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Posts posted by ECS1999

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Constructs built out of metal, clockwork and alcemy. Not derived from any magic it is completely mundane, meaning that an alchemist can be taught how to perform this feat and in turn buil automaton. It's an advanced Alchemical Feat and needs to be learned under an accepted TA.

    The creation of an Automaton is a lengthy process one that involves not only alchemical skills but also smithing and clockworking ones for  the body needs to be created and put together, a simple mistake could make the automaton to not work. The materials need to be non organic and sturdy enough to confectionate the skeleton and the plating around the Automaton, on top of that the inner parts of clockwork need to be done in a similar fashion.

    On the other hand, the main component of Automaton Crafting is called Lifeblood; an alchemical fluid that acts as the blood for the automaton. It is moved around the body through means of a Gear Heart powering it and the different modules that are placed within the automaton. LIfeblood, albeit working in a similar fashion to blood, is unable to clot on its own.

    Tier 5 Automaton or Playable Automaton are the epytome of Automaton Crafting along with Machine Spirits; their height ranges from that of a halfling to that of an uruk, anything smaller or bigger, while doable would face severe downsides. Their Gear Heart is able to overclock, that means that an Automaton can decide to make it pump lifeblood faster gaining strength and speed in exchange of their own wellbeing.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Alcyone stands at around 8 feet in height, their body while androgynous is shaped like that of an orc, strong and muscular. The skeleton of this automaton is built out of Steel, so are the plates that form their body, whitewashed albeit of the same material. This same plating is shaped like an armour, one that really could not be associated to any nation or group, remaining as generic as possible without any kind of label or insignia as to difficult identification. Within their arms two loaded blades have been placed, when activated they come out from their wrists.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Edvard Kervallen


    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Further Alchemy: Tawkin


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    A feat of further Alchemy, Tawkin revolves around the manipulation of flesh. With the help of the Signs and Symbols, those with the knowledge are able to create fauz flesh that will allow them to perform a wide arrange of different things; ranging from restoring limbs, adding new ones, changing faces (albeit limitedly), granting life to soulless creatures and even create new bodies for themselves, effectively circumventing death. Seen as taboo for some, this feat requires knowledge on basic Alchemy and a teacher to be learned, from then on the practice of these feats is possible as long as they are learned through proper RP. In order to be able to pass the knowledge of this feat to other people, the alchemist must be aware of all facets of this knowledge (which will be explained on the next section), and it cannot be taught through OOC oversight.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    The Alchemical Feat of Tawkin can be actually split in a few different sections, all equaly important and interesting, which i'll proceed to explain now:

    Transmutation: The most basic feat that can be performed, the base of Tawkin. Within it, two other subsections are encapsulated; Moulding , Grafting and Mutations.


    - Moulding: The knowledge on how to create and use a substance called Moulder's Tincture. When applied upon a person, by injecting it to them, their skin becomes a clay of sorts, able to be moulded and manipulated, albeit still dangerous if not done properly. A sensation of pins and needles will appear on the manipulated area. This Tincture allows for plenty of things to be done; bones being rearranged, appearance being twisted (limited) or even new limbs being attached to the body. That being said, this comes with its limitations too for things like internal organs or working within the head region is not possible and if mistakes are made, irreversible damages can be left.


    - Grafting: The knowledge on how to create and use a substance called Bogodan's Clay. This clay-like substance can be used to patch wounds or injuries when in its 'raw' form, when it has not been sculpted, these patches look completely fleshy when applied but are slightly weaker. When an alchemist takes their time to properly work the Bogodan's Clay into shape, this Clay can be used to remake full limbs or body parts; including but not limited to; hands, feet, eyes, noses.... This comes with a limitation though for only two Major Grafts (size of arms or legs) can be 'worn' at the same time without causing severe drawbacks like becoming sick and weak, even with less these 'fake limbs' take some time to adjust to the new body, one week, as the pin and needles sensation fades during this time. It's also the substance used to create Pygmies, fetus-like creations that will grow to become new vessels for the Tawkinist soul.


    - Mutations: The knowledge on how to create and use a substance called Transmutation Elixir.  When additional symbols are added to this Elixir, the alchemist is able to create different mutations that will affect their Klones differently. These Elixirs must be injected to the blood stream and can be split in; Lesser and Greater. Worth noting only alchemical bodies can use them; Klones and Homunculi. Lesser Mutations alther the body minimally and at a surface level; changing hair color, skin tone, eye color... These can be used in both Descendant or Alchemical hosts. Greater Mutations on the other hand, affect the individual on a deeper leve taking one day to get used to them; Klones can have 2 GM and Homuniculi up to 3. At the moment the Greater Mutations that are known are; Augmented Senses (Better smell, hearing and sight), Heightened Dexterity (Greater degree of precision and reflex time), Natural Armament; both weapons or armour (Gives a natural layer of armour or a natural weapon), Bolstered Strength (More strength in exchange of difficult breathing), Hypermetabolism (faster injury recovery) and Healthy Body (immunity to inhalants and diseases)

    Homunculi: The creation of artificial life by means of Tawkin. The Alchemist will fetch descendant body parts and by attaching them together they'll form a body. Then life will b granted to this creature but not a soul, impossible to be granted by mere mortals. These Homunculi are unable to feel emtions, instead they are very logic creatures, always following reason. They, due to being beings created through alchemy, are weak to Voidal Magic, not feeling comfortable when it is casted around them. Being hurt, while a problem, is less of a problem to them since they can regenerate themselves after 1 week. The only way to really kill an Homunculi is by feeding them a Juliet's Potion.

