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Posts posted by farmerclown

  1. From the depths of the Titan's libraries a creature stirred from her long slumber and penance. To return to the flock, to return to mortal-lands- victory in absolution. The age of dragons had come and she was ready to return for it.

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old enough


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  3. Valyris had a missive slammed on her desk in her tower of isolation. “Fellas named Ruben have always been friends of mine, world-wide. “ As soon as she read a missive she responded to the sender with a thumbs-up sketch and went back to snoring.

  4. Minecraft IGN(s):


    farmerclown, Voidally






    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason




    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I allowed a banned player who was previously NL of Celia’nor to continue to influence the nation’s politics and knew about them alting, continuing to enable it throughout my tenure as NL. I gave that player power over a community that they should have been ousted from after their ban and instead enabled the cycle of ooc politicking to continue rather than accept things for as they were and should have been. The player told me and a few others of Celia’nor leadership at the time about the alt and I gave them a character in a family. At the time I wrongfully thought letting them integrate would be easier than dealing with whatever backlash came from ousting them. By giving them this character and not coming forward, and then proceeding to enable their participation of the server and leadership, I jeopardized the community I was chosen to represent, and LOTC as a whole. This was a period of a few months where I worked with this player and hid their involvement with the nation from everyone outside of those who knew about the alt. I knew that it was wrong of me to enable them and not say no to working with them along with covering up the fact that they were on an alternate account to be on the server. A lot was going on and ultimately as the nation lead, the responsibility fell upon my shoulders to ensure that the community was safe oocly and I did not do that. Then it reached a point where I was tired of being in the position that I put myself in of enabling players that should not have been around, constantly making excuses for poor behavior, and putting forth a facade of what happened behind closed doors of leadership. I came forward with what I had been doing and allowed it to happen on the server by not saying anything about the alt when I found out about it; in tandem with working with the aforementioned banned player in a leadership capacity.

    Harboring this player was the biggest mistake of my entire time on LOTC, not to mention getting involved in server politics to the degree that I did. Giving that player a voice and the opportunity to still take part in the server despite it being rightfully taken by the administration was genuinely terrible of me to do. While I knew it was wrong to do, I did not truly understand the gravity of how I failed the community and that I was the only one at fault for this until I reflected on what I had done that led to the point it did during my ban. It does not matter why or what else may have been occurring behind the scenes, between other players, drama, etc., there is no one to blame but myself for my part in what all was done. I had to learn to be accountable and responsible for my own actions, and that all I did was an active choice. If allowed to return to the community, I will be sure to stay away from anything when it comes to out-of-character drama and influence. It made me miserable and in turn, I behaved like a miserable human, breaking the rules of the server, and sacrificing my integrity. I never want to get to that headspace again where I make those kinds of choices nor do I aspire to be a virulent person.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I take full responsibility for what I did and fully agree with the ban I was given. It was deserved after what I did and everything in the situation that I am guilty of. What I did was wrong from the start and I was aware of it but I chose to be a poor role model for the elves and the server as a whole by allowing a banned player’s opinions to influence the nation's politics. This in turn with the trust I broke between the administration and myself, I needed to be banned to understand how serious it was with the responsibility I was given to be a leader of a community on LOTC.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    Over the past four years before my ban that I played the server, I loved rping, creating things, making mini storylines, magic, fantasy, etc. I would like to spend my free time using the server as a creative outlet via writing and worldbuilding. Magic RP, Azdromoth RP, and void lore are something I want to get back into and explore new communities that I've not interacted with before since the server has so much to offer. I've made lots of friends on here who have become positive influences in my life and I want to be able to play the server with them again to pursue new RP and engaging lore.


    Attach other relevant information.


    Thank you for the opportunity to appeal. I want to do my best to atone for my mistakes and prove that I learned from them. I spent this summer working on myself and my mentality towards essentially everything along with learning accountability and my priorities to do better as a person. I am truly sorry for everything; for what I put other people through with this, the new players that were negatively impacted because of my actions, and how unfair it was with how I was playing LOTC while NL. If you feel wronged for anything I have done, feel free to send me a message on Discord so I can make it right.

