Atoba Gro-Duron, a man feared by many in the Kingdom. He met with Edwystir privately in person, and although many rumours fly around as to what exactly transpired, what is certain is that the Orc has offered his support to Edwystir in return for the ruins of Nova Orsinium. He asks the chief to send a force into Wayrest to destroy the armies of rival claimants as quickly as possible. Edwystir has made his attitudes clear to Wayrest’s old rival in the west also – he is not one to lie or bend the truth when asked a question directly. It is his intention to once more restore Wayrest as a regional power in the Illiac Bay, and humiliate the old enemy, if he gains the crown. Now he prepares for war, exhorting Bretons across the Kingdom to flock to his banner. Actions -As many men as possible are raised to fight for Edwystir. -A diplomat is sent to King Ennis requesting for the Forebears to send money as quickly as possible to support his effort.
  4. WAYREST Wayrest burns. Corsairs from across the Illiac Bay, invited in by King Barynia to kill his political enemies, have invaded the kingdom and sacked the city. Whether Barynia is dead or not is uncertain – some say he was killed in his throne room, cut down by a ruffian’s blade and others still claim that he is hiding in the countryside, gathering support. Whatever the truth, Wayrest is without a ruler. Broken by administrative mismanagement and a bumbling monarch, and overshadowed by powerful Daggerfall to the west, it seems that the city is destined to decline into irrelevance. Various claimants struggle for the throne, rallying supporters. The city remains in the hands of brigands and roaming gangs – it is in ruins, a facsimile of it’s former glory. Once, it was a great power – now it is a wreck. Normal society and daily life have been disrupted by the bands of brigands now free to roam the countryside. The country is in a state of complete and utter ruin. If any foreign nations were to take an interest in the affairs of this Kingdom, the fate of Wayrest will certainly become very interesting indeed... Actions -A claimant sends a message to the ruler of Daggerfall asking for monetary support and troops. -The diplomant sent by King Ennis of the Forebears Clan is greeted by the sight of the city in flames. A local claimant requests support for the throne. -A claimant sends a message to the Emperor for support. -A claimant sends a message to King Talib of Hammerfell for support.
  5. Part of my definition of power gaming was cut off. I intended to write: Powergaming is doing something your character can't plausibly do with their skills and abilities. For example, saying that your character starts flying, despite not having that power. Power-emoting is forcing your actions on someone else so they cannot give resistance. For example, 'Leopold stabs Dietrich deep into his chest' rather than the acceptable 'Leopold attempts to stab Dietrich in the chest'


    Dietrich von Jungingen was born to a Hanset family once known as prestigious merchants. However, the previous inheritors of the von Jungingen wealth have squandered it terribly. His mother had grown sick of her husband’s indulgent antics, and after criticising his spending habits one time too often was forcibly removed from the family home. When Dietrich’s father died, he was left with nothing. Even Jungingen Hall had to be sold to pay off debts. He went to his mother, who had gone to live with her brother. However, his uncle had always disdained the von Jungingens. In his eyes, a declining family could produce no husband worthy of his sister, or hope to help create a worthy man. Dietrich was nothing more than the butt of the successful merchant’s jokes. Humiliated, Dietrich left his uncle’s household for the city of Helena with new found purpose. He will restore his family’s fortunes and bring back the glory and prestige once associated with the name of von Jungingen, by whatever means necessary...
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