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Posts posted by AstriaS

  1. 782iFnDsH7ReRe0HWMevlUsD7qdfGEiK99SU8ZcbtTyaUwK3dxciIegmPDU5QrDjvo2pvXwKKMQqBqEGZbZUfATcdqwsUobqMBk3jQ-GiGTtZ-cnxlLxVTxS6qAdEpVr_bsmhCv5

    Order of the High Keeper

    On the General Proscription of Magical Practices

    Issued in the Year 6 of the Second Age


    It has been brought to the attention of the High Keeper that, within the space of less than half of the past Elven day, there were reported no less than three violations of the strictures of the Red Law as it pertains to sorcery. In light of this, the decision has been made to further tighten our restrictions against such practices. By command of the High Keeper Alisa Camian, the following is decreed as a matter of law:


        I.  The existing proscriptions against the arcane shall be tightened. Any and all practitioners of forbidden arts described in the Red Law are to be, upon discovery, removed immediately from Norland. Additionally, these restrictions are to be extended to tolerated practices in such cases as the use of said practices disrupts the public order. Without explicit, documented permission from either the King, High Keeper or Marshal, use of any tolerated practice will be considered unlawful. Severity of punishment is to be determined by the presiding Keeper or legal authority.


       II.  The Northguard, in cooperation with the Keepers of the Hearth, shall establish a record of all instances of sorcery, past and future, as well as the identities of those involved.


    Furthermore, it is hereby ordered that the Northguard, in cooperation with the clergy, will conduct investigations into the presence of and preparedness against the arcane in the Capital City of Varhelm, the Gorundyr Hold of Hethnar, the County of Elysium, and the County of Leumont.


    By Order of

    High Keeper Alisa Camian


  2. zDOKhA30b7j85i_Xnj-P1mDCYQVwRJ-Cd1ri6hR1WAk2xGofpOH9iuE-Tnmr2yR20v29-p7RIMBccKHSBFrOS73EA-ubjoouwb2P-aNi0OkGA1nhVRLafPPEg3vv41Gfn7TFsjVT
    A Feast for the Ashen Folk

    A Warm and Open Invitation to All


    The past years in this new land have been eventful; new homes have been made, tears shed, and bonds made. And now the festive season is upon us, and the time for feasting and celebration has come. In such spirit, the Indoren Trading Company has decided to put on just such an event: A feast, a celebration of culture, togetherness, and, most importantly, good food and drink. In four Elven Days, the Mali’ker of the realm are invited to join us in the Ashwood Tavern in Varhelm, the capital of Norland, for this great celebration of our people and our culture. We invite all to partake in this feast, and we encourage the Clans to bring dishes of their own unique designs and styles. The entirety of the Tavern will be ours for the evening, so let us together make this a night of great merriment for all.



    Velsyni Indoren, Matriarch of Clan Indoren, Proprietress of the Indoren Trading Company


     Direct invitations are sent to the following groups and individuals:

    • The populace of Norland
    • Clan Yl’Asath and their Patriarch, Alyndel Yl’Asath
    • Clan Velulaei’onn and their Patriarch, Vival Velulaei’onn
    • Clan Morvayn and their Patriarch, Olithe Morvayn
    • Sevrel Valin’dar and the denizens of the Evarsae’ker 




    Date: 5:00 PM EST Saturday, 26 December

    Location: Ashwood Tavern, Varhelm


  3. The High Keeper read over the note she got in silence, struggling to find the words to express her feelings on the matter.

    Sylvia Camian would not be seen outside for at least a month following the news of her father's passing. However, those passing by the Camian household would likely be greeted by the sounds of mournful weeping and shattering glass.


    Velsyni Indoren pondered over the letter she'd received. "I don't stab people... I- Wait does this mean one of the only Norlanders that actually bought jewelry is gone? Dammit, that's half my business gone!"

  4. The High Keeper ponders the tale of what occurred in Elvenesse, her mind drifting to the words of a missive she'd read nearly a decade prior.





    The woman then turned to those present with her in Norland's palace. "Remember that time the Elves mutilated a captive, murdered a child in Krugmar and then bragged about their military prowess? I do believe this is what they call 'receiving one's just deserts'."

