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Posts posted by AstriaS

  1. qkArr_z0m7Lol64kj2PaMxbmafsapReuPg50oj162noSm9XUssz702gl7jPIWKBGCAWarjalMhIpar2n6S6LTTxVnf-tRLP18YOfNGr2TJF-lX1GyO8dUcvq6txi5F0V7i25P4aN

    Announcement of the King’s Return

    Issued 18th of Sun’s Smile, Year 13 SA




    It is with great pleasure that the Throne announces the long-awaited return of our King, Halvar Edvardsson, following the journey he and his wife, the Queen, embarked upon just over three years ago. With the return of His Majesty the King, the Regency is hereby drawn to its conclusion as our King shall immediately resume his duties. To celebrate their return, the King and Queen will, in the next Elven Day, be holding a royal tour of the constituencies of the Kingdom, including the Duchy of Elysium, the Jarldom of Leumont, the Jarldom of Nueva Tierra, and the holding of Hjoldenskarven. The planned dates and times for this tour will have already been distributed to relevant parties in advance of the royal family’s arrival.


    In the name of,

    Halvar Edvardsson, King of Norland, Duke of Varhelm, Protector of Highlanders



  2. 2 hours ago, Basil Moroul said:

    "I don't know what you mean by 'live' since your city only has about five people in it at the best of times. Seems most of your population is dead and only scurries out of their rat-holes during war." remarked Basil.

    "I imagine that has something to do with Norlandic folk working and having something better to do with their lives than screaming into the wind about how much they dislike a group of people they're under no obligation to interact with, unlike you." Norlandic scholar remarked in turn towards the man who clearly needed to increase his fluid intake before his apparent hypernatremia led to a fatal heart condition.

  3. AMENDMENT II: The Subversive Elements Tax

    Pursuant to the safeguarding of the Kingdom’s stability, an annual tax in the amount of two-hundred and eighty mina shall be imposed on all agents of institutions or organizations considered hostile to the Kingdom of Norland or detrimental to the continued stability of the state. Those who refuse to pay this tax will be considered a threat to the Kingdom’s security, and will be permanently banished. This tax may be imposed at the discretion of the King or High Keeper. The payment of this tax will not, however, grant any form of legal immunity or exemptions. 


  4. The Skittering Beneath the Pavingstones 



               It began quietly, as most things do. There was no warning, and there was no reason to suspect it. Those who found themselves in the sewers under the streets of Varhelm were often greeted by glinting eyes in the shadows and the sound of tiny claws against the stones. Rats, of course; the famed residents of the world’s dark, soiled corners and tunnels. The sort of men who spent their time hidden away in sewers- smugglers and outlaws- were not often the type to think much of such creatures. Foul to be sure, but common and weak. Pathetic, even. They posed no real threat, right?


    “Hurry the hell up, I don’t want to be down here longer than we have to be,” a man muttered with anxiety in his voice, roughly shoving his accomplice further down the dark, damp passageway. Soon after, a shuffling sound echoed from one of the branching corridors to his left. Immediately, he raised the lantern in his hand, his heart jumping at the sound. Nothing. Before him was nothing. A silent, empty corridor with naught but atramentous darkness to be seen beyond the lantern’s reach. “Bloody sewer rats. Makin’ me jump at shadows.” the outlaw complained.


                Rats are peculiar creatures. Despite the repulsion they have always inspired in people, they are fairly intelligent creatures. With the right combination of training and reinforcement, they could be trained to do simple tasks, not unlike a dog or a cat. Some might even call them clever or crafty. Especially when food is involved, rats have a way of navigating just about any obstacle. Like most creatures, rats would do just about anything if it meant the difference between food and starvation.


    A deal gone wrong. One man lay dead, a second on the edge of death’s embrace, and the outlaw’s lifeblood quickly poured from a wound across his abdomen. He cursed under his labored breath as he listened to the footsteps of two others fade into the darkness of the passages beyond him. They had been lucky, he thought, the two that got away. He was left there, on the slime-covered stone, bleeding to death, and they had taken the money and the goods both. The outlaw spent his last minutes cursing his rotten luck, even as the man who lay beside him expired and his own vision began to dim. The last thing he heard was the scampering of tiny claws against wet stone drawing nearer.


