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Posts posted by AstriaS

  1. High Keeper Alisa seated herself behind her desk, and began examining the document before her with a sigh. “I should have accompanied Chadmyr; Then I wouldn’t have to do my job after the fact,” She complained quietly to herself. As she finished reading over the treaty, she couldn’t help but pass her gaze over to her young daughter, who was playing nearby on the office’s floor. A small smile crossed her face as she felt a small twinge of a rather rare emotion; Hope for the future. “Finally.”



    Alisa then turned her attention back to the document, the signatures in particular. “How did you manage to misspell Edvardsson?”



    The events of recent years have called into relevance once more the question of whether or not to revive the order of the Purifiers. Upon review of previous writings on the topic, as well as the nature and scale of recent events, it has been observed that the subject is no longer a matter of debate, but rather of necessity. However, many unanswered questions remain about what the modern Order of Purifiers would look like. How would the Order be structured? What would be done with the title of Lord Purifier? Does a Purifier require a Flamebrand to discharge his duty? The previous writings of Keeper Chadmyr and the late Rosalia have delved into these questions in the past, and it is, in part, their views that will be drawn upon herein.


    Are Purifiers necessary?

    Firstly, when discussing the matter of the Purifiers, we must first answer the question of what makes a Purifier. The Purifier, as we all know, is one of those servants of the All Father dedicated to the Third Tenet; to the eradication of the enemies of the faith, be it the abomination or the apostate. The original Purifiers of First Keeper Arthas’ time were a branch of the clergy, distinct from Keepers. Under Tyrite doctrine, however, the Keeper came to be viewed as both priest and Purifier. In this particular regard, the Tyrite practice ought to be considered the correct one. After all, do we Keepers, as bearer’s of the Father’s Flame, not also have a duty to dedicate our lives to the Faith’s defense? That being said however, are not the Keepers also too few in number to act as the sole defenders of the Faith? To fail in our duties to the All Father would be to doom the world to the Darkness of the Abyss. Whether they take the title of Purifier, or no title at all, there is no question that the Faith needs its sword and shield. If the Long Dark is to rear its head, the Faith ought to be fully prepared to face it.


    How would the order be structured? What of the title of Lord Purifier?

    In regards to structure, the Purifiers need not change terribly much from their previous incarnations. A simple hierarchy would suffice; An easily understood set of ranks. In the past, these ranks began at Initiate and ended with Lord Purifier. In this new, hypothetical incarnation, not much change would be necessary, and many of the ranks could stay the same, though perhaps some ought to have their names changed to be better suited to our current time. Regarding the title of Lord Purifier, there is little to say that has not already been said. To hold the position of the Lord Purifier is to lead the Purifiers. Most of the time, this would be an administrative position, consisting of overseeing the general day-to-day. In the event that a Holy War is declared, however, the position of Lord Purifier will take on the role of a commander. As such, a Lord Purifier will not always be necessary, and the High Keeper will be able to oversee the Purifiers in the majority of times of peace.


    The following is an example of what these new Purifiers might look like in regards to hierarchy:

    Rank Hierarchy

    High Keeper

    Lord Purifier - The leader of the Purifiers, subordinate directly to the High Keeper. Chosen by either moot or appointment. Only Flamebringers are eligible to be named Lord Purifier.

    Flamebringer - Those Purifiers who also bear Flamebrands.

    Brother Purifier - Men of the Order who have proven themselves worthy of full membership. This rank is given upon completion of initiation.

    Initiate - The title given to recruits. Promotion to Brother Purifier is to be given based on merit and accomplishment only.


    The matter of Purifiers and Flamebrands; Must they have them?

    In short, no. The average Purifier ought to simply be, as previously stated, a warrior of the Faith, not a priest. While a Keeper has the duty to both spread and defend the faith, the Purifier ought to be the sword to the Keeper’s shield. Simply put, the Purifier is a soldier; specifically, a soldier of the All Father. Therefore, it is sensible that, as was decreed by Duke Godric, the military ought to serve to combat the Long Dark in the name of the All Father. Continuing this line of reasoning, would it not, then, be even more sensible to raise willing soldiers to a higher station, in direct service to the Faith? These soldiers of the Faith would, of course, require special training. Where the common soldier is trained to combat mundane, secular threats, the Purifier ought to be specifically trained in the extermination of the agents of the Long Dark. To eradicate the enemies of the All Father, one need not carry the Holy Flame, only the will to do the deed. As was stated by Rosalia in her thoughts on the matter, we should not trouble the All Father with trivial matters. Though some Purifiers may carry a Flamebrand, the majority have no need.