  5. AMENDMENT I: On Properties of the Kingdom

    In the pursuit of the protection of the properties of the Kingdom, the following articles are set forth to assert, as a matter of law, those items, lands and entities which are considered the sole property of the constituent entities of the Norlandic state.


        I.    The Palace of Varhelm and the grounds upon which it stands shall be considered the sole property of the Royal Household. Any unidentified, uninvited or otherwise unexpected persons found within the palace shall be considered a trespasser and dealt with as such.
        II.    The Hearth Temple of Varhelm and the grounds upon which it stands shall be considered the sole property of the Hearth Council. Trespassers shall be dealt with at the Hearth’s discretion.
        III.    Any and all military installments in the Kingdom, including fortresses and the city battlements of Varhelm, shall be considered the sole property of the King and the Northguard. All uninvited civilians or nongovernment individuals shall be considered trespassers at best, or belligerents at worst, and shall be dealt with as such.
        IV.    The Ashwood Tree and its products are to be considered the sole property of the King of Norland. The Ashwood’s seeds shall only be handled by the King himself, members of the clergy, and those of the Rurikid bloodlines. Any other individual found to be in possession of, or tampering with, any product of the Ashwood tree, without the express, documented permission of the King shall be considered guilty of theft, treason, and, depending on circumstance, possibly conspiracy.

  6. The High Keeper nodded, a smile appearing behind her mask as she filed her copy away for the sake of her record-keeping. "What a time to be alive. The political landscape continues to change in fascinating ways. What comes next, I wonder?"

  7. The High Keeper was handed an invitation one way or another and stared at it for a moment. Remembering a particular interaction she'd had with the Grand King last time they were in a temple at the same time, she briefly pondered the wisdom of attending. But ultimately she decides that it's fine.


    A certain Dark Elf considered the fact that, as a resident of Norland, she had technically been invited to this event. But she instead made the wise choice for her health and preemptively decided to stay home.

  8. 3 minutes ago, ErikAzog said:

    I believe that your friends have proven why player bandits are demonized by the community.  

    To be perfectly fair, I believe the issue of demonization is the root of the problem on both sides of the issue. People doing their casual slice-of-life RP expect to be annoyed by bad bandit RP because demonization leads them to believe it to be so. As a result, people doing banditry RP expect to be met with salt and vitriol, because they are conditioned to believe it will happen. Going even beyond bandits, there is a tendency for certain groups and individuals (who shall remain nameless for the sake of civility) to go full :pepega: any time other groups enter the same room, let alone RP in the same scene. Are you going to tell me that this reaction isn't the result of targeted demonization?

    Either way, it's a problem that can't be solved because both sides have chosen the hill on which they will die. Bandits will rob people on the road, those people will choose to be vitriolic, the bandits will meme about it, people will talk about how bad the bandits are, and then the cycle will continue. This is the same argument that is had any time a guild in Black Desert decides to go around RDMing. People will do what they enjoy doing, people will dislike it and complain, and then when it happens again everyone will choose to be angry about it. Welcome to the status quo, friends. Nothing changes on the internet.

  9. [!] A letter is delivered across the new world, finding its way onto notice boards and into the hands of various Mali’ker.


    A Home for the Mali’ker in the North

    An Invitation from House Indoren



    To the scattered Mali’ker,

    The history of our people is a troubled one; adversity, fallen cities, and scattered communities. Perhaps we are doomed to an eternal cycle of brief unification followed by diaspora. Even Renelia, my home for quite some time, ended up an abandoned project, despite what appeared to be a bright future. However, in the time I’ve spent experiencing different communities, I choose to believe that our future is what we make of it. It can be a future of prosperity and unity, should we choose to make it so. And it would seem, to my eye, that there are those among us pursuing such a future, such as those of us who have chosen to establish the Evarsae’ker in Elvenesse. It brings me joy that there are others with such dedication to the future of our people, and I wish them the greatest of fortune and a future of prosperity.  


