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About mika1278

  • Birthday 05/11/2001

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    Lord of Potatoes
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    Good ol' Music

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  1. THE CERULITE RECRUITMENT EFFORT Issued at Year 210 of the Second Age With the establishment of our military force in aid of the capital and defense of our hold, there is a demand for more soldiers within our ranks and officers to take office to lead our forces as all forces are currently under direct command of the Marq of Cerulia. While our military could naturally fill our ranks with constructs, this does take away the morals of descendantkind and replace them with pure tactical logic, however, this is not desired for law enforcement and aiding our citizenry as previous projects to have an all construct law enforcement team has resulted in many incidents. So hereby The Most Serene March of Cerulia opens up its applications for the various divisions PAYMENT Every division gets their payment as stated below: Officer - Tax Exemption on one property Trained Folk - 10 mina tax cut on their abode Recruits - 5 mina tax cut on their abode Further they will be granted their standard issue Division Uniform, standard issue Cerulite weaponry, food, drinks, training, looting rights for won battles, priority for properties and opportunity to learn. RECRUITMENT Every member of the Cerulite Military has been a recruit themselves at some point and to become one yourself, you must talk to either The Marshall of Cerulia, The Marq of Cerulia or a Cerulite Military Officer. They will aid you further in your journey as soldier, guard or support, grant you your uniform and get you integrated into the system. For further information, look at our Cerulite Military Structure document. ETERNAL WE MARCH signed, Marq Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion, Marq of The March of Cerulia, Founder of Cerulia, Head Merchant of the Cerulite Trading Company
  2. NO MORE TAXES FOR THE CAPABLE Issued at Year 210 of the Second Age With our focus slowly shifting from establishment towards productivity, we have decided to flat out make every tax bracket jump to the next, meaning the homes previously costing 10 will now cost 20, however, such an act can only be justified with further encouragement of interaction and becoming as capable as one can be, to strive for excellence within our walls. THE ADDITIONAL TAX CUTS This strive for excellence encourages those willing to learn and become as capable as they can be. With new tax cuts being brought out for simply holding knowledge, teaching others your knowledge or being able to perform extraordinary acts. We encourage our citizens to get their tax cuts from this new development, as the total tax cut value went up from 35 to 110 mina total, meaning that those capable will have a good chance to never pay a single mina in taxes to reside within Cerulia. All property tax values will remain as they are for the coming four years, meaning one will have plenty of chances to register their abilities for tax cuts. ETERNAL WE MARCH signed, Marq Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion, Marq of The March of Cerulia, Founder of Cerulia, Head Merchant of the Cerulite Trading Company
  3. THE MILITARY STRUCTURE OF THE CERULITE MARCH Issued at Year 208 of the Second Age We have been bestowed land by our ever benevolent Royarch, while we pay taxes through monetary means, we wish to further aid our Royarch with additional soldiers to use in times of conflict. Our title of march should not be an empty promise to the nation we reside under. PURPOSE OF OUR MILITARY We exist to serve the Royarch and their nation and defend our granted lands in the name of the Royarch of Celia’nor and the Marq of Cerulia. Like kin we will aid our Royarch in need and hold off enemies of the state from occupying territories within the greater Celia’norian lands. GENERAL STRUCTURE STRUCTURE AND DUTY OF THE GARRISON STRUCTURE AND DUTY OF THE LEVY STRUCTURE AND DUTY OF THE ARCANE STRUCTURE AND DUTY OF THE CONSTRUCTS RECRUITMENT INTO A DIVISION Applications for all divisions are now officially open. ETERNAL WE MARCH signed, Marq Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion, Marq of The March of Cerulia, Founder of Cerulia, Head Merchant of the Cerulite Trading Company
  4. TAXES AND PROPERTIES OF CERULIA Issued at Year 205 of the Second Age I am sad to announce that we were not given the option of becoming a tax free haven, though what I have constructed and formed in this document will be very close to such. PROPERTIES Properties come with taxes, however, I have divided these properties into categories within the tax document, ranging from tiny to mansions. Each property category will be taxed a fair amount for its size, starting with a tax of 1 mina at a tiny size and 40 for a manor. HOMES Tiny - 5 Small - 10 Medium - 20 Large - 40 Manor - 80 SHOPS Stall - 5 Large Stall - 10 Shop - 20 Most properties are currently available for purchase, though may require a certain amount of folks to reside there. OBTAINING A PROPERTY To acquire a home is to first complete the simple citizenship test, which is not applicable to shops