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Everything posted by Frymark

  1. IGN: Frymark RP Name: Anton Barclay Persona ID: 77390
  2. What's been your favorite narrative moment on mineman roleplay thus far? Also since you have had so many characters in just one year (respect), how'd you balance playing them? Aaand whats your favorite MCU phase 2 avenger
  3. "So true!" Said Henry with a sly smirk as he wrapped a hand around his old friend's shoulders
  4. Go on, go on, son of Horen. Sail the seas of tragedy and death, Go on, go on, my friend, my knight. As my son claims another, Go on, go on, my friend, my protector. Know you failed in nothing, know that all was fulfilled, Go on, go on, as a son of Horen, As the candle we lit burns out.
  5. The bells of the city rang as a hooded figure walked through the darkened streets. Behind him trailed a single figure, hooded as well. At the other side of the city, the main street leading to the Hand of Horen was filled with people - and light, with each carrying a candle to offer in prayer to the sickened King. The two made their way across the side alleys before finally clambering through a secret hatch - the two found them outside, where two horses were waiting for them. A nod of thanks to the soldier who was guarding the horses, and they set off, making their way towards Merryweather. Instead of going to the keep which guarded the passageway beyond the Langkette, the two left their horses at Merryweather, then starting to make the arduous journey to the top of Mt. Godwin. They reached the top, where the ancient tower awaited them. As always, light emanated from inside the tower; the faithful having made sure that the candles never dimmed. Henry took off his hood, a sigh escaping the Prince as he gazed across the land. “Wait here.” “Yes, Your Highness.” Ser Gawyn nodded in return and turned his back to the tower, a hand remaining on his Longsword’s hilt. Henry walked inside the tower, where the familiar site of the ancient crumbling statue and the freshly renewed prayer site and the painting that accompanied it. All in the small hall of the ancient tower were directed to the worship of a single person; Saint Godwin of Aaun. Henry signed the Lorraine and knelt, his hands crossed. “Lord GOD.” “I’m not sure what to say, Lord. I guess … I guess I have come to ask you for strength.” “Heavy is the head that wears the Crown they say, eh? I don't know. Nobody understands.” “But such is the life you’ve bestowed upon us. And we play our parts, for falling out of line means eternal damnation in the void.” “I..” He cut off for a moment, the Prince’s lips pursed in thought. “I will be as you intended, Lord GOD. I will make this realm your holiest land on this mortal plane. I will scourge out those who break your law, burn those who defile your Church. I will … I will defend your faith, to the very end … For you are the only one who understands.” He took in a shaky breath as tears began to form in his eyes. “Lord King. I will be worthy of your Kingdom. I will be as you were - No, I will be better.” He raised a hand, slowly lifting it to softly touch upon the painted form of Saint Godwin. He ran his hand through the Saint’s face - which was oddly reminiscent of his own, as many had noted. His hand came to a stop as it reached the Golden tears dripping down from the Saint’s cheek. “I will be like you …” The Prince rose and lifted his hand to touch his own tears. Somewhere in the depths of his mind, he had hoped to see something else than the tears of a mortal man. He wiped them off. “Your Majesty.” Ser Gawyn called from outside “We should return to Whitespire.” The King swallowed and signed the Lorraine, giving one final glance to the ancient statue of Saint Godwin. “Like you …” He murmured before walking back outside, where he was met by the radiant purple gloom emanating in the far distance from on top of the Hand of Horen. "You never knew my dreams, brothers. None of you ever cared enough to find out." He woke up, covered in sweat. It was a small room he inhabited now, the entire chamber smaller than the bathroom of the grandereus apartment belonging to the Lord of Alba. But he hadn’t slept there for a long time now. Henry’s hands shook - again. He had heard a daughter had been born to him … that was two days ago. He hadn’t left the chamber since. The streets of Whitespire were filled with an eerie silence as Henry and Ser Gawyn walked through it and out of the main gate. They took their horses and rode to Merryweather, leaving the horses there and climbing up the steps to the tower that stood on top of Mt. Godwin. “Wait here.” “Aye, Henry.” Ser Gawyn nodded in return and turned his back to the tower, a hand remaining on his Longsword’s hilt. Henry walked inside, signed the Lorraine and knelt. “Lord GOD.” “You know what I’ll do. I have always believed that all we do in life is dictated by you. That our paths have been laid for us.” “I failed, Lord. I strove off the path you intended for me. I tried my best, I truly did. We were on the cusp of peace, everlasting peace. But it’ll break. They’ll break it, even more with my absence. But I tried, and for this one fleeting moment, your Children knelt together before you to pledge loyalty to each other.” “But everyone has their own Kingdoms behind their eyes.” Tears began to swell in Henry’s eyes. “I did not love my wife as I should be, I do not cherish my children as I should. My mind, still, goes back to that one night in Florentine’s tavern. And I cannot get rid of it, no matter how hard I pray.” “Lord King, I was foolish to think of myself as the second of your name. To be equal, or greater. You were the finest of us. I will rectify my mistakes, I promise.” “I will go to your skies, and do what I couldn’t do in the mortal plane, from there. You have, for years, asked me to be your soldier, and I will.” “Please, Lord GOD, do not punish Aleksandr, Adrian or Markus. While they have their secular needs, they are good of heart and they were truly my friends. Give them the strength to see the potentiality of unity, and if all fails, deliver your wrath. Give my people the prosperity they deserve, for Aaun has become your holiest land on this plane. And finally, Lord, do not let my family grieve the loss of my mortal body. Let them know that I will be with them, always.” “For when the armour of your faith is buckled and torn, see in your mind that magnificent hero. Think upon his deeds and be humble, for his like will never walk the mortal plane again.” Henry reached for his belt. He took out the Dracanium dagger given to him by the late King of Balian. He raised it to his forehead, and took a breath. “For there is no more noble sacrifice than giving your life for a cause in which you sincerely believe in. And in the millennial history of humanity, there has never been a cause more worthy than that of Canonis Aeternus.” He slit his throat open. Maybe it was the Prince’s ailing mental health that had caused him to speak of his dreams and destinies so often, and maybe, it was just the rising gleaming rays of the morning sun, But as Henry Alstion died, a golden tear fell down his cheek.
