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Posts posted by hemomancy

  1. A certain elfess muttered something under her breath, a with a roll of her eye she was silent once more. She looks off out her window, wondering if this means yet another 'war' or not. "Everyone is far too prideful." She spat out.


    Cin sat within a keep, her legs kicked up onto a table. At this moment, the girl wondered if she was allowed to be doing that. In the end though, she didn’t seem to care what a rule might have said. She heard a rustle from outside, quickly ceasing her slouching position for one more upright. More rustling was to be heard, and she got up entirely.


    The Epiphyte made her way outside the keep, circling around the building to be sure it was safe- to be sure it was not being ambushed. Yet, who would be ambushing? Were they not peaceful with all that would think of where they- the Rustlers, were? Cin continued to circle the keep a few more times, and nearing the end of her fourth circle, something within the jungle caught her gaze. Some lights! Small floating yellow ones it seemed. Her eyes widened, and she began to run after them.


    She was not quite sure what the little lights were, but she knew she had to chase after them to see what they were. Cin ran and ran, jumping over the various items within the wooded area. Over fallen trees and peeking roots, and over flooded marshes and small pools. The various terrain made it difficult, but she continued to run on. She spotted ruins of stone and moss, half tempted to go and climb up them. Her eyes darted back to the objects in question though- the lights.


    Cin did not know what the lights were, but was positively determined to get them. She has no idea quite where she was, finally looking around to see what she saw, in detail. Tall trees blocked out most of the light, and a large, oddly pretty pool of water she stood near. The lights had stopped near it, and as she moved closer they didn’t begin to run off as they had before. The closer she got, the more her curiosity grew.


    And then she was surrounded by the lights, and as the girl inspected the little things, they were in fact fireflies. A smile crossed her face and she bounced up and down, following the fireflies as they slowly moved. She arrived at a rock that sat right by a large tree, and she had her hand trail against the bark as she walked. The glint of metal crossed her eye, and she found a dagger left atop the rock. She grabbed it, claiming it as her own. She took a seat on the rock, finding the view to be nice. Cin inspected the dagger, not sure what it was really meant for.


    And little Cin sat, wondering about many different things someone of her sort would think about. Her feet kicked back and forth, bouncing off the rock. The fireflies flew around her, as a hum escaped her.


    “This is nice..."



  3. The little Cin cheered for her comrades, as she spent the raiding period training on her own. A plant interested in shedding blood, how odd!

    Athri meanwhile wondered... it doesn't seem like the Rustlers to run? A hum escaped her, as she went off to figure out the full story.



    Due to recent events occurring within our city, it is seen fit that the banishment of Peralien should take place. Peralien will be killed on sight should she be seen within the Domain of Vortice, it’s lands, or it’s walls.


    Peralien has been disowned by the Monarch and Monarch-Consort as well, meaning all claims she holds to the Maelstorm name are nullified, and all actions caused by her do not reflect on the Maelstorm name.


    Signed, Athri Onfroi Belrose-Maelstorm, Princess of Vortice and Representative of Foreign Affairs



    In the name of:
    Vivian Maelstorm, Monarch of Vortice and Keeper of the Depth's


     Agreed on this 13th of Harren’s Folly, 1824 | 13th of Amber Cold, 28 S.A.


    By the Holy Orenian Empire and the Unified Domain of Vortice




    The Holy Orenian Empire and the Unified Domain of Vortice (henceforth ‘the Signatories’) recognize each other’s Realms as independent lands ruled by their respective monarchs, and will make no attempt to subvert those authorities governing them.



    The Signatories will adhere to a pact of non-aggression, and will not incite conflict between them. Neither signatory will provide military or economic aid to powers hostile to the other. Such a clause will entail all demilitarization of the Unified Domain of Vortice in any manner of aid towards the Kingdom of Norland’s aggression upon the Holy Orenian Empire.



    The Signatories will adhere to the following trade policies:

      -  Signatories will receive a market stall free of rent in their respective capitals

      -  Signatories will trade specialty goods free of tariff



    The Signatories will allow free passage for civilians and refugees through their respective territories, under the law of both nations.



    This treaty will remain in effect for ten years. It may be renewed by mutual consent of both Signatories. In the case where either signatory is found by the other to be in violation of this treaty, all articles will remain in effect, while the signatories search for diplomatic resolutions.