                In the outlaw’s place, the rats left little more than chewed, scratched bone. The starving colony had been treated to a veritable feast. Food was what this growing horde had sought, and it was food they had found, much to the misfortune of the fallen man. Unfortunately, that would not be enough to support the colony’s unsustainable growth. The rats required more, and now they had a scent to follow; A scent that led them towards the surface.

  5. J9cJWncOwy7yj8b3AJHuruY_f6oMZ5lUDBOdI8Jhk9jiHVfWU2kuls1ryxudEq-TZjRHQH-b5bPzRhSJnKio7Q1h9GatuBinE4Sqizbfe9b4K1CwRSH-65_R8G4vttgTx5GR-k_y

    Edict of Hierarchical Reform

    Issued 12th of Snow’s Maiden, Year 10 of the Second Age



    With the reintroduction of the Order of the Purifiers, the Hearth Council has determined that it has become necessary to revisit the hierarchical structure of the Faith’s clergy, as well as the paths of advancement through its ranks. In pursuit of this, the Keepers of the Hearth Council have agreed upon the following structural and systemic changes to the clergy, in the hopes that it will facilitate the reintegration of the Order of the Purifiers and improve hierarchical efficacy.

    Section I: The Ranks of the Novice

    The Novice ranks are those given to the newest of faces within the clergy, including the ranks of Aspirant and Initiate. Novices are, in brief, those in training. They are to be overseen in their duties by an appointed mentor to ensure their fitness for the clergy, as well as their proper training.


    Aspirant: The Aspirant is the most junior of the clergy. They have yet to prove themselves worthy of rank, but have made apparent their desire to serve the Faith and been accepted by a Keeper. Upon receiving the rank of Aspirant, one is to be appointed a mentor from among the ranks of their seniors.

    Initiate: An Initiate is one who has proven their fitness for service to the Faith. They must show basic competency in combat, as well as a working knowledge of the Red Faith, its history and its doctrines. An Initiate will also be charged with a larger array of tasks, given at the discretion of their mentor, in order to prepare them for the responsibilities of future advancement.

    Purifier Initiate: The Purifier Initiate is one who has chosen to enter the Order of the Purifiers. They must show the same competency and knowledge as an Initiate of the Keepers, and be accepted into the order by the Lord Purifier.


    Section II: The Ranks of the Adept

    The Adept ranks are those belonging to full members of the clergy and its leadership. This includes the Heart Brothers, the Keepers and the High Keeper. It is the Adepts who tend to the hearthfires and shepherd the Faithful. They are charged with a variety of duties and responsibilities throughout the realm of the Father’s faithful.


    Hearth Brother/Sister: Hearth Brothers are those who have completed the trials of Inititation and have been released by their mentors. They are tasked with tending to the hearthfires and teaching those who seek their guidance. Additionally, they often assist Keepers with clerical and administrative work.

    Keeper: Keepers are the honored priests of the Father who have been ordained and granted flamebrands by the High Keeper. They have proven their knowledge, devotion and ability to conduct their duties. In addition to tending to the hearth, performing ceremonies and offering lessons to the laity, the Keepers are tasked with a number of other responsibilities. They act as judges, investigators and arbitrators in legal matters, enforce laws, and advise public officials, among a variety of other endeavors, as Keepers have the privilege of autonomy allowing them to pursue goals at their leisure.

    High Keeper: The High Keeper is the head of the clergy, and it is they who have the final say in all administrative matters. The High Keeper chooses the paths the Faith will take, and guides in so doing guides the Faithful. Additionally, they are an essential part of the government of the Kingdom of Norland, being in charge of the drafting and scribing of laws and acting as the supreme authority of law within the Kingdom.


    Section III: To Prospective Members of the Clergy

    Those who wish to join the clergy must present themselves before a Keeper or the High Keeper. Should they be judged to be honorable and pious, they will be granted the title of Aspirant, and will be appointed a mentor. From there, advancement depends on the individual and the mentor. Those who wish to serve the Father are encouraged to seek out the Keepers, for honored are those men and women with the fire and light in their spirit.