  6. PAX CANONIS OR THE PEACE OF WHITESPIRE On this 10th of Sun's Smile, 1932 Between the Canonist League and the Duchy of Adria And as I have created for you the struggles of the world, so too do I create the struggles of the spirit. And as I have created the struggles of the world and the spirit, so too do I bring their remedies. - The Scroll of Virtue, Canticle of Patience, 5-6 PRO NOSTRI DEO VERO, PACE ET UNITATE Hereby do we, the Canonist Princes of the world affirm our loyalties to GOD almighty and each other. With this treaty, we wipe away the qualms and conflicts of the past and declare; may order, peace and stability reign across the lands of mankind. After years of negotiations, we, the Princes of Canondom, agree to the following terms; IN REGARDS TO PEACE & PROSPERITY, Clause I: Peace & the cessation of hostilities The members of the Canonist League and the Duchy of Adria, henceforth referred to as the signatories unless otherwise mentioned, do agree that upon the signing of this treaty, all hostilities between their realms are to cease immediately. Clause II: Sovereignty The signatories do recognise each other’s complete sovereignty and both territorial and political independence, as well as recognize each other to be the rightful holders of their current titles not including the agreements made in Clause VI. Clause III: Non-Aggression The Signatories do pledge to a strict pact of non-aggression between each other. They may not incite nor support any sort of conflict inside or targeting the other’s realms, and all qualms that may arise in the future are to be solved diplomatically. This pact of non-aggression will be in effect for the duration of 15 years. Clause IV: Territorial Boundaries The United Kingdom of Aaun and the Duchy of Adria recognise the eastern Aevos river North-Flow as a natural border between their realms. Neither may cross it in their path to expansion nor lay any claims across it. IN REGARDS TO THE ADRIAN REBELLION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES, Clause V: On War-Guilt The United Kingdom of Aaun affirms and the Duchy of Adria accepts the responsibility of Adria and her allies for causing the loss and damage to which the United Kingdom of Aaun had been subjected to as a consequence of the unjust war imposed upon them by the breach of the Great Charter of the United Kingdom of Aaun (Section III, Statute II) on the one hand, and the breach of vassal contracts to the Crown on the other. For this, Adria accepts war-guilt for the civil war. (Ciredit: Baron Olivier & Justinian Basrid) Clause VI: Titles & Heritage The Duchy of Adria relinquishes its claim to the County of Varoche and recognizes Emilio Varoche and his successors as the rightful claimants to the County. Markus Marie and Cressida Marie mutually recognize each other's holdings as a valid and undisputed Aldersberg. Clause VII: Compensation For the Duke’s conduct of warfare during the initial landings on Aevos and the following period, the Duchy of Adria pledges to pay the sum of 200 mina to Leutwin Barclay, Viktoria Ivanovich and Alessandra Amador each. In addition, the House of Sarkozic pledges to provide the Houses of Barclay von Reinmar and Barclay von Minitz one of their finest steeds each, and a single steed from the Ducal House to Crown Prince Henry. IN REGARDS TO FAITH AND THE CHURCH Clause VIII: The Unity of the Canonists In pursuit of everlasting unity and peace amongst the Canonist people of the world, the signatories do agree that once the heretical Canons Regular have faced the wrath of the righteous and have been properly banished and destroyed, the Duchy of Adria will be invited to join their Canonist brethren in the League as a full member, whereas after this they will enter into a full defensive alliance with the rest of the League’s members, as is written on it’s founding treaty. In addition, the members of the Canonist League pledge to offer an official invitation to join the league to the Exilic-Kingdom of Númendil as well. (Credit: Ser Morgan of Angren.) GOD AS OUR WITNESS, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Aleksandr II, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Slesvik, Solvesborg, and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia, and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald, and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Siegrad, Torun, Toruv, Valdev, and Werdenburg, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Astfield, Buck, Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, and Thurant, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, James Leopold, by the Grace of God, King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Corazon and Balemena, Count of Enswerp and Whitespire, Protector of the Realm HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Henry Charles, Crown Prince and Lord Commander of Aaun, Lord of Alba, Deacon of the Holy Mother Church HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Adrian I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Goza and Ciavola, Lord of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera HER MOST SERENE GRACE Renilde I, by the Grace of GOD, Archduchess of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, and of the Phoenixspire, Defender of Liberty His Grace, Johanes van Aert, Duke of Adria, Count of Veletzia, Sonlach and Rivigrenz, Defender of Dumacracy, First Citizen of Adria Her Grace, Klara Miray, Duchess-Consort of Adria, Countess-Consoft of Veletzia, Sonlach, Rivigrenz Lady Éowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan, Chancellor of the Adrians, Lady of Caer Raywyn
  7. whos ur big inspiration / mentor on this mineman world of ours
  8. On the government of the Wards THE RESULTS OF THE NOMINATIONS FOR THE 1ST GOVERNMENT OF THE WARDS OF WHITESPIRE Issued and Confirmed by Inner Council of Aaun on the 3rd of Deep Cold, 1931 TO THE CITIZENS OF THE ROYAL CAPITAL, The nominations for the 1st Government of the Wards for the Royal Capital of Whitespire has ended. The Crown wishes to extend its thanks to all those who took initiative in partaking in the Municipal government of the Royal Capital in the form of nominating themselves, attending and hosting rallies and campaigning for the betterment of our city. Seeing as the amount of nominees matches with the positions offered, the Crown deems it fit that no elections are held at the time, and the following be appointed to their positions; The 1st Lord Mayor of Whitespire, Lord Fernand de Lewes Ward Representative, Lord Leufroy Alexandre Ward Representative, Lord Leopold Haverlock Ward Representative, Father Mikhael The Lord Mayor is hereby tasked with summoning the 1st sitting of the new City’s Council and beginning the works for improving the Capital, the law and the wider Crownlands at once. ✿
  9. johann watched too and as he saw nikoleta watch as well he waved at her and then continued to watch.