    Writ av 

    Alisa Camian, 1758


    In recent days, the question has arisen of the possibility of allowing a newly ordained Keeper to take a deceased relative’s Flamebrand as his own. As no precedent on this matter has been previously set, it must be addressed swiftly so as to ensure that the question is not simply tabled and given no answer. However, in the consideration of the issue, a number of other concerns have arisen, which need to be addressed.

    Firstly, there is the matter of those of the laity, who, following the death of a Keeper within their family, wish to keep and maintain the flame within said relation’s flamebrand. This is a matter that must be carefully considered on a case-by-case basis. While this could be interpreted as a desire to honor the deceased relative, it could just as easily be a simple desire to keep a symbol of status. In the worst of cases, the desire to keep the flamebrand may be born of a desire to attempt to impersonate a Keeper. Thus the decision to allow keeping the Flamebrand must be very carefully considered, based on the potential for harm. Furthermore, given the singular importance of the All Father’s flame, the decision, if it is to be made, must be made by a Keeper of requisite seniority and experience, namely a Hearth Keeper or superior. In the vast majority of cases, it should be considered unwise to allow a flamebrand to be kept by any member of the laity. However, should it be decided that a flamebrand is to be given into the care of a particular individual or clan, then those persons responsible for the flamebrand’s care shall be sworn to oaths before the All Father. To break or fail to uphold these oaths, whether by the misuse of the Flamebrand, allowing its flame to burn out, or allowing it to be taken, should be considered the ultimate dishonor.

    In regards to allowing a particular flamebrand to be passed from Keeper to Keeper, the decision in question becomes much more about permission and circumstance. Should the previous owner give his explicit permission for his flamebrand to be used by a given relative, then the flamebrand shall be kept until such time as said relative completes his initiation and is ordained as a Keeper. Should no explicit permission be given, the decision shall again have to be made by a Hearth Keeper or superior, based on a consideration of the context of the situation. Should the original explicitly state they don’t wish their flamebrand to be passed on, then that wish must be respected. In either case, once the flamebrand is passed to new hands, the recipient, rather than lighting a new flamebrand, as is custom, must symbolically “relight” the one they have received.




    The Relighting Ritual


    As an inherited flamebrand doesn’t require a lighting ceremony like a new one would, it must instead undergo a symbolic relighting. Though it need not be said, at no point should the flamebrand be extinguished. Before the relighting can occur, the recipient of the flamebrand must first take the flamebrand, along with offerings, to the shrines of the original owner’s paragon and that of the recipient. Once the offerings have been made, and permission asked, then the relighting can take place. This ritual is functionally identical to lighting a flamebrand from the hearth, as is normal, except rather than an unlit flamebrand, an existing flame is being reintroduced to the hearth, renewing the covenant between the Keeper and the All Father.


    Alisa Camian, 1757

  4. The news came as quite the surprise to Glargill, to say the very least.


    As the sun fell in the sky, and night came to cover the streets, the shadows seemed a bit darker, the colors of the sunset a bit more dull.


    As the cold of night set in, a somber melody cut through the air;

    The sound of a gentlemanly frog croaking out a mournful lament to honor the good doctor, a friend recently made and quickly lost.


    “You will be missed, old chap.”


  5. MC Name: AstriaS

    Character's Name: Glargill Everfoot

    Character's Age: 15


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Frog Wonk


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Wonks are a race of frog/toad-like people. They are amphibious, and are capable of seeing and breathing underwater. The two subraces of wonks are the Toad and Frog wonks, and each race resembles the amphibian from which it takes its name. Frog wonks are taller and smooth-skinned, while Toad wonks have bumpier skin, and are shorter. Wonks are split into two groups; the traditional Tribal wonks and Reformed wonks, who style themselves after the descendant races. They prefer humid, warm climates around wetlands, but they can visit colder lands, though they feel the cold more sharply. Wonks reproduce asexually, and will only do so once in their lives. Once their eggs are laid in the communal pond, they hatch into a tadpole after 1 day. They become fully grown after 5 years. Wonks can live to the age of 120, but as they age they require more time in the water. After the age of 50 this becomes more critical, since this is when their age begins to make their skin dry and crack. By 120 they must be fully submerged at all times. Wonks have lesser souls and cannot learn soul-based magic. Physically, they are proportioned like descendant races, but have frog-like heads, hands and feet. Their tongues function like those of a frog, and can extend up to 1 meter, and are about as strong as a finger.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:





    When inducting new initiates into the clergy, it is necessary to ensure the prospective initiate’s readiness for the position. This has, historically, been accomplished through a variety of methods. In the early days, there was little need for a priesthood, as those who joined the Faith were joining to fight with the Red Brothers in the All Father’s name. In other times, prospective initiates have been asked to put pen to paper and take oaths to prove their knowledge and piety. In more recent times, under High Keepers Tyr and Sølvi, the would-be initiates were put through a gauntlet that tested the depths of their dedication and  commitment. These gauntlets included such things as brandings, bloodletting, and drowning; Ordeals that pushed the limits of mortal tolerance. Upon completion of the gauntlet, be it in the manner of Tyr or the manner of Arthas, the prospective would be granted the rank of Initiate, at which point they would embark upon the path to becoming a fully-ordained Keeper.






