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Everything posted by Addi

  1. OOC ((MC Name: AddiLove)) ((Discord: AddiLove#4596 )) ((Timezone: EST)) IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Adaline Terrelth Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? Adaline has always felt the need to help others and she believes that becoming a mage she can help, she also has always been intrigued by magic she decided that she should learn how to use it. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? None. What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Practicus for now. When should you be contacted for an interview? Anytime between 4pm est to 1 am est.
  2. Adaline looks like this but with slightly more narrowed eyes and lighter eyebrows, eyelashes and eyes and a pointier jaw. Shes also very pale.
  3. Addi


    *T.W. MENTIONS ASSUALT AND NEGLIGENCE* Adaline Terrelth grew up in a wealthy life style, both of her parents inherited money from they're family line and on top of that they both work high class jobs. Adaline's parents didnt pay attention to her in her youth so she turned to books and nature. One day, she was walking to her special spot in the forest with her book she got from the Eternity library and she ran into a young wood elf playing with young dark elf and at first they were scared of her until she showed how kind she was. She started playing with them in the woods every day, the wood elf's name was Erof and the dark elf's name was Milor, they all quickly became bestfriends. One day, Adaline's parents were coming back from a trip and they saw Adaline playing with her friends and told her off about how she isnt supposed to play with low life's. After that day Adaline never saw her friends again and she wasn't allowed to leave the city gates. Adaline hated her parents after that and she was miserable with the insults her mother would throw at her and the dirty looks her father gave her so she told them off, which didn't end well. One night Adalines mother wasn't there and it was just her and her father and her father assaulted her, which changed her life. After that night she ran away, she was only 16 when she ran away. She didnt tell anyone what had happen. Adaline ran away to another city which took her 4 months to get there because of things that happened on the trip. When she arrived she turned 17 and she was not in a good place, she was homeless and living meal to meal, on top of that she was depressed. A year later she had enough to buy a small house and she got a job and with that she turned 18 and thats were her story leaves off.
  4. Addi


    Adaline comes from a wealthy lifestyle, she has 2 parents who are loving and care about her. She spent most of her childhood training in combat and reading in the Eternal library which was the largest national library in Arcas. She didn't have many friends as there weren't many High Elf children around. So, instead she made friends with nature and animals. She was born in Haelun'or in the clinic on a rainy day. She's well educated for a youngling and that was all due to the many trips to the library. The realm of Atlas has been her home for as long as she's been born, it holds her city: The Silver City of Haelun'or. When she was younger she wanted to go play with a bunny she saw and when she was walking towards the bunny, the bunny hopped towards her and Adaline sat down and the bunny got in her lap. Right than and there Adaline realized she has a special thing for nature and her living creatures. Adaline never really encountered sad or gloomy times in her childhood, she's always lived stress free in the protective gate of Haelun'or.
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