    By Order of,

    High Keeper Alisa Camian


  6. 12vVqWY_4XfL6ZAedKNg5iXIeckUI5AoXuvyYJnYz-oczrzthdbUsjU31pmrX_nm9sMnST9tQJ1iigzhw1CXnBTtjrWFcBNdK9WH-9-V3B8pzcpgUy1htLpdZ0XYK4Kk8i-dQxGA

    The Return of the Purifiers

    Issued 10th of Snow’s Maiden, Year 10 of the Second Age



    In the year 1777 of the First Age, the decision was made to dissolve the Order of the Purifiers. Though the outcome was determined by administrative concerns over the actions and powers of the Order, the decision was a controversial one. It was also a mistake. In the two decades following the Order’s dissolution, the Inferi War ravaged the continent of Arcas and the crimson armor of the Father’s most devoted gathered dust, leaving the common soldiery to the task. Though the war was won, it came at great cost. And now, a decade and a half later, there continue to be an ever-increasing number of reported troubles with the agents of ruin. Left unchecked, the Darkness has grown in strength, and now its servants must be dragged into the Light.


    An artist’s depiction of a Purifier, ca. 1760 FA


    ARTICLE I: Reformation of the Order of the Purifiers

    By order of the High Keeper, the decision of the Hearth Council of 1777 to dissolve the Order of the Purifiers, hereafter referred to as the Order, is to be hereby considered void. The Order will be reformed under the leadership of the Lord Purifier, and will be charged with the selfsame duties as its predecessors; the defense of the Faith and the advancement of the Father’s divine cause. The Order is to be considered a branch of the Faith’s Clergy, beholden only to the command of the Lord Purifier and subsequently the High Keeper. The title of Lord Purifier shall be granted and revoked at the discretion of the High Keeper alone. Additionally, the Order shall be granted, when time and resources permit, the means to establish a holding from which to conduct their duties.


    ARTICLE II: Duties of the Order

    In pursuit of the Father’s Cause, the Order is hereby charged with the following duties:


      I. The Order shall be responsible for the defense of the Father’s Faithful and the Holy Hearth in any case in which they are threatened.

      II. The Order will dedicate themselves to the fulfillment of the Third Tenet, and will be charged with bringing the Father’s retribution to the agents of ruin, wherever they may be found.

      III. The Order shall maintain a library for documenting, storing and preserving any and all information pertinent to their objectives.


    Furthermore, in the pursuit of these duties, the Order shall have the authority to enforce the Red Law wherever the Faith holds domain. In times of war the Order may, at the High Keeper’s discretion, be called upon to fight under the Marshal’s command.


    ARTICLE III: Appointment of the Lord Purifier

    The High Keeper and the Hearth Council hereby bestow the title of Lord Purifier upon Thorfinn Kursin. He is to be charged with the command of the Order, and shall be responsible for its continued functioning. Additionally, the Lord Purifier will, in cooperation with the High Keeper, be responsible for the publishing of a document outlining the structure, hierarchy and functioning of the Order itself.


    ARTICLE IV: The Memorial of the Fallen

    To honor and give reverence to the Purifiers of the past, particularly those who fell in battle against the enemies of the Faith, a memorial shall be constructed. The first name to be added to this memorial shall be that of  Purifier Alfred Kursin, who was felled by an order of foreign terrorists seeking to bring slaughter and genocide upon the Father’s Faithful. The second shall be Keeper Chryssa Stormbringer, Purifier and former Marshal of Norland, who was slain in battle against the enemies of the light. The third and final name will be that of Keeper Edward Kursin, who met his end on the first expedition to Almaris following an unparalleled lifetime of service through the Inferi War and after. Space shall be reserved for the future addition of the names of those yet to fall.


    By Order of,

    High Keeper Alisa Camian




    Announcement of Temporary Regency

    First Issued in the Eleventh of the First Seed, Ninth Year of the Second Age

    In the Name of King Halvar Edvardsson


    To the citizens of Norland,

    The Throne wishes to inform the people of Norland that King Halvar Edvardsson has decided to embark upon a pilgrimage of faith and shall leave to do the Allfather’s work in lands afar alongside his wife, the beloved Queen Ancelie Edvardsson. In light of this, His Majesty has elected to defer his duties to another until such time as he has fully returned from his travels. By the choice of the King and His Council, it has been decided that this duty shall fall jointly upon the Hand of the King Caedric Edvardsson and High Keeper Alisa Camian. As such, until His Majesty has returned, these Regents shall act in his name for the good of the Kingdom.