    However, one community cannot and shall not be left to shoulder the burden of an entire people alone. It is for this reason that I, Velsyni Indoren, extend this invitation to our wayward, scattered kin: Join me in creating a place for ourselves and our kin in the North. The Norlanders of Varhelm are a welcoming and honorable people, and their King has graciously allowed me to extend this invitation. There are fine homes available in this new city which want for residents. Though the weather here is harsh, there is space for us to begin building a community for ourselves, and create a foundation from which to build towards something greater. Furthermore, to ease the burden of resettling, those Mali’ker who choose to join in my endeavor shall have all residency taxes paid for in full by the Indoren Trading Company for a period of three years while they establish themselves in this new land. Come and let us together create a future for our people; a future of prosperity and hope.


    May the Ancestors guide us all.



    Velsyni Indoren, Matriarch of House Indoren, Proprietress of the Indoren Trading Company





    If this interests you at all, please let me know! I can be reached on discord (AstriaS#4670) or ingame/irp, if you have any questions or are interested in getting involved!



  10. In the frozen North, Velsyni Indoren read over the letter with a quiet hum of thought. Adjusting the crown atop her head, the woman set the paper aside. "Interesting. Seems there are interesting ideas all around, these days. I suppose I should make my intentions known soon." With that, the 'ker scribbled down a quick reminder in her ledger, and returned to getting her shop up and running.

  11. n6JX8atNL59SgO7OQOHjzOfxv-LIAAeflK9yhliZ5Cz19OPR-TZSik8TXtc53J-YdRyUPC88UEDA74ZOh77kphjpWyPa2n90Pn1dwyomgxW4N_RHxtvLHybNvIoZEEWwjjJMyyiC

    Writ of Consecration

    The Hearth Temple of Varhelm

    Issued in the First Year of the Second Age

    By Order High Keeper Alisa Camian



    In this first year of the new age of the Descendants, the Hearth of Norland does hereby declare the establishment of a new temple within the city of Varhelm, to be known hereafter as the Hearth Temple of Varhelm. This temple and the grounds upon which it resides are to be, without exception, considered sacred ground and the sole property of the Hearth Council. Violence of any sort shall be strictly prohibited on penalty of death both within the temple and upon the grounds where it stands. Furthermore, known enemies of the Faith, mages, and practitioners of forbidden arts shall be immediately expelled from Temple grounds and turned over to the city guard for immediate termination. Those followers of the faith and seekers of sanctuary who claim asylum within Temple grounds are to be guaranteed the safety and benevolence of the Temple, provided they are not otherwise prohibited from entry.


    Writ av

    High Keeper Alisa Camian


  12. Code of Law of the City of Varhelm

    And the Lands of the Kingdom of Norland

    Issued in the First Year of the Second Age

    In the Name of King Halvar I

    By the Advice of and Scribed by High Keeper Alisa Camian


    I.The Common Law

    II.The Red Law

    III.Codes of Honor

    IV.Entitlements of the Citizen

    V.Authorities and Responsibilities of the State

    VI.The Clan System

    VII.Laws of Residence

    VIII.Criminal Punishment


    These laws, set forth in the name of King Halvar I, shall form the basis of the society of Norland and her subjects; a society based on our long-held traditions of honor, liberty, and self-determination. In the interests of ensuring the good of our Kingdom in this new land, this code of law has been formed from the cooperation of all levels of our society, with input from common man and chieftain alike. Let no man be below another; Let no man be made to kneel; Let no man want for freedom.

    ARTICLE I: The Common Law

    In furthering the ordered conduct of society, the following statutes are set forth to ensure the betterment and health of our society and the common good of the populace. The punishments  for the crimes listed hereafter shall be decided by present Guards, or if requested or severity warrants it, the presiding Keeper.



    ·        Theft: The unlawful seizure of another’s property with intent to deprive them of it.

    ·        Trespassing: Entry into a building or property against the wishes of the owner or authorities.

    ·        Burglary: The unlawful entry of a building with the intent to commit a crime.

    ·        Vandalism: The willful destruction of another's property, be it a building, field or any other owned structure. 

    ·        Disturbance of the Peace: Disruption of the city’s order and day-to-day activities by way of excessive sound, violence and threats thereof, or inciting of general chaos. This also includes insubordination or noncompliance with the authorities.