  5. From within the isolated library tower of ivory, the frail Princess glided across the marbled floors, a place she had grown to make a comfortable home for herself. A quiet respite in the Titan’s sanctuary of knowledge was broken as a herald waited with a scroll in hand. She weakly took the scroll from their grasp before sending the devout on their way.


    ”Veynora is getting married..?” She remarked as a smile curled upon her visage. She then squinted doing a double take at the name next to her daughter’s. “Tymen…? It has been too many moons since I have seen them… my assistant, my advisor, and now welcomed as a son.”


    She then mustered her strength to call down the hall to Vyllaenen who had made his way to the tower of isolation. “We need to send a gift!” @Orlanth

  6. Minecraft IGN(s):


    Cepheid_, Voidally






    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason




    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I am not going to make excuses for what happened, as I know what happened was objectively unacceptable. I allowed bad-faith actors to thrive whether I wanted to or not. There was a lot of foul play going on behind the scenes of Celia’nor leadership; blackmail, threatening, harassment, etc. However, it was my responsibility as NL to ensure that I kept the community safe and in that capacity, I did not live up to my duties nor to community expectations. At the time of the ban and time leading up to the ban, I thought if I just sucked it up until I rode out being NL until the end of my reign at map change I could just get out and be done with it. I believed at the time that just dealing with these foul people would stop X Y Z from happening and I was wrong for that.  There are no excuses for or attempts to defend the behavior I enabled, let alone that which I exhibited. I was NL, a community leader, and it was my responsibility to say no. At the time of everything occurring, I did not realize that I was the one in control of the situation and not the other individuals involved, and after a long period of reflection, I realized that it was my responsibility to report everything going on and take the voice of bad faith actors away.


    I had a wake-up call to this when I was asked by someone, “Why do you continually allow these people to treat you like shit and thrive?” It was then that I realized I was just as bad as them, and would remain equally at fault if I continued to be complicit in their actions. Most of my interactions were with those people - as much as 80% of my free time - and consumed me. Once I was snapped out of it, I had the person that gave me a wake-up call come forward with everything for me so consequences could be properly given out to me and everyone else. That is not to give the blame to other people, but rather what led me to understand that harboring a banned player as I did and going along with what happened was wrong regardless of what I felt were the circumstances at the time. 


    As much as I wish I could make it right and turn back time to fix it, I know that I cannot. All I can do is offer my sincerest apologies to any people that I hurt or endangered by proxy for allowing these individuals to be harbored. Even if it is hard to report something, you should report it. 

    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I definitely agree with the ban and was wrong in harboring a banned player and should have reported the situation sooner. I feared for my safety hence me not telling admins or anyone about it until I just couldn’t handle it anymore though that does not make it right. At the time before coming forward with it I thought I was doing what was right to protect myself, when in reality it was not the case. I deserved the ban and break from LOTC after everything that transpired and all I can do about it now is apologize for not coming forward with it all sooner.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    The ban gave me a lot of time to separate myself from the mcrp community and time away to do IRL things. I was given a lot of clarity about the situation and everything that unfolded prior to the ban which made me remember it’s just a game. Despite what anyone says online, whether they have the ability to affect your real life or not, you’re the one in control of your actions. For months I was unhappy with my time on LOTC and fell out of love with gaming or enjoying my free time in general. LOTC originally was something I did a lot due to covid and online school and it was truly a wake-up call for why I play the game in general. I would like the option to hang out with my friends again and do fantasy RP, make cool storylines, and just chill out since I’ve done leadership or staff positions since I joined the server. I don’t have that much free time anymore due to IRL commitments, but I’d like to play with friends again in a casual manner for magic rp and use it as a creative outlet if I am granted the opportunity to be on the server again.


    Attach other relevant information.


    I believe this is quite fitting for everything that has happened and has helped me learn from this situation during my reflection; “You do not do evil to those who do evil to you, but you deal with them with forgiveness and kindness.” (Sahih Bukhari 2125)

  7. 6 hours ago, Milenkhov said:

    Thoughts on @Werew0lf?

