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Posts posted by hemomancy

  1. Athri Onfroi Belrose sat idly, closing her eyes and sighing. "Bunch of imperial dogs off their leashes. A military that has no honor shouldn't be a military at all." The Minister muttered under her breath. "They've too much pride to apologize for the smallest of things, let alone something like this. Their downfall, perhaps." The woman then gathered some paper, beginning to write things that needed written.

  2. It's me, ya theydy, back to try this again.


    Art auction, rules, all nice and fancy:

    -There will be TWO separate auctions, one specifically for Mina's, and one for USD

    -Mina auction starts at 100, goes up by 50 per bid, minimum.

    -USD auction starts at 5$, goes up by 50c, minimum.

    -Please ping the bidder you've outbid.


    Winners get to choose between a crest, headshot/bust, or an animal!


    Ends May 7th.


    Crest Example:





    Headshot/bust example:





    Animal Example:





    Please DM me on discord if you have more questions!


  3. Athri Onfroi Belrose skimmed over this at her desk within Talon's Port, then read it more in-depth a second time. "Scared? They look a little scared. This is a very long 'I'm scared'. Perhaps I need to speak with them..." She commented to herself, setting the paper aside. "They'd better not expect help."


    Mirabella Violet sat within her home, and the treasonous poet snickered. "Hah! They're funny. They think they're funny. I suppose they are a bit funny..."

  4. [!] Flyers would be posted everywhere, throughout each city of Almaris.


    "Tea with the Talon’s Council!"



    [!] A painting of a group of people, about to settle down for tea.

    Tea will be served alongside biscuits, cookies, and many other sweet treats, during the month of Malin’s Welcome on the 10th day in the capital city of Talon’s Port. Be sure to send a bird to any of the council members and RSVP, letting us know you’re to be joining us for a wonderful time. Chatter away with ease, and confide in your friends- we’re here to help and give you what you need.

    All friendly persons invited, nobody will be left out- just be sure to bring some extra treats! If you love to bake, then bring your best goods! If you make your own tea, we’d love to sample it! Wanna bring some wine? Go right ahead, just be careful!
    Hopefully we see you there!


    (Note: Bring flowers. No questions, do it.)




    Special Invites have been sent to the following:


    The Rex Yarrow’Lur, and the citizens of Krugmar.

    His Majesty Heinrik Karl, along with his people.

    Sohaer of Haelun’or, Othelu Orrar, and his people.

    The King of Norland, Sven Edvardsson, and his people.

    The Duke of Elysium, Eugeo de Astrea, as well as his people.

    The Grand King of Uruguan, Norli Starbreaker, and his people.

    The City of Yong-Ping, and it's people.



    Thursday, 6pm EST! If you want to attend, you can just comment it down below- but it isn't required!


  5. 4GoAp-Sp8nJ26XWCgUXvB52LWcBocKFfuFjURatSxwaZ8SkGIosry9swIvKd0UZ7VcsEwW5raqI49LXGgmKFXgcADe2WGNwMbak6rFbjsTRK0hVRfEe7VLwe84yvb_pAg9xlJINn


    Death is something we all meet at one point or another.


    It may be centuries away, or mere minutes.


    What comes after, is unknown to those of us still breathing.


    May it be emptiness, nothingness, or something we cannot begin to think of.


    Perhaps the Seven Skies, a thing I hardly understand.


    We simply must be ready for it,


    And hope- it is not a gruesome scene.


    One that will not scar those forced to watch, unable to do a thing.


    Simply hope it is peaceful, of old age.


    But be accepting of any end.


    For it cannot be predicted, what will happen.


    A guess, is all it is.


    And a guess is all it will ever be.


    At least, we get to live while we can.


    Even if some are plagued with few years,


    While some are plagued with far too many for one person.


    Let us live every day as if it is our last, though.


    As our death’s are inevitable, with the date unknown.


    But I suppose, we should be prepared for a peaceful eternal slumber.


    Signed, Mirabella Violet

    Court Poet of Haense


  6. Mirabella's head shook when she heard. She felt only a small bit of relief that she hadn't attended court. The rest of her felt a mix sadness with a hint of fear. "Too much... it is too much." Her hand reached for a paper that laid upon her desk, ink scrawled upon it. The parchment crumpled within the elf's hand, and she tossed it aside.

  7. A letter sent to the High Sea Prince, with a copy posted onto Elvenesse's notice board as well.




    “To the Princedom of Elvenesse,

                 I write this to you from a neutral standpoint. As tensions rise between two of the three nations within the west, I believe a statement must be written on behalf of Talon’s Port. Our city, nor it’s vassal, shall take part in any acts of war between Krugmar and Elvenesse, should it come to that. This as I see it, is your fault, and your fault only. We all know peace does not last long, but alas, you seem to have sped up the process of ending it. A minor inconvenience you have caused, I might say.