    ·        Assault: Directed, intentional violence, outside of common brawling, with the intent or end result of bodily injury.

    ·        Tax Evasion: Failing to pay one’s dues to the state in a timely manner.

    ·        Murder: The taking of mortal life.

    ·        Banditry: Involvement in the acts of marauding, raiding, and extortion, or association with and/or aiding of known outlaws or outlaw organizations.

    ·        Conspiracy: Agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement's goal.


                HIGH CRIMES

    ·        Treason: Committing acts which directly harm the State, its representatives, and/or its activities.

    ·        Espionage: The trading of sensitive information to foreign or enemy powers, especially when such action may do harm to the State. 

    ARTICLE II: The Red Law

    The Red Law consists of those laws set forth by the Hearth Council and the High Keeper; Laws which are meant to guide society in regards to spiritual wellbeing and protection from the darkness that would threaten all life. The punishments for the crimes listed hereafter shall be decided by the presiding Keeper.


    I.SORCERY: The use or proliferation of the arcane arts, or the aiding of practitioners thereof. This shall include:

    ·        Any act of casting.

    ·        Possession of undisclosed magical items.†

    ·        The teaching of arcane practices.

    ·        Encouragement of arcane practices.

    ·        Abetting wanted sorcerers.

    ·        Dissemination of unapproved texts on the arcane.


    Exceptions are to be made for practitioners of Druidism, Paladinism, Chi, housemagery and Shamanism, provided they abide by Norlandic law and that they do not disturb the public peace with their abilities. Without explicit permission from a Keeper, any flippant, public use of these magics is to be considered unlawful.


    †Magical items and their functions must be disclosed to the city guard upon entry. Guards will be given a list of approved items that are to be permitted within the city. All other items must either be turned over to the guard for the duration of one’s presence within the city or be presented to the High Keeper for approval and documentation.


    1. OATH-BREAKING: The breaking of oaths, be they to another, to the State, or to the Father. This shall include:

    ·        Any oath made before the Father, be it a vow of union or an oath of loyalty.

    ·        Any documented oath to another person.

    ·        Any pledge or vow made to the Throne or other state entity,


    1. UNHOLY ACTION: Committing an act that violates general rules of social morality. This shall include, among other things:

    ·        The desecration of the dead.

    ·        Apostasy, or the encouragement thereof.

    ·        Fraternization with unholy entities, such as undead or demonic beings.

    ·        Unlawful spilling of descendant blood.

    ·        Any attempt at forcing another to accept deities that are not their own.

    ·        The vandalism of shrines.

    ·        Irreverent behavior on temple grounds, or disruption of the temple’s peace.


    ARTICLE III: Codes of Honor

    Citizens of and visitors to the Kingdom of Norland are expected to adhere to a code of honorable conduct, in the interest of preserving both public order and Norlandic traditional values. Repeated violations of the codes of honor shall, without exception, result in expulsion from the city for a period of time, or permanent banishment in more serious cases. All within the lands of Norland are bound by this code, be they king, citizen, guest or foreigner.


    HONOR IN WORD: One shall always say what he means and mean what he says. He shall deal in neither deceit nor fraud, and shall not use his words to mask his intentions. Honesty is more polite and honorable than a falsified facade of kindness.

    ·        One shall never commit forgery.

    ·        One shall never deceive others by use of false identification.

    ·        One shall never speak a word and not act in their best effort to ensure that word is kept.


    HONOR IN DEED: One must conduct himself with integrity and self-respect. He must keep his dignity, and he must not undermine the dignity of others. In pursuit of this, he shall abide by the following:

    ·        One shall always engage with others on equal terms.

    ·        One shall neither bow nor kneel to no man, and no man shall bow or kneel to him.

    ·        One shall not draw a blade against an unarmed man, nor against children or the elderly, unless otherwise provoked.

    ·        One shall live by his word, and follow the same values he would expect of others.

    ·        One shall bring no harm to his guests nor to those who would host him.