    Best memory of an interaction with me?

    Worst memory of an interaction with me?

    Are you excited for next map?

    Hope all is good, congratulations on the coming of your fourth year of Lord of the Craft.  


    aldemar camp with the start of the azdrazi gang :)


    self explanatory...



    YES, very excited.


    3 hours ago, Nectorist said:

    If you had to sit next to an LoTC character on a four hour bus ride, who would be the best and worst for that?

    best, Nehtamo  (rukio's elf), worst fat emma mareno (she smells like wet beef)

  8. 3 hours ago, exoo said:

    What is your favorite memory we had together?

    How is it really like being an NL

    If you made a new character, what would they be like? And what would their goals be?

    Rate your top 5 human Rpers (yes, I wrote that question to give the interviewer effect, and if im not in the list I will PK)

    Emir's amnesia arc


    never do it.


    i've actually made a new character recently to just be a dorky scholar high elf. the best characters come with no set goals in mind just an idea and to let rp take its course imo


    you (duh), julius, milen, gus, nectorist


    26 minutes ago, MisterBlitzkrieg said:

    How does one not lose their mind after 4 years of LOTC? I lost my sanity after 1 year.

    it's been lost....no hope left...

  9. 2 hours ago, TeawithFrisket said:

    If you had to give your self an anime intro, or a Show intro from like any tv series what will it be


    and also what is the thought of your characters story, that correlates to this theme song?


    Also congrats on hitting four!

     I have too many characters... but for Valyris my main, she'd probably be closest to wandavision.


    3 hours ago, Orlanth said:

    Who was your favorite admin in those 4 years and why?

    Beboon   @squakhawk He helped teach me everything with Julius when I first joined LT.


    3 hours ago, xMuted said:

    What Urguani clan would your dwarf be a part of if you played one

    I had an Irongrinder for a while! Played Mcdaedra's daughter.


    1 hour ago, Ibn Khaldun said:

    What sort of fictional narratives or situations do you think have not been explored on LotC? Are there any particular books, myths, or other fictional inventions that you'd like to see implemented or at least see inspire something on LotC?

    Definitely the potential for using the sea and ocean due to minecrafts own constraints making it incredibly difficult to rp in the ocean. Ocean magics, sirens, underwater cities, pirate rp, it would be so much more immersive if they could have more potential mechanically. I personally wish people included more folklore into their cultures. Especially in a world where the magical and mystical exists, I'd love to see more things that are just fiction based on real in lore things.


    58 minutes ago, Creator_Alan said:

    Are you aware there is now a giant orange flame above your palace?




    8 hours ago, Rigorous said:

    Just here to say you're a good friend and I'm drunk.


    Drunk on the victory of trying to get my homie elected and he bought me Thai food. 

    So what I'm saying is,




    BTW, do you think the Genji jump button was nerfed in Overwatch 2? Asking for a friend.



    I think anyone who says that is coping and needs to get good. ( @Throne)


    7 hours ago, AnimeWolf0080 said:

    What is the song that takes you back to your first year on the server?

    Not so much a song as it is a playlist; 


    6 hours ago, creamynoteblock said:

    can you give me land and magic


    5 hours ago, JuliusAakerlund said:

    Meme Questions


    1. When did you have your greatest gremlin moment?


    2. When is your villain arc starting? (oh shit it has already started hasn't it?)


    3. Thoughts on druidic spies?



    Serious Questions


    1. If you were to mention one strange addiction you have, what would it be? (can't say LoTC or RPing)


    2. If there is one thing you could have done differently on LoTC, what would it be and why?


    3. What's your top 10 favourite drinks? Alcohol & non-alcoholic.


    4. Do you believe in ghosts? What's the reason for your answer?


    5. Any secret talent you'd like to share with the class? : )



    1.) Robbing all the books from Haelun'or's library.




    1.) I love gooseberries, I can eat an entire container of them and usually do in the car after I go grocery shopping.

    2.) Honestly, I think everything happens for a reason and I wouldn't have done anything differently. While I wish certain things went different, I wouldn't change them.