and still and will be more in depth explained later on in this document. Once this simple yet effective test is completed with the proper results then one may start the process of searching for a home applicable to the amount of folks intended to be living in such. Once an appropriate property has been found then they have to pay their steward a downpayment of two times the yearly tax and the steward will then note down everything necessary into the registry. The citizenship test consists of a few simple questions and tests: A question will be asked about where they are from. A question will be asked about what they will do within Cerulia. A question will be asked about previous incidents with Cerulia. A test will be done with salt and gold to detect darkspawn. A moral question will be posed to detect xionists. Upon completion, they may obtain their home and will be granted a simple decoration kit to aid them in establishing a home. ALTERNATIVE MEANS TO PAY TAX Cerulia prides itself in the accessibility to reduce taxes to nothing if one actively participates in society and aids in the filling of the stockpiles of the realm. As such, the following tasks or donations of goods grant one a tax cut for that Esht week: State Work - 10 Pious - 1 Defence - 2 Social - 1 Politics - 1 Magical Aid - 2 Mine - 2 Purge - 20 Farm - 2 Chop - 1 Butcher - 2 Leather - 5 Shear - 1 For more information, one may contact a steward. ETERNAL WE MARCH signed, Marq Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion, Marq of The March of Cerulia, Founder of Cerulia, Head Merchant of the Cerulite Trading Company
  5. WHERE I AM NOW Issued at Year 204 of the Second Age With the fall of Lurin and the establishment of The Republic of Salvo, I have decided to move away from conflict in the east to give my family and friends space once more. I have released my lands back to Salvo and will never hold claim to those or any ex-Lurinite soil again. I do however retain my Cerulite title as The Republic of Salvo will have no need for feudal titles as I had agreed with a few members of their republic. I was offered to stay within my lands under the agreement to pay tax and to be baptized into canondom, which very few of seek to reason with me or wish to hear of me when the current dominant scripture has no place for tolerance even if I were to agree. An Eshtaelite worships the creator and chooses either Tahariae or Eshtael as their patron and mission, as to take an aengul’s word over that of the creator would be a great heresy. Now that I once more rule my own lands under a most benevolent overlord, I can decide who enters and who is left out in the cold. With this change in dynamics, I no longer accept the presence of degenerates who value immoralities over rational thought and those who persist will be strung from my walls as a warning to others. Even Lurinites who have sworn their loyalty to the nation will be held accountable in the same manner as their loyalty may still be to the tarnished lubba. Conflict has made me weary, I seek retirement on my own terms and I have found it within these lands. Seek me if you wish, keep your blade sheathed. ETERNAL WE MARCH signed, Marq Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion, Marq of The March of Cerulia, Founder of Cerulia, Head Merchant of the Cerulite Trading Company
  6. Ekoraz rather suddenly seems to pop out of the endless mines of Urguan "Dis betta be guud" he spoke then as he held his lantern to the exit
  7. please, tech team, I beg I am building at half the speed I can on other minecraft servers
  8. He is and will always be a chill guy the game that is being played is shit and you are blaming the players
  9. CERULITE SUCCESSION LAW Issued at Year 201 of the Second Age With the current state of Lurin and my desire to keep Cerulia under the Anarion dynasty as an ancestral title to serve as a home throughout the ages. THE ORIGIN OF THE TITLE The Cerulite title had been founded by Mika Anarion under Lurin to peacefully retire with his family after having led various nations, groups, vassals and settlements for centuries. With the creation of Cerulia, peace finally came to Mika’s mind, able to once more fulfill his desire to create and envision instead of shepherding over folk who did not share his vision of balance with what he created becoming twisted from its original purpose of a state seeking excellence and serenity. Warnings of weakness and degeneration were ignored by the populace and so weariness and apathy took over to where the creation of the Cerulite title and abdication from the Lurinite throne became necessary. At first, a keep was built in the image of Lubba’s Keep, a vassal he led in Urguan on the coast and soon after a village followed, farms, livestock, festivities and constructs of both magic and stone for soldiers and workers to tend to his family’s needs. The future of this title is likely to no longer be within Mika’s hands with his absence becoming more noted as time passes and an heir has to be chosen. TO INHERIT THE TITLE This title is hereby declared dynastic, meaning that all of house Anarion may use the Cerulite title if they find themselves landed under a nation or are constructing an independent settlement that are in line with the requirements of landing this title. If it were to happen that a title holder no longer desires to lead or ceases to be, then there is a simple line of succession established here: 1. Appointment Appointment is the simplest of them all, which merely requires the current ruler to appoint the next, this may be done in advance, declaring the next heir. 2. Succession by Merit If no heir had been appointed, an Anarion of age may step forward to take this spot through proving that they are capable of leading, requiring them to go through various tests. 