    THE HONOR DUEL: Should one feel his honor has been unjustly insulted or stripped from him, he may challenge the assailant to an honor duel. A time-honored practice of Norlandic culture, duels are the most direct and simple way of settling an honor-based dispute that can’t be settled any other way. Where discussion and legal proceedings cannot bring peace, one may invoke the right to an honor duel. The following restrictions shall apply to every duel, and violation of them shall be considered a breach of honor:

    ·        The honor duel shall not be invoked to settle common arguments.

    ·        To kill a man in an honor duel shall be considered murder.

    ·        To purposefully maim a man in an honor duel shall be considered assault.

    ·        To deny a rightfully-made challenge is to accept loss of the dispute, and one shall abide by the consequences of said loss. Furthermore, there is no reason, apart from physical disability, that one may cite to justify denying a rightfully-made challenge.

    ·        One shall not use weapons in an honor duel unless agreed upon by both parties.


    ARTICLE IV: Entitlements of the Citizen



    A citizen of the Kingdom of Norland is either a naturally born freeman within the Kingdom or a foreigner who has been granted citizenship by the King of Norland or the High Keeper of the Red Faith. Citizens are entitled to the full protections of their citizenship status and foreigners are entitled to the full protections of their foreigner status unless they have infringed upon the laws, edicts or orders of the King or High Keeper and certain allied nations which have an extradition clause in treaties with the Kingdom of Norland.



    A Norlandic citizen is naturally a freeman, by virtue of birthright. They are privileged to be Norlandic and therefore are granted the following rights:

    • The Right to Travel freely and come and go from the Kingdom of Norland as they so please.
    • The Right to Speak and Act freely so long as it does not violate any laws, edicts, or orders within this document or any further documents issued by the Kingdom of Norland.
    • The Right to Practice any skill, trade or service which they deem suitable.
    • The Right to an Audience with any member of the Throne or Faith so long as it is within reason and can be planned in advance.
    • The Right to Protection from foreign peoples, entities, and nations.


    • The Right to Equal and Fair Treatment under the laws of the Kingdom of Norland
    • The Right to Travel freely and come and go from the Kingdom of Norland as they so please.
    • The Right to Speak and Act freely so long as it does not violate any laws, edicts or orders within this document or any further documents issued by the Kingdom of Norland.


    ARTICLE V: Authorities & Responsibilities of the State



    ·        King - Monarch of the Kingdom of Norland

    ·        High Keeper - Head of the Red Faith

    ·        King’s Council

    ·        Chancellor - The Hand of the King

    ·        Marshal - The leader of the Northguard

    ·        Chamberlain - The Chief Scribe and Aid to the King

    ·        Master of Keys - The Head Steward

    ·        Master of Coin - The Kingdom’s Treasurer

    ·        Royal Architect - The Overseer of the Kingdom’s Infrastructure

    ·        Hearth Council - The Keepers of the Red Faith

    ·        Landholders - The Jarls who govern lands beyond the Capital.

    ·        City Guard - Members of the Northguard



    The Throne is, as in any Kingdom, the central executive power from which all secular authority is drawn. The monarch is burdened with the responsibility of maintaining his lands and people, and ensuring their strength and safety.

    The responsibilities of the Throne are:

    • To ensure the proper function of the Kingdom, and if needed, the functions of its holdings.
    • To resolve disputes between the Jarls, Chieftains, and Clans
    • To ensure the continuation of military might and the defense of the Kingdom of Norland, all its holdings and its allies.
    • To ensure the maintenance of the Kingdom’s diplomatic ties and the protection of the Kingdom of Norland in all foreign matters.
    • To see to the the proliferation of all royal, legal, and public decrees to the peoples of the Kingdom of Norland and all its holdings

    The authorities and powers of the Throne are:

    • The authority to impose taxes on all persons and entities within the Kingdom of Norland and all its holdings.
    • The authority to assign Guardsmen, enforce laws and execute sentences determined by the Faith or Guard.
    • The authority to sit in and offer an official position on judicial trials.
    • The authority to add to and remove individuals from the King’s Council of Norland.
    • The authority to grant or revoke titles and holdings to/from any person or resident family within the Kingdom of Norland and its holdings.
    • The authority to grant official clan status to prospective clans.
    • The authority to rally and direct the Guardforce and any Norlandic Militias of the Kingdom of Norland and all of its holdings.
    • The authority to draft freemen into a militia under the command of the Guardforce.
    • The authority to write, propose and sign treaties, pacts, and compacts with forign peoples, entities and nations.
    • The authority to declare and wage war or initiate conflict between rebelling vassals, foreign peoples, entities and nations.
    • The authority to make declarations, decrees and orders in the absence of standing law or emergency.



