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Posts posted by Chrisoulis777

  1. *In the hexicanum a inferni would read upon the massive , a grin could be seen forming upon his face , before a busting out a psycopathic laugh 


    "Vikela is now weak... and so i can claim what is rightfully mine.... THE THRONE"


    he said to himself before crushing the massive and forming it as a ball before tossing it into the flames 


  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             inferni -> Zar'ei [rakaar]


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Zar’ei are among the most unnerving Inferi, despite the imposing stature of more powerful demons. These beings are a twisted reflection of Descendants, embodying corrupted virtues. Kindness and patience are mere facades for traps, while restraint is a tactic for deceit. Originating from damned souls in Moz Strimoza, Zar’ei are born from despair and self-loathing. Even those created through the dark ritual of Naz’kuthun are no less malicious, mimicking the worst traits of mortals. These humanoid Inferi pose a significant threat, being both capable and calculating adversaries.


    Zar'ei are devided into 3 subtypes:


    Rakaal(brute) -> this subtype are the Hulking brutes that choose a more aggro style of fighting , with the power of a peak physical uruk that  possess 20 maleus which restores ever 12 IRL hours.


    Kozun(knight) -> this subtype is more cunning and sharp but still lage in size reminding human knights and having the power of a peak physical human and they possess a pool of 40 maleus  which restores ever 12 IRL hours.


    Malda(mages) -> this subtype is more of a weaker form the previous two , holding more knowledge and more in depth with the arcane and the dark arts , physical streangh it might be weaker but in the aspect of arcane its superior to the above having a large pool of 70 maleus which restores ever 12 IRL hours. 


    The Strength of the Zar'ei is that they are immortal and can be revived after a OOCly week or if they get revived by their bound Naztherak, they also posses Malflame abilities that do not require a grimoire and unlike Naz, they are on par with their descendant counterparts. 


    The Weaknesses of the Zar'ei is that any sort of holy magic will burn them and is extremely painful to them as well as the aura of a paladin will illicit discomford the Zar'ei making it discusted by it's present. And the Zar'ei can still be effected by potions and posions.  In addition, Thannium retrains a frost bite effect to the Zar'ei.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    stands at a towering eight feet tall, with a muscular, hulking frame that weighs between 350 to 400 lbs. This monstrous Inferi is an amalgamation of bat, cat, goat, and snake, combining the most fearsome aspects of each creature into one terrifying form. Its body is covered in coarse, dark fur interspersed with patches of leathery skin and coarse, wiry hair, with scales snaking across its chest and abdomen. The head would have two twisted horns that spiral outwards and upwards, creating a menacing silhouette. Its eyes glow a hellish red, filled with malice and rage, and its powerful jaw is lined with sharp, jagged teeth the creature’s ears are elongated and bat-like and forked tongue flicks out from its mouth. The brute's upper body is incredibly muscular, with broad shoulders and a barrel-like chest. Its arms are thick and powerful, ending in massive, clawed hands The forelimbs bear traits of both cat and bat, combining the feline grace and agility with the strength and reach of a bat’s wings, which extend from its back.


    Created by the Red Lich, this Inferi reflects its pact with Ixris.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Yes i agree


    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?

             Yes i am aware


    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. ♩♫♩


    A Sheikh’s Decree
    Issued by 16th of Malin’s Welcome, Year 182 of the Second Age

    As-Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings, Through the past years our people have come to raise a few orphans amongst us, One of which was adopted as a little sister to my beloved wife before we had become wed. It is with this that confusion on her status is within our tribe, and with the beloved wisdom of my wife, and under my authority as Sheikh of our people, I bestow Zahwah Bint Hashemi Al-Sarwar the title and position of Sayidat Al-Shaykhah, My wife’s personal Lady in waiting, a status of Qalasheen nobility she shall enter our household as such and given a education befitting of a Lady in waiting to become a exemplary and precious gem of our tribe and one day married off under my wife and my own guidance. With this Decree we make ourselves her protectors and maharam.

