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Posts posted by Nozgoth

  1. On 5/20/2020 at 5:35 PM, Sybbyl0127 said:

    I like it, I’ve seen a few players from time to time that had asked or were curious about whether or not something like this was possible in the lore. That at least shows that there is interest in this kind of potion, so I’m certain it would be used.


    I like that it’s not permanent, my only question is, could someone who has made multiples of their potion, for this example let’s say red hair, drink another red hair potion towards the end of the second IRL day to extend the effects another 2 IRL days, or would they have to wait until the effects wear completely off before another would take hold?

    That’s really my only question honestly, very well written piece : )





    I’ll add that in actually, to clarify it. But yeah, I’ll make it so that the potion has to run out before it can be consumed again, no extending!

  2. PqN0MPlleimi-P_RswzIl0wrPtx0ZNlpEUdGTL371jZYbu5_Zsz5Zf9biAk6IaGaaxbdRnOZDpnz2iDbhfaEOg_o2VrUYZ08jWsg0DbPAWLNfJKYNs58OUMovf-jxGXaexu7qesj

    -=- A cabin in the woods -=-


    “I leave for three days… three days I tell you!” a young elf would shout to no one in particular, stomping his feet as he marched along the forest trail surrounded by thicket on either side. “Hmph… I refuse to believe it, all this happened- and I was gone the whole time!” he’d continue uttering in an agitated, yet confused manner as he crumpled the notice under his spindly fingers which he had previously been feasting his glowing, verdant green orbs upon. 


    The evergreen ellipse shaped wood would be filled with towering pine trees, red berry bushes and the sound of rustling in the leaves as many birds and small critters rummaged through the chilling breeze. Eventually, the young mali’thill had reached a clearing where the path branched off into a larger, more travelled road.


    “This news, I can’t believe it- I simply refuse.” he’d mutter angrily as his voice pitched up and down many times throughout the sentence, clearly showing enthusiasm in an angered fashion. His nose dripped with a green goo, as a sudden chilling breeze would once again brush past him, urging an audible shudder as he’d begin to quicken his pace. “Feverish frozen frostbite!”.


    At last, the Silver State of Haelun’or was in sight, a large frown on Saevel's face also procuring as micro-icicles collected upon his ears and eyelashes. “I dread this place, too much drama.” he’d hum as he trudged up the steps, his nose held high in the air.



    I just thought I’d write about Saevel’s perspective on all the stuff that’s happened recently, he’s been on vacation this week lmao.


  3. Jade cries out in pure agony, stomping the floor and sprinting into the burrow to dig her head into the couch. Many moments would pass as the young halfling would remain motionless, though suddenly, she’d rise up- ripping the couch cushions to shreds and throwing them all over the burrow, smashing lots of glass and destroying the kitchen. “MA- M- MOM!!!! she’d squeal, throwing a fit and bursting into tears even further.


    Over the next few days, weeks, perhaps even months- Jade would not be seen again to anyone...

  4. Name: Saevel Venleth

    Age: 56

    Race: Mali’thill


    What are you good at? 

    I am adept at gardening and herb collecting. As well as writing, cooking and geography which are skills I have picked up in the down time of my studies. I can also make a few concoctions.


    What do you know about alchemy?

    I have thoroughly studied an alchemical map that made its way to my lab. I have a decent amount of knowledge of the basics and fundamentals of alchemy and its meaning. I have also delved into natural philosophy. Finally, I can make an assortment of different potions and elixirs, among other things, though only for healing and treatment.


    Why do you want to learn?

    I wish to further pursue my studies and satiate the ever-growing grumble of hunger for innovation of alchemy.


    Why should I teach you?

    I have always proven to be a valuable student and asset within a work and learning place. I am always willing to learn, and take critique for the peculiarly precise craft that alchemy is. I hope that you will soon see that I can repay you in any way, such as helping out, scavenging for resources and more.


    Are you clever or dumb?

    I consider myself eager to learn, as such, I have an expanding bank of knowledge though there is infinite room for improvement.

  5. [!] A golden scroll printed elegantly in fine silver ink with an italic script reaches its way to all.


    The Jaded Age Returns



    A new age is imminent for the hou-zi, one of prosper, of creation, of wealth and order, an age of jade. The temple of the Líndì-Zhu has been formed and is already working towards bringing our kin back into the days of glory. What we sought so many lunar cycles ago will be revitalized, the hou-zi ilk will become stronger than what we once were. Tales from lunar cycles of yonder depict royalty, fame, wealth, among other things.


    A Líndì-Zhu has been chosen, one to lead this faction. All who oppose the temple will be dealt with swiftly as numbers grow and the unity retains. The Líndì-Zhu does not oppose other factions of Hou-Zi, such as monks of the Dengyu Monastery, in fact- they are welcomed as xiongdi with open arms into the new age.


    ~ Hēisè-Sīróng,

     Líndì-Zhu, Uniter of Ilk, Bringer of Peace

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