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Posts posted by Shiredom

  1. 16 hours ago, Pan_Porucznik said:

    My actions have saved the innocent child from a lifetime of harm in the care of a mentally disturbed mother, whom is guilty of multiple severe crimes across the continent, including multiple counts of bodily harm and even attempted murder. Those who know this woman personally will know what I speak of. The child will remain in safe hands, and be given to a family capable of looking after her and giving little Tiyan the love she needs.
    If you wish to speak to me, hesitate not to send me a bird.

    Larry the Fact-Checker looks at this note. Before slapping one thing on it.

    'Official Sources find this to be false!'

  2. Peralien looks at this poster with a blank and vague emotion, as she clearly doesn't care about much anymore. "Well, if none of this works. I will personally use every minae I own to hire a group of mercenaries and I will f*cking have William on his knee's begging for mercy. I will spill every cup of his blood, slowly and slowly. Until he finally caves in and gives me Tiyan. And if that doesn't work, he would have filled someone with a terrible resolve. One that can only be cured by rampage of horrors." This edgelord pauses for a second.  "Perhaps it's time I talked to my old friend Kees and see if his group of maniacs want to spill a man's blood."

  3. 14 minutes ago, Mannamannaa said:

    Kor'garr'Lur peers over the introductory paper with a questioning glance. slowly his fingers count off one by one as his crimson eyes scan down the page. "Azh, dub, gakh, futh, H..." Finally, his face scrunches up into a poleaxed expression after turning over the page and seeing nothing but blank parchment. "Oi! Wut boutz Krugmar? Duz diz awthur gruk dey kan juzt ignor dah zunz agh dawturz uv Krug?" A scoff of utter contempt can be heard before paper is tossed into the nearby forge by a grey fist.

    I was too lazy to add Krugmar, and also nothing really happened to them. r a t

  4. [!] This paper would be put in every nation, every settlement

    47: Introduction

    Author: Peralien M.


    The year is 47, second age. On the now ruined isle of Almaris. Many attempts have been made to leave this dreaded isle. But all has been futile. Famine is slowly raising tensions between all that is left, pieces of what were glorious, self-governing nations. Here however, on this very day, marks the beginning of 47. Where everyone expects the worst. But, here. It may be different. But, there are only 5 remaining nations in this cursed isle of hell.


    Elven Confederacy


    The Elven Confederacy was formed between Haelun’or and Elvenesse, who put behind their differences to protect themselves against the looming threat. While both cities have different governments, they have close relations with each other, as they can only trust their own race. Looking at the surface of their nation, they look relatively untouched by the famine crisis that other nations have experienced. But this is only thanks to Elvenesse's grim policy that was introduced in the year 43, all Halflings who can walk and hold a hoe, must work in the fields, to supply the population of both Elvenesse and Haelun’or. This has turned the Halflings, once a peaceful village-folk living in an enclave gifted by the Wood Elves, into a slave population. 


    Holy Orenian Imperium


    The Holy Orenian Imperium, a wide human nation. The state was created as the result of the Holy Orenian Empire and the settlement of Luciensberg forming a personal union. With the current Emperor being what could be quoted by even his close friends as a ‘old insane fool.’ Given that the Imperial State Army wasn’t currently in a food shortage, they would have invaded the Elven Confederacy, as it is their new enemy, having utterly destroyed Norland beyond repair in the 10th Nordling War. They see the Halfling Farmers as an opportunity to feed their own people. While the noble class in the HOI is quite pleased, the working class, being paid the lowest in all of Almaris, and working the longest, is in a practical state of slavery. This forms an even greater divide between the Nobles and the working class. With a book written by a mysterious miner titled ‘The Workers Declaration’ which proposed a state where the people own the property, and where everyone is equal, no-matter their faith, sexuality, and ethnicity. 


    Northern States


    The Northern States, a union formed between Haense and Norland. Norland originally proposed the idea, after brutally losing the 10th and hopefully final Nordling War. With Haense eventually obliged. Comparing the Workers Rights from the Northern States and the HOI, the miners and lumberjacks of the Northern States are much more happy, with no urgent need for reform in laws. But still, they as well like most, lack the farmland to produce enough food. But one positive is that they do not have to worry about the harassment of the HOI, as they see no value in what is deemed ‘two cities in snow.’ But, even they still face clashes periodically from the HOI, typically with demands of most of the food they have. But, the HOI has their justifications, as they believe it’s better for them to survive instead of people in the snow. 


    National Front of New Talons


    Perhaps considered even darker than the Holy Orenian Imperium. As the previous leader, Vivian Maelstorm, has been overthrown by an unstable elf who claims to be the direct descendent of the now defunct Renelian Bloodline. Hoping to use this as leverage to support their claims. And with them, they have brought what can be described as the pure hell of an army. The National Talons Army (NTA) is a demonic force. Using anything they can to suppress the people. And at some points, introducing Martial Law and introducing Curfews, in an attempt to curb the growing Resistance, darkly, this has worked. 


    Commonwealth of Yong Ping


    Thankfully, Yong Ping has been relatively untouched. With quality of life actually improving. Thanks to one thing that others have neglected. Rice, they have discovered how useful it can be to prevent famine, It can grow easily, and in plentiful amounts. And their government has even grown more Democratic over the years. This can be considered the last place in all of Almaris where peace has survived. Such a shame that the path to find it has eroded over the two decades. Restricting people wishing to live there heavily. Such a shame that the only place considered to be free is near impossible to get to.