    Reincarnation: The miracle of eternal life, the last stage for a Tawkin alchemist. By creating small fetus-like bodies of Bogodan's Clay and placing them in vats filled with Vitae of Rebirth, an alchemist is able to create new vessels that can be inhabited by his soul. These pygmies will grow within the vats of Vitae, taking either 6 weeks or 3 weeks to mature completely. If one adds Symbols of swiftness to the liquid, the Pygmy will grow faster but will have double the chances to acquire mutations (1d4 for normal pygmies and 1d2 for swift ones). When that body is mature, the Tawkinist is able to inhabit it upon death, this death can be acquired by either dying naturally; age or being killed or by drinking a Juliet's Potion. It's worth noting that, should the alchemist run out of spare bodies and they died, they would permanently die.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    Edvard entered upon his lab, fishing one of the aprons he placed two gloves on his hands. The alchemist moves then to the shelves from which he fishes quite the amount of jars, all of them filled with dust-like substances and labeled with their names.

    The alchemist moves then to the working station, over which a bowl is fastly placed. He takes some time to think, remembering the recipe for he does not want to mess it and soon he starts working, slowly but surely he placed 3x Water Signs in the bowl.


    His hands move with dexterity, pouring more and more Symbols within the bowl; 5x Grace, 4x Reeduction, 3x Purity, 3x Clarity, 2x Balance and 2x Peace. After each of them is placed, he closes all the jars and cleans the tools he has been using.


    With the help of a metal rod that he fetches from somewhere nearby, Edvard starts stirring the Signs and Symbols that he has placed within the bowl, mixing until it became a sort of liquid. It took him no time to fill a syringe with that liquid with the help of a small funnel, finishing then the creation of Moulder's Tincture.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    As the sun was setting within Lurinite lands, Edvard greeted his student as the young man entered the lab "Hello there, boy" He smiles and gives the student an apron and some gloves "Get ready, we'll see how to make the Clay today" The older man moves then to sit over one of his stools.

    [Student Emote]

    "Start by moving a cauldron over the fire" He instructed, a hand moved within a compartment of the table to reveal a package full of lard "Once you have it, put a measure of lard in the cauldron and let it melt slowly"

    [Student Emote]

    "Good, good... While it melts, grab a bowl and..." He stands and takes quite an array of jars from one of the shelves, filled with powder-like substances and all labeled carefully "You will put in it; 2x Any Earth Symbol, 5x Connection, 4x Life, 4x Growth, 3x Endurance and 1x Grace" He places the jars over the table and allows the student to work.

    [Student Emote]

    "Oh yeah dear student, i can explain that" He nods with a smile "This Clay allows us to repair and heal. By adding it to wounds we are able to patch them, the result is almost perfect in look, when touched you'll notice it is slightly weaker but oh well, if you want perfect skin, don't get it cut. It also allows us to form Grafts, new limbs and body parts that can be attached to the body." He takes a quick look to the lard "Alright before it starts boiling, add the symbols in the cauldron and mix, then remove from the heat"

    [Student Emote]

    "Very well, good job. Now once it cools down it will gain a clay-like consistency, that will be when it's able to be used. If you don't want to use it now simply store it in a jar for later use" He smiles and pats the students back "Now clean the lab"




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    As i always say, i'd contact them see why they powergamed and if it was not intentional we'll go over that specific section of the lore again. If the powergaming was intentional i would contact ST.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  3. Edvard sits on his state, a fuming cup of tea on his hand as he smiles "Ah... It's like if i could hear all the whinnings coming from all around" He takes a short sip "Surely most people don't even know how to have fun nor they can see the part where it says 'until revoked' which should not be in much time. That being said, some fresh air for those old guys won't make them any bad"

  4. Update on Lurin Laws


    Issued at Year 181 of the Second Age





    With the approval of the Silver Lubba, the following law is now in force until revoked:

    • The individuals named Mika Anarion and Jon Snowell are required to make presence and social life in Lurin’s capital for, at the very least, two elven hours every elven week. Failing to comply would put them under a Class C crime, which under special conditions would make them pay a fee of fifty mina every time they fail.





    The Silver Lubba of the Most Serene State, Matron of House Uialben, Heiress of House Anarion, Protector of the Whispering Isles, Lumia Uialben


    Minister of Exterior and Baron of Aevum, Edvard Kervallen



    Royal Consort and Minister of Interior, Apollyon Snowell





  5. [!] A note would be added under this one:

    Buy it... Buy it and i'll decorate my home with carpets made out of Starbreaker skin, buy it and you'll be damning your kin to not learn the intricacies of Automaton crafting. Buy it and i'll make sure that every elf that has or will ever put a foot on this world will learn Golemancy, twisting it to never be an art of your kin again.
    - E

  6. [!] A small note will be placed on all notice boards around Aevos that Edvard has access to:

    To whoever broke into my house and stole my magic hammer, who wore a maroon blindfold and lost it in front of the chest where it was stored;
    Give it back to me, this is not just a hammer it's an important relic. I have clues of who you are, it's better if you just give it back and you won't be killed.

    Edvard Kervallen.


  7. As the missive reached Ephrem's hand, the Templar stripped the lower part in a square shape. Filling it with some tobacco the man rolled it and lighted it up "I cannen decide if these balianite posts work better like this or as toilet paper"

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