    High Keeper Alisa Camian, Lady Regent of Norland

    Caedric Edvardsson, Lord Regent of Norland


    In the Name of,

    Halvar Edvardsson, King of Norland, Duke of Varhelm, Protector of Highlanders


  8. 24 minutes ago, Basil Moroul said:

    consists of dancing around a burning tree


    24 minutes ago, Basil Moroul said:

    dancing around a burning tree.


    25 minutes ago, Basil Moroul said:

    norlandic ruffians do not cease this blatant attack on the Holy Mother Church

    The High Keeper shrugged as she read over the document, promptly tossing it into her fireplace. "This man is not only guilty of sin of lying but also the sin of being an awful scholar. Hopefully his God can fix his apparent inability to actually research things before putting pen to paper." She rolled her eyes. "Besides, any man with a brain would know that Caedric is a damnable idiot. If this is the best the south has to offer, I weep for them."


    With that, she began to pen a response.



    From the Desk of the High Keeper

    3rd of the Amber Cold, 7 SA


    To the Man Who Won't Stop Indulging an Idiot,

    Please cease immediately all correspondence with the man known as Caedric Edvardsson. He is known as a stubborn, provocative annoyance, and every time you indulge him, he only gets louder and causes me no end of headaches. Furthermore, please stop relying on deception and poorly concocted narratives. It detracts from the quality of your work, and lessens your standing as a scholar. Write something well-informed and well-researched next time. You'll be better for it. In the meantime, please be quiet and stop engaging with Caedric. Your childish bickering is a detriment to both your reputations, and has become incredibly annoying. Please, for the sake of everyone, be quiet. 



    High Keeper Alisa Camian


  9. The High Keeper looked over the missive with one of her usual, unenthused sighs. "I'm sure someone will spike one of the teapots with some whiskey and make it a proper good time. I could use a good laugh." She said idly before slipping the missive under the door to her granddaughter's bedroom.

  10. The High Keeper sighed in frustration as she toiled away at the ever-grim task of preparing for a funeral. "There's always something. Something to cause trouble. Something to spread some sort of problem. One day it's crime, another it's the wildlife." She complained, mumbling a prayer as she spread a few pinches of salt and ash over the body she was preparing for rites. "At least animals are easily deterred. Never heard of a beast that likes torches and the cold bite of a blade. We'll see it handled, one way or another."

  11. 782iFnDsH7ReRe0HWMevlUsD7qdfGEiK99SU8ZcbtTyaUwK3dxciIegmPDU5QrDjvo2pvXwKKMQqBqEGZbZUfATcdqwsUobqMBk3jQ-GiGTtZ-cnxlLxVTxS6qAdEpVr_bsmhCv5

    Order of the High Keeper

    On the General Proscription of Magical Practices

    Issued in the Year 6 of the Second Age


    It has been brought to the attention of the High Keeper that, within the space of less than half of the past Elven day, there were reported no less than three violations of the strictures of the Red Law as it pertains to sorcery. In light of this, the decision has been made to further tighten our restrictions against such practices. By command of the High Keeper Alisa Camian, the following is decreed as a matter of law:


        I.  The existing proscriptions against the arcane shall be tightened. Any and all practitioners of forbidden arts described in the Red Law are to be, upon discovery, removed immediately from Norland. Additionally, these restrictions are to be extended to tolerated practices in such cases as the use of said practices disrupts the public order. Without explicit, documented permission from either the King, High Keeper or Marshal, use of any tolerated practice will be considered unlawful. Severity of punishment is to be determined by the presiding Keeper or legal authority.


       II.  The Northguard, in cooperation with the Keepers of the Hearth, shall establish a record of all instances of sorcery, past and future, as well as the identities of those involved.


    Furthermore, it is hereby ordered that the Northguard, in cooperation with the clergy, will conduct investigations into the presence of and preparedness against the arcane in the Capital City of Varhelm, the Gorundyr Hold of Hethnar, the County of Elysium, and the County of Leumont.


    By Order of

    High Keeper Alisa Camian


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