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Everything posted by SiredFox

  1. RP Name: Arth Kaltblütig MC Username: SiredFox Discord: SiredFoxx#3585 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Al-Faiz Why Do You Wish To Come?: Adventure / Coming of Age ceremony What Skills Can You Bring?: Combat/Cooking experience and an optimistic attitude.
  2. No potatoes sold today. Will try again tomorrow. 

  3. Ok not the warmest of welcomes, BUT YA BOY IS ALIVE! BEZT POTAYTO MURCHUNT EVER!

    1. Werew0lf
    2. SiredFox


      Sugg. No woorries, if you want to taste one, Sugg will come to a town near you very soon.


  4. It’s Official! Keep those peepurz  peeped for a “Smol Potayto” coming to a town near you.

    Edited by SiredFox


    1. Nozgoth


      expecting you at morsgrad tmr 1pm est..... well see if you truly are the best

  6. SiredFox


    Made the changes! I decided to reference the curse of the orcs for lore. Hopefully that is sufficient.
  7. SiredFox


    Sugg’s earliest memory is of being in the woods, surrounded by goblin corpses, during a thunderstorm. After being found and taken in by Willam, The Tinker, Sugg spent his childhood Serving as his assistant. Over the years Willam taught Sugg to hide his goblin features from others to avoid confrontation, as well as maintain controll of his bloodlust. The curse all orcs must fight to control or be consumed by it. Sugg’s goblin nature gave him a knack for tinkering, and Willam nurtured Sugg’s intrest in taking things apart to see how they worked. By the time Sugg reached adulthood, not only had he deconstructed and reconstructed every knick, knack, and paddiwack in Willam’s shop, but he also took over all the gadget requests WIllam recieved from the townspeople. As all things do not last, this to eventually came to an end. Willam sent sugg to the market one day, in order to gather some meterials needed for an invention he was working on. After gathering the materials and making his way back to the shop, Sugg found the shop empty and Willam gone. The only thing that had been left behind was a note that read: “ I’m sorry I left you this way, but I’ve realized that this is the best course of action for you . Go out into the world, make friends, find love, maybe even make a name for yourself. Do not be like me, an old man Obsessed with his work, without a family of his own. Be better than me. With love, Willam ” Filled with sadness and anger which later turned to rage Sugg lost controll. He ran outside onto the road, and pounced on the first person he saw. Using tooth and nail, Sugg bloodied his unsuspecting victim, until a bystander tossed him 5 feet away. It was then that Sugg came to his senses. Looking upon his victim, he saw the bakers boy laying on the ground, clutching his shoulder as blood seeped through his fingers. Sugg new it was only a matter of time before the guards came, so he decided to run. Away from this shop. Away from this town. Away from the Farlands.
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