  10. PAX HUMANIS “And lo! the light of GOD is redeeming, and the wicked reject it: Iblees and his servants are destroyed forever. The world is become Paradise.” - The Scroll of Auspice, 47-49 TO THE DUKE OF ADRIA AND HIS PEOPLE, Since departing our former lands upon Almaris, the realms of Humanity have been focused upon the settlement and continued perseverance of their citizens and kin. However, still do we feel that the winds of conflict blow at our backs and threaten those unwilling folk weary of war and turmoil. Recently, the leadership of Adria has extended their hands in peace to members of the Canonist League, in an effort to remedy these past transgressions against both our allies and Canondom. We do consent to a cemented peace, so long as it is shown to be genuine and applies to all those who walk in GOD's light beneath the canopy of the Canon Church. We pray that this peace will bring to an end this long-winded conflict, which for too long has put stresses upon all involved. It is our desire that peace and prosperity finally reign once again, across all of humanity. For peace, for GOD and for mankind’s future, we, the members of the Canonist League, extend the following terms of peace to the Duchy of Adria and the Duke Johanes: I. The Duchy of Adria and the members of the Canonist League will cease all hostilities between each other. All possible armies raised to strike at the other’s land will be recalled, and while the talks of everlasting peace are held, no citizen of the Duchy of Adria will traverse the lands of the League, and vice versa unless given express permission from the Crowns of the respective states. II. The Duchy of Adria and the members of the Canonist League will enter into a pact of non-aggression for the duration of 10 years. During this time, the League and the Duchy of Adria pledge to meet to agree on formal and complete terms of peace, which will guarantee the stability of humankind. III. The Duchy of Adria and the Canonist League pledge to allow and assist the members of the Holy Inquisition to conduct their studies and investigations without hindrance or objection. In addition, the Duchy of Adria pledges to banish the heretical Canons Regular from their borders. MAY THE CHILDREN OF HOREN BLEED EACH OTHER DRY NO MORE. GOD AS OUR WITNESS, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, James Leopold, by the Grace of God, King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Corazon and Balemena, Count of Enswerp and Whitespire, Protector of the Realm HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Aleksandr II, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Slesvik, Solvesborg, and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia, and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald, and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Siegrad, Torun, Toruv, Valdev, and Werdenburg, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Astfield, Buck, Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, and Thurant, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Adrian I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca,Valens, Malenos, Goza and Ciavola, Lord of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. HER MOST SERENE GRACE Renilde I, by the Grace of GOD, Archduchess of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, and of the Phoenixspire, Defender of Liberty
  11. Issued on 6th of Snow’s maiden, 63 BA | 1931 ARTICLE I The United Kingdom of Aaun and the Kingdom of Balian, or henceforth ‘the signatories’, recognise each other’s sovereignty and the rule of their domains, and their respective monarchs. ARTICLE II The signatories pledge to each other to adhere to principles of peace between each other, they shall not wage war upon one another, nor shall they raise arms against one another, or try to bring harm to the integrity of one another’s Kingdoms. ARTICLE III The signatories agree to engage in cultural exchanges between one another, exchanging goods and services. Festivals and events which display each nation's respective cultures are encouraged and an exchange of goods such as crafts and beverages will be traded amongst one another. ARTICLE IV The signatories hereby pledge to assist each other in matters of national defense; an attack on either party by a third party shall be considered an attack against both. Any disputes between the two shall first be resolved through peaceful means and dialogue by way of official channels. That whenever the territorial integrity of either nation is threatened in any way, shape, or form, the two shall come together to discuss preemptive measures. That neither signatory shall aggress us upon the other in any way. ARTICLE V This Treaty shall be in effect for a period of thirteen years, after which the Kingdoms shall convene once again for renegotiations. Signed, His Royal Majesty, Adrian I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca,Valens, Malenos, Goza and Ciavola, Lord of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. His Royal Majesty, James Leopold, King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Corazon and Balemena, Count of Enswerp and Whitespire, Protector of the Realm. Her Royal Highness, Princess Elena Casimira, Princess Royal of Balian, Countess of Rosemoor, Royal Legate to the Crown. His Excellency, Louis II August Dieuxmont de Rosius, Marquis of Haute-Epine, Count of Beaufoy and Arentaniebourg, Baron of Rosius, Lord of Mont Louis and High Emissary of the United Kingdom of Aaun-
  12. Name: henry Age: old Question 3: yes Question 4: yes
  13. "Oh wow such a great name, he'll be a great fellow for sure" Thinks Henry
