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Posts posted by PhilosopherBear

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Aserath Hemasteron (Name changed)


    Character's Age:

             400 ish probably


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Air Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Air Evocation is a voidal art that is focused around the conjuration and manipulation from air from The Void. It can be shaped in various ways, either to mimic a sound or voice that you have once heard before (Though this is strictly non-combative), or to generate compressed air to push foes violently away. Air Evocation presents itself less as a great source of firepower and more of a source of utility and support for other magus, though it also has great offensive options such as Compression and Whirlwind. When utilising, the evocation may take visual effect as streaks of a wind currents contouring a mage's aura, which may assume the colour of it's if so desired. Additionally, when in use, smaller objects may be pushed or pulled into the current, following it's flow. A Magus under the practice of Air Evocation may also change the aspects of the wind such as temperature and humidity, though this is purely aesthetical and serves no combative purposes.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    The only possible subsection, though not exactly categorised as such, would be the manipulation of sound through wind which is mostly non-combative except for Sound Blast, a spell that generates a loud, terrible noise used for stunning foes and disrupting the focus of other mages, forcing them to disconnect from the void.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Conjure Air [N]


    Aserath would bring forth his right hand, the palm facing upward, his legs covered by a crimson red misty aura as he established his connection, as he a few cinders appeared atop his palm.


    The elf then proceeded to move his hand in a swirl like maner, using his free hand to hold down his own hat, as slowly but surely a breeze picked up, creating a ever so small vortex around himself, only strong enoug to move a few dust particles and leafs that were nearby .


    Lastly, the elf would slow down the rotation of both his hand and the conjured air, as the leafs and dust slowly settled, he also proceeded to disconect himself from the void.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Air Sheild [C]


    "Alright akhi, today is a very important day, for you shall learn one of the most basic defensive spells of Air Evocation." he said, as he paused for a moment to breath, a thin layer of crimson mist conjuring around the lower part of his legs. As the mist began to slow down, swirling every so slightly he was connected to the void.


    The Elf then proceeded to raise his hand towards the dirdction of his student, air would begin to swirl around his own legs, as it made his paints flail a bit, the air slowly moving forward where it stopped, while still swirling around leafs and dust alike following its movements.  "You see, akhi, you must conjure the air first, as demonstrated, then set a 'base' which we will shortly expand upwards to create our shield."


    The teacher smirked a bit, as he always liked the reactions of his students "Better close that mouth before any flies get in, akhi." with a mere upward flick of his fingers, the air would expand upwards, as some dust and leafs flew aside, as a 3x3x3 Shielf of Air was created. "Now of course, you are more than welcome to hold on to this for as much as you can, but I would ne suggest you remain still for too long, just in case one decided to merely side step or out-flank you." offered the teacher with a smile, waving his hand to his right, as the air shield dispersed, the mist around his legs disapeareda swell, as he disconected from the void.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    It highly depends on what the student in question does exacly, though one universal responce would be the recollection and breakdown of the events of their powergaming in order for them to review their mistakes and understand what they did was wrong. Obviously, if one is new to magic, there are bound to be accidental and minor incidents, however if such were to continue, I would be forced to at first pause their teaching. if that yields no results, I will have to drop their MA, since there is no point if it become intentional and I will not bare the shame of teaching someone with such views and releasing them into the world, since it would only bring about more trouble for me, the student, as well as any person they interact with.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


    If possible I'd like for this to be hidden upon acceptance.


  2. With a sudden jolt of movement, the magi was back to his office within Vikela... As he looked around he took but a moment to process the vision he had seen, wiping cold sweat off his forehead. Aserath scuffed, before fixing up his attire only to sit back down and begin writting some letters "FInally, something to do.." he said to himself with a look of excitement.



    JJK music goes hard with this, love it.