     His Imperial Majesty, John VIII, by the grace of GOD Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Defender of the Faith, Grand Duke of Ves, Duke of Adria, Novellen and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Imperial Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera.


    Athri Onfroi Belrose, Princess of Vortice and Representative of Foreign Affairs

    In the name of:
    Vivian Maelstorm, Monarch of Vortice and Keeper of the Depths


    It was a bright day such as any other, the sun shining and beaming down upon the city of Karosgrad. Mirabella Violet sat within her home, the rooms shrouded with darkness. The fire that often crackled was burnt out, and the woman felt no desire to relight it. At her desk she sat, a sorrowful look upon her face. She made herself think of how this sudden feeling had come, yet inside she knew exactly how.


    It was a feeling that had been lingering since her days within Providence, when she was a child. A mix of shame and sadness that sat within, brewing and growing as she aged. There was no reason for her to feel these things, yet she did. It felt as if she’d amounted to nothing even if she had.


    It was an undying loneliness that she thought she had forgotten.


    Mira shook her head, mumbling unknown words under her breath. She quickly rose from her chair, and grabbed a bag. Inside it she placed important items- food, water, and her works. Books scribbled with lines of ink, with papers of different origins tucked away to look back at. Her home was something she loved. The first place of her own, the first place she could even call home. Yet Mirabella felt she needed to leave it. She wanted to run from her feelings, seeming in some odd and sudden panic.


    The woman stopped; her eyes glancing back to her desk. She rushed to it, beginning to write. Hastily, and messily, yet it was done. It was the least she could do at that moment.


    After a bit more packing, Mirabella Violet left the city, with no trace as to where she continued on to. The only thing left behind was a piece of paper that laid on her desk. Another letter was left at the door of her friend.



    To The Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska-

    I’ve loved this kingdom since I was first invited as a teenager. I thank each and every person that made my time worthwhile, and allowed me to continue my work in peace. I hope this will not be the end, and I hope to continue my writing one day. That day I’m sure will not be soon. I’ll return one day.


    I’m far too ashamed to admit the reason I am leaving, but I will be back, whether it is in five years, or fifty years.


    I have loved my role as Court Poet, but I shall leave that position to allow someone far more fitting than I.


    Mother Ruska shall always hold my heart.

    Albrecht @Marron-


    You have been my friend for many years, and I thank you for that, Alfie. Yet I cannot stay here. My mind will not allow it. These last few years have only helped me realize that. I wish I had more to say, yet this may be the one time I’m at a loss for words. But quit getting injured.




    Mira absolutely has to be one of my favorite characters I've had so far! I've just gotten stuck on what to write for her poems, and also spend a bit too much time focusing on another nation's politics! She'll be back one day though, probably. Thank you all for making her fun and giving her some new opportunities!


  7. now that my meme is out of the way-
    1. good lord
    2. voidal magic... underpowered as all hell: source; have 3.
    3. this happens time and time again, with the answer being NO.

    4. it's not an 'i hate oren' thing, this is just an 'i hate something that would probably just end up being an oren niche'



  8. Cin will now attempt to choke down meat for the sake of... saturation. It will not end well.



    I do agree with UnBaed! My little character (Cin) just happens to be made of plants, and being an absolute lover of plants due to her nature. The plant she is connected with feels pain, which she feels as well, which goes the same vice-versa. She kills animals and such, but only eats plants as that is also due to her nature. Cin is a hardcore vegan while I (neoroseo) eat meat. Things just differentiate between characters and the people who play as them!

    The Community team is really good with explaining these sorts of things a lot better though!


  9. A childlike plant-based creature hummed, with leaves and flowers in place of curly hair, and smooth bark as her skin. She's known by quite a few as Cin"Aw- come on! I wanna be EVERYONE'S friend, but not with RULES!" The little girl complained, her eyes rolling in annoyance. "I only want to help the plants, not the animals!" After her little rant, she crumpled the paper and put it in her pocket, maybe to look at later.

  10. The little plant know as Cin clapped her hands. She doesn't remember how she can read, but, she can! "Can't I just be EVERYONE'S friend?" The child said this out loud, perhaps someone or other will hear this.

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