  14. On the procedures, conduct and judgement of Aaunic Soldiers THE CODEX MILITARIS The Code of Honour IN THE TAPESTRY OF MAN, many great armies and hosts have risen and fallen. Though history knows them all, from them shine through the ones who have embodied a strict code of honor and efficiency. Such books as the Lex Kaedrini have long stood out as giving soldiers clear and efficient instructions on how to proceed with serving their nation. Written first by Prince Henry, 1st Lord Commander of the Legio Aaunica, The CODEX MILITARIS will act as a guiding hand and reminder to the soldiers of Aaun. A reminder of what their duty is and how best to conduct themselves. SECTION I - PROCEDURES OF JUDGMENT In a case of Soldier of Aaun breaking the Codex Militaris, they are summoned to appear in a Court Martial in the stead of a regular trial. Officer's Council If a mild breach of the Codex Militaris has been conducted, the Sergeants and Officers of the Legion will meet in a Council, where they will decide if a proper Court Martial is necessary. If they decide the breach to be of mild status, they may assign a fitting punishment without the need for a Court Martial. Court Martial If the Sergeant’s Council decides the crime to be sufficient enough, or it appears sufficient enough by default, a Court Martial will be summoned by the Lord Commander. Whereas the summoned will have the chance to speak for himself and provide evidence to support his claim of innocence, or claim guilty directly. The Officer core will act as the Jury of the Court Martial with the Lord Commander being the final judge. On Punishments Punishments for breaches of the Codex Militaris must abide within the Rights of Man and the additional Rights guaranteed to each Aaunic soldier by the Great Charter. If the conductor of the breach is a peer of the realm, they will be judged according to the sections of the constitution and the Lex Aaunica, which both take primacy over the Codex Militaris. SECTION II - CONDUCT OF SOLDIERS Whereas the soldiers of Aaun are oathed to the King, and will represent the King and his realm in all they do and how they act, must the conduct of soldiers, especially during duty, be of utmost respect, piety and professionalism. Contempt & Disrespect Whereas an individual employs contemptuous language or displays profound disrespect towards a senior rank, the Holy Mother Church, a noble lineage or any of his Majesty’s institutions. Forbidden liaison Whereas an individual engages in an unseemly relationship between a superior and a subordinate that undermines the superior’s authority or endangers the harmony of the military structure. Dereliction of duty Whereas an individual fails to appear at an assigned task or post or deliberately avoids partaking in his assigned tasks and military movements. Indolence Whereas an individual feigns illness, physical infirmity, mental weakness or otherwise feigns a reason to evade his assigned duties. Poor humour Whereas an individual makes jokes and humorous comments unbefitting of their station and duty. Insubordination Whereas the individual fails or refuses to carry on his assigned task, speaks out against his superior officer, or makes disloyal remarks. Loss of Honour Whereas an individual acts in a way that is considered dishonorable and against the good graces taught by the Holy Canonist Church. SECTION III - PROCEDURES OF SOLDIERS A detailed list of procedures for soldiery that guarantee the efficient and professional functioning of the Aaunic military structure. On arrest When a member of the Legion finds himself in a situation where they need to arrest someone, the arrest must always be conducted as swiftly as possible, and with as little interference to civilian life as possible. No unnecessary violence may be used during the detention process. On resources Whenever a member of the Legion finds himself in the possession of resources that are either too plentiful for his own use or gathered while on duty, the resources must be donated to the Kingdom’s usage. On judgement A member of the Legion may never judge anyone guilty or innocent. If a crime has been committed or the Legionnaire has proper grounds to suspect that a crime has been committed, the person in question must always be detained and questioned. On military etiquette The usage of military etiquette, mainly greetings and salutations are mandatory while on duty unless otherwise agreed to by the superior and subordinate. Usage of etiquette regarding the Royal Family or a Noble of the Realm is always expected. On the upkeep of weapons and gear The upkeep of a Legionnaire’s gear is primarily the responsibility of the Legionnaire themselves. Their gear must always be ready for service and on them at all times. The Legionnaire is advised to speak with the Quartermaster if any questions regarding the maintenance and supply of gear arises. SECTION IV - CRIMINAL CODE A detailed list of crimes and acts that, if committed by a soldier, will be seen as complete abandonment of duty and honor and will be judged as such. Crimes against the flesh When a soldier commits actions that either during battle or while on duty intentionally cause physical harm or at the most extreme, the death of another person, this will be considered a crime against the flesh. The soldier may be exempt from this if they committed the action in protection of themselves or another Canonist. Crimes against the spirit When a soldier commits actions that either intentionally humiliate, insult or degrade the faith, beliefs or loyalties of another person, this will be considered a crime against the spirit. The soldier may be exempt from this if the person in question was not a Canonist. Desertion When a soldier fails to commit to his duty and oath and fails to take up arms in protection of his Kingdom, its Royal Family or his fellow soldiers, this will be considered desertion. Recklesness When a soldier out of recklessness or laziness allows a crime or an unwanted event to happen that could have been avoided if the soldier had been more aware and focused on his duties, or when a soldier does not handle a task assigned to them out of the aforementioned reasons, this will be considered recklessness. Espionage When a soldier intentionally relays any information provided by a superior or overheard while on duty to a third-party outside of the Legion, this will be considered Espionage. Abuse of authority When a soldier uses his rank or authority to intentionally threaten or leverage others to give information or submit to the granting of money, titles or favors, this will be considered an abuse of authority. Banditry When a soldier under the colors and arms of Aaun partakes in banditry either in foreign lands or inside Aaun itself, or when a soldier during battle or investigation loots and steals something not belonging to them, this will be considered banditry. Corruption When a soldier takes a reward, be it monetary or something else, to give special rights, guarantees or exceptions to another person, this will be considered Corruption.