  3. After his exploration with his comrades, the elder mage sat down at his desc and began to read through letters and missives aside. However, upon reaching this one, he could not help himself but release a small burst of chuckles, as he spoke through them "Playing gods with ne even a sliver of magic aye? Tis a Jester! Ne a sorcerer." he said, gasping for air as he truely found the situation amusing as he called in one of his students so they could share a quick laugh.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ahmanu Chaephyra


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Voidal Transfiguration


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Transfiguration is a voidal art that is about manipulating and enchanting through various techniques. Through the creation of enchantments, a transfigurationist can enhance objects with combative spells to aid in battle, or non-combative spells to provide help on normal scenarios. Furthermore, a transfigurationist can use their art in order to alter aspects of objects around them, such as color, temperature and shape. Within the realm is enchanting, they can also be aided by other transfigurationists in order to borrow another mage's spells via "Entrap Spell". Lastly, in a more combative perspective, they can utilise "Warding" and "Abjuration" in order to block or absorb enemy spells.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    A transfigurationist is able to manipulate the world around them via Mana, allowing them to reshape objects and items abiding by the Law of Equivalent Exchange (Transmutation) Second, it allows the individual to infuse an object with a specific spell, aswell as creating fields of mana that are able to counter incoming spells

    Voidal Feeling:

    The Voidal Feeling is a tool used by the mage in order to understand the physical properties of inorganic, non-living or dead-organic objects that are used for transmutation. The users capability heavily influences the success of the aforementioned spell (Ex; Magical and Alchemical attributes of an object)

    Furthermore, it gives insight to the transfigurationist about the temperature, the durability, the color aswell as any chemical traits, however, if the object is enchanted the mage will receive information about said enchantment.

    However, the Voidal Feeling is not compatible with any living matter or some specific magics aswell as anything that is bigger then two cubic meters (In which case, it requires a specific ritual)



    It's the ability to understand and manipulate the physical attributes via the Mana that it contains allowing the mage to create complex objects and even change states of matter (Always abiding by the Law of Equivalent Exchange)

    A few examples of which are:

    Alteration of Color
    Alteration of Temperature
    Alteration of Density / Volume
    Alteration of Position [in space]
    Combination of materials (Fusion)
    Breaking mixtures (Fission)

    Lastly, the mage is able to use Enhanced Magelight which is a better is a version of the Lightorb spell, allowing the mage to draw in ambient light in order to create a brighter illumination source, capable of being used as a source of illumination or a distraction during combat.


    Lesser Enchantment: They offer no combative capabilities or advantages and are mostly aesthetic enchantments.

    Potent Enchantments: They are given an artificial mana pool that enables a spell to be bound to an object. (Novice Level)

    Grand Enchantments: Via the use of Magegold or Arcanium a mage is capable to bind a much more powerful spell. (Tier 4 or higher) (Advanced Level)

    Co-Enchanting: Via a ritual a transfigurationist with the help of other mages can borrow any unfamiliar spells and bind them onto an object.

    Entrap Spell: A transfigurationist can trap a spell in a sealed container in order to use it later.

    Mana Leyline: By manipulating mana aswell as using focus crystals a Leyline can be formed enabling Mana to be redirected from various sources.


    By creating a disruptive Mana field the transfigurationist is able to intercept, disassemble any spell which they can then return to the void or deflect. In order to disassemble a spell, the mage must be familiar with the magic that is being used against him


    Ward Shield: The mage creates a disk-like shield purely made of from the aforementioned disruptive Mana in order to defend themselves against spells. When a spell strikes the shield, it would desintegrate into particles of the respective element/magic with the possibility of rebounding under specific conditions


    Abjuration: Using the same disruptive Mana, a mage can create a baseball sized projectile of distorted air or, if the mage wishes, in their own aura, which is propelled at high speeds towards an enemy spell. If the spell is hit by the Abjuration, it seizes control of the spells Mana composition which, in turn, returns it to the void.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    The veilwatcher would sit bored within his workshop, rocking on his chair as he spotted a few unused ingots. With a look of mischief, he placed his hand on his chin, as a faint dark red mist began to surround his lower legs, as he established a connection.

    He would then proceed to move his hand above the further right ingot, which was within arms range. The aforementioned aura switfly swirleda round his body until some of it rested around his right arm, which was a few inches above the ingot, as he slowly reeled his hand down, the ingot getting attracted to it, as it was faintly levitating under his palm.


    The Veilwatcther smirked further, his aura dripping down as it coated the ingot. As he began to close his palm a bit the ingot begint to twist, the metal groaned as it did, getting pushed in as it became stubby and more blocky, the made maintaining his eyes and focus on it.

