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Everything posted by Godson

  1. Godson


    It is believed that the Avud's family came from their great ancestors Malin's Gorge, that's what he has been told since birth, no proper proof was provided due to the clash between them and those led by Khel Oussana. (that's what his uncle tells him anyway) Growing up, Avud lived in a somewhat poor household, relied on knitting and helping his parents run the family properly, he began traveling at the age of 10, reaching as far as The Realm of Elvenesse looking for a new job and hobby to take on that might help him out in life. He stumbled upon something truly amazing, the art of elves, sculptures of fine rich marble, it caught his eye giving him joy by admiring it for a long period of time. In the time being he went unnoticed untill an elderly looking man came about and asked the young man why was he staring at the masterpiece of art for so long, the boy explained saying : " I never felt this rush of colors before ". Causing the elderly man to smile and mumble something under his breath, the boy didnt give it a thought and carried on his admiring. The elderly gentleman stood closer and started repeating poetry and dancing effortlessly, it was then Avud knew what he wanted to do in life, Art. in all of its forms After Avud took a turn in his life to learn Art, he managed to succeed in what he was doing and made enough money for him to start looking for protective gear. That's when the same elderly gentleman came about and explained to him about folded steel blades that can last a lifetime if made and kept in a proper place. Avud turned 22 this year and is now looking for an Orc to learn his native tounge and maybe show him his knitting skills.
  2. Godson


    (0 age - 18 age) Axel was found under the bridge entering the Elvenesse City by a wandering merchant thus resulting in him becoming a part of the city. (citizen by time) At such young age Axel was cared for by this merchant that he later calls Brok, by the time Axel matured he learned a few skills such as basic fishing, hunting and farming, he had to learn such skills to survive the brutal poverty that was happening back then. (19 - 21) Axel Axel decides its best for him and for everyone around him if he travels and goes away for a while to clear his mind and work on becoming a proper Dark Elf. Axel travels thousands of miles across the land to find the secrets to becoming the king of Dark Elfs! On his scary adventure he encountered countless of 4 legged beasts, Gaints and unthinkable creatures, but he never gave up. Axel promised he'd find out what happened to his parents, his torment, his curiousty grew louder and angrier by time. Leading up to the present. He's still trying to unlock the secrets of the world, and is in search of his biological parents.
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