    3.) Coffee, Rose, Margaritas, Smoky Old Fashioned, Lemon Water, London Fogs, Sweet Tea, a drink in the canary islands called LecheLeche, Ginger kombucha, Yerba Mate Razzle Berry flavored

    4.) Definitely, had too many weird things happen to not.

    5.) I'm wicked good at blackjack.


    5 hours ago, Moribundity said:

    1. Favourite animal? 

    2. Do you have any sort of plans for your next character?


    3. When are WE renewing OUR vows?

    my DOGS 


    yes, after I'm done NLing, playing Valyris's daughter for lotr rp


    whenever valindra comes back to the homelands


    4 hours ago, Esterlen said:

    Hello Cepheid.


    How do you do?


    Hope all is well.


    Warm regards,

    A Friend.

    Hello Esterlen.


    I am doing as well as I can do, and am as well as I am capable of being.


    Hope all is well.


    Warm regards, 

    A Friend.

  11. 27 minutes ago, satinkira said:

    opinions on studio ghibli?

    I LOVE! Howl's moving castle is a favorite of mine, along with spirited away. They're great comfort movies


    9 minutes ago, iFractal said:

    can u marry me?

    when's the vow renewal??


    1 minute ago, sam33497 said:

    how have you balanced playing a spook and NL on the same character for so long?

    i'll double it and pass it to the next one....

  12. 58 minutes ago, UnBaed said:

    if you could improve one thing about the server and have it executed efficiently and perfectly, what would you decide on?


    what's a source of your inspiration for your rp?  Is it music, a show, movie, book, game, ect?


    what type of rp do you see yourself wanting to try out in the future on the server?


    lastly, whats something u like about ilaria :D?

    getting rid of groomers and freaks, making lotc a safe place


    cepheid is a type of variable star and I am in school for astrophysics. i did one of my project on cepheid variables!


    i've tried a little bit of everything, but maybe a paladin or holy-knight of some sort since that's the one niche i've not done yet.


    omg... aphotic howl. geniunely love ilaria as a character though, especially since you've translated making an artistic character really well into LOTC which is something that is often difficult to do


    59 minutes ago, Jihnyny said:

    when orc

    i had an orc back in 2019 as one of my first characters, nyako'lur which was booklight's kid


    19 minutes ago, sneLf said:

    can you do a backflip


    i just tried, broke all my bones, call an ambulance my neck is twisted the wrong way...

  13. 22 minutes ago, Laeonathan said:

    Who's your favourite Celianorian besides Twinny and why is it me?

    you're all equally my favorite :)


    19 minutes ago, HogoBojo said:

    Favourite roleplay experience?

    It's a tough draw between mysticism with Mordu and Hex and the eventlines Malaise ran as Azdromoth back in 2020. Both were some of the most fun I have had on the server and met really awesome people through them in the groups. Malaise made his events super personalized and immersive despite Azdromoth being this huge entity on the server, he personalized it really well for those that were involved with Azdrazi and Heraldry to make it unique to the person. I didn't get the best experience with darker magics the first time around with shades, and mysticism was a complete 180 from that with both the community and ic experience as a whole. 

    15 minutes ago, Qizu said:

    so like, why do you play an azdrazi but larp as an elf princess??

    also, what's ur fav interaction with my char

    who says its not both :J

    when morur'ei came into the city about alucards death


    14 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

    I've been on here longer than you? Wat da hell


    Anyhow, favorite magic rp experience?

    voidal magic wise i rly love the culture we've made in celianor for mages and when i ran the arcanic court at the start of it. though a close second would be as a newer player having been apart of the voidal tears of arcas (even tho i've later found out that it was not entirely lore accurate, still was fun)

  14. Valyris glanced towards the skies as a ward was placed over her city by forces beyond her comprehension. A brow was lofted when she then read the missive before her, while it was a surprise to her, it was not an unwelcome one to have something of the cosmos turn in the favor of her people once more. "The City of Stars and Embers... safe for now."