    The varying methods of the past were meant for the same purpose; They proved the prospective’s ability to serve the faith, either by knowledge or by dedication. However, there comes a time when the practices of the past must be looked upon, and the question asked, what may be done to improve them? In this particular case, the answer is to combine the methods of old in the hopes that the new method more thoroughly sorts the fit from the unfit.


    Upon making known their desire to serve the Faith, the would-be initiate shall be informed of the tasks they must complete in order to be inducted into the ranks of the clergy. There shall be three Gauntlets of Initiation: The Gauntlet of the Flame, The Gauntlet of Steel, and the Gauntlet of Mind. Of these, two must be completed, and of the two completed, one must be the Gauntlet of Mind.


    Gauntlet of the Flame


    The Gauntlet of the Flame is designed to test the initiate’s strength of will and dedication to their faith. Completion of this gauntlet reveals the endurance of the initiate’s spirit. By proving their soul’s endurance, the initiate shows that he is dedicated enough to face the Abyss, unafraid of what lies within. Upon choosing this gauntlet, the prospective initiate shall be given the following options:


    Marking: Whether by branding, tattooing, scarring, or a combination thereof, the initiate shall be marked with the symbol of his Paragon, along with the text of a prayer of hymn of their choice.

    Drowning: The initiate shall, at the supervising Keeper’s discretion, have their head submerged in either bull’s blood or water, and will be held there until they fall unconscious. Should they awaken after being pulled out, the gauntlet will be considered complete.

    Ritual of Fire: A small, wooden stage shall be erected around a stone center, and a fire lit below it. The initiate will perform a ritual prayer from atop the platform as it burns. The  initiate may not descend from the platform until the ritual has finished, otherwise the gauntlet will be considered a failure and may not be attempted in this way again. The objective of this trial is not to burn the initiate alive, but rather to test his willpower; his willingness to remain composed in even the most trying situation.


    The prospective initiate may also suggest their own ordeal, to be approved by the supervising Keeper. 


    Gauntlet of Steel


    Quite simply, the Gauntlet of Steel is a test of the initiate’s physical strength. Our culture, our history, is built on the strength of warriors. The earliest members of our faith, the Red Brothers, were warriors through and through. The strength of a warrior is, and will always be, among the most admirable of mortal traits. By proving his mettle and skill at arms, the initiate shows his readiness to stand against the agents of the Long Dark. To complete this gauntlet, two trials must be completed:


    Trial of Beasts: The initiate shall first be tasked with hunting a particular beast of the supervising Keeper’s choosing. The beast of choice should be a predator, but not one so dangerous as to make the trial impossible to complete. Upon completion of the hunt, the initiate will make an offering of the beast’s remains. This trial will ensure the initiate’s ability to stand against feral beasts.

    - Trial of Men: For this trial, the initiate shall prove his mettle in three rounds of combat. The first round will consist of the initiate facing his opponent unarmored and armed with only wooden rods. Both contenders in this round may be initiates, if two initiates are present. The second round will consist of a similar fight, with the changes of leather armor being permitted along with wooden training weapons. The final round shall consist of the initiate facing an opponent chosen by the supervising Keeper. All armor is permitted, and all fighters may use the weapon of their choice. Intentional killing will be prohibited in all rounds. All rounds will continue until the initiate either claims victory or  can no longer stand. This trial will serve as proof of the initiate’s ability to stand against the mortal, intelligent enemies of the faith.


    The prospective is judged in these trials based on performance, not necessarily success. Should he fall and continue to stand until physically incapable of doing so again, then he has shown the strength of a warrior’s spirit just as much as if he had defeated his opponents with ease.


    Gauntlet of Mind


    The Gauntlet of Mind is both the most important and least complex of the three gauntlets. Designed to test and prove the initiate’s understanding of the Faith as well as his piety, it will consist of three proofs; proof of knowledge, proof of understanding, and proof of piety. This will be a matter of simple determination on the part of the Keepers. When a prospective initiate shows, either with spoken or written word, one of these traits, a Keeper may make the determination that the initiate has shown his proof. By completing this gauntlet, the prospective has proven his worth to those he would call his peers, and gained their trust in his ability to conduct the duties of an Initiate.