  15. Declared in the year of 1929 IST. THE ROYAL WEDDING OF 1930 In the Hand of Horen, Whitespire To the people of the United Kingdom, our esteemed allies and brothers in faith, IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE, that the Lord of Alba and Lady Adela-Olympe announce the fruition of their courtship and upcoming Holy Union under the eyes of GOD, the Exalted Prophets of the Canon and the people of Aaun and its allies. During the upcoming month of Horen’s Calling, the couple will join together in GOD’s holy matrimony, consecrated in the Temple of the Exalted Prophets of the Canon by His Eminence, Arnaud Cardinal Albarosa. After the Holy Union, the people who have come to witness the Union of Aaun’s future King and Queen are invited to the Hand of Horen for a most boastful feast and subsequent merriments, where the attendees are also allowed a chance to petition and grand gifts to the Alban couple. Signed, His Royal Highness, Henry of Aaun, Crown Prince & Lord Commander of Aaun, Lord of Alba and Deacon of the Holy Mother Church Her Ladyship, Adela-Olympe of High Peak INVITATIONS ARE EXTENDED TO THE FOLLOWING, TO THOSE PERSONALLY INVITED BY THE COUPLE, The Royal family of Alstion The Margravial family of de Rosius His Royal Majesty, Aleksandr II of Haense His Royal Majesty, Adrian I of Balian Her Highness’, Princess Elena and Lydia of Balian His Princely Grace, Manfred II of Reinmar and the Reinmaren people Sergeant Aleksander Jazloviecki Sergeant Louis Haverlock Ser Morgan Caius of Angren Mister Gawyn Tiber Miss Xenia Alienora Her Ladyship, Isabella Varoche Miss Alessandra de Vend Her Ladyship, Isabella Varoche Miss Blanca Boon & Bane The Wards & Squires of the Lord of Alba The Knights of Vander & Order of Saint Tylos the Stallion of Reinmar TO THE PEOPLE AND PEERS OF AAUN, His Serene Highness, Grand Prince Brandt Barclay and the people of Minitz His Highness, Prince Heinrich Alstreim and the people of Merryweather His Highness, Prince Robert de Joannes and the people of Sedan His Grace, Duke Jan Ivanovich and the people of Stran Her Ladyship, Margravine Philippa von Reuss and the people of Velen Her Ladyship, Countess Cosima von Augusten and the people of Hohengarten His Lordship, Count Waclaw Jazloviecki and the people of Warsovia His Lordship, Count Emir D’Abbasia and the people of L’Arbe D'or His Lordship, Fernand de Lewes and the people of Virdain Her Ladyship, Eowyn von Leopold and the people of Edendorf The Households of Haverlock, Tiber, Aldersberg and Varoche The people of Lemon Hill, Caelia & Clergy of the Holy Mother Church The Inner Council of James I, Soldiers of the Legion of Aaun and Courtiers of the Clementine Court TO OUR FRIENDS & BROTHERS IN FAITH, The Royal Family, peers and people of Hanseti-Ruska The Royal Family, peers and people of Balian The Royal Family, peers and people of Numêndil The Ducal Family, peers and people of the Petra The Honourable Electors of the Waldenic Diet
  16. Declared in the year of 1928 IST. SEARCHING FOR SQUIRES By the hand of the Lord of Alba Blessings of the Exalted be upon you, people of Canondom, In my capacity as the Lord of Alba, I have decided to take upon myself the task of educating and tutoring a select few of our future generation, so that they may become the shining examples of piety and honor in our United Kingdom. I am currently searching for one or two additional squires to serve under me and the Royal House of Aaun. They will be tutored on the ways of pen and blade, and may, if proven strong enough of body and mind, lay down the foundations for a Aaunic Knightly Order. My only requirements are that they be the age of 12 to 25, and of Canonist origins. In addition for anyone aged under 12, I will be taking in one to three wards. They will be tutored on courtly etiquette, swordsmanship and all that is expected of the youth of our Kingdom. For those interested, do pen me a letter. I eagerly await the chance to meet our future. Signed and confirmed, His Royal Highness, Henry, Crown Prince and Lord Commander of Aaun, Lord of Alba
  17. Henry now had a new favorite newspaper. A spot previosly held by the famed Aaunic times.
  18. THE EDICT OF THE AAUNIC HIGH COUNCIL As declared in the year of 1928 PREAMBLE As we settle into our new home in the continent of Aevos, we recognize the need for a more efficient and effective system of governance. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce the formation of The Aaunic High Council. This edict outlines the powers and responsibilities of the High Council, which will be divided into two bodies: the Advisory Council and the senior governing body of Inner Council. CONTENTS, Chapter I - The Advisory Council Chapter II - The Inner Council Chapter III - The Office of the Chancellery Chapter IV - The Office of War Chapter V - The Office of the Treasury Chapter VI - The Office of the Emissary Chapter VII - The Office of Stewardry CHAPTER I - THE ADVISORY COUNCIL The High Council of Aaun shall serve as the advisory body of His Majesty the King of Aaun. The members of the High Council shall hold no executive powers that are not afforded to them by their other positions. I.I - The members of the Advisory Council The staffing of the High Council shall be the King’s prerogative: none other may hold power to invite others to sit at the Council. The advisors invited by the King to sit at the Council shall be known as High Advisors. However, the Council shall always have seats reserved for the following: A representative of each of the most esteemed noble Estates of Aaun appointed by the honorable Peers of the Realm. A representative of the Church of the Canon appointed by the High Pontiff The members of the Inner Council The Queen-Consort and the Lord of Alba CHAPTER II - THE INNER COUNCIL The Inner Council is composed of the holders of the Royal Offices, each invested with the responsibilities for managing a sect of the Aaunic government. They shall be the most trusted servants of the Crown and carry on the Crown’s prerogative wherever they go. The members of the Inner Council shall be known as High Counselors. The Inner Council will be headed by the High Chancellor, who shall have the authority to summon meetings and guide the direction of the Government as first among equals. II.I - Appointing to the Inner Council Appointments to the Inner Council are brought forth by the High Chancellor, with the King having the final authority to appoint holders of Offices. The following shall be the appointed members of the Inner Council, The High Chancellor, Paul of the House Varoche @Enlightenment The Vice-Chancellor, Mithius of the House Dalma @Jonificus The Lord Commander, Prince Henry of Aaun, @Frymark The Treasurer, Lord Emir of House D’Arbre, @exoo The High Seneschal, Princess Adeline of Aaun, @Marshi The High Emissary, Lord Louis-August of the House de Rosius @rep2k II.II - Oath of Service After an appointment of a High Counselor by the King, they are to be summoned before the Crown during a session of Royal Court. There in the presence of their predecessor and the King they will place a hand on the Constitution and swear the Oath of Service, after which they will be granted their mark of office and are officially granted the powers and responsibilities of their Office. The Oath of Service In the presence of our most esteemed Constitution, my King and people, I do hereby swear to abide by the chapters of our Great Charter. I swear to forever do my utmost to guard the Rights of Man, and to never suffer the thoughts of treachery, heresy or deception. Until the day that death releases me to GOD’s skies, I will keep to my ordained task given to me by my King. This Oath I give out of my own free will. May GOD watch over me and the Aaunic people. CHAPTER III - THE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLERY The office of the Chancellery shall be responsible for leading and guaranteeing the efficiency of the Aaunic government and institutions as well as guiding the municipality of Whitespire. III.I - The High Chancellor The High Chancellor is the head of the Office of the Chancellery and the Inner Council, responsible for the efficient functioning of the Aaunic government and all the public institutions of the Crown. III.I.I - The Vice-Chancellor The Vice-Chancellor is the appointed deputy of the High Chancellor, assisting them in any task given to them. At a time when the High Chancellor is unavailable, the Vice-Chancellor will become the acting head of the Chancellery. III.I.II - The Justiciar The Justiciar, as stated in the Lex Aaunica, is responsible for judging and trialing persons and incidents found to be in violation of the Lex. The Justiciar is appointed by the High Chancellor as a part of their office. III.II - Powers & duties The Chancellery shall be responsible for the following: To act as the Crown’s Regent and representative in a time when the Crown is unable to To ensure the swift and proper execution of the Crown’s Edicts To host frequent gatherings of the Inner Council and dictate an agenda for the forthcoming summers To ensure the Aaunic institutions are properly upkept and managed To manage and guide the Municipal Office of The Royal City of Whitespire To staff and manage the Office of the Chancellery To advice the Crown on any matters relating to such CHAPTER IV - THE OFFICE OF WAR The Office of War shall be responsible for the managing, upkeeping and training of the Crown’s levy and coordinating with the levies of the Noble Estates of Aaun. In a time of war, the Office of War shall lead the united Aaunic war effort. IV.I - The Lord/Lady Commander The Lord Commander is the head of the Office of War and the leader of the Aaunic military, as well as the person chiefly responsible for the upkeep of the Crown’s own levy. IV.II - Powers & duties The Office of War shall be responsible for the following: To act as the enforcer of the Crown’s laws and edicts To ensure the Aaunic lands are always protected and guarded To upkeep a sizeable military force loyal to the Crown To ensure the the Aaunic armory is always in a proper condition To organize military trainings and cooperation between the Crown and its vassals To staff and manage the Office of War and the Crown’s levy To advice the Crown on any matters relating to such CHAPTER V - THE OFFICE OF THE TREASURY The Office of the Treasury shall be responsible for the upkeep of the Royal Treasury, lands and taxation according to the Crown’s edicts. V.I - The Treasurer The Treasurer is the head of the Office of the Treasury and responsible for managing and keeping records of the Crown’s treasury. V.II - Powers & duties The Office of the Treasury shall be responsible for the following: To always ensure the Crown’s treasury is in a fine condition To upkeep the Aaunic presence in foreign markets by upkeeping stalls and such To manage taxes and other sources of income to the Crown To maintain records of the Crown’s financial expeditions To upkeep and improve the Aaunic Crownlands To staff and manage the Office of the Treasury To advise the Crown on any matters relating to such CHAPTER VI - THE OFFICE OF THE EMISSARY The Office of the Emissary shall be responsible for conducting the diplomatic ventures of the Crown and upkeeping the Crown’s treaties and pacts with foreign nations, as well as representing the Aaunic people in foreign events and meetings. VI.I - The High Emissary The High Emissary is the head of the Office of the Emissary and the chief diplomat of the Crown. VI.II - Powers & duties The Chancellery shall be responsible of the following; To represent the Crown internationally To conduct the Crown’s diplomatic ventures To ensure the pacts and treaties of the Crown are documented and upkept To staff and manage the Office of the Emissary To advice the Crown on any matters relating to such CHAPTER VII - THE OFFICE OF STEWARDRY The Office of Stewardry, or the Seneschalty, shall be responsible for the immigration and housing of new citizens in the Royal Capital. III.I - The High Seneschal The High Seneschal is the head of the Office of Stewardry and responsible for welcoming and housing new citizens in the Royal Capital and the Crownlands as a whole. III.II - Powers & duties The Chancellery shall be responsible of the following; To ensure a steady flow of new immigrant arrivals to the Crownlands To ensure suitable housing is available in the Royal City of Whitespire To help new immigrants settle into the Crownlands To lease apartments, houses and stalls to the citizens of the Crownlands To staff and manage the Office of Stewardry To advise the Crown on any matters relating to such
  19. Declared in the year of 1927 IST. THE ROYAL RESOURCE INITIATIVE Blessings of the Exalted be upon you, people of Aaun As we settle on this new land, much of our resources and fighting strength has been lost in the turmoils of the sea. As we prepare to face the new dangers and challenges of this new continent, our armies and forces must be adequately armed and prepared for such. So does the Office of War announce the Royal Resource Initiative, aimed at mustering the Aaunic people to gather iron, wood, horses and other material to be then crafted into sword and plate and distributed amongst our forces. The Office of War has set up multiple donation chests at the Bastion, to which all Aaunic men are encouraged to bring forth their donations. For the one’s who have donated the most, rewards and recognition will follow. GOD be with us, as we enter this new and unexplored world, His Royal Highness, Henry, Crown Prince and Lord Commander of Aaun, Lord of Alba
  20. The Jewel of the Heartlands, est. 1927 Here, behind the mountains of Langkette, at the bottom of the valley of Jrent Here shall lie the Aaunic Heartlands, and here against the Silver Sea, on the ruins of an ancient civilization, we shall build our home. And it will be a depiction of Paradise, a pillar of hope in the neverending fight against the dying of the light. And it shall be called Whitespire. Restoring My People Attributed to an unknown poet, c. 1925 First, I will rebuild the walls, so that no threat may come close to my people. Then, I will lay down the foundations for the greatest house of GOD that has graced the mortal plane, and I will name it after the prophets of my faith. After that, I begin my greatest work. I will divide my home to wards, to allow the easy governance of my people. One I will build for the workers to reside in and in which to enjoy the merriments of our home. One for the merchants and fortune builders, where they may sell and buy their wares. One for those of noble blood, so their contributions may be rewarded and their station show. And one for the righteous, where they may consecrate to pray and serve our GOD. Then, I shall build the foundations for the rebirth of Aaunic culture and education. For this, I will build the Plane. A place for my people to consecrate and make merry as they watch the plays of our history. Our realm’s history and culture are vast, so I will build a hall to display and study it all. This I will name after our first King. And then a house of medicine, to guard my people against sickness and wounds. For my final tasks, I will forge the foundations of our military. Our Bastion will stand strong and tall, and may no foe of my people ever break its walls. And finally, I shall build a seat for myself, from which me and mine ancestors will watch over these Heartlands. It shall reach up to the Seven Skies, and It shall be called The Hand of Horen. I lay down my hammer and ax, and call my people home.