  15. Spoiler


     The contents of this post are a culmination of the events that have occured the past few weeks in Celia'nor with the voidal tear from Valyris's perspective. It's only known to those that witnessed these events, enjoy the read!



    17th of the Amber Cold, 124 SA




    Nightmares and dreams, they’re all the same in the end. The torment that pulls and tugs at the soul and the mind to anguish over what one hopes to be and what one hopes never to come. It is in those dreams that we find solace within the surreal, only for time to turn its hands back to our unending reality. A reality that we cannot escape from unless it is within that of dreams or nightmares.  


    Only this time did a nightmare unfold into reality, screams of unrelenting anguish echoed across the forests of the West. An ivory tower had fallen, crumbled into chaos and ruination of kin. The cosmos clashed with the machinations of the material realm, cracks, thuds, and the sound of stone slamming against stone echoed through those very halls that represented the sanctity of the stars. It all crumbled around at last, the glass house that shrouded them from the impending dangers and she was there to witness it. She knew that this day would eventually come, that which seeks to consume and destroy always does. For the folly of mages was inevitable, the fault of others that followed her no matter where she went, no matter how much she tried to stop it. She woke up with a start as the walls rumbled and the cosmic hues shot wide open. The buzz of electricity that was felt in the air and the energies that spun through the room around her. Deafening shrieks of uncanny horrors and citizens caught within the crossfire had surely been heard.


    A sinking pit was felt within her chest as she knew exactly what had occurred, the unthinkable and the inevitable. She rose from her chambers with an odd thing in her grasp, a tome of forsaken ideals and nightmares of what had occurred. She checked each room with a strange calm that had overtaken her in a wave of disassociation amidst the chaos. The clicking of her boots rang through her ears down the quartz corridor, each level of the palace scanned for signs of life yet there was nothing left. Nothing left but her, how ironic, as the abyssal mists began to wrap around the book that she held close. 


    Forsaken….            Cruel…                      Abandoned…                Darkness…           Emptiness…

                         Hollow…             Forsaken…                 Guilty…                 Unworthy…

    Not her…

         It’s her fault, it’s all her fault, it’s all her fault…                                 What has been done cannot be undone…


    She knew what would come and she still abandoned us. I knew what was going to happen and yet there was nothing I could do to stop it. Did she make it? Was she just protecting it? It’s her fault, and now I have to pay the price. Unworthy of filling that which cannot be filled, expectations that weigh down until they crumble. Crumble they have from that ivory tower of faux providence. What has been done cannot be undone as the thralls of the cosmos have latched themselves into our reality.


    The sky had fallen to a darkness that enveloped that of the new hope, Fi’andria. A step was made out of the gardens and into the open hair as unforeseen horrors ripped apart the city. Gore and viscera painted the city in its unrecognizable state, the streets running red with a river of blood. A nightmare on repeat, the hands of reality turning back between two ticks, only it was no mere nightmare. The escape was gone as the perturbation of the cosmos had melded with reality, and this was the cost. What she dreaded to escape from within the dreams and nightmares, had come to fruition. 


    What has been done cannot be undone. I tried to be better than them, better than the rest of the world. To avoid the mistakes that all who have walked this same path as I am upon. Painted upon in the light of the world as a malefactor of the realm when all I have done has been to do what I believe to be right. Not to hide behind a fractured facade of a paragon of benevolence much like each and every other in my own position. What was it all for if the Descendents point and blame when they are guilty of far worse? The secrets that they hide in the dark, believing no one knows, believing they can get away with such. Yet here I stand amid the chaos, in the midst of what happens when one cannot feign what they are not. 


    The figure made her trek forwards towards those that were battling the amalgams of chaos, agents of flesh and bone mindless to anything other than to consume. Crimson sticking to her boots as it sloshed over in tides of puddles down the path. She did not see the people fumble but prevail as the last of the horrors was slain by those defending the defenseless. They prevailed, despite the odds they prevailed. The only casualties were those to follow by their own ignorance, those that wandered too close without warning. The lucky few to have made an escape from the nightmares. The Princess of the Cosmos then began to take on a strange hue, unlike anything seen created by one’s voidal alignment. A torch in the dark, to become something more. The City of Stars would soon make known its second namesake, the City of Stars and Embers. The embers have been ignited by the beyond. 