    The Red Faith and its leaders, the Hearth Council, act as the moral and legal backbone of our society; It is they who record and keep our laws, enact justice, and maintain and teach our cultural values for posterity. 

    The authorities of the High Keeper and the Hearth Council are:

    • The authority to act as the judiciary in all legal proceedings and other matters which require adjudication; To issue and carry out sentencing in criminal trials and to act as mediators in feuds and disputes of property.
    • The authority to review all acts of legislation put forth by the Throne to ensure their adherence to Norlandic cultural values.
    • The authority to determine and enforce the statutes of the Red Law.
    • The authority to issue and pay bounties for known criminals, mages both dark and common, and unholy creatures.



    The Guard serve as the direct defenders of the peoples of Norland, the enforcers of our laws, and the keepers of the public peace. As such, they are charged with the responsibilities of upholding the laws of the Kingdom, and defending the Kingdom and its people from enemies both foreign and domestic. 

    The responsibilities of the Guard are:

    • To enforce all laws, codes and other decrees of the Kingdom of Norland outlined in this document and subsequent documents pertaining to law.
    • To act as the first line of defense from traitors, ill-willed foreigners, and banditry against the Kingdom of Norland and all its holdings
    • To offer their aid to those in need within the Kingdom of Norland and all its holdings.

    The authorities of the Guard are:

    • The authority to assess, enforce and judge all conventional laws, if a Keeper is not requested to hold trial.
    • The authority to issue bounties for known criminals.
    • The authority to exercise militarily with other peoples, entities, and nations, if the King has not declared them an enemy.



    The Landholder is charged with the responsibilities of governing all held lands and the support of the Kingdom of Norland as a whole. 

    Their responsibilities are as follows:

    • Ensuring the proper function of their held lands and their levy.
    • Supporting the Kingdom of Norland with their levy, produce or any other good the Throne calls upon them to supply.
    • Issuance of any public decrees to the residents of their lands.

    Their authorities are as follows:

    • The authority to impose a tax upon the residents of their lands, if the King has not made any declarations which would revoke taxes to a specific person or entity.
    • The authority to draft freemen into a militia to aid the military in the defense of the Kingdom of Norland.
    • The authority to issue decrees and orders to their levy.


    ARTICLE VI: The Clan System



    A clan is a family or a group of associated families who identify themselves and are identifiable as a cohesive societal unit. Clans are given the right to bear heraldry and are considered by the Throne to be a single political entity. All clans reserve the right to maintain their own traditions, rites of passage, and appoint or dismiss their leaders as they see fit, provided their methods comply with the greater laws of the realm. Furthermore, in times of war a clan may, at the King’s discretion, be given permission to levy Bannermen to fight in their name, on the condition that said Bannermen adhere to the orders of the King and Marshal.



    The Throne of Norland reserves the right to grant or deny recognition to any prospective clans which petition the court. In order to be recognized, a clan must reside in the Kingdom for a period of no less than fifteen years and provide proof of residence and presence in the Kingdom before bringing their petition before the King and his Council for approval. Those clans which receive the Throne’s blessing shall then be issued a public writ of recognition by the King.


    ARTICLE VII: Laws of Residence



    All citizens and friends of the Kingdom of Norland are welcome to seek residence within the walls of Varhelm. Depending on the resident’s preferences they may choose any home which suits their and their family’s needs, so long as all monetary requirements are met and the home is unoccupied and properly registered with the Master of Keys and his Stewards. 



    Each residence within the city of Varhelm shall be subject to an annual tax determined at the discretion of the Master of Coin. This tax shall be collected at the end of each year. Failure to pay one’s dues within a timely manner will result in legal consequences, and those who repeatedly fail to meet this deadline may be evicted and barred permanently from owning a residence within the Kingdom of Norland.



