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Posts posted by chezel_

  1. Seraphite Viradiraar grins, letting out a sharp whistle before her eyes light a soft green, the missive catching fire before quickly becoming ashes. "They put this out, yet I still made council....interesting!"


    She comments, remembering her points of negative 488.



    i'll be honest, i didn't read the post


  2. Any one could ask Seraphite why she had nearly given her life for Tahlia, and any could ask why the Viradiraar protected the 'ame.


    The answers to those questions? Well, no one, not even Seraphite herself, would be able to answer.


    Seraphite had put out Malin's Flame for Tahlia, for vengeance- maybe even for some relief. She spoke to the mali'ame after the fall of Ando, and still she took her side, still she protected Tahlia.


    "Llun, oem'ii." The 'aheral whispers, her gaze shifting to the sun slowly drifting beneath the horizon. "May those dammed Aspects take mercy on you."






  3. "If he was there, you already know what happened to him."


    Though Seraphite hadn't known Zolvan well, the two only crossing paths from time to time, his death struck her- unlike the many she knew to have happened.


    As the city fell, the actions from it shaking the ground all stood on, Seraphite knew any who entered would not return.


    Convincing people of such would be much harder, she came to find.


    "He's long gone."




  4. Seraphite Viradiraar found the resignation rather easily, the paper dainty between her fingers. A short huff of laughter leaves her at the words on it, the corners of her eyes becoming crinkled with the smile on her face.


    "Took you long enough, mal'onn." Seraphite huffs, folding up the paper and sliding it into a drawer to store it for later. "The city is rusting- rusted as I said. No longer silver, but a cheap minic of it. A shell of what it use to be- what it could've, but never was, and never will be."

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Seraphite Viradiraar


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Earth Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Earth Evocation, a voidal magic that allows the user to connect to the void and bring forth their own items made from earthen elements from within the void. 


    Voidal earth, the thing an earth evocationist is able to cast, isn’t truly real earth, but can still cause the same effects and damage, even though it’s merely a mimic of the real thing.


    An earth evocationist may conjure sand, dirt, rocks, and gems- all different aspects of being able to conjure earth on a basis. Like any other evocation, earth has its combative and non-combative aspects. Combative being more restricted and non-combative giving one more freedom. Being able to cause mass destruction but also being able to protect and offer help in things like building. 


    One is not able to manipulate real earth as an earth evocationist, simply able to draw what they can from within the void- all earth coming from such disappearing when the voidal mage disconnects.


    Being able to cast Earth Evocation requires one to be connected to the void. It takes sixteen years to learn [4 IRL months] and requires consistent teachings to a student who is able to take such from a teacher who is able to teach it.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are none within Earth Evocation.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Seraphite Viradiraar’s eyes begin to glow a soft green hue, a small huff leaving her as a swirl of sand begins to form in front of her, her eyes narrowing on the tree in front of her.


    The sand would slowly clump into the small form of a solid rock, slowly raising above her palm. Seraphite would shift her stance, narrowing her eyes even more at the tree.


    The rock would then slowly morph into a long, pointed shape, moving to point towards the tree in front of her, a small bead of sweat breaking her forehead.


    With a thrust of her hand, the elf would send the sharpened rock forward, towards the bark of the tree. On impact, and with how close she was standing to the tree, the rock easily pierced the wood and stayed there as Seraphite’s eyes continue to glow.




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Seraphite Viradiraar looks at her student, her shoes held in one hand, the skirt of her dress dragging through the mud that had been caused as an aftereffect of a storm that had passed through. “Well?” She queries her student, mud clearly covering her feet to her lower calves. “What are you waiting for?”


    The student looks at Seraphite incredulously, their eyes wide as they scanned their teacher. “I am not going in there.” The student states, shaking their head. “No way.”

    Seraphite chuckles, slowly leaning down in a mid-squat above the mud. “Ne? Why not? It doesn’t hurt or anything.” Before the student can answer, Seraphite takes a handful of mud and flings it at them, watching with amusement as the student sputters when hit with the mud.


    “Hey!” They holler, huffing as they move to wipe the mud off themself. “Why did you- come on!” The student groans, looking up as their brow furrows, moving to stomp after Seraphite.


    “It doesn’t hurt!” Seraphite calls, backing further into the muddied plains, an obvious grin on her face. “See?”


    The student would then find themself in the middle of the plains, their own feet sinking into the mud. They looked at Seraphite in disbelief, their mouth falling open as they realized what Seraphite had done.


