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Posts posted by Onnensr

  1. Concocting a system for agility would be better than simply buffing light armor somehow. When you take the physical traits of the races into consideration, which are often accepted universally even in events, you've got dwarves are hardy, orcs are strong, humans are universally average, and elves are agile. That last one, agility, seems the most power gamed and the most need of a strict definition. Once defined, light armor is more purposeful, and it likewise counteracts any future issues of *dodges*. 

    Concocting a system for agility would be better than simply buffing light armor somehow. When you take the physical traits of the races into consideration, which are often accepted universally even in events, you've got dwarves are hardy, orcs are strong, humans are universally average, and elves are agile. That last one, agility, seems the most power gamed and the most need of a strict definition. Once defined, light armor is more purposeful, and it likewise counteracts any future issues of *dodges*. 

    Concocting a system for agility would be better than simply buffing light armor somehow. When you take the physical traits of the races into consideration, which are often accepted universally even in events, you've got dwarves are hardy, orcs are strong, humans are universally average, and elves are agile. That last one, agility, seems the most power gamed and the most need of a strict definition. Once defined, light armor is more purposeful, and it likewise counteracts any future issues of *dodges*. 

  2. D2cn0gi.png
    The Lord Bless You and Keep You, Canondom. In the interest of aengudaemonology, I am requisitioning the abled and entrepreneurial to discover any and all lightstones that may exist in the free-markets of the world. These aengulic artifacts of not only Xannic, but broadly celestial origin, are of increasing interest for the study of heavenly energies. You will identify them by a typically golden color, a quality of absorbing the light around them, and appearing structurally similar to quartz or some similar opaque mineral. You will know with certainty what you've found, if by tapping the stone a little light is shone outwards. To each man who should find themselves successful in this endeavor, my Cardinal Callahan and I have set aside a fund to award 150 mina per stone.

    Seek me out, by bird or body, and be well rewarded in this exchange. It is by the efforts of the faithful shall we leave these mean times and enter fourth a period of mercy and joy unlike any other.
    Be blessed, and hunt well!


    Cardinal Callahan
    Bishop Alexios


    The above document may be found across Aevos, and is not limited to purely Canonist nations, as rapid horse transit (RHT) has enable the swift distribution of spam mail.


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

    Father Nerium


    Character's Age:

    A century


    Character's Race:

    High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

    Blood Magic


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:

    Blood magic is the art of manipulating genus, a magical essence found in the blood, to create various effects, typically used in conjunction with blood runes to designate the desired effect. These range from casually making people bleed out their orifices, to opening portals into other realms, to creating powerful artifacts. The Descendant races are all inherently born with Genus, some more than others, and likewise can all become attuned to the latent power of blood magic within them when connected (save for certain redlines barring such). The cost of such is the mental well-being of the blood magi, physical appearance, and a significantly shorter lifespan limited to two years.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are various types of rituals, the first of which begins with Elemental Rites, allowing mages to carve runes and imbue an item or flesh with relevant properties. Summoning rites are dangerous, and allow the magi to hail an entity or object to the site, or create a rift to other realms. Creation rites allow the blood magi to manipulate existence, forming it into a desirable shape and form like the Creator himself. Lastly, there are Force Rituals that span the widest variety of runes. These rites force things to happen, such as the gushing of blood by Gilding, or obliteration through Call Calamity.
    Blood-binding is the pure manipulation of blood and genus. It serves various purposes, such as healing wounds, blood transferrence to the same race, and forcing one to bleed on command (minorly). There are also empowerment spells, such as augmentation, allowing a mage to cast at a higher tier. Finally, there is also tearing, a freeform execution method only done with (ooc) consent. 

    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Father Nerium entered the cells, almost floating through the air with the light, pallid robes he wore and merry skip he gave. An expression of easy joy was donned on his visage, wide-wide eyes without any whites in them landing upon the vampyr in their stinking cell. In the torchlight, he loomed close like a very large moth, taking upon the colors of whatever light shone upon him. He reached his mind into the veins of that sullied, objectionable bastardization of a Descendant. "/Pray tell me, for our Lord God almighty, Father of the Skies and your Master above all else, where may I find the rest of your tribe?/"

    "/No/." the creature spat, shuffling away in futility into a corner, only a meter away.