    In the interest of keeping houses open for those who seek them, any house which is found to have been uninhabited for a period of three Elven Weeks will be evicted. When such a decision is made, a three-month notice will be delivered to the residence after which the home shall be fully evicted. Additionally, any person who commits a crime of sufficient severity shall be similarly dispossessed.

    ARTICLE VIII: Criminal Punishment

    Pursuant to ensuring deterrence of criminal activity and social recompense for wrongs against the people and the state, the following punishments are set forth as a matter of law.


    I.Fine - Financial compensation paid to the Throne, in an amount which matches the severity of the wrong committed. All crimes are to be punished at least in part by fine. Should a criminal be unable to pay their issued fine, they will instead provide labor of equal value to the Kingdom.

    II.Indentured Labor - Compensation paid to the Throne in the form of physical, productive labor.

    III.Corporal Punishment - Physical punishment dealt by lashing, bludgeoning or another sufficient method, to the satisfaction of the wronged party or the Keeper overseeing the trial. Suitable for minor crimes such as disturbance of the peace.

    IV.Branding - The placement of a brand upon a visible part of the body, such as the underside of the forearm, administered by the presiding Keeper. Suitable for crimes such as theft or repeat offenses.

    V.Banishment - Exile from the lands of Norland, be it permanent or temporary. Suitable for repeated violations of honor codes or crimes such as burglary or assault.

    VI.Execution - The sentence of death, carried out most typically by beheading. Suitable for the crimes of murder or violation of banishment. In cases involving sorcery or severe unholy acts, execution is to be carried out by way of burning.

    VII.Hanging - The cutting of the wrists and subsequent display upon the ashwood tree by way of a noose about the neck. Reserved for those crimes which harm the Kingdom as a whole, such as treason, espionage, murder or banditry.

    VIII.Entombment - A method of execution in which a person is bound and placed in a coffin filled with sap or tar with only the face exposed. The coffin is then sealed and disposed of, leaving the person within to die. This is to be reserved only for those who commit the most terrible of crimes.

  13. 3 hours ago, DizPanda said:

    Registry Form
    Name: Chryssa Edvardsson
    Year of Birth: 1784
    Clan: Edvardsson
    Line of Descent: Daughter of current King Halvar Edvardsson and Queen Ancelie Edvardsson - de Astrea

    3 hours ago, DizPanda said:

    Registry Form
    Name: Chryssa Edvardsson
    Year of Birth: 1784
    Clan: Edvardsson
    Line of Descent: Daughter of current King Halvar Edvardsson and Queen Ancelie Edvardsson - de Astrea

    1 hour ago, Crevel said:

    Registry Form

    Name: Arthas II

    Year of Birth: ?

    Clan: Edvardsson

    Line of Descent: Son of Caedric I

    The High Keeper notifies residents of the palace that the Royal Household are now officially recorded and accounted for.

  14. 1 hour ago, markuhz said:

    Name: Iain Freysson

    Year of Birth:  1769

    Clan: Freysson

    Line of Descent: Son of Vangel II Chief of Frey, Grandson of Akam Freysson

    The High Keeper sends out a letter in return, notifying Iain that his information has been documented.


    28 minutes ago, Sliw said:

    Name: Hardar Eiriksson

    Year of Birth:  1738

    Clan: Eiriksson

    Line of Descent: Son of Joriik II, son of Jorii, son of Jaxen, son of Joriik, son of Javier, son of Hakon, son of Eirik


    (For Frill)

    The High Keeper issues the following, brief letter;


    To whom it may concern,
    Due to either a fault in our documentation, or a lack of documentation, your registration has been temporarily put on hold until such time as we can confirm the necessary information. To be clear, this is not an explicit denial simply a clerical delay. Thank you for your understanding.


    High Keeper Alisa Camian


  15. Spoiler
    2 hours ago, Qaz_The_Great said:

    Caedric I Edvardsson reads over the missive, he'd call his trusted Norlandic Puffin to his window and being penning his information down to send to the High Keeper. He'd then get back to his historical studies.