    But the hearts of men are easily corrupted.



    It had been an endless toil between those that had remained to fight against the void as a certain stillness washed over the city of stars and embers. A static buzz clung to the air as the amalgams of the cosmos were confined to the walls of her home. The  Elaneh'celia Palace, in absence of a beacon having finished on the cusp of the designs finalizing, the cosmic pharos had erupted in its stead to be ripped apart by the fabrics of reality. The ritual had failed for what was a failsafe by the progenitor of tears, what could rewrite time if not for the weavers of it themselves? Blinked to various points across the realm did most of their numbers result in going to. A tug was felt at her soul, to run, to flee from that which wished to consume. 




    The word rang within the mind of the elf as she stepped out of the hollow, perhaps an answer to what it was she so seeks to find. She paced back in observance of the shockwave that had rippled across the field and she had her answer. It was not a curse for which the land could not be cured, but it simply was not ready to be so. Hallowed ground be made anew, manipulated to use for the defense of the city against the onslaught of forces soon to arrive at her doorstep. Maddened creatures of the beyond that lingered at the cusp not yet to be released into the material. If the inevitable is to come across these lands certainly it would not be so easy by taking what does not belong.  


    What has been done cannot be undone. Yet, it does not mean the tides of those that linger within the caves cannot be felled off. If not forever, then for the time needed to scorch the earth, the time needed to set ourselves apart and flee. It is not the end, but the beginning of what will become. To cleanse the land, from cave to cosmos, that is what will be. That which is fated to ilMaehr'sae Ilkun'ehya.


  16. Yn7VFcQg351_heLHmr93EtQWMrykBjZwTORZ7AJKQfZF9RlDamljuZOm0iW3pq4HJvIPTq93A9uucwsxZls4J791oc5l_SkJQTpUW8CoL8ddx5xzrarmipapX9o38bpkYcYJyppDvTW5fFAXXHBd5dY

    Hobbiton Handscrawl Regular



    Published: 10th of the Amber Cold, 124 S.A.

    Celebrations and goodtidings for the people of Celia’nor are to come with this festival beneath the moonlight. Under the full moon, the populace of the land of stars will be brought together as a reminder of their strength and unity. Beneath the starlight they will find their way, as they have times before. Within the cosmos the answers are found, to look beyond and call to that which has been and which will be. The festival will be held under the moonlight in the square of Fi’andria as night encompasses the city of stars and embers.


    “Magic is the recognition of the fire burning behind us when all else see only their own shadow on the wall.”


    I T I N E R A R Y



    With recent news of the ongoing events that shroud the borders of our home, the Princess is giving an address to the people. It is here that many of the developments to be made in the years to come will be announced, along with a few rewards given to those loyal to the Principality of Celia’nor.



    Filled with the hustle and bustle of mercantilism, the merchants and business owners from around Celia’nor have been brought together to sell their wares. There will be a variety of games along with these markets for people to wander by and participate in that come with prizes of every sort. From wands that shoot fireballs, to wristlets that conjure walls of air, there will be plenty for all.



    The full moon will be shining brightly ahead with the stars in full view. Telescopes will be set up around the square for those that wish to observe the constellations in the night sky. It is expected that the constellations of “Thiln‘Annil” and “el’Diraar” will be the ones in full view. 



    Cuisine is one of the favored arts of those within Celia’nor. Hence, there will be a contest to see who can eat the most moonpies within the set time. The winner will receive a prize made from the infamous starsteel. 


    [[OOC: FRIDAY APRIL 21ST @ 5:00 PM EST / 10:00 PM BST ]]



    Valyris Ibarellan, Princess of Celia’nor, Queen of Gladewynn, Princess of the Alders, Princess of Alderyn, High Empyrean Princess,  Sole-Proprieter of Gladewynn, Protector of the High Elves, High Magus of the Arcanic Court, etc.

  17. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old enough


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach


    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


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