    From now on, one must Address Zahwah with that of Sayyidah, and treat her as a member of my own Majlis. May Allah grant us the blessings from this appointment, and forgive us of any transgressions.
                                                          SHEIKH, Abdur Razzeeq al-Mona, Sheikh of Al-Fahkri and The Banu Mona, Sword of Allah, Defender of the Qalasheen.

                                                      SHAYKHAH, Nayla bint Maahir Al-Mona, Shaykhah of Al-Fahkri and The Banu Mona.

                                                      SAYYID, Mehmed ibn Omar Kharadeen,
    Grand Imam of Al’iiman Rashidun, Descendant of Al-Mahdi and The First Caliph, Protector of The Faithful.


  4. Abdur would walk to the near by well with his son before washing the young ones hands before washing his own


    "and us i told you, true courage comes not when you slay a man, but when you spare one"


    the sheikh said with a smile before lifting his son up and placing him upon his shoulder before walking off

  5. *Started to read upon the missive , with his eyes widen before upon seeing who was the one that made the workshipping idol upon the qalasheens claimed lands


    "They dare come to our claimed lands , and build such thing without even letting us know? such disrespect will not go unnoticed... this pharaoh or what ever his name might be and his fake god have not more than 1 saint day to destroy such disgrace, or they shall feel the wrath of allah"


    The sheikh of the qalasheens said before spitting upon the idol before riding of to inform his kin 


  6. Abdur would take a look upon the massive everyone was cheering for wandering what might have happened, then his eyes widen before shaking his head throwing the massive upon the muddy road 


    "what is this disgrace? , how many times the cannonist will change there own faith and laws to benefit ? ....  Alhumdillah our selfs we stay truthful to you , never we shall come to such sins to benefit and keep the sinners and the disgraces happy , those lustful demons took shelter in hyspia aswell.... but they will not come close to my kin , i will make sure of that "


    Abdur said before making his way back to the campsite with a angry expression in his face as the Hyspians allowed such disgraceful laws to pass and come upon the desert

  7. Would read upon the massive with anger and disapointment filling his face "we invited her to our masjid to prey with us, we welcomed her to our camp with open arms when she was betrayed, we listened to her and after begging us to convert her to iman rashidum we helped, and not even a month passed she disrespect us like that" Abdur would let go of the massive before going back to his dutys 

  8. "From Allah we come and to him we shall return, may the family find peace and may she rest in peace.... i am really sorry to hear such news, but she is in a better place now" Abdur said with a frown upon his face upon reading the missive before getting up from his seat to go towards the camp once again

  9. Abdur would read upon the massive of his fellow qalasheen with a proud smile "Na'am i hope allah bless there carvans with success, and inshallah our two tribes might work together" the qali man said before letting the massive upon the table and moved towards his everyday dutys

  10. Fakhrsigil1.thumb.png.ab8652a63b403d98615eda0b9f5a3443.png


    'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

    In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate, we begin. 


    Let it be known that the Banu-Mona tribe calls all Qalasheen brothers and sisters to come unite. For too long we have been nomads, for too long we have been traveling. However, with the blessing of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, we have found a home. 


    The Viceroyalty of Hyspia has offered us land to build our first settlement. As we grow our community, they have also offered us assistance in settling within the desert:


    We are thankful for their hospitality.

    I call to all our Qalasheen brethren to come unite with us. Let us be a beacon to the Farfolk and live beside our Hyspian cousins, who are Farfolks themselves. 


    Within due time, our people shall thrive. Inshallah, may we prosper.

    SHEIKH, Abdur Razzeeq al-Mona, Sheikh of Al-Fahkri and The Banu Mona, Sword of Allah, Defender of the Qalasheen


    SAYYID, Mehmed ibn Omar Kharadeen, Grand Imam of Al’iiman Rashidun, Descendant of Al-Mahdi and The First Caliph, Protector of The Faithful 



    Pin on asd


    *A massive would be pinned all our Aevos newsboard*


    Where Tradition Meets Ambition, and Every Step Tells a Tale.