    Once the Gauntlets of Initiation have been completed, the prospective becomes an initiate proper, and his path to becoming a fully ordained Keeper begins in earnest. The advancement through the ranks of the clergy from this point on shall, as it has always been, be based on merit and ability rather than tests and trials. Once the initiate has proven his understanding and ability, his fitness for the role of Keeper, he shall then be tasked with the creation of his Flamebrand. Then, once the Flamebrand has been crafted and the time is deemed right, the Lighting Ceremony shall be held, wherein the Flamebrand is lit from flames of  the Hearthfire. Following this ceremony, the Initiate will become a fully-fledged Keeper.



    Alisa Camian, 1754

  7. There comes a time when a judgement must be passed. This is a simple fact. When a wrong has been committed justice must be meted out. In matters of the soul, this becomes a much more complicated matter. For our souls, granted to us by the All Father, must ultimately be judged by him at the end of our days. But are there not those instances where we are called upon to determine the redeemability of a man based on his sins? In these instances, we are acting as judges on the Father’s behalf. Should we not then seek to be as thorough as possible in that determination of redeemability? And, for that matter, what makes a man redeemable? At what point is a soul too far corrupted to be saved?


    To answer these questions we must first explore what makes a soul capable- or incapable -of redemption in the Father’s Light, we must first define both redemption and the ways in which corruption takes root. Redemption of the soul is, at its most basic, a purification; a removal of the primordial shadow that dwells within. This is known and accepted. The methods for achieving such purification, however, should vary depending on the severity of one’s moral and spiritual decay, as not all corruption is equal. The latent rot that lays upon the mortal soul from the moment of birth, those temptations of the Abyss, can be purified through simple prayer and dedication. Those who permit this rot to fester through ignorance of the All Father’s truth may be saved by being brought to His Light. Those that permit the decay to take root in their soul willingly are a more serious matter, and therefore require greater measures to be taken. 


    In addition to the innate impurity of our being, however, there are other corruptions and transgressions to be discussed and considered. Firstly, there is the matter of practitioners of magic. Those who have embarked on this path have invited the abyss into their souls in exchange for power, and this should be weighed heavily when determining the degree to which they have been corrupted. Secondly, there is the matter of those who hold no faith. They have allowed their souls to be open to the corruption of the Long Dark, as they hold no belief in the need to look inward and recognize their failings. Some godless men, given the chance, change their ways. Others will instead choose to deride our teachings as ramblings and nonsense; These men are beyond our help. Thirdly and finally, we come to the matters of apostasy and heresy. These are crimes with long-established punishments, however they warrant mention. A man who renounces his apostasy has, after all, seen that the Father’s truth is the only truth, has he not? On the subject of abominations, there is little to say. The undead; those races whose forms have been warped and spirits irrevocably tarnished by the chaos of the Abyss; beasts brought into being through the machinations of foul magics; all should be treated as agents of the Long Dark, as they always have.


    Having now defined the problems, we can move on to the various solutions. When we speak of solutions, we speak of those methods the faith has long employed. As we’ve previously stated, there is prayer and self-reflection for those whose souls are burdened only by those shadows that follow all mortals. For more serious transgressions, there are more serious punishments, namely penance by fire, the Father’s Mercy, and simple, unceremonious beheading. Now, it is necessary to acknowledge that a punishment must be fitting of the crime. Otherwise there is no justice, only cruelty, and let it never be said that we are unjust in our dealings. So, when should each of these punishments be dealt, and for what reasons? Firstly, a determination should be made as to the severity of the corruption afflicting the soul of the accused, and this determination should be made bearing in mind the weight of his sins. 


    For those that have simply allowed corruption to drive them into immorality, all that is necessary is penance by fire. Similarly, this should extend to those who have dabbled in the arcane and chosen to repent, for they have chosen to come to the light. The method of penance should also be tailored to the weight of the sin, as, again, cruelty is not justice. To simply brand a repentant mage and then have a mere thief to lie on a bed of coals would be unjust. The repentant apostate, similarly, should be given a firm, permanent reminder of his mistakes. This is just. For those whose sins are too severe for us to judge, we reserve the Father’s Mercy. Those mages who have corrupted themselves and their fellows; Those heretics and apostates who refuse the Flame; Those godless men who attempt to spread their godless ways into the minds of others; Those whose sins are beyond counting. These people shall be put to the stake, that their soul may be judged by the Father with immediacy. Unceremonious execution should be reserved for abominations and those whose sins are so severe that to send them to the Father directly would be too kind an end.


    -Alisa Camian, 1752






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