    This is simply not just to say we shall not fight if it were to end up needed, but we will also not be dragged into this as it currently stands. We want no part in any of this, and prefer to stay at peace. Simply look at these as boundaries, boundaries that if you dare cross, will have consequences. I do not mean to threaten you like this, nor mean disrespect in the slightest while writing this. If you wish to privately speak with me on this matter, please do so.”


    Signed, Athri Onfroi Belrose

    Talon’s Port Minister of Foreign Affairs




    my discord is neojunior#0657 if y'all want to talk!


  8. Side Effects For the Voidal Attuned


    When one has been connected to the void for such a long time, practicing arts with the use of it, most will find that the void can be seen as an extension of themselves. Connection can be similar to a reflex, happening suddenly and on accident as an involuntary act to the mage. A skilled earth evocationist might cough out some sand, and a fire evocation might sneeze out sparks. These occurrences are simple, and seem to correlate with whatever subtype a mage practices.


    The connection to the void is an unnatural thing, but after some years of constant use, the mind will be used to this connection and deem it as a natural occurrence that happens often. There grows the reflex to suddenly connect. These sudden sneezes, hiccups, and other things can be surprising, but have no adverse, or beneficial effects to them. One cannot be injured by these sudden quirks.


    (OOC and Redlines)


    Essentially just an aesthetic thing, and give more opportunities for RP, all for simple fun. It can be to spice up some slice-of-life, or let it slip that your character is a mage. Just some nice and fun fluff stuff.



    - Only applies to voidal magics.

    - Effects are harmless, one cannot be burned by a fiery sneeze.

    - Subtype needs to be mastered, must be T5.

    -Must be in reason, nothing crazy or too out there.



    This here is the original lore, I was given permission from the original writer to do this! Just made it a little bit easier to read, they’re the ones who deserve the credit.



  9. Miss Mirabella smirked as she listened on. She'd been told of this through those on horseback, the young poets arms crossed as she nodded. "Sure, you've got a deal. I want to do more anyways."



    Minecraft Username: neojunior

    In-game name: Mirabella Violet

    Reason for joining the Resistance against the Oren: Is it not obvious?


  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Conjuration, known to also be referred to as Life Evocation, is summoning creatures such as animals and plants from the void. These summoned creatures can be used for combative or non-combative purposes. To be able to summon something though, you need to study whatever it is, just as any other Evocation. This is most often done by dissecting the animal or plant, studying each part of it. Only a limited number of beings can be summoned, with the larger the animals, the less summoned at a time. The larger the beings, also means more emotes are needed in creating them.


    The first time a student connects to the void, the teacher would give aid with the help of something like a mana obelisk. Thereon after, the student would slowly get used to connecting by themselves, getting quicker and quicker.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Terrestrial Conjuration: Summoning fauna, with descendents and things of the like included. This can be used for combative purposes or non-combative purposes. Nothing larger than a grizzly bear can be summoned with this. They are controlled by the mage who created them, and have the same strengths and limits as a normal creature would.


    Perennial Conjuration: Similar to terrestrial conjuration, this is summoning flora. It can be used in combat or non-combat, limited to an area of ten by ten feet (3x3 blocks) and no more than five feet in height (block and a half up). The mage’s bare palm needs to be touching the surface the plant grows from. These are similar to how their species would usually grow, including the density of how the plants naturally are. They may grow over things semi-tightly, but can easily be broken out of in one emote if an attempt with a bit of dedication is made. Maintaining these is much more simple compared to the other types of conjuration, meaning these conjurations can remain with no bad effects, but only with upcare by the creator meaning they must remain in direct contact with the plants themselves, or the area. These cannot be controlled by the mage that created them, compared to a terrestrial conjuration that is easily controlled.


    Disjointed Conjuration: Summoning individual limbs or organs of fauna, able to be launched as projectiles during summoning. This takes four emotes, and is able to be summoned in two different ways. One way is mundane, and the item created goes directly into the hand after its creation. The other way is as a projectile, thrown straight forwards or underhand, similar to a baseball in that way. Ideal conditions would mean a straight projectile can go up to 60 feet (20 blocks) before hitting the ground, and a projectile thrown underhand reaches its maximum impact distance at 30 feet (10 blocks). The larger the conjuration is, the lower this range becomes.


    Chimeric Conjuration: Summoning creatures or plants that are made up of different parts, creating something new. They are not precise by any means, and small additions are unable to be added. All additions are clear right when the fauna or flora is summoned. Damage wounds the creature as if it had its original limb, same going for the loss of the alterations. 