    Nerium crossed himself, gazing up to the Skies. Second and third digit of his hand raised with the thumb, a silent prayer to the Lord, as he twisted his other hand into a clenched fist, that gushing, flowing, obedient deluge behind the vampyr's eyes subjected at once to flow fourth and spill. It didn't stop there. The blood surged under servitude to the man of God, seeping from eyes, gums, ears, as their heart at once became erratic. With time, he believed he could break their will. God willing.

    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?
    Nerium graciously took his student's arm, a stiletto in the other, and raked a shallow slice upon the flesh. "You feel the blood surging? It has an intelligence to it. It knows to flow, to fill the wound, and to repair that which was taken. God has blessed us with this capacity to heal, just as he has blessed us to expedite the process. You attune to the Sphere of Mercy, feel it in your blood." 

    The student reached out with those psychic powers, nestled tenderly into their brain by the ordination of the Lord God. They found it there, the whole of the cloth that draped their insides. The splendid, thrumming and beating of life-in-life. With a summons to that inland empire, they felt the crimson masons take up arms. They formed neat rows of subservience..

    "They are at your command, these small red cherubs. God has handed to you their scepter of rule, they are your legion to do great works. Rebuke ever the freak and their perversions of the Lord's work, honor the flesh he has given you, and honor the Adom Cherubim." He pat beside the opened wound. 

    The Student knelt their head in obedience, as the Genus within their veins submitted unto them the same. Shutting their eyes, they could almost see it, the Red surging, pooling, swelling. The wound surged with life, as yellow crust crystalized over it. In no time at all, it could be peeled away, to reveal scarred pink flesh. 

    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?

    Blood magic is a hard magic to know the finer qualities of, even with the redlines. If I was brought to the attention of this, I would confront them mildly and inform them firstly the correct interpretation of whatever they had done wrong. For example, bleeding a person to death with Hemorrhage. That's not really how it works, so I would point to the redlines, inform them of the spells limitations. If this continued to be an issue, a more firm conversation would have to be had, and depending on the severity possibly removing myself from that student. In such a severe case, LT would be notified with a 'this is what happened, here are the details, here's what I've done in the past'.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  4. 31 minutes ago, Shorsand said:

    Without these three being feasible or malleable in any way, there will be no meaningful changes to the current CRP system. Whole thing needs to be broken down and built back up, especially in regards to magic and ST signed items simply due to bloat. Whatever changes that may erupt from the plate/ranged decision are only going to serve to alter a meta slightly and not meaningfully change a broken and unpleasant system. I would move to take this discussion to a higher level and see how feasible and entire combat overhaul would be instead of focusing on nearly non-issues perpetuated by an inherently flawed system that's been coasting off its patchwork roots since 2012.

    A complete rebuild is the only way, and it won't happen. We've hit the ceiling of CRP.

  5. I don't like to be pessimistic, but does it feel to anyone else the entire CRP system is paralyzed? One part can't move without totally unbalancing some other piece. All the gears are slowing and sticking, and it feels like we're hitting the ceiling of how things can shift around. Magic, swords, and ranged are all in a very wacky imbalance, and until someone with bright ideas comes around it's staying that way. My solution has always been we convert to a more DnD style system that can reflect actual growth and experience in a character, but that also can't happen. 

    I agree, archery is completely unviable as it is, I'd like to see it changed. I also have no idea how to do that without breaking magic.

  6. LoTC isn't even medieval anymore. There are gundams ffs, and medieval is boring in comparison to renaissance. Just give us guns!!! Give them to us!!!! I want to spend four emotes loading and charging an arquebus to explode an elf!!!! We already have cannons!!! Are you telling me no one ever thought to make a smaller cannon!?!?!?!

    Anyways, plate mail is cool. Historically, it really wasn't all that constrictive to motion, its downside was it was really damn expensive. It was comparatively heavier than ordinary armor, you definitely couldn't swim in it, but you're not crawling around because it's so ludicrously cumbersome. 

    Like swords and axes and halberds and spears and whatever else, just make it required to have tangibly -- and make that expensive. Very expensive. Then it becomes an actual flex. 

    The ubiquity of plate is only evidence to support LoTC moving into the FUTURE

  7. Father Nerium took a precise quill, freshly inked, and made the final lines of a blueprint he'd began since their return to Aeos. It was a colossal structure, semi-organic in make, designed to bend beneath the winds of a familiar sky upon it's mammalian firmament. Twisting and yawning in great sweeps of marble, he designed the first ever cathedral upon the back of a Skywhale, with wide flying buttresses that served as aqueducts, spilling holy water upon the earth below. He shed a tear at his creation, and basked in some new cherished memories.