    In the heart of the desert, amidst rolling dunes and boundless horizons, a new chapter in nomadic commerce begins with the indomitable spirit of Abdur Razzaaq Al-Mona.

    Meet the young qalasheen nomad, whose soul is woven with the threads of tradition, and whose dreams are as boundless as the sands themselves. Guided by the wisdom of his forebears, he ventures forth, bearing treasures that bear witness to the timeless and unforgotten stories of his people.


    "Carpet & Camel Mercantile Co" is more than a name; it is an embodiment of a way of life. The camel, steadfast and wise, carries the weight of the nomad's journey. The carpet, woven with the artistry and lore of generations, is a testament to the enduring spirit of the desert. These treasures, curated by Abdur Razzaaq, are destined to find their way into the hearts and homes of those who yearn for a taste of the nomadic life.


    Embark on a journey through the nomad's gallery, where each piece speaks of a heritage rich in culture and history. From the vibrant hues of hand-woven carpets to the rugged beauty of camel-hide crafts, every creation bears the mark of Abdur Razzaaq's dedication to preserving the essence of nomadic life.


    As Abdur Razzaaq Al-Mona walks the desert paths, wanderers and seekers of unique treasures are invited to become a part of this remarkable venture. Follow our journey through Almaris and stay updated on our discoveries and to be the first to glimpse the latest additions to our collection. May the whispers of the desert guide your steps to our campfire, where every piece from "Carpet & Camel Mercantile" holds a tale waiting to be shared.


    عبد الرزاق المنى


    *signature of Abdur Razzaq Al-Mona with the inc being green



  12. Orn would let out a small shrug upon returning to vikela "we might had lost this fight, but we showed that we are no cowards, we did demand a criminal for the test but they refused of such" the man said with a small smirk upon his face "but still we fought with honor and thats what matters"

  13. Saahir was sitting at the lounge sharping his blade and as he was doing  so he heard from upstairs his akhi Zubayr sing the Ferryman song and so he made his way up to see his akhi and as soon us Zubayr finished his part, Saahir Al-Samad gave him a small and a chuckle before starting to sing the next line of the song 

    "And be the battle kings of yore!

    Ferrymen, my Ferrymen!


    Thou wilt not cower in the dust

    Ferrymen, my Ferrymen!


    Thy bleaming sword shall never rust!

    Ferrymen, my Ferrymen!-"


  14. *Saahir took a sit at the couch of his family's house resting his bloody cane on the side "the war blinds people, and in a war the innocent always pay the price of others doing, may allah forgive mintz for what they done like i did, and i pray those 2 young man that risked there lifes to save me be well and soon Allah will bless them for their actions" the qalasheen man said with a small smile appearing on his face as he was glad to be alive




    *A massive was sent to all the qalasheen people*


    In the lands blessed by the golden rays of the sun, i found myself in a journey to see the desert of Aevos as my Kin was located far far awey from it, after observing the land for hours finally found myself a small but cozy oasis, so then rested under a tree, the shade of it covering me from the cruel sun waves and there i took a nap with a smile on my face, as i lay in peaceful slumber, a vision unfolded before me.


    I found myself standing in a vast desert, surrounded by undulating dunes of golden sand. And as i gazed across the barren landscape, a gentle breeze stirs the grains beneath my feet. In the distance, a shimmering mirage catched my eyes.


    Mesmerized, i watch as the mirage transforms into a majestic desert kingdom, rising from the very sand beneath it. Towers of golden sandstone pierced the horizon, their intricate carvings telling stories of a rich and storied past. The kingdom stood tall and proud, bustling with vibrant markets, echoing laughter, and the melodies of traditional music.


    i felt a surge of awe and wonder as i witness the kingdom's transformation. It is as if the very essence of the desert has been molded into a place of beauty, harmony, and prosperity, truly a gift from Allah himself. The sight filled my heart with hope and inspiration.


    I was deeply inspared by this vision, woke up with tears of joy running down from my eyes, I could not ignore the message that had been revealed to me so i got up back to mine own to feet and rushed back to my home in adria to write about it and share it with my fellow kin.



    Saahir Al-Samad

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