    “You tricked me!” The student calls, moving to roll up the cuff of their pants


    “You tricked yourself!” Seraphite chirps back, a hum leaving her. “You let yourself be afraid of something that you should get to know- tell me, how does the mud feel?”



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I’ll tell them of their obvious mistake and warn them not to do it again. Contact them however I can (discord, in game, etc.) and explain the faults they took and warn them if they do such again, there will be consequences to deal with. After, I’ll just have them go over the situation which triggered such an event to happen and ask, if comfortable, that they could send me the logs or screenshots of the emotes. If they do so again, I’ll get staff involved and let them deal with the situation from a professional level.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Seraphite Viradiraar


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Fire Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Fire Evocation, also referred to as Pyromancy, is a voidal magic that allows the user to connect to the void and conjure as well as control fire pulled from the void. Alongside such, the user would be able to use the element for combative and non-combative purposes, allowing different variations of use for the magic.


    Much like anything pulled from the void, voidal fire isn’t actually real fire, but simply a mockery of such. 


    Voidal fire, the fire in which a fire evocationist casts, burns anything it touches, if able to burn it. Though, even after a mage disconnects from the void and all remnants of voidal fire disperse, the fire that is burning an object will remain and burn like regular fire would. Upon touching flesh, voidal fire will burn as first and second degree burns, with the exception of blue fire. Much like regular fire, voidal fire is easy to put out- simple ways such as throwing water or sand onto it should do the job of distinguishing the flame and rendering it out.


    This magic takes sixteen weeks to learn [4 IRL months] and requires consistent teachings from a teacher to a student who is able to hold it and has been connected to the void. At first- a student may struggle to even summon embers, and the magic would take a toll on them, but after practicing, a student would be able to summon flame much easier and more confidently than they were in the beginning.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are none within Fire Evocation.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Seraphite Viradiraar lets out a groan, rolling her shoulders as she falls beside the elf wounded on the ground, her eyes taking a viridescent hue as orange embers begin to swirl around her right hand, the other moving to hold the elf down.


    The embers would morph into a long, thin line of flame that hovered above her palm, her hand holding down the elf moving to prod at the open wound on the elf’s torso.


    Seraphite lofts her hand to the open wound, the thin line of flame moving from her palm to the wound. She lets out a slow sigh as the flame makes contact with the wound, sizzling it as the cut begins to slowly burn itself close. The wounded elf lets out a loud scream, their fists clenching tightly before the wound fully closes over, leaving a burnt scab in its place.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Seraphite lets out an amused huff, looking at her student in curiosity. “So,” She begins, stretching her arms above her before gesturing around. “What is it that fire means to you? Calls to you or- says to you, even.”


    The student looked at Seraphite with genuine confusion swimming in their eyes, their brow furrowing as they looked around. “Calls to me? Says to me- what do you mean? It can’t do such a thing.”


    Seraphite lets out a laugh, her arms crossing over her chest. “Well, one would assume, just looking at fire.” Gesturing to the burning plains below her, the lava that cackled and cawd, the uneven brick that they rest their steps upon. “But it’s much more. Listen to lava, for example. It bubbles and snaps,” At this she claps her hands together, grinning at her student. “Calls for you in a way a normal one wouldn’t hear, but someone paying attention would.”


    Her student huffed, raising a hand to wipe their sweating forehead as they looked around, a series of pants leaving their open mouth. “So what you’re saying is fire can speak to you if you really listen for it?”

    The Viradiraar hums, looking around before back to her student, taking a small step back. “Is that what I’m saying?” She queries, a smirk playing at her lips as she turns, beginning in a sprint down the netherrack hill beneath her, looking behind her to call out quickly. “You tell me!”


    The student, with their mouth agape, starts after Seraphite with a yell. They stumble slightly before catching themselves, following Seraphite’s trail.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I’ll tell them of their obvious mistake and warn them not to do it again. Contact them however I can (discord, in game, etc.) and explain the faults they took and warn them if they do such again, there will be consequences to deal with. After, I’ll just have them go over the situation which triggered such an event to happen and ask, if comfortable, that they could send me the logs or screenshots of the emotes. If they do so again, I’ll get staff involved and let them deal with the situation from a professional level.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  7. Penelope de Astrea huffs as she reads over the declaration, her eyes narrowing before they return to their regular wide gaze.


    "They're our allies.....no?" She mutters to herself, letting out a sigh before moving to hand her father [@YaBoyJay_] the missive. "I think we all knew this day would come, Papa."



    A now retired council member of Haelun'or lets out a maniacal laugh, her head tossing back in great amusement.


    "Ti!" She cheers, clapping her hands together. "Vive la Haensi!"


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