    "Registry Form
    Name: Caedric I Edvardsson
    Year of Birth: 1738
    Clan: Edvardsson
    Line of Descent: Son of Godric I Edvardsson"

    1 hour ago, Knightie said:

    Chadmyr had to raise a brow at being handed the registrar. 

    Registry Form
    Name: Chadmyr Ruric
    Year of Birth: Whenever Dunharrow was.

    Clan: Edvardsson
    Line of Descent: Son of Aeyn Ruric, Grandson of Exander Ruric, Great Grandson of Arthas Ruric and so on.

    1 hour ago, Orlanth said:

    Name: Donovan II Freysson 
    Year of Birth: 1768 

    Clan: Freysson
    Line of Descent: Son of Vangel II Freysson, Grandson of Akam I Freysson, Very Far Descendant of Donovan "The Bastion" Freysson

    45 minutes ago, Sliw said:

    Aethelwulf reaches for his pen and begins filling out the registry.

    Name: Aethelwulf Eiriksson
    Year of Birth: 1767
    Clan: Eiriksson
    Line of Descent: Aethelwulf son of Vilko, son of Joriik II Chief of the Rorik clan, son of Jorii Chief or the Rorik clan, son of Jaxen, son of Joriik Chief of the Rorik clan the first, son of King Javier, Son of Hakon Master of the Ashguard, son of Eirik 'The Great'.


      Reveal hidden contents

    Screaming Apu – Underground meme market


    15 minutes ago, sneakybandit said:

    Name: Leif Eiriksson

    Year of Birth: 1742

    Clan: Eiriksson

    Line of Descent: Son of Hakon, Son of Eirik, son of Jorvik, Son of Javier, Son of Hakon, Son of Eirik

    7 minutes ago, kipps said:

    Name: Karp Eiriksson

    Year of Birth: 1754

    Clan: Eiriksson

    Line of descent: Son of Jorvik, son of Adelmar, son of Torsten 'The Pretender', son of Rodrik, son of Olaf, son of Eirik 'The Great'

    7 minutes ago, Mickaelhz said:

    Name: Vilko Eiriksson
    Year of Birth: He was 19 on 25/5/19 
    Clan: Eiriksson
    Line of Descent: son of Joriik II Chief of the Rorik clan, son of Jorii Chief or the Rorik clan, son of Jaxen, son of Joriik Chief of the Rorik clan the first, son of King Javier, Son of Hakon Master of the Ashguard, son of Eirik 'The Great'.




    The High Keeper issues responses to several submitted forms, notifying the senders that their information has been documented.


    [!] Couriers take to the roads of Norland, bearing missives to all known members of the Edvardsson, Eiriksson and Freysson Clans.


    Announcement of a New Rurikid Registry

    Issued The Grand Harvest, 1794

    By Order of High Keeper Alisa Camian


    Citizens of Norland,

    In preparation for the impending migration of our people, unstoppable as the destruction of Arcas appears to be, the Hearth Council calls for a reexamination and documentation of the Rurikid bloodline. This is for the purposes of modernizing the Kingdom’s documentation, the correction and elimination of any errors within said documentation, and the creation of a thorough, complete record of the current bearers of the Herald’s blood prior to the impending move.

    Those who would have their name recorded in this new registry must provide their names to the King and High Keeper, along with proof of their lineage. Those who do not reside within the Kingdom of Norland will, additionally, be required to appear in person before the King and High Keeper. Those who do not register or whose lineage cannot be proven shall not be recorded as Rurikid and will be required to take up the surname of Ash, should they not already bear a name unconnected to the Rurikid Clans. As a further reminder, only those with a patrilineal connection to Thoromir I will be considered Rurikid. Those whose family line connects them to the Herald by way of a mother will be required to take the surname of Ash and forego recognition as members of the Rurikid bloodline. Furthermore, those of Rurikid blood who are not of the Red Faith shall also be denied.


    Should one be declared an Ash and persist in their use of a surname attached to one of the Rurikid Clans, they shall, regardless of reason, be charged with treason and considered an enemy of the Throne, the Faith and the Kingdom as a whole.


    In the Father’s Name,

    High Keeper Alisa Camian


    [!] A small form is included with the letter, to be returned to the capital.


    Registry Form
    Year of Birth:
    Line of Descent:


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