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Posts posted by Wyrvun

  1. i don't think the problem is real, but the only way to make people want to use anything but plate-- because plate is the best of the best-- would be a movement change imo. (i know it's not a topic to be discussed just the only way i could see it being changed if thats what you want to do)


    it just doesn't make sense to use anything but plate if i only place myself at a disadvantage using anything else.

  2. Emaelia Drakon raises both brows in a mild surprise at the missive handed to her. "Perhaps... Ariane had done more damage than we had previously thought. It's a shame all of this was only brought to light after she has been killed." She passes the missive onto her kin to inspect. . . "I wonder if these are just empty words or the start of legitimate reform."

  3. Emaelia Drakon, eventually finding herself a copy of such a declaration furrows her brows "Wait, they're still a thing?-- What do you mean things don't simply cease to exist when I ignore them." Her tone saturated with irony, then herself, moving to prepare the construction of The Wayshrine Of Peace.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Emaelia Drakon


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Ariane Drakon


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             Yeah c:


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

            Makes sense to me


  5. Emaelia Drakon scans across the missive before handing it off to her Archon, Aroiia Drakon (@Sygnus_) "Who is this Aelyra? I have not heard of her." A light scoff follows this. "Her words speak truth, but there is naught but inaction. This, this... paper-" Her tone grows bitter, turning to address the room of Drakon, huddling around to hear the missive read aloud after she finished her ramblings "-It's not but a failed attempt to retain some authority, some power! She claims herself a princess. What makes a princess, her blood or who follows her? I say both. How can one be Princess of the 'fenn only penning missives?" 

  6. Emaelia cringes, physically repulsed at the very thought. "We would rather sacrifice ourselves for our nation, our freedoms, our mali'fenn kin than bow to those who despise us... Is that not what it says on their banner?-- It's no matter. The Archon is still Zal, she never surrendered her title." She begins then, to draft a response in condemnation of these runways.

  7. "I ******* knew it-" Says a 'fenn in a distant land, going on a schizophrenic rant. "The ancients warned you. They knew about this and now we're suffering the consequences. They're putting fuckin'- Drakes tail in the rivers; turning the Mali' into Azdrazi. And they're making the ******* Wonk's gay, okay?"

  8. 35 minutes ago, worldeltaii said:

    Princess Rosalind read the invitation to her guardsmen. "Reparations are being shown a little differently then what I expected but, this does seem like a lovely event. Perhaps we could go?" @Wyrvun@XoxoMinnieXoxo


    Ayred merely lets out a light 'hrm' at the question. "If you will it to be so, it is no problem with me. Just be sure to not neglect your studies to attend more parties. . . Otherwise it'd be good for you to get out."

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