3. Succession by Council If no Anarion of age steps forward or if there are simply too many candidates, the council may convene to select the next heir for the Cerulite title with a 66% majority in votes. 4. Succession after regency If all eligible candidates are below the age of 50, none may participate and a regent must be appointed by the council, which may be of any nature and will be assigned the title of “Steward of Cerulia” who shall hold the same powers as the ruler of Cerulia, though barred from making drastic changes such as inviting in foreign powers or changing fundamental laws of the Cerulite title. Once the first eligible Anarion comes of age, they shall rule Cerulia. Failure to successfully pass down the title will result in the Cerulite title dissolving. THE LANDING OF THE TITLE The Cerulite title may only exist in a landed form either independent or as vassal and is required to not have any vassals of their own as that will deny it its purpose to serve the dynasty without advanced politics and diplomacy attached. If it is found that the lands where the Cerulite title resides are conquered by a force not eligible to inherit the title, the title is dissolved and the lands associated will be freely given to those who have conquered it and claims to these lands are no longer valid for those who seek to reconquer it. THE REPRESENTATION OF THE CERULITE TITLE Humility shall come first. A safe haven for all but the dark, twisted and immoral. A bastion for those we serve. To strive for excellence and serenity including morality. Respect for fellow descendants. ETERNAL WE MARCH signed, The Former Silver Lubba, Marq Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion, Serene Marq of The Most Serene March of Cerulia, Protector of the Lurinite Floodplains, Lord of Lubba’s Keep, Lubba Knight of Lurin, Founder of Lurin, Founder of Cerulia, Brickmaster of Lurin
  10. you are a wonderful person now that I got that out of the way, how much longer do you think you could last?
  11. the current problem is that game-like systems were pushed out by previous admins that encourage staying in your realm, grinding materials and avoiding going anywhere else. If you want to fix the community, you have to stop presenting us a meta to play (like optimizing tile resources for self-sufficiency of a nation, forcing expansion and a hour long daily grind on a nation that does not want it if it wants to compete at all). If you want to give NLs a chill time, give them the ability to change tile resources or remove the system all together and revert back to standard vanilla iron gear so that people can actually roleplay instead of grinding out sets for a never coming conflict. another thing is that discord is a tool, a very powerful one, if one uses it and you don't, then the one using it is simply not going to survive. Sure everything in roleplay is good if you have buckets of time, but when you log on a few times in the week for a few hours then you just cannot manage the nation or organize events/war properly. conflict breaks out between players, some wild OOC crap happens in the nation and if you can't step in on time to shut it down, it might very well be the end right there. Furthermore, something that I myself am guilty of, is to take a random 3 weeks break in favor of irl and the nation suddenly declines because I simply put in 0 effort towards OOC or RP during this time, the necessity of an NL varies per nation ofcourse, but this mostly happened with mechanical limitations where I was not able to pass PRO down on time and granting permissions to do things on my behalf was not possible, which essentially froze the nation in place. Freedom becomes very limited and nobody wants to act on their own even if I wanted them to as they were afraid of my reaction instead of going with the roleplay. please fix, I have been leading communities for ages I don't want to play the OOC game, I want to roleplay in the world
  12. please, I am tired of using iron doors for security, let me use wooden ones without a gremlin gnawing on my mind that it is easy to break in
  13. Mika Anarion lets out a long sigh "let's hope they know that the tear will only be opened if Lurin is under attack, it will be large enough to take the rest of the east with it, it is not much of a deterrent if it isn't dangerous, is it?" he noted then as he continued to work as per usual
  14. Mika Anarion pinches his nose as he reads the missive "I don't know why the alliance keeps persisting on canonist aid, this is not a matter of faith in the slightest." and with such he sighed, seeing little use in including faith in diplomacy when that is exactly the one thing not in common with these potential allies.
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