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Status Updates posted by sheriif

  1. what are the inspirations for the LOTC languages? are any of them purely made up/created by a lotc player?

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    2. sheriif


      yeah ngl I was wondering where Elven came from, and where the Dwarf language (if there is one even?) ik a lot of human languages are taken from irl parts and some language tho i forgot which one is from Akkadian

    3. WestCarolina


      To quote one of the original writers of the language alongside Sporadic, the Elven language, "is loosely based on some asian languages (mostly japanese) grammatically and structurally, on many other languages (from welsh to russian all over europe) phonetically. But almost all separate words aren't presented in earth languages as far as I know." 

      Noobli might know about the origins of the Dwarven language

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      The Cingedoz language derives its vocabulary from Old English, Gaulish, and proto-Germanic variants, but the grammar is actually based on Arabic.



  2. new post coming soon???

  3. minecraft IGN changed from sheriif to cedaryx (to match discord smh)

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