    Remains of Sutica


    Unlike the other nations, which have survived to some degree. Sutica has completely shattered under the pressure. And civil-war ensued. Here, there are 3 sides in this war. Sutican Liberation Front, a Military force established by Mika Uialben, to re-establish what was once Sutica. Sutican National Front, a force established by a dark-haired human with hopes to turn Sutica into what could be considered a ‘copied version of what is Talons.’ And then, the Osanoran Kingdom, which has not formally made any attacks against the other two, as their goal is just to survive, but attacks from an external force is disrupting that. As the Osanorans have made an enemy. 

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?



    -provided by HypedAngel-



  6. Peralien's Darkest Hour

    (OOC: This ain't a PK Post. And don't metagame this rat.)


    Peralien Corinna Mirthsense sits at her table in Selestia, with parchment and ink. She's then quickly write several letters neatly. 


    A Note to Aeline Cordius

    "Die - With Love, the person you tried to kill in the Arcas Forests"



    A Note to Carlos Mendez

    "Every time I think of someone who has hurt me, I think about you. When I close my damn eyes I believe that you are near me with a knife. There is wrong I have done, but what has happened to me because of your actions are beyond that. I used to trust you, but we both have broken our own promises, we are both cheats, fools, and demons. - Kvriorvm"



    A Note to Arazo

    "Sitting I am as I write this to you, for all you believe you know of me, you only know a fraction. But that is the most someone has known of me. There is blood on my hands, both figuratively and literally, much of it my own. You have stood through all they have told you about me, but you are still happy in my presence? Why? Why do you torment yourself to be near me? Why do you put yourself into pain, suffering, and tears to even try to talk to me? - P.M "



    A Note to Methas

    "Perish you ignorant animal, you are nothing but a murderer. And I say that with full honesty, never talk to me again - Pera"



    A Note to 'Boomsteel Seller'

    "Don't steal my eyes - P.C.M"


    Peralien then preceeds to have a good cry, and drinking her sorrows away.


  7. On 4/8/2021 at 5:28 PM, Bigman31 said:


    Allegiance: The Desert Company
    Native or Current Nationality: Oren

    Name: Clyde

    Age: 47

    What fears do you have: Idiots

    (Optional) Do you possess magic of any kind, if yes, what type: no

    (OOC: Discord ID:) zBIGMAN!#0489


    3 minutes ago, masodapeso said:

    Allegiance: The Desert Company
    Native or Current Nationality: Krugmar, and Norland

    Name: Zurk

    Age: 18

    What fears do you have: Tight spaces

    (Optional) Do you possess magic of any kind, if yes, what type: no

    (OOC: Discord ID:) maso#2938

    Both accepted.

  8. (OOC: Deal with it, I was bored.)

    [!] A paper is released for Osanora and for all the poor souls nearby, clearly who wrote it was drunk.


    "The odd ewlf."


         "In this day and agwe our fututre descedants have been poioswned by te toxicivity of hereasy. I a simplwe Wood ewlf woh live in the fowwly of the Driud & Suitican Deswerts. I hwave seen por innocant souls be tawekn by the Jnrel's of the poisionus leagion of darwkness. Te trade mownacrh of Swutica is nothting but a fool. The secrewt to immrtality is to look dweath in te~"



    It looks like what drunk elf wrote this has either fallen asleep or given up, until at the bottom, a neat signature. Probably from the writer after a hangover.


    With Regards

    Hekate Selvana


  9. Desert Company

    [!] Spread far and wide all around Almaris for anyone to see.

    See the source image

    - A simple drawing of a Fennec Fox -


       Founded in 15 SA by a High Elf named Peralien, the Desert Companies main focus is fighting 'monsters' and the unknown in the Lavalands, Druid-Sutican Desert and the Ice Valleys. We are looking for Medics of any skill, as well as 'Explorers' that are armed and know their way with a weapon. We will pay for any major and permeant injury that may cripple you. However this should not be a concern as we try to make this as safe as possible to anyone employed by us. In the unfortunate situation that we are attacked by not monsters, but bandits. The best thing would be to fight back and keep our lives. Once a mission is completed, you will be paided based on how a Director and your fellow Associates review you. Most of our missions are not death-causing. As the monsters or quests we plan to kill or complete are normally harmless in groups. To apply, fill out one of the attached papers and send it to Peralien or one of the other Directors of the Desert Company.



    A form would be attached to fill out.

    Native or Current Nationality: 



    What fears do you have:

    (Optional) Do you possess magic of any kind, if yes, what type: 

    (OOC: Discord ID:)




  10. [!] This Cancerous Letter would be everywhere in Osanora

    We pity you Felipe.


    This party shall refuse to pay the 'debt' you have attempted to enforce upon us. Your attempt was to upheld Democracy in Osanora's darkest hour. You dare call our attempts a coup while you have overthrown your entire cabinet of government to have full control? Your words have been proven to be hypocritical. This paper is neither a threat or a congratulations. But we give you one peaceful demand. Retract your statements or the people who sign this will decide their actions based on their own merit. With hopes that most of them are peaceful. Do as you please









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