    Soon, the metal would have been changed into a perfect, chubby cube as it slowly touched the desk once more, the mage satisfied in killing some time, yet he is now bored yet again.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "Alright akhi, let us continue on with our lesson!" stated the 'aheral as he moved his hand over his workbench, various materials, jars and tools neatly organized atop it. "Today we will go over the simple act of moving objects via our art." he would then take a breath, as a dark red mist would appear around his legs, slowly swirling around as he connected to the void.

    "This simple spell will let you to Alter the possition of an object." he said as he bobbed his head for a moment as he felt like he had to be clear "And before you ask, ti, you will be able to it to multiple objects, however there is a limit to what one can handle, so excercise caution!" he would then proceed to reach out his hand towards a neatly placed metalic cube on his desc, as his aura would slowly swirl up his body until it reached his extented hand as he began to channel his mana.


    Would then proceed to begin to move the small cube, as it slowly got lifted , seemingly following the guidance of the 'aherals hand though lacking behind a bit due to its weight. "As you can see, I using my mana as a force to 'push' or propel the object in the direction I see fit" he said as he moved it towards the right and then up, before gently placing it back on the workbench, as the aura began to disapear as he stopped his connection. "Of course, we are limited by the weight of the object as it greatly affects how fast and effeciently we can move an object, now how about you give it a try." he said to his student, as he gave them a gentle pat on the shoulder to encourage them to do as they were told.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    It highly depends on what the student in question does exacly, though one universal responce would be the recollection and breakdown of the events of their powergaming in order for them to review their mistakes and understand what they did was wrong. Obviously, if one is new to magic, there are bound to be accidental and minor incidents, however if such were to continue, I would be forced to at first pause their teaching. if that yields no results, I will have to drop their MA, since there is no point if it become intentional and I will not bare the shame of teaching someone with such views and releasing them into the world, since it would only bring about more trouble for me, the student, as well as any person they interact with.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             'Father Raven'


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Voidal Eminence


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Taught


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Taught


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  6. On 3/14/2024 at 11:51 PM, MeteorDragon said:

    Valanor was actually wrong about this ruling, which is why it's not been kept up. That's what I heard anyways

    Plus, if we were always connected, then we wouldn't have to do our connection emote

    I fully agree with this, much like other people have stated in this post, what if a Voidstalker needs a potion outside of combat? I believe there should either be a re-write of thus rule or just a general wipe of it.

    +1 for posting this though, I was actually not aware Void Stalkers couldnt prime potions...

  7. Untitled137_20240312190049.png?ex=6602b9

    Chimaera Military Recruitment Act






    As Vikela grows, so does the need for combatively tallented individuals, thus we are proud to announce the first recruitment act for the Chimaera Military!
    We welcome any and all who wish to be a part of our ever growing force as we offer opportunities to all who are but willing
    to aid in our cause, to protect and serve The Queendom Of Vikela.




    On Requirements:


    Anyone who seeks the thrill and honor of a soldiers life

    is welcome, regardless of current combative

    cababilities, as we offer equal chances

    to all who wish to enlist. Simply locate the closest Military Official

    within the Queendom.




    Chimaera's First Fighting Tournament!

    To kick off our first Recruitment, we will be hosting a tournament

    in order to spot potential as well as give newer 

    faces to prove their worth in combat!

    The fights will take place in 6 Crystal days (The 23rd 4 PM EST).

    Fill out the entry form bellow and have a chance to get your skills recognized as well

    as have a special weapon of your choosing forged, courtesy of the Soaring Raven Emporium!

    We wish all participants good luck!


    ((OOC Section:))

    Time Zone:



  8. In the midst of him moving some his belonging, Father Raven would drop the box he was carrying, as he fell to floor, as the rest of the movers were mortified by his spasms. In the ened he awoke, pondering as he was visibly confused before it started to settle in, his expression change to one of mortified confusion as he got up and rushed somewhere..

  9. As the Leader of the Order Of The Crimson  Raven read through his pappers, he would stumble upon this particular one, an eye roll here, a sigh there as he was generally disapointed at the missuse of the 'Raven' "What with all these 'Raven' brandings recently... at least do not look the rest of us look bad." he said, crumbling the paper before simply tossing it behind him as he continued reading through his mail.

  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ahmanu Chaephyra


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Arcane Scion


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Taught


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Taught


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ahmanu Chaephyra


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Medea Viola De Astrea


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



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