  21. Declared and published in the year of 1927 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LEGIO AAUNICA OR THE LEGION OF AAUN “The walls have fallen, the defenders are slain, the enemy is here! It is the end and the death, my brothers - the end for our tale, and death to the usurpers! Raise the Dragon Banner one last time, for the Prince, for Alstion!” -Ulrich Lothar Alstreim, before the final charge of the Nauzicans during the Siege of the Hero-City of Haverlock, 64 SA “Alstion! Alstion! Alstion!” The soldiers of the Nauzica after having listened to the Captain’s speech, 64 SA The Legion of Aaun | Soldiers of the King The Black Dragon Banner of House Alstion THE HEARTLANDS BECKON, A call of service and duty Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known throughout the land that the Legion of Aaun has been resurrected, sworn to protect the King of Aaun and these Heartlands of Aaun. With the blessings of the Aaunic King, the Legion shall serve as the personal army and sword arm of the royal capital and house, as well as the defenders of justice and rigtheousness in the Crownlands. May the strength and valour of our knights and soldiers remain steadfast and true, as they take up arms in the name of honour, duty and GOD. WHY WE SERVE? A cause of honour, justice and loyalty Service directly under the patronage of the King of Aaun is a great honour by itself alone, but there exists a higher cause of righteousness in service to the Legion. When the Heartlands come under attack, the men of the Legion are the first to its defence When the faithful servants of GOD are threatened, the soldiers of the Legion are the ones to see GOD’s will be done. The Crownlands have been in turmoil for decades, and it's our duty to see stability restored, so that those who come after us never again need suffer the devastation of war and civil strife. Benefits of serving as a Legionnaire under the Kingdom of Aaun, Apartment housing for a discount of 15%. The standard kit of a Legionnaire, free of charge. Minae paid yearly in accordance with one's ranking and achievements within the Legion. If ever injured while in service, the medical costs and potential new limbs will be covered by the Royal Family. Glory and purpouse. CHAIN OF COMMAND For without discipline, come the end and the death The Legion’s hierarchy is separated into two parts; there are the ranks of foot, those men who excel in fighting and combat, but are either yet not ready or willing to take up the mantle of leadership. Then there exist the ranks of command; men who are leaders of the Legionnaires, who’s authority and knowledge in matters of combat, strategy and leadership are absolute. The rise through the ranks is an arduous one, as only the best are fit to lead the King’s men. RANKS OF COMMAND The armour used by the Lord Commander (left) and the Lieutenants (right), with the golden sash as a symbol of their authority and prestige. KING OF AAUN As the Commander-In-Chief of the Aaunic forces, the King of Aaun exercises absolute authority over the entire Legion and all of its members. The King has the sole authority to appoint a Lord Commander or other de-facto leading figure for the group, and as well holds the right to release anyone from their sworn oath to the Legion. LORD COMMANDER The Lord Commander is the de-facto leader of the Legion, and responsible for its well being, the training and recruiting of soldiers and promoting those of lower rank. The Lord Commander acts with the authority and blessing of the King of Aaun, and thus his authority in matters relating to the army and safety of the Crownlands is absolute, only surpassed by the King himself. LIEUTENANT Lieutenants are the officers of the Legion - those men and women who have proved themselves worthy of the mantle of leadership. The Lieutenant has the authority to command ranks of lower status and take part in the military council of the Crownlands whenever called. While a Lieutenant has great authority in the Crownlands, they do also have a great amount of responsibility granted to them. It’s usual for a Lieutenant to be in charge of an aspect of the army, such as training the soldiers, recruiting or handling the armoury and arms of the Legion. The road to becoming an Officer is a hard one and takes years, but once reached it’s a status of great prestige and honour. RANKS OF FOOT The armour used by the Recruits (Left) and the Legionnaires (middle) and Sergeants (right) SERGEANT Sergeants are veterans of the army - those men and women who have seen their fair share of battle and are preparing to become a Officer, or for one reason or the other have chosen not to pursue such. Despite their placement in the ranks of foot, Sergeants may from time to time with the authorization of a Officer take up a position of leadership, and when no Officer is available, they may give orders to those of lower ranking than themselves. In addition, Sergeants have the right to levy out fines if a situation breaking the Crownlands evicts occurs, but is not worthy of arrest. Sergeants are also given a slightly larger discount on estates in the Crownlands. LEGIONNAIRE The backbone of the army, the Legionnaires are the rank-and-file.. After having completed their basic training and serving in the army for a fair amount of time, a Recruit may finally take their Oath to become an official Legionnaire of the King of Aaun, a hardened soldier and protector of the Heartlands. Legionnaires have the right to arrest persons who have broken the law in the Crownlands, and may levy fines if a man of upper rank is present. The Legionnaires are also afforded a small discount from estates from the Crownlands as a sign of gratitude for their service and loyalty to the Heartlands. RECRUIT Recruits are those who have just enlisted in the legion, with little to no previous experience in warfare and combat. To become a recruit, one must be a citizen of Aaun and adhere strictly to the Holy Canonist Faith. If one wishes to join but is not a Canonist, they