    On 5/19/2024 at 10:39 AM, Werew0lf said:

    "Heard this John Augustus Galbraith fella is an undead spy that does necromancy," spoke Malik the Freak, spreading rumours in a busy tavern .

    Father Nerium, reclining casually in the direct middle of a busy tavern, drank small sips from what looked like a vertebrae as his suspecting eyes passed over the banter. Upon hearing Malik the Trustworthy speak, he cunningly pulled a little pocketbook out of his sleeve and wrote down the rumor. "John Augustus Galbraith is a necromancer! The pontifex must know!" he thought, scowling and shaking his head. 

  9. "I will visit her, soon enough." 

    A priest thought to himself, looking through the aperture of gold cast by one bestowed ring, a gift he'd received a long time ago. Doubt clung to him, seeping from the recesses in his mind like tar and clinging to every distraction he'd put before himself. One dread gnawed at him, that if he should fail in his goals, all the duplicity would be for nothing. Every fair autumn day he chose against spending with Aurae, or Aeolus, or even -- eventually -- Elarhil, in pursuit of his purposes would be for naught. Like some burrowing insect, it chewed inside him and made him feel outside of himself, outside the present moment and existing only in the past and in the future at once, yet never the now
    "I am here."

    He spoke to himself, slipping into the mantra of awareness he was trained to know. Look to one's surroundings, and affirm them in relation to the self...
    "I am here... There is the moon, and I am here. There is the Castle, and I am here. There is the tree, and I am here.."

    "I will visit her, soon enough."



  10. Father Nerium was already practicing drawing the [Cataclysm] runes atop a miniature of the Paladin keep when an aide brought him this missive. He threw the diorama into the nearby fireplace, whining aloud, "Are they not cooked yet, Auntie??"

  11. Father Nerium leaned back in his chair as he read the missive, a large coil permitting it to bend. He considered the weight of this missive, concerned naturally for the health and safety of Uncle Elarhil and Aunt Aurae when Xan inevitably perishes. Bad politics ended Veletz, and now it was the end of the Paladins. Letting out a noisy, "Hmm.." he realized he had reclined completely horizontally, and the seat nearly ejected him forward as he startled.

  12. Father Nerium borrowed a small canoe and a large fishing hook with rope. Out to the coastlines, in the water, he began to drag it along the seafloor, searching for those delicious mithril rocks that have graced the earth. 

  13. On 4/25/2024 at 8:19 PM, TreeSmoothie said:

    i MUST be tall and I MUST wield scaddernak basilisk wyrm dragon scale armor and I WILL swing two greatswords at you. yes, I know the racial max is 6'6 but I am 7' ...


    ( I think elves should be tall & unhumanly, but if they're going to be Orc tall, it should be at the cost of strength [at least for the tallest subrace, Helves - would make sense seeing as they're racially proficient with magic]. Tired of seeing 10 year supersoldier elf personas )

    key word "unhumanly", elves should always be a little unnatural looking. long fingers, larger eyes, teeth that regenerate every few decades since they live forever, manual control over their ears, ectomorphic and double-jointed, compressed musculature, and of course very, very tall

  14. Father Nerium put on his backpack full of explosives, beakers, flasks, herbs, and various preserved organs from the Coalition War. He was late for Paladin School! Hastily, he took a single piece of toast off his table, holding it by a corner in his mouth as he ran towards the Keep, an up-beat Oyashiman song looping in his brain.





  15. Father Nerium sighed with delight, for now that the sieve was made it would be all the easier for him to select to wed a good and righteous woman of darkly countenance -- described as 'goths' in elvish lands -- who yet also maintain the most upright and reverent faith. For too long has it been a challenge to divide wheat from chaff, evil and looks evil. Now those of clear skinsuit may stand out as the lighthouse upon misty waters, and he may thus all the more effortlessly find one who can scare villains away from him with their soot-blackened eyes and baleful words, bereft of unholy markings.

  16. Father Nerium stared at the colossal stack of Dumapalooza-related missives that have rained upon the world for years, where he saw them for their true symbolic meaning -- the utter impotence of democracy. 


    He shed a tear for lost Veletz, and with a comically large shovel fed the missives into an oven.

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