    With chimeric terrestrial summoning, alterations can vary. Limbs may be replaced by limbs of another species, full-scale replacement of skin, such as hair to scales or chitin, or vice versa. This would affect mobility, depending on what the original was changed too. Full scale alterations to the skeleton can have inspiration from another species, or without, but will usually make the creature worse at combat, with the body being more convoluted. Horns, antlers, and other sorts of things may give severe impact, or very little, as it all depends on where they are placed. These creatures can only last one hour, requiring a lot of focus and energy, and their max duration is reduced by five emotes. Exotic features cannot be made either, as it would be an experimental process.

    Chimeric perennial summons are much more simple, which could be a change in the color of petals, stems, or other visible parts of a flower. It could be basic colors, or basic patterns. A change in texture can also be made, from a soft stem to a stem made of bark, with thorns or leaves being able to be added. An extra emote is added for these.


    Jing artificery can be done to create different items, with three types of it.

    Beastmelding Jing allows a mage to have different parts of their bodies covered by their conjuration.

    Reconstructive Jing lets patches of conjured skin to patch over flesh wounds.

    Binding Jing allows for a conjuration bound to them, acting as a companion. If the companion is killed, a new copy of the companion may be made through a ritual.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    The elfess went over and sat across from her friend, her eyes glowing as she connected to the void. “What do you want to see this time? A bunny again?”


    Once an answer was given, a resounding yes, and she sat her palm on the table between her and the other, eyes cast down at it. A silver mist began to form from her hand, and a shape seemed to be forming within the mist.


    And after a few moments, the mist would reveal the small creature, a white rabbit, that hopped out of the woman’s palm and onto the table.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    “You’re keeping up, right?” She questioned, looking behind as the duo arrived at their destination. “Good, now sit.” The woman gestured to the clear area and followed suit,  waiting for notice the student was ready. “Now connect, you know how.” She connected, eyes sparking into a silver color.


    “Something simple. Do a flower, whatever kind it is you choose.” She placed her palm onto the grass and waited for the student to do the same. “As I’ve told you already, you know what to do. Think of each part of it. Just watch me.” She’d look at the ground right by her palm, and a mist began to form where she looked. It grew thicker, and something seemed to be formed inside.


    As the mist revealed from the item, a singular poppy had been formed, and her eyes shifted to watch the student do just as she did.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    A warning the first time, if there's a second time, speak with an ST to talk to them about it, and if it continued the student would be dropped.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Fire Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Voidal magic can be used when one connects to the void, the first time with the guidance of a teacher, and the rest all on their own. There’s a variety of voidal magics, some based off of the elements, and a many other things like life casting illusions.

    A new mage is connected to the void for the first time via a voidal obelisk, or something similar. The teacher would aid the new student, and afterwards the student would need to practice the connection, slowly and slowly getting quicker as they progressed.

    Fire evocation is when one conjures flames from the void, after closely studying the element itself. The creation of fire must be studied, as does the way it interacts with the world around it. The spells one can do with the flames varies, from making balls of flames and small projectiles, to clouds of smoke and small flames falling from the sky. This is limited to only fire and smoke, and the conjured fire has the ability to burn its own maker as it would burn anything else. Simple things can be done with the flames too, whether it’s making shapes, like animals, or create projectiles in the shape or something or other, the shape not giving any advantages.

    Conjured fire has some different properties compared to a normal fire, as it slowly consumes whatever flammable option it's touching. Most fire will give first and second degree burns, only worsening burns if skin is left burning for a longer period of time.  The fire sticks to its targets, but is easily put out with suffocation via water or sand, but attempting to brush it off will hardly work. If it isn't put out in combat, it will go out afterwards. The fire will, in combat, only be red and orange in color, with the hues slightly varying. Non-combat, the fire can be any color besides white and black.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?





    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    The woman connects to the void, her eyes glowing. She'd stare at the wall in front of her, deeming that as her target.


    Within her opened palm, a small flame would be sparked, her eyes cast at the stone wall. The flame shaped into a ball, hovering just above her hand.


    She moved her arm and flickered her wrist, and the ball of flames was sent towards the poor stone wall.




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "Come on, come on, we don't have all day." She gestured for the other to follow and sit across from her.

    The woman sat, her eyes glowing once she sat. "Now, you do the same as I."

    When the other had connected, she'd nod. "Put your hand out, palm up." And she would do the same.

    "Now, conjure a flame. Think of the heat, the way it moves, and the way it'd burn things if you gave it a chance." She directed the student, a flame appearing in her own palm with ease.

    And when the student created a flame within their own palm, she'd nod in approval. "Very good, keep practicing that when you've got the time for it."



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I'd give them a warning the first time, and if it were to continue I would end up getting with an ST, most likely to talk to them about it. If it still continued, I'd end up dropping the student.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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