may convert and be allowed to join thereafter. Recruits don't yet have the right to arrest or fine in the Crownlands, nor are they granted the best of weaponry until their basic training is completed. After such, the Commander will judge the recruit worthy and allow him to embark on Godfrey’s March, after which they may take their Oath to the King and the Crownlands and become a fully fledged soldier of the Legion. CEREMONIES & AWARDS For every man who puts their oaths first has achieved the finest of triumphs worthy of the finest of commemorations. GODWIN’S MARCH After having been judged ready for their final trial by the Lord Commander, a recruit of the Legion is accompanied by his peers and the Lord Commander as they make their way on top of Mt. Godwin. There, at the tower of the old King, before the son of Horen and the King of old Aaun, the recruit will kneel and pray that St. Godwin grants upon them his judgement of if they are worthy to be oathed. After this, the recruits will make their way to the catacombs below the great tower and face their trial. If they are to successfully return back, the old King has given their blessings and they are ready to be inducted into the army. If they fail, they are to be banished from the Crownlands. THE OATH TO AAUN Once a recruit has completed their basic training, they may be brought in front of a member of House Alstion, usually either the King or the Crown Prince, and there they may take their Oath, finally becoming a Legionnaire. The Oath is sacred, and once taken may not be broken except with the acceptance of the Prince of Alstion and the Lord Commander of the Legion May those who break the oath be named oathbreakers and traitors, and be dealt with as such. Before the eyes of GOD, before my King and Commander, I place my blade beneath their feet, I swear my oath with this creed; For the memory of the old King and his Kingdom, for the glory of the restored one, For my home, these Heartlands of Aaun, and for the people who inhabit it. For my GOD, For my King, for my Comrades, and for no-one else. I will give my sword, my life and death. My victory will be theirs, and theirs mine. I will give my honour and glory. A traitor to them, will be a traitor to me. I will fight their fight, celebrate their triumphs, mourn their loss, as they will for me. With this creed I so swear my oath, and let my blood run cold if I am to ever forsake it. CAROLEAN’S PRAYER As a Recruit becomes a Legionnaire, it is customary for the other members of the army to gather together after the conclusion of the Oathing ceremony in celebration, where good wishes are brought to the newest member of the Legion by each individually, either in words or paper. These words are meant to symbolise the bond of camaraderie and friendship between the older and newer members of the Legion. After the death of a Legionnaire, those who brought them wishes may lower themselves before the funeral pyre of the bygone one and whisper these wishes anew in prayer, symbolising their gratitude of times spent and hopes of meeting again in GOD’s eternal Skies. ROYAL KNIGHTHOOD For those men and women of the army who have proven to be of extraordinary skill and loyalty, come the most honourable of rewards. By the recommendation of the Lord Commander, the King of Aaun may knight these exemplary individuals as Royal Knights, after which they will take a moniker for themselves and be granted the title of “Ser” in a ceremony from the times of old Aaun. While Knighthood is not a rank of command in of itself and will not pass one’s regular rank in the Legion, it is a great honour and privilege. AWARDS OF SERVICE In addition to acting as commemorations of one’s service to the Lefion, the awards also act as one’s payment. Each soldier is paid 5 minae weekly, with the base going up by 5 minae with ranks, with the base of a Lieutenant being 15 minae weekly. This does not however make up the majority of one’s pay, but it's rather determined by their awards, which are granted yearly per a soldier’s acts during said year. Contrary to most other militaries, the value of awards is not considered in how high of an award one gets, but how many they have. The Star of Service; Once retired and after having spent the minimum of 25 years in the Legion, a person is entitled to the Star of Service, which will guarantee them a pension of 25 minae yearly for the rest of their lives, as long as they continue to reside within Aaun. Star of Saint Lothar; for those who performed a miraculous action in battle to save the unit from dire circumstances, the highest of military awards. 100 minas. Embroidered Cross of Saint Felder; a golden cross embroidered with various gems for those who performed extreme acts of heroism in accomplishment of a military goal or objective. 50 minas. Ruby Bracer; an engraved ruby medallion awarded to soldiers for drawing first blood in an engagement. 25 minas. Pin of Justice; a polished iron pin with a depiction of a sun and its gleaming rays forming the top of it, awarded for those who have successfully detained a criminal and seen that justice is delivered to them. 15 minas. Tears of Saint Daniel; a silver bracelet engraved with a depiction of enemy fortifications, awarded to the first soldier to charge. 15 minas. The Hand of Iron; a steel medal depicting a hand awarded for gathering the weekly materiel quotas. 10 minas. Saint Andrik’s Sword; a metal brooch in the shape of a blade awarded for each individual kill acquired by a soldier during battle. 5 minas. Signed, His Royal Highness, Henry of Aaun, Crown Prince and Lord Commander of Aaun, Lord of Alba Anyone interested in enlisting and serving Aaun is adviced to either send a letter or find in person the Lord Commander, Henry. [Frymark#3075]
  22. In the ruins of old Merryweather, the Aaunic Prince set down his memorial candles. Henry's reserves were starting to run out, as yet another